New History2 .2nd Semster)

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People’s Democratic Republic Of Algereia

Ministery of Higher education and Scientefic Research

L’Arbi Ben Mhidi University
Department of Social and Human Sciences – Human Sciences Section
Level : Second year Communication

Course / 2
language as a mechanism of communication

Language is an essential tool in communication between people and contributes to

communication and understanding between individuals, enabling them to exchange
ideas and express their feelings. In addition, language promotes social engagement and
strengthening bonds between people. Man is a social and communicative creature by
nature, living within compatible or diverse societies socially, culturally, and
linguistically. Therefore, he needs others to deal with him in order to understand,
coexist, and benefit from others scientifically, culturally, and professionally.

In order to serve these goals, man has created a variety of means for himself, and
“language” is the ideal, highest, and most effective means of communication. Language is
a means of communication, understanding, and coexistence that serves the
communicative process. It is unique to humans and not other creatures, as it is one of the
most prominent means that humans use to express their experiences, feelings, opinions,
knowledge, and knowledge. This basic function of language is evident in communication.
It is a necessary civilizational act among peoples and societies. It means... Participation,
cooperation, and consultation with others for the sake of coexistence, exchange of science
and knowledge with others, and understanding among themselves through a number of
linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication.

The most important means of modern linguistic communication: books, newspapers,

posters, mail, photographs, radio, television, the World Wide Web, e-mail, and social
media,this article aims to contribute to spreading communication awareness and
highlights the importance of linguistic communication. In order to continue the
civilizational and cultural encounter between societies through language; Because it is
the most important means of communication .
Part- 1 Reading comprehension
1- propose a title for the text ?

2- Say whether the following statements are true or false:

a/ Language is not important for communication

b/ Language strengthens human and social ties between peoples.

c/ Language is the most human mechanism for achieving communication and


3- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) why do we use language ?

b) Is it man the only creature that is specialized and distinguished by language? explain ?

4- Find what or who the underlined words in the text refer to.

a) their (§1) b/ that (§2) c/ it (§3)

B/ Text Exploration

1- Find words in the text whose definitions follow:

a) emotions (§1)
b) ) aims (§2)
c) conflict (§3)

Part Two: Written Expression

In a paragraph composed of five or six lines, Explain why we can not
dispense with language as a tool for communication in our lives .

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