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Week 1 Reflection Assignment #1 Need for Change

Anu Raj

Strategic Global Business Management, Conestoga College

BUS8600-SEC2: Change Management

Course Instructor: Leanne Predote

January 14, 2024

Q. Examine the implications for change that environmental forces have on an
organization today.

Print media

The digital revolution is causing great disruption in the print media sector, particularly
for newspapers and magazines. Consumer preferences are shifting toward instant,
accessible, and multimedia-rich content due to the growth of online news platforms,
social media, and digital journalism fuelled by faster and cheaper Internet.
Furthermore, customers and companies are becoming less dependent on printed
documents due to environmental concerns about paper usage and an increasing
emphasis on sustainability. This shift risks traditional print media companies, which
have not yet adjusted to the digital world, becoming obsolete.

Hello! Canada Magazine

To thrive in the digital era, Hello! Canada must prioritize developing a vibrant online
presence. To captivate the audience involves developing a user-friendly website and
mobile app that is enhanced with interactive and multimedia content, like podcasts,
photo galleries, and reels. It is also critical to improve the digital experience with
personalized content and leveraging data analytics for customized
recommendations. A major role should be played by social media, which should have
a robust presence on platforms like Instagram and Twitter and offer unique material
like Q&As with celebrities and partnerships with influencers. This tactic increases the
magazine's audience while simultaneously promoting online interaction.

In the digital sphere, monetization is crucial. Hello! Canada should explore a range of
income sources, such as focused digital advertising and other membership
schemes, such as exclusive digital content or digital-only services print-plus-digital
bundles, and premium content subscriptions for exclusive or early access to
material. Lucrative opportunities can also arise from brand partnerships for
sponsored content and digital event sponsorships. Internal investments in digital
competency training for employees and the development of a creative, flexible work
environment will guarantee that the team is prepared to handle the rapidly changing
digital landscape.

By making these strategic adaptations, Hello! Canada will be able to grow its
audience and revenue in the digital domain without sacrificing its distinctive brand

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