Essays On Citizenship

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Essays On Citizenship

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays on Citizenship" presents a unique set of challenges that
requires a careful balance of research, critical thinking, and personal reflection. Citizenship, as a
concept, encompasses a broad range of aspects such as rights, responsibilities, civic engagement, and
the relationship between individuals and the state. Navigating through these complexities demands a
deep understanding of political, social, and historical contexts.

One of the inherent difficulties lies in defining citizenship itself. The term is multifaceted,
encompassing legal, cultural, and social dimensions, making it challenging to provide a concise yet
comprehensive definition. Moreover, the dynamic nature of citizenship adds another layer of
complexity. The concept evolves over time, shaped by societal changes, legal amendments, and
global events. Attempting to capture this dynamic nature requires constant updates and awareness of
current affairs.

Additionally, exploring the historical roots of citizenship and how it has evolved over the centuries
adds another layer of intricacy. Understanding the philosophical underpinnings from ancient Greece
to modern political thought necessitates a thorough examination of various perspectives, making the
essay a scholarly endeavor.

Addressing the diverse perspectives on citizenship poses another challenge. Different cultures,
societies, and political ideologies have varying views on what constitutes good citizenship. Analyzing
these diverse viewpoints while maintaining objectivity demands a nuanced approach.

Furthermore, delving into contemporary issues related to citizenship, such as immigration, social
justice, and global citizenship, requires a keen awareness of current debates and ongoing
developments. The ability to critically assess these issues and offer well-founded insights adds
another layer of difficulty.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essays on Citizenship" is a formidable task that demands a

combination of research, critical thinking, and a nuanced understanding of historical and
contemporary contexts. It requires the ability to navigate through the complexities of a multifaceted
concept, addressing its evolving nature and diverse perspectives. However, by embracing these
challenges, one can contribute to a thoughtful and informed discourse on citizenship.

For further assistance with similar essays and more, interested individuals may explore the services
offered at .
Essays On Citizenship Essays On Citizenship
Contribution Of Confucius
Confucius was born in 551 BC and died in 479 BC at age seventy two. He was a great
influence on chinese teachings. He was widely known as Master for the great influence
he brought upon central China. The translation of his name literally means Master Kong.
He was the author and editor of several chinese texts. After his death, these texts and
teachings were created into the Analects. The Analects reflect and provide discussions of
Confuciusand his disciples. Through the reading of the thirteenth and fourteenth chapters
from the Analects, one can conclude that Confucius taught governmental morality, the
behavior of a ruler, how rulers should maintain order, and mistakes of rulers.
Confucius taught that government should be strict and precise. In government, princes
were to appoint the minister by following the rules of propriety. Ministers were to follow
the orders of the prince with adherence. The ruler should appoint office positions to
whom they know. In government, the ruler must rectify himself and others. Confucius
thought that the first thing to be done in a government was to rectify names to ensure
social harmony. The rectifying of names was crucial because they needed to be correct
so that the language of things was the truth. The language of things needed to be truthful
to ensure success of things. Without the success of things, music and proprieties would
not prosper. When these things do not thrive, order is not restored and the people would
not be aware of how
Columbine Shooting Case Study
Julie Cole9 7 14 Assignemtn2Soc100 1. Lawrence, Regina G.; Birkland, Thomas A.
Social Science Quarterly (Wiley Blackwell). Dec2004, Vol. 85 Issue 5, p1193 1207.
15p. 1 Chart. This study focuses on the Columbine shooting back in 1999. It examines
how the school shooting problem was defined, and how it was focused by both the
news media and the congress. This was one of the first shootings that was covered so
much by the news and it shocked all of America because it was so difficult to
understand. Little did we know this was the first main shooting that would unfortunately
lead to many more shootings in the years to come. 2. BRAMBLE, LINDSAY. Journal of
Health Care Law Policy. 2014, Vol. 17 Issue... Show more content on ...
This study brings up the connections of the mass shooting over the past years and
now many of them have mental illnesses. This study breaks down the gun control laws
related to people with mental illnesses. This also has cases about parents who
contacted the authorities when their children had thoughts of acting out but no one
did anything about it until they had already done so. This study explains a lot about
how it reformed laws and added laws as more shootings happened and it explains why
these laws were made or changed. 3. McGinty, Emma E.; Webster, Daniel W.; Barry,
Colleen L. American Journal of Psychiatry. May2013, Vol. 170 Issue 5, p494 501. 8p.
This study is about how people react to information about the school shootings by
people with mental illnesses. People had problems with people with serious mental
illnesses. They also raised support for gun control policies. By doing this it shows that
people felt there was a threat from all people with mental illnesses. It was concluded
that aftermaths of mass shootings is often viewed as an opportunity to increase gun
control. This study also increased the negative attitudes of the people with mental
illnesses. 4. Hodge, James G.; Nelson, Kellie. Journal of Law, Medicine Ethics. Jun2014,
Vol. 42 Issue 2, p268 271. 4p. 1
Eastern Uplands Research Paper
Eastern Uplands
Proof of volcanic activity related to the break up of Australia and Antarctica is seen at
Bunbury, which is located 150km south of Perth, at the point where the basalt is of early
Cretaceous, also on the middle Jurassic Kangaroo Island. However, evidence of Cenozoic
eruptions is only seen in Eastern Highland. All through the Cenozoic, hot spot volcanic
event transpire (Sutherland et al., 1985). Most of these events follow the Miocene
(Stephenson et al., 1980) with recent eruptions close to the southern and northern margin
of volcanic zone at southeast of South Australia and north Queensland respectively.

