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Assignment No 1

Contemporary issues in business

Submitted by Fatima Alam



Submitted to: Qazi MUHAMMAD

Identify a contemporary business issue that has brought a phenomenal change
within the Pakistani Dynamics. Critically analyze its geo-political & socio-
political impacts.

A contemporary business issue that has brought a phenomenal change within the Pakistani
dynamics is digitization and E-commerce.

Pakistan has witnessed a significant shift in its business landscape with the emergence of
digitization and e-commerce. It has made it easier for businesses to grow exponentially and reach
new customers and expand their operations. It has a huge role in the growth of online
marketplaces and digital payment systems. This, however, has also resulted in the emergence of
certain new challenges for Pakistan, such as cyber crime, data privacy, and online fraud in
multiple forms. The government and businesses need to work together on this carefully to
address and manage these challenges in order to create a secure and trustworthy digital
environment for everyone.

Geo-political Impacts:

Cyber security and Data Privacy: The emergence of digitization and e-commerce has also
raised concerns about cyber security and data breaching. Countries need to carefully manage and
protect their citizens' data to make sure that they are not vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Digital Divide: Apart from the divide and segments in a country, it has also widened the digital
divide between developed and developing countries. Developed countries with advanced digital
infrastructure and skilled workforce have been able to leverage the benefits of digitization and e-
commerce, while the under developed countries have been left far behind.

Socio-political Impacts:

Employment: It has created multiple job opportunities, particularly in the technology sector. As
exciting as this sounds, it has also led to the displacement of traditional jobs, which has lead to
concerns about unemployment and income inequality.

Inclusion and Accessibility: Digitization and e-commerce also has the potential to promote
inclusion and accessibility by making the digital services and products available to people who
were previously excluded. It has , however, also widened the digital divide between those who
have access to digital technologies and those who do not.

Consumer Protection: Consumers or the end users need to be protected from fraudulent
practices, data breaches, and other risks that are associated with online transactions and

In conclusion, digitization and e-commerce have had significant geo-political and socio-political
impacts that need careful management.

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