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Analytical Research Essay

Crafting an analytical research essay can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a combination of

critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication. The process involves delving deep into
a specific subject, analyzing various perspectives, and presenting a cohesive argument supported by

One of the initial hurdles is selecting a suitable topic that not only aligns with the assignment
requirements but also allows for in-depth analysis. This necessitates a thorough understanding of the
subject matter, as a vague or poorly defined topic can make the entire writing process more arduous.

Research is a crucial aspect of an analytical research essay, demanding significant time and effort. It
involves scouring academic journals, books, and reputable sources to gather relevant information and
data. The challenge lies not just in finding information but in discerning its credibility and relevance
to the chosen topic.

The analytical component of the essay involves dissecting the gathered data, identifying patterns,
relationships, and trends. This analytical thinking requires a keen intellect and the ability to draw
meaningful connections between disparate pieces of information. Developing a coherent argument
and organizing the essay in a logical structure further adds to the complexity.

Expressing ideas concisely and persuasively is another stumbling block. Crafting a well-written
analytical research essay involves articulating complex thoughts in a clear and coherent manner.
Striking a balance between a formal tone and engaging language while avoiding ambiguity is

Moreover, the challenge extends to the revision process. Reviewing and refining the essay to ensure
clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic standards is a time-consuming task. It requires a
critical eye to catch errors, improve the flow of ideas, and enhance the overall quality of the writing.

In conclusion, writing an analytical research essay is a demanding task that tests not only one's
research skills but also analytical thinking, organization, and writing proficiency. Navigating through
the complexities of topic selection, research, analysis, and articulation requires dedication and

For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that resources like provide support
in crafting essays and more. Professionals on such platforms can offer guidance and expertise to
make the essay writing process more manageable.
Analytical Research Essay Analytical Research Essay
Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter
Postal Icon

The U.S. Postal Service has honored many individuals from presidents to singers to
cartoon characters, by placing their portraits on postage stamps. A nomination for
someone to honor on a postage stamp should be Beyoncé. This woman has claimed
extraordinary heights in her career as a musician, touching people all over the world
with her influence. She has already reached iconic status and judging from her record
she has more room to prove that even more. From a young girl from Texas to her
outstanding game changing career, with such impact she should be recognize by being
on America s postal stamp.

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles Carter was born on September 4th, 1981 in Houston, Texas to
african american parents Matthew and Tina Knowles. In her childhood she embraced her
gifts at singing and dancing, participating and winning local talent shows. When her teen
years rolled around she teamed up with her cousin Kelly Rowland and two of her
classmates with the management of her father ... Show more content on ...
Becoming more of the star in Destiny s Child performances and songs like Survivor ,
she finally broke out to do her own projects. Starting in movies and releasing her first
solo album in 2003 titled Dangerously In Love which ended up selling over ten million
copies, and featuring the second out of many features that would include her future rap
icon husband Jay Z. Beyonce s success only continued as she went on into today. With
her stunning outfits on the red carpets and at her shows, her concerts being world
renowned for the consistent breathtaking choreography and breathtaking visuals making
her hailed as being one the living greats. Beyonce has even been praised for inviting the
music game, for example dropping her self titled album Beyonce a full length visual
album without a single shred of promotion that became the fastest selling album in itunes
history for two
Nash-Finch Inventory Analysis Essay
Nash Finch Company and Subsidiaries
Inventory Analysis
ACCT 6610/5610

1. Download a copy of Nash Finch Company and Subsidiaries 2012 10 K filed with the
SEC on February 28, 2013. You do not need to hand the 10 K in with your assignment,
but you will refer to it in answering the questions below.

2. What does Nash Finch do?

Nash Finch was established in 1885 and incorporated in 1921. They are the largest food
distributor servicing military commissaries and exchanges in the US (in terms of
revenue). The core business Nash Finch does includes distributing food to military
commissaries and independent grocery stores. They also distribute and operate their own
corporate owned retail stores.

3. What inventory method (or ... Show more content on ...
With adjusted figures, this includes the additional inventory that is being held but being
deferred from taxes. Even though that additional inventory is being deferred, it is still
liquid and should be included in the current ratio.

10. Compute inventory turnover for 2012 using the inventory figures as reported and
your adjusted figures. Which ratio provides the most reliable measure of Nash Finch s
inventory turnover and why? (Formula: cost of goods sold/average ending inventory.)

The inventory turnover for 2012 with original figures is 4,429,329/335,574 = 13.20.
The inventory turnover for 2012 with adjusted figures is 4,338,629/424,574 = 10.22.
The adjusted figures inventory turnover is more accurate for Nash Finch because it
includes the real amounts of inventory being held. The adjusted average inventory is
much higher compared to the original figures. COGS are also affected by the change in
adjusted inventory, but the change is not as great to the numerator for the ratio.

11. Compute the total debt to equity ratio for 2012 using Nash Finch s data as reported
and your adjusted figures. Include the tax adjustment in your computations. Which ratio
provides the best measure of solvency and why? (Formula: total current and long term
debt/total equity.)