Neotectonism is express in different ways in the eastern Uplands of north Queensland, in

Atherton and Chillagoe territory. Some are identify by magmas dating (e.g. Nulla
Volcanic Region) to know youngest ages (Nulla Volcanic Region) while others hold ropy
structure (pahoehoe). In Atherton territory, most recent Pleistocene (Eacham) basalt is
openly exhibited. Other evidence of neotectonics in Eastern Upland are seen where the
Lake George and Shoalhaven reverse fault offset Palaeozoic layers across Miocene.
Similarly, the Melbourne wrap has been active (Gill, 1961) leading to different faults that
have decided deposition and landscape formation in the south Gippsland region of eastern
Victoria (Jenkin, 1976b). ... Show more content on ...
Neotectonic frames show comparable arrangements. Therefore, with respect to any given
region the peaks of A tents indicate comparable directions. New fault scarps have a
tendency to be correlated with the territorial lineament
Full Sail Research Paper
what led my creative mind to full sail? well in the beginning since baby years; before I
could even babble, music and technology have always been there. as a strong point and
very high significance in my everyday life. I can think back to times I used to take
rides cruising along listening to Bob Marley or R Kelly. no matter what the musical
composition was in, I deeply fell in love with it. from the drop of a bassline to the
punch and pop of the snare, music has always been there. I never really knew exactly
what I wanted to choose and pursue up until 2 2 1/2 years ago. I ve changed my mindset
and my daily routine. it all started during freshman year playing footballand trying to do
the thing that the Average high schoolboy does. But!... Show more content on ...
its mind blowing to know that any one of my professors could have just worked on the
latest jay z album. whatever full sail has out to offer I want to get it in full and more till
there is absolutely nothing else to learn. the way that I feel and breathe music Full Sail
has that embodied within its spirit and education. Full sail represents a huge part in
multiple industries outside of music, it is the game changer, the technological
advantages, hands on establishment, industrial level studios and labs. when I think of
full sail I just instantly get prepared and so ready to indulge and constitute the future
full sail alumni. my creative mind will lead me into accomplishing great triumph in
the industry post graduation. I know that my, all in all, will fight til forever to the ends
of time to hold great achievements post graduation from full sail. besides, all of that
full sail has to offer I d really love to take advantage of the networking and endless
possibilities to happen when partnering up and exploring new ideas and creation
thoughts. being that I have an endless passion for music and audio full sail will benefit
Dangers Of Water Purification
Impacts of Water Purification on our society The Dangers of Drinking unpurified water
Did you know that only two and half percent of the earths fresh water is okay to drink
and less than one percent of that is available to humans and fresh water ecosystems
and the rest is frozen away in the ice in artic and ant artic areas. One of the biggest
problems today in 2017 is people having purified water. Having such a big population and
our way of life is killing our earth. This way of our life is destroying our fresh water
ecosystems and is making it very difficult for us to have clean drinking water. Although
there are some simple solutions to this problem. Purified water has a huge impact on our
society socially and economically.
Twelve percent of our earth s population uses eighty five percent of its water. 1.2
billion people in our earth our do not have easy access to clean drinking water. Due to
the shortage of pure water it has caused 250 million deceases, leading to 5 10 million
deaths annually just because of pure water. The problem of purified water has put a lot
of stress on developing countries. Developing countries can often afford a sanitation
plant and the facilities to run a sanitation plant and have the water run to families in
urban areas but the problem is that it is often too expensive, or they don t have
everything to reach rural areas leaving a lot of poor families without pure water. In
Africa the women are given the responsibility to collect water for
A Note On Chinas Fixed Exchange Rate
The topic of Chinas fixed exchange rate has remained as one of the fiercest subject in
global macroeconomics for an extensive period of time. A fixed exchange rate or
pegged exchange rate is where a currency value is fixed against the value of another
currency, in the example of China, the Yuan or Renminbi it is currently pegged to the
US dollar, it has been fixed to the US since 1994 however within the past decade it has
been allowed to appreciate a little at a time. But in times of economical difficulties such
as 2008 China halted the Yuan s appreciation as worldwide demand for Chinese products
slumped due to the global financial crisis (Picardo, 2009), this shows the given Chinas
recent economic difficulties government may keep the... Show more content on ...
China is able to persuade foreign manufacturing to their coasts as the cost is so low.
For example, as the dollar is stronger than the Yuan this would means that a T shirt can
cost a company five times more to produce and manufacture in the US as compared to
China. This has led international companies to seek the cheap labour costs moving their
manufacturing process to China, well known brands such as: Harley Davison. Apple,
Ikea and The Body Shop all own or have contract factories within China. These huge
global companies were obviously provoked to move manufacturing to China because of
the the low costs, therefore more profit for them, this was all caused by China having in
place the fixed exchange rate. Consequently, it would seem that having the fixed
exchange rate massively benefitted China.

