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Sample Discursive Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Sample Discursive Essay" can be a challenging task that requires
careful consideration of various perspectives and the ability to present a balanced argument.
Discursive essays typically involve discussing a controversial topic and presenting arguments from
different angles. Here are some reasons why it might be considered difficult:

1. Research Requirements: Creating a well-informed discursive essay requires thorough

research to gather relevant information and viewpoints. It can be time-consuming to sift
through various sources to ensure the content is accurate and comprehensive.
2. Balancing Perspectives: A successful discursive essay should present a fair and balanced
view of the topic. Striking the right balance between different perspectives while maintaining
a coherent and logical flow can be challenging.
3. Critical Thinking: Crafting a discursive essay involves critical thinking skills to analyze
arguments and counterarguments. Developing a clear and concise thesis statement that
encapsulates the main idea while addressing opposing views adds another layer of
4. Structural Organization: The essay should follow a clear and logical structure. Arranging
arguments, counterarguments, and supporting evidence in a coherent manner requires careful
planning and organization.
5. Language Use: Effective communication is key, and choosing the right language to convey
ideas persuasively is crucial. Developing a rich vocabulary and using appropriate transitions
contribute to the overall quality of the essay.
6. Editing and Proofreading: After drafting the essay, revising and refining the content is
essential. Editing for clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness adds an additional layer
of work to the writing process.

Despite the challenges, tackling a discursive essay can also be a rewarding experience, allowing the
writer to enhance their analytical and communication skills. Seeking guidance from writing resources
and feedback from peers can aid in overcoming these difficulties.

In conclusion, the process of crafting a discursive essay on the specified topic demands careful
consideration and dedication. If you find yourself in need of assistance, it's worth exploring
resources like , where similar essays and more can be ordered to alleviate some of
the challenges associated with essay writing.
Sample Discursive EssaySample Discursive Essay
The Discovery Of Crude Oil And Oil Prices
Agricultural production which used to be the mainstay of Nigerian economy has been
declined as results of crude oil discovery and subsequent increase in production and
exportation of crude oil (Edo (2013). The discovery of crude oil and appreciation of oil
price in the World market some years ago leads Nigerian government to abandon all other
means of revenue generations including agriculture, just to depend solely on crude oil
revenue to finance most of her budgets. However, crude oil exports are no longer
sustaining the economy due to current downturn in crude oil price. For instance, the
Nigerian government generated lots of revenues from crude oil exports but majority of
her populations are still under the poverty line (Shaxson, 2005). Therefore, there is need
to source revenue generations through other means. Among those means of revenue
generation is through increase in agriculture production and exportation. But the sector
needs massive overhaul and developments in order to yield fruitful results. Developments
of agricultural sector will require serious investments in the sector, which is done
properly, will improve export revenues in country through an increase in agriculture
output and exportation. This therefore calls for an urgent need to assist farmers with
capitals, improved and hybrid crops and livestock, and subsidize agricultural inputs
which in effect will increase agricultural yields (Jerven, 2014). For instance, in many
Causes Of Target s Growth
Over the years Target has established itself as the second largest discount store in
America. Falling behind Walmart, Target has experienced periods of strong growth but
has recently encountered problems that have caused concern with those within the
organization as well as external analysts. One of the biggest problems Target is facing
currently is generating consistent customer traffic into its stores as many of their major
departments are continuously loosing money and causing customers seek out other
product alternatives. A major contributor to this problem is that it is spreading itself thin
by offering too much without establishing a competitive advantage and not firmly
establishing itself in denser city locations. Just recently Target... Show more content on ...
But if it is going to improve on its recent losses, Target needs to start moving into more
developed areas with stores that are suited to providing its customers with the
products they want and need, but not be overwhelming for customers. Some of the
major problems target will face with this alternative will be costs of development.
Land that is closer to larger populations is going to cost more as well as the increase in
permits and the cost of contractors to create the right store for the given environment.
Another issue Target could face would be choosing which products they should sell in
these new stores, because of the limited developmental space available, the products
chosen will have to be limited as well. But by moving to more populated areas Target
will be able to reach more people and begin competing with the local stores that are
taking away its business. Additionally, closer locations will provide additional
convenience for its
8th Amendment Pros And Cons
The Eighth Amendment is a wonderful thing,
No cruel and unusual punishment, (written to spite Britain s king)
But where does the amendment stand in the world today?
Proud and strong, or thrown in the hay?
To answer this we can t just look at one place,
But first to the world, and then the United States,

