Proposal Essay Outline

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Proposal Essay Outline

Writing an essay on the topic "Proposal Essay Outline" can be a challenging task, as it requires a
thorough understanding of the proposal essay genre and the ability to structure ideas effectively.
Crafting an outline for such an essay involves not only outlining the main points and arguments but
also organizing them in a logical and persuasive manner.

One difficulty lies in the initial brainstorming phase where you need to generate unique and
compelling proposal ideas. Coming up with a proposal that is both innovative and feasible requires
creativity and critical thinking. Once you have a proposal idea, the challenge is to articulate it clearly
and persuasively in the essay.

The outline itself demands careful consideration. It should include the introduction, which outlines
the problem or need, provides context, and introduces the proposal. The body of the essay should
present the proposal's details, including its purpose, methodology, and expected outcomes. Each
point needs to be supported by evidence and reasoning. The conclusion should summarize the key
points and emphasize the proposal's significance.

Maintaining a balance between conciseness and completeness is another difficulty. It's crucial to
provide enough information to make the proposal compelling, but at the same time, you need to
avoid unnecessary details that may dilute the main message. Achieving this balance requires a keen
editorial eye and a clear understanding of the audience's expectations.

In addition, meeting the requirements of the assignment, such as adhering to a specific essay
structure, citation style, and word count, adds another layer of complexity. Attention to detail and
careful proofreading are essential to ensure the essay is polished and professional.

Despite these challenges, successfully navigating through the process of writing a proposal essay
outline can be immensely rewarding. It hones your analytical and communication skills, fostering a
deeper understanding of the subject matter. With dedication and the right approach, you can
overcome these difficulties and create a well-crafted proposal essay that effectively communicates
your ideas.

If you find yourself struggling or pressed for time, remember that assistance is available. Similar
essays and much more can be ordered on , providing a valuable resource to support
your academic endeavors.
Proposal Essay Outline Proposal Essay Outline
Enzyme Catalase Background
Jocelyn Yee
Block 6
Enzyme Catalase Background Catalases are enzymes that stop cell oxidative damage. In
some cases, they help by reducing hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas. (Journal
of the American Chemical Society, 2009). They are present in anything that is exposed to
oxygen. Though oxygen is used to power cells, they become dangerous if not controlled.
If electrons are transferred, they are easily converted into dangerous substances such as
hydrogen peroxide which attack vital atoms and iron ions in proteins. To intensify the
problem, the free iron ions can change hydrogen peroxide into different radicals that are
deadly to DNA. The catalase uses those iron ions to speed up the process. They are a
tetrameric enzyme that is made ... Show more content on ...
The independent variables are the range of temperatures and the range of hydrogen
peroxide concentration. The dependent variable is the rate of catalase activity. The
Catalase was taken from beef liver and was placed into a shaking thermostat machine
to test for the amount of oxygen. The range of temperatures tested were 9.2 degrees to
30 degrees Celsius. The thermostat was filled with water at a specific temperature
while the catalase was placed into six different bottles. A concentration of hydrogen
peroxide was also added. With all firmly in place, the thermostat machine shook them
for around a hundred times per minute. The entire reaction was examined at the pH of
7. The amount of oxygen was recorded for each temperature range and concentration.
In conclusion, the catalase activity is the highest between 0 degrees and 10 degrees C
because the amount of oxygen recorded was the greatest. When the temperature rose,
the rate of catalase decreased. Between 10 to 20 degrees C, the catalase s activity was
smaller than the activity produced between 0 degrees and 10 degrees. Finally, between
20 to 30 degrees C, the catalase production rate was the lowest out of the three
temperature ranges. Also, when the temperature was decreased while the H2O2
concentration was increased, the catalase s activity was high and it plateaued for some
time possibly due to the amount of H2O2. To conclude, when
Lenin And Old Major s Speech
Vladimir Lenin and Old Major both are two respected figures among their own kinds.
They both have strong beliefs where everyone should be equal in all ways. Their main
goals was to eliminate the consumers of their products who does no work and restore
equality. In Lenin s speech and Old Major s speech in the book Animal Farm by George
Orwell, they both state their beliefs of Communismand Animalism.
In both Lenin and Old Major s Speech, they believe that there is one cause why
workers suffer, the main consumer, landowners/man. In the first paragraph of Lenin s
speech, he states that, The enemies of the working people, [are] the landowners and
capitalists . Old Major also states in his speech in paragraph four that, Man is the only
real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and ...
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Both have the same common enemy, the upper class that consumes and distributes out
the work to the lower class/producers. They believe that they could do without them
and that once they are gone, the root of their problems would be gone. Lenin and Old
Major also believes that all of the same kind should work together to prove that they
could do well without the upper class. In the last line of Lenin s speech, he states that,
Labour discipline, enthusiasm for work, readiness for self sacrifice, close alliance
between the peasants and the workers this is what will save the working people from
the oppression of the landowners and capitalists for ever . In similarities, Old Major
states in paragraph 8, And among us animals let there be perfect unity, perfect
comradeship in the struggle. All men are enemies. All animals are comrades. If everyone
could work in equal power and labor, everything would be at
Cows Vs Bulls
These are used in dairy production because of their high volume of milk which they
produce with the high levels of fat and protein which is found in their milk; they are
larger than Friesians but do not carry as much meat and can be either black and white
or red and white although they are mainly seen in black and white. They can be found
worldwide in nearly every continent, they are also renowned for their easy going
temperament and ease of handling, they are used for milk production for on average six
years, even though many cows will live for longer.
During a single lactation period a cow can produce approximately 7591.45 litres of milk
during each lactation and this lasts for about 10 months; working out to on average
24.89 litres per day. ... Show more content on ...
They are white in colour, and were first bred in France; being first imported into Britain
in the 1950s to improve dairy calves but because of their fast growing rate, good muscle
formation, quality tasting meat and being good suckler beef cattle they became big in the
beef industry. They have little fat in their meat and because of their original use of
pulling heavy carts and ploughs they, especially the bulls, have big hindquarters and back
muscles which in turn helps them to be superior above the other breeds.
When crossed with a dairy cow a Charolais cross calf has the distinguishable colour of a
Charolais as well as the good growth rate and muscle mass this makes for a heavier calf
that is finished and ready for selling at an earlier age than all other breeds, which in turn
brings in a bigger price at auction.


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