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Course Title: Organization Behavior

L T P Credit
3 1 0 4
Course Code: BBA-201
Credit Units: 4
No. of Lecture: 40

Course Objective – Knowledge of Organization Behavior enables the students to compete in

the global market, and to run the business successfully for a long term. It
would help to understand the organizations and employees in a better way.

Topic Lecture
Module – I Introduction to Organization
Introduction to Organization: OB History and Development; Concept, Structure, Types
of Organization. Significance of Organizational 8
Behavior, Importance of OB to the field of management.

Module – II Determinants of Individual Behavior:

Personality - Concept, Determinants and Theories. Perception- Concept,
Perceptual Process, Attitudes and Values, Learning- Concept, Process

Module – III: Motivation

Importance of psychological process of motivation, salient motivation tools
Need Theories/ Content Theories (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Alderfer’s 8
ERG Theory Process Theories (Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory)
Module – IV: Leadership and Group Dynamics
Historically Important (Ohio State and Michigan leadership Theories),
Traditional Theories (Trait Theory and Contingency Theory) Modern
Theories (Charismatic Theories), Formal and informal groups, role concept 8
Module – V: Conflict Management
Sources of Conflict, Types of Conflict, Negotiation (process and issues), Approaches
to conflict Management. 8

Course Outcome: After the completion of the course the student will be able to analyze and
evaluate OB concepts, personality types, perception, learning process, group and individual
behavior, motivational theories, and recognize their application in practical terms

Reading references:

 Pareek, U. Understanding Organizational Behavior (Oxford University

 Press: New Delhi)
 Robbins, S.P.& Sanghi Organizational Behavior (Prentice Hall India: New
 Delhi)
 Luthans, F. Organizational Behavior (McGraw Hill: New Delhi)

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