The debt to equity ratio for 2012 with original figures is 605,908/296,389 = 2.04
The debt to equity ratio for 2012
Did the Nationalists Win the Spanish Civil War Because of...
Did the Nationalists win the Spanish Civil War because of their strengths or the
weaknesses of the Republicans? The evidence that supports the idea that the Nationalists
won the Spanish Civil War because of their strength is abundant. The unity of the
Nationalists was obvious and meant that there was both great organisation and co
ordination, meaning there was no ambiguity in the goals set by those fighting for the
Nationalists. Franco s plans for a long term war meant that he was able to ensure the
defeat of the Republic by slowly squeezing the life out of the Republic war effort, which
already was heavily reliant on Soviet aid, by securing Republican strong holds throughout
Spain. The contrasting lack of unity on the Republic as well... Show more content on ...
This crisis was a turning point for the Republic which saw the influence of the
Communists vastly increase. The main political casualty of the May Days was Largo
Cabellero, who had always been opposed to the Communist interference, especially
when it had been influenced so heavily by Stalin and the USSR. So great was his
hatred of the Communist interference that he once famously sent out the Soviet
Ambassador, Rosenberg, from a Cabinet meeting as he tried to impose the will of the
Soviets in January 1937. After the events of the May Days Cabellero had little choice
but to resign, and give way to Negrin, who some historians argue was a mere pawn of
the wishes of the Communists. Even if this was the case, the Republic became more
unified under Negrin, even if the underlying ideological differences still existed. With
Communist influence in the government, Stalin was still willing to send the aid that
was essential to the survival of the republic, while the Popular Army also emerged
from the fighting in Barcelona as it was finally accepted a well trained force was
needed; no longer could the Republic rely on the scrappy little militias to fend off the
advances of the Nationalist forces. Although this move was damaging for the morale of
many revolutionaries it was a necessary step that could not be put off much longer.. As a
result of this, it could be argued
The Feeling Of Love In Barbara Fredrickson s Love 2. 0
In the excerpt from Love 2.0 by Barbara Fredrickson, the feeling of love is explained to
be more biological in nature. Love is often seen as an intense emotion that connects two
or more people through trust and communication. It can click into place after a lengthy
conversation or just a shared glance. While this may seem dramatic, Fredrickson offers
her own biological perspective to explain these phenomena in a more grounded sense.
These biological reasonings aide her in proving that loveis not unconditional or
exclusive, but rather shared with all that give off a positive resonance. It is also made
possible through the synchronized flow of the two people s brains, the release of the
hormone, oxytocin, and the healthy control of the vagal. The combination of these
parts enables a person to experience this feeling of love and receive it from others as
well. It is important to understand these scientific reasonings because they show how
people can obtain this deep love with multiple people by just listening to their bodies.
The different biological processes enable people to love better by creating a deeper
connection in conversation, a strong sense of trust, and providing the skills people need
to acquire the love their bodies crave.
When someone meets a romantic interest for the first time, there is an instant positive
connection between them that makes them feel in sync. It may be love at first sight, or it
may due to the brain synchrony (110) between them. Through brain synchrony your
respective brain waves mirror one another, [and] each of you moment by moment
changes the other s mind (110). Through conversation, the brains of the two people
involved begin to react and flow in a way that one brain almost predicts the pattern the
other will take. This synchronization creates that instant connection between these two
people making them feel love for the other. People crave to be understood and be able to
express their feelings to others without any sort of rejection. By giving them a platform
to talk about and in turn sharing their own thoughts it creates this mental connection
between them. While sharing emotions can run a deeper conversation, by simply paying
close attention to what the other
Essay on Narrators in Faulkner’s Barn Burning and The...
Narrators in Faulkner s Barn Burning and The Unvanquished

Barn Burning and The Unvanquished present very different ways to tell a story. In Barn
Burning, Faulkner uses a third person, limited omniscient point of view that allows him
to enter the mind of the story s protagonist, Colonel Sartoris Snopes. In this point of view,
the narrator establishes that the story took place in the past by commenting that Later,
twenty years later, he was too tell himself, If I had said they wanted only truth, justice, he
would have it me again. But now he said nothing (8). The narrator of Barn Burning
develops Colonel Sartoris as a child by describing his relationship with his father; no
matter how many times Ab Snopes burns a barn or ... Show more content on ...
One of the most interesting elements of this backward gaze is its self awareness. In
contrast, for instance, to Willa Cather s romantic, idealistic narrator in My Ántonia,
whose authority Cather undercuts in the novel s introduction, Faulkner s narrator in The
Unvanquished constantly reminds us that the story he is telling is a memory and that as
a memory it is inevitably flawed he has to fill in its blank spots and he recognizes that
and he is thinking through the events of the story with a mind that is very different than
the one that experienced them.

This is beautifully apparent early in the novel as he explains that he can now describe
the events of the story with language that was not available to him as a child. After
Loosh destroys the model of Vicksburg that Bayard and Ringo were playing with, the
narrator remarks, Loosh squatted, looking at me with that expression on his face. I was
just twelve then; I didn t know triumph; I didn t even know the word (5). The narrator
again recognizes the gulf of language that now separates him from his childhood
experiences when he writes, after learning that he and Ringo had killed a horse rather
than a man, I didn t know horrified astonishment either, but Ringo and Granny and I were
all three it (29). As the novel moves forward from these confessions of the narrator s
childhood linguistic limitations, Faulkner uses other techniques to reinforce the fact that
this narrator is an adult

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