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Argument Essay Topics For High School

Crafting an essay on the topic "Argument Essay Topics for High School" poses a unique set of
challenges. Firstly, one must navigate through the vast array of potential subjects, considering the
relevance and interest level for high school students. Choosing a compelling topic that sparks
engagement and discussion is crucial, but it requires a thoughtful balance between relevance and

The difficulty intensifies as the writer delves into the research process. Finding credible sources and
evidence to support the chosen argument necessitates thorough investigation and critical thinking.
High-quality research demands time and effort, and the abundance of information available can make
the selection process overwhelming.

The writing process itself is another hurdle. Clearly articulating thoughts, organizing ideas logically,
and maintaining a persuasive tone are essential components. High school students often have diverse
backgrounds and perspectives, so the essay must be accessible to a broad audience while remaining
intellectually stimulating.

Addressing potential counterarguments and incorporating them into the essay adds an additional
layer of complexity. Striking a balance between one's own perspective and acknowledging opposing
views requires finesse and analytical skills. It is essential to present a well-rounded argument that
considers various angles of the chosen topic.

Moreover, adhering to proper essay structure, grammar, and citation styles further complicates the
writing process. High school students are typically in the early stages of mastering these elements,
making it imperative to provide clear and concise guidance throughout the essay.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Argument Essay Topics for High School" is a multifaceted task
that involves careful topic selection, extensive research, thoughtful analysis, and effective
communication. While challenging, successfully navigating these obstacles can lead to a well-crafted
and compelling essay that engages high school readers. For those seeking assistance with similar
essays or more academic challenges, various resources, including professional writing services like , are available to provide support and guidance.
Argument Essay Topics For High SchoolArgument Essay Topics For High School
A Nation Is A Nation By Ernest Renan
Ernest Renan, in his classic essay What is a Nation , excluded religion, race, material
interests, language, military necessity and even geography as suitable answers to his
question. As an alternative, he argues, a nation is a spiritual principle, the outcome of the
profound complications of history (quoted in Mehta, 1999, p. 187). In Ernest s remark,
more than anything else, the spiritual principle included a specific outlook toward a
shared history. In this case, a nationis fundamentally founded on the possession of
memories and a shared past. This is evident, as I have observed, in the Baloch nationalist
movement in Pakistan, where the Baloch justify their distinctive national character by
their history, which distinct them from the... Show more content on ...
Nationalism can make a group fight fiercely for establishing its own sovereignty and
could lead it to rule, that in itself does not reveal which of these nationalisms is ought to
rule. Ultimately, the number of distinctive cultures and potential nationalisms are going
to extinct, or become assimilated in the sea of the nation state (Gellner, 2008, pp. 42 43).
For Gellner, it is irrational to hold nationalism responsible for being forceful in
homogenizing a people through its agencies which is under the command of nationalist
movements. Instead, it is the typical prerequisite for nationalism as an educated,
culturally standardized, exchange capable and transportable population is what modern
industrial states must have to operate successfully. In the light of the above, the main
weakness of nationalism is that only a very small fraction of nationalisms attain their
goals (Gellner, 2008, pp.
Fixed Price Elasticity
Elasticity are products that have a general fixed price and consumers are not willing to
pay anymore than a specific price for that product. This is why when you look at the
graph for elasticity the graph shows a horizontal line because if there is a decrease in
the demand for a product and an increase in price the line becomes flatter on the graph.
There are many elastic products that I buy. For example, gummy bears. I was recently
traveling from Florida and I make sure to buy a bag of gummy bears before I go to the
airport. I generally expect to pay around $1 for a bag gummy bears at Walgreen s or
Walmart. When I get to the airport I try and stay away from buying there foodbecause it
is over priced and I am not willing to pay that much.... Show more content on ...
For example gas is an example of an inelastic product. We can complain about gas
prices all we want, but unless you have an electric care there is not much that we can
do to avoid this product. No matter how high or low prices on gas go there will always
be a demand for the product. Video games are an example of inelastic product that
became an elastic product for me. As I got older I was not into video games as much
as I used to be. When I was a kid I wanted to be the new video game that costs $65 and I
did not care what the price was. When the new Call Of Duty game came out I had to
get it and would pay whatever the price was for that product. It did not matter what the
price was because my demand would always be high. As I have gotten older I spend
my money different ways and have realized that I can live without the new video game
for a few months until the price drops. The reason video game company s make so
much money is because people want to buy the game right when I comes out, and that
when it is the most expensive. If people were to wait a few months the price drops
dramatically. As I have matured video games are not as important to me as they once
were and so it has changed from an inelastic purchase to an elastic
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Midterm Paper: Motor Vehicle Accidents Motor vehicle accidents are undesirable
occurrences in which an individual or multiple people are injured or killed in or by a
vehicle. These accidents can occur due to a variety of factors including, texting while
driving, speeding, drunk driving, driving under the influence, and reckless driving.
Accidentsaffiliated with motor vehicles accounted for 36,161 deaths across the United
States and 316 deaths throughout New Mexico in 2015.1 When compared, this meant
that in 2015, there was a rate of about 10.9 deaths per 100,000 people across the United
States, which is less than the 15.1 deaths per 100,000 people in New Mexico.1
When looking at the groups of highest risk, males are found to be involved in more
motor vehicle accidents than females in every age group.2 Of these age groups,
individuals between the ages of 15 and 24 are killed in more motor vehicle accidents
than any other category in both New Mexico and the United States as a whole.2 Among
groups categorized by race and ethnicity, Native Americans/Alaskan Natives have the
highest motor vehicle death rate in New Mexico.3 Native Americans/Alaskan Natives
also have the highest motor vehicle death rate across the United States, higher than
Caucasians, Asians, African Americans, and Hispanics.4 These points conclude that the
group at the highest risk of being killed in a motor vehicle accident are Native American
males that are between the ages of 15 and 24.5 Individuals in the

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