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UNBSU Election Results

After a close vote, Craig Fernandez is your next UNBSU President. Fernandez bested
opponent Sydney Rankin, picking up 55% of the 1,519 votes cast. The election saw the
highest voter turnout since 2010, with a 30.4% turnout rate.

Fernandez shared his thoughts on his win as he was heading through Ontario on a
March break road trip. “I haven’t had much time to celebrate or enjoy it, but it’s been
surreal. [I’m] over the moon, answering phone calls and texts, responding to all the
friends that have reached out. It’s surreal.

Fernandez also spoke very highly of his opponent. “Sydney’s a close friend of mine, as
a lot of people know,” he said. “I’m really proud of her as a leader and I hope that her
leadership and her skill in all this continue and she keeps taking on opportunities and
being awesome. I’d like to congratulate her on an awesome campaign and for being a
very respectful and honourable opponent throughout the whole thing.

Now that he’s been elected, Fernandez spoke about his plans on where he will start.
“The first thing I want to do is sit down with the current president, Richard Du, for some
very long talks and guidance on the transition and where we think things should go. I
think the first thing should definitely be setting our goals and intentions for the next year;
we’ll get more specific and we can talk again after those meetings have happened.”

Runner up Sydney Rankin also provided a statement after coming up short in the close

“UNB - while I am deeply saddened by the result, I find great comfort in the step forward
this election has been for our community. As reflected in the voter turn-out, we rallied
together and demonstrated a commitment to improving the quality of student life with
more strength than ever before. We saw students from diverse backgrounds engaging
with the Union for the first time and campaigns run harder than ever before. I could not
be more appreciative of the outpouring of support throughout this experience,
particularly that of my slate-mates. Mick and Anthony, you are two of the most
honourable people I have ever met, and I am forever grateful of the titanium bond we’ve
built through this process. We ran a campaign with integrity and more passion than this
campus has ever seen - and are watching necessary conversations blossom from it.

This organization has been my home for the past year, the idea of leaving it is incredibly
difficult. If there were a community to foster resiliency in, it’s UNB, and I look forward to
forging the next challenge ahead. I wish the incoming team only the best with the future,
congrats on a big year soon to come!”

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