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Classification Essay Samples

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Classification Essay Samples" can pose a unique set of challenges.
The complexity lies not only in the necessity to articulate thoughts coherently but also in the need to
effectively categorize and organize information. To begin with, the task requires a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter, as well as the ability to discern meaningful distinctions between
various elements.

One challenge is the meticulous research involved in gathering diverse samples to classify. This
demands an investment of time and effort to ensure a well-rounded representation of the topic.
Additionally, it involves critical thinking skills to identify relevant criteria for classification. Selecting
the appropriate categories and establishing a logical structure is another hurdle, requiring a balance
between inclusivity and exclusivity to create meaningful distinctions.

The writing process itself involves translating these categories into a fluid and engaging narrative.
Striking a balance between providing sufficient information about each category while maintaining
overall cohesion can be a daunting task. It requires a keen sense of organization to guide the reader
through the classifications without causing confusion.

Moreover, creating a captivating introduction and a conclusive ending adds another layer of
difficulty. The introduction should provide a clear overview of what the essay aims to achieve,
setting the stage for the subsequent classifications. The conclusion should succinctly summarize the
main points while leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

In conclusion, tackling a classification essay on the topic of "Classification Essay Samples" involves
a multifaceted process. It demands a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and effective
communication to successfully navigate the complexities of categorization and present a coherent,
engaging essay.

For those who find this task too challenging or time-consuming, it's worth noting that help is
available. Similar essays and a variety of academic writing services can be accessed on platforms like . These services provide assistance for individuals seeking expertly crafted essays,
easing the burden of the writing process.
Classification Essay SamplesClassification Essay Samples
Analysis Of Pinocchio
According to the philosopher Georg Freidrick Hegel, one must follow particular steps
in order to achieve self awareness. This journey includes a life or death struggle in the
presence of fear in which one opponent emerges the victor or master and one as the
loser or slave. The loser must then complete a creative work also while feeling fear
before finally becoming a true human being. In Disney s Pinocchio, the titular character
undergoes the epitome of a Hegelian journey. Pinocchio begins by facing a life or death
struggle with the puppeteer Stromboli, then uses creativity to rescue Geppetto, and,
finally, Pinocchio both figuratively and literally becomes a real boy. Hegel s theoretical
journey begins with a life or death struggle. One... Show more content on
Finally, Stromboli exits and Pinocchio is left curled up, sobbing, and asking Jiminy
where are you? In this moment, Pinocchio truly understands that he is not a real boy
and is considered inferior to many true humans. Facing him is a life of objectification,
used by Stromboli in a puppet show. Pinocchio is reduced to a mere object and, thus,
beginning his Hegelian struggle to prove his humanity. The second stage of the path
to Hegelian self awareness is a creative work. The loser must use creativity while still
feeling extreme fear in order to prove to himself that he is a human being capable of
thought and action. Toward the end of the movie, Geppetto goes out searching for
Pinocchio and ends up swallowed by a huge and horrifying whale named Monstro.
Upon learning this, Pinocchio launches a rescue mission for his father. He reaches the
edge of the sea and, realizing he needs to sink to the bottom of the ocean, thinks up the
idea to tie a rock to himself. This allows him to drop to the ocean floor where he may
then continue his search for Monstro. Pinocchio asks many fish where he might find
the whale only to receive a terrified school of fish swimming away from him. As he
realizes what a horror Monstro must be to inspire such fear, his own trepidation begins
to build. Therefore, Pinocchio experiences the necessary fear required for this stage of
the Hegelian journey.
Pinocchio eventually
The Modern Law Of Murder
The modern law of murder developed over many centuries from the English common
law of homicide. Homicide is simply defined as the killing of another person. Before the
1500 s, common law judges categorized homicide into two broad categories known as,
criminal and noncriminal homicides (Samaha, 2013). Over the next five decades, a
number of newly developed statutes were established and further divided criminal and
noncriminal homicide. Criminal homicide included murderand manslaughter, while
noncriminal homicide was divided into justifiable and excusable homicide (Samaha,
2013). By the 1700 s, three types of homicides were firmly embraced by English
common law and the American Colonies. The three categories according... Show more
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Murder, under common law, is the unlawful killing of another person in existence with
malice aforethought (Bower, 2014). In other words, an individual had to have a clear
criminal intent with some amount of spite, hate, or bad will to commit the killing before
the murder occurred and had to be planned in advance (Samaha, 2013). To illustrate,
during the 1550 s, English homicide statutes outlined activities such as poisoning or lying
in wait as examples of preplanned murders. However, while murder was initially only
thought of as an intentional and premeditated act, over time judges saw the need to
develop new classifications of murders that didn t fit the standard definition. First, sudden
killings that were intentional, but not premeditated were added. These types of murder
were often completed during a heat of passion moment and were unreasonably provoked
by the victim s actions (Samaha, 2013). However, unreasonably provoked means that the
victim s actions were not substantial enough to justify the actions of the attacker.
Secondly, judges added unintentional killings that were completed during a felony
(Samaha, 2013). While most murders require intent to cause death, under this law, any
homicide committed during the commission of a felony, regardless of whether it s
intentional or accidental will constitute as murder. Third, extremely reckless killings were
classified as depraved heart
An Outstanding Educator
Through out my education, I have encountered many good teachers, but very few
outstanding educators. Of course an outstanding educator must be organized, engaging,
and educated, but these qualities are common in good teachers. Outstanding educators
have certain qualities that are unique to them.

An outstanding educator is passionate. Not about teaching, but about the subject they are
teaching. Their passion shows through in their work. These types of educators capture
the students attention when they are teaching. The teacher being excited to pass on the
knowledge gets the students engaged. Since the teacher is passionate the cons of
teaching don t show through in their work. Teachers can become run down and
overwhelmed; since an outstanding educator is passionate the positives ... Show more
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They genuinely care about their students and know what is going on in their lives.
Students can sense when someone doesn t truly care about them. An outstanding
educator must convince the students they are not faking it. These educators let the
students know they are listening. Unfortunately a teacher caring is all some students
have. Outstanding educators know how important their role in shaping these students
lives are.

Lastly an outstanding educator educates the students not in the subject area they are
teaching, but they teach the students valuable lessons in life. These types of educators
have kids leaving the classroom not just knowing how to use the quadratic formula, but
how to be productive citizens of society. An outstanding educator shows students what
they can be after they leave school.

Being an outstanding educator is something all teachers strive to be, but very few
accomplish. There are many qualities of an outstanding educator, but being passionate,
caring, and teaching the students more than the lessons in the book are very important.
An outstanding educator is in the correct profession without a

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