Throughout the past decade, China has become a Manufacturing Powerhouse (Eloot,
2013), low salaries plus a strong supply base, makes an equation for ideal platform for
exports, which china defiantly benefited from. In 2011 China became the worlds largest
producer of manufactured goods and still remains to be, Factory Asia now makes almost
half the world s goods (The Economist, 2015). This has had a positive domino effect
upon the wider economy in China, living standards have doubled and the countries GDP
per captia has doubled in the last 10 years an achievement that took the UK 150 years to
do (Eloot, 2013) This
Stan Grant s Australian Dream
The purpose of a text is driven by the context which determines the tone and structure.
Stan Grant s Australian Dream debate and Wallace Wurth lecture differ in context,
causing great contrast, while retaining the same purpose, exposing the unjust treatment of
Indigenous Australians. The Wallace Wurth lecture occurred soon after the abusive
treatment of Aboriginal youth in the Din Dale juvenile facility was divulged to the
public. Grant s vexation is conveyed through his harsh tone and emotive language. The
Australian Dream debate is more neutral. According to Grant, the Australian Dream was
built on the backs of his people. Both speeches share a powerful call to action and a well
defined tonality.

The foundation of Stan Grant s speeches is the context in which they were written. Grant
s Wallace Wurth lecture occurred shortly after the exposure of the horrendous treatment
of Aboriginal youth in detention centres. This week Australia is a boy strapped to a chair.
This week Australia is aboriginal boys tear gassed, locked down and beaten. A cry was ...
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In the Australian Dream debate Grant is composed, despite the use of personal
anecdotes, his words are smooth and flow easily creating an engaging speech. Grant s
voice is kept respectful, calling for action without demanding it. Passion can still be
heard in his voice, passion for his people and for his cause, but he does not let this take
over. It is also clear that what he is discussing, the injustice that has been thrust upon the
Aboriginal people, specifically that of his relatives, does cause him pain but it is
shrouded. There is no urgency to this speech, while it is still important. This debate was
not planned because of a source of outrage, simply a debate to make arguments known, it
is due to this that Grant has kept himself composed throughout the

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