Science Olympiad Application 23 - 24

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Science Olympiad Team Application

Please return this application to the school office by Friday, November 10th.

What is Science Olympiad?

The Science Olympiad Team is a group of 15 students who love to solve very difficult science problems.
They will design, build, and test projects as well as do extensive research on various science topics. We
will then go to Lake Michigan College to compete on Friday, March 8, 2024 against the other regional
Science Olympiad teams. If we place high enough, we will advance to the state competition held at
Michigan State University in late April or early May.


Project work and research requires a huge amount of time after school and on the weekends. Generally,
teammates will need to get together with other team members at their homes to work on building,
testing, studying, or research. Parents must be willing to help coordinate schedules and allow time for
these meetings. Additionally, Science Olympiad meetings with the coaches and the entire team will be
held about twice a month on Mondays or Wednesdays after school until approximately 3:15 p.m.

Who can join?

Our team is limited to 15 members with alternates. The team will be composed of 7th and 8th graders.
This year we will have several 6th graders who may participate as alternates. Alternates study with other
team members to learn their assigned events, but do not participate in an actual competition unless
there is an emergency or illness. Next year, the 6th grade alternates may be eligible to compete as a
Science Olympiad member. I encourage all students to apply who are interested.

Who helps us prepare for Science Olympiad?

This year Mrs. Fulbright and Mrs. Blough are the coaches. We serve the team members in an advisory
capacity/ get them started in the right direction. They will have to be self-motivated and work with the
other Science Olympiad members to get ready for the competition. Parental involvement and coaching
is crucial if we are to continue fielding a Science Olympiad team each year, especially in the building
events. There are 23 events to prepare for and we will need to work hard if we want to go to MSU this
More Questions?

You may want to visit the state information website at

You can contact Sandra Blough, at or Danielle Fulbright at

Additional Information

Team members are held to the same code of conduct contained in the LMS Student Handbook.
Alternates will replace any team member who allows their grades to drop dramatically, breaks the
code of conduct, or is generally not adding to the team in a positive manner.

Notification of making the team will be given Nov 21, 2023

Science Olympiad Team Application

Name : __________________________________ Grade: ________________

P2 Teacher: ______________________________

Address :_____________________________________________

City :___________________ Zip Code:___________

Telephone: ________________

Cell Phone: __________________

1. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good Science Olympiad team

2. Why do you want to participate in Science Olympiad?

3. What do you enjoy studying about in science?

4. Your parents will need to support your interest in SO and may be called upon to assist with
your events. Do you have parental support?
5. There will be many times you will need to meet with teammates in the evening or on the
weekend. Do you have transportation for these extra times AND are you willing to put in this
extra effort?

6. What were your FIRST QUARTER grades in each of your core subjects?

Science Grade:

Math Grade:

English Grade:

Social Studies Grade:

7. If you are not selected as one of the 15 team members, are you willing to be an alternate?

Yes No

Student Signature:______________________________________________

Parent Signature:_______________________________________________

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