We should be thankful for an amendment that prevents us the harm,

Done in other nations to the unarmed,
China punishes religious groups with torture,
And Saudi Arabia s human rights record is a real scorcher,
Russia s prisons are in horrible shape,
While women in Serbian prisons formerly faced rape,
Though the Taliban s human rights problems may be under fire,
Myanmar and Albania s violations are still quite dire,

But in the process of citing

Buddhism Pure Land Essay
AO1: Examine the distinctive features of Pure Land Buddhism

Pure Land Buddhism offers a way to enlightenment for people who can t handle the
subtleties of meditation, endure long rituals, or just live especially good lives. The
essential practice in Pure Land Buddhism is the chanting of the name Amitabha Buddha
with total concentration, trusting that one will reborn in Pure Land, where it is much
easier for a being to work towards enlightenment. Pure Land Buddhism is particularly
popular in China and Japan.

Pure Land Buddhism as a school of Buddhist thinking began in India around the 2nd
century BCE. Tan Luan was the first master of Pure Land lineage. He had his religious
calling while recovering from a serious illness. He said he ... Show more content on ...
Honen popularised the chanting of Namu Amida Butsu . The result was a form of
Buddhism accessible to anyone, even if they were illiterate or stupid.

Honen didn t simplify Buddhism through a patronising attitude to inferior people. He

believed that most people, and he included himself, could not achieve liberation through
any of their own activities. They only way to achieve Buddhahood was through the help
of Amitabha.

A century after Honen, one of his disciples Shinran brought a new understanding of Pure
Land ideas. Shinran taught that what truly mattered was not the chanting but just said
have faith in Amida making it simpler, yet more strange. Chanting on its own had no
value at all.

AO2: Pure Land Buddhism is the easy route/path of Buddhism Assess this claim

Pure Land Buddhism can be seen as both an easy and difficult path of Buddhism.

Pure Land Buddhism can be seen as an easy route because Buddhists can get help to
enlightenment and can still reach heaven if they have had a bad life by just reciting the
name Amitabha with complete trust and sincerity. Pure Land also surrenders personal
responsibility, which means they don t have to go through the eightfold path or the
Tibetan wheel of life meaning that it is simple. In addition, on a deathbed, a person can
get transported to sukhavati heaven if they call out to Amitabha. It is easy to live a non
moral life and then chant out
Difference Between Interdisciplinary Teams And...
Interprofessional Education (IPE): History, Review, and Recommendations for
Professional Accreditation Agencies)
Study Guide
1. According to Pew Health Professions Commission, what needed to be reformed in the
education of health care professionals?
According to the Pew Health Professions Commission, a document that was released
identified the need to reform in education of health care professionals outlining the basic
competencies expected of those entering the health care field. One of the competencies
mention was interdisciplinary team.

2. What is the difference between interdisciplinary teams and Interprofessional teams?

The difference between interdisciplinary teams and Interprofessional teams is that
interdisciplinary team perform their work in a collaborative fashion. Each member of the
team, while providing the group with the knowledge and skills of his or her disciplinary
perspective, also strives to incorporate that perspective with those of others to create
solutions to health care problems that transcend conventional, discipline specific method,
procedures, and techniques. Communication by far is essential to collaboration and
interaction. However, Interprofessional teams has to do with learning together as a team.
Their collaboration interaction is characterized by the integration as well as modification
of different professions. By having basic knowledge and skills related to your own
profession you can share your knowledge with others as they will do the
The Rise Of The Qing Dynasty
During the years 1851 1866 there was massive civil war, or as some would consider it,
a rebellion in China. This period of turmoil was not only the most destructive war of the
nineteenth century, but likely the bloodiest civil war of all time. (Platt, 2012) The ruling
government was the Qing dynasty, who had been in power since the mid 1600 s. There
were widespread problems throughout the country including natural disasters such as
droughts, famines, and floods. (Robert Worden, 1988) There were a substantial number
of lower class citizens who were unhappy with their living conditions and with the
Manchu rulers of the Qing dynasty. There was a large gap in economic status between the
lower class and the wealthy members of the government. This social tension along with
Chinabeing defeated militarily by France and Britain lead to a citizen uprising in the
region of south China. Known as the Taiping Rebellion, this large scale revolt was fought
in an attempt to create a new Han Chinesedynasty that would unite Christianity and
Confucianism. (Black, 2013) The Taiping Rebellion impacted Chinese history in two
main ways: the Chinese lower class learned to fight for social change, which lead to
other rebellions, and, at the same time, the war showcased the Chinese government s
intolerance for and ability to thwart societal change. The first main impact the rebellion
had on Chinese history was that the Chinese people, who were possibility influence by
the American Civil war,

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