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Good Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For

Writing an essay on the topic of "Good Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For College" can be
quite challenging. Firstly, selecting appropriate topics that are not only relevant but also interesting
and engaging for college-level readers requires careful consideration. It involves researching various
subject areas, understanding the nuances of each topic, and identifying meaningful points of
comparison and contrast.

Once the topics are chosen, the task of crafting a well-structured essay that effectively compares and
contrasts these topics becomes the next hurdle. This involves organizing ideas logically, ensuring a
clear and coherent flow of thought, and providing sufficient evidence and examples to support each

Moreover, writing a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention, followed by body
paragraphs that delve into the similarities and differences between the chosen topics, requires
analytical skills and critical thinking. Additionally, developing a strong thesis statement that
encapsulates the main argument of the essay and crafting insightful conclusions that tie everything
together adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Furthermore, maintaining academic integrity by properly citing sources and avoiding plagiarism is
essential in any college-level essay, which adds to the challenge. Finally, revising and editing the
essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness further demand time and effort.

In conclusion, crafting a high-quality compare and contrast essay on this topic requires a combination
of research skills, analytical thinking, writing proficiency, and attention to detail. It's a task that
demands dedication and effort to produce a well-written and academically sound piece of work.

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Good Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For College Good Compare And Contrast Essay Topics
For College
Legal Assistants Are Qualified By Education
Paralegals or legal assistants are qualified by education, training or work experience,
but are not required by any state to be licensed. Although, legal assistants may get
become certified through such organization as NALA or some state bar associations.
Paralegals are a valuable asset to an attorney, but it is important for a paralegal or legal
assistant to adhere to the standards of legal ethics and proper conduct, one of which,
they must never give legal advice. A paralegal or legal assistant may assist an attorney,
but the attorney is ultimately responsible, therefore the paralegal should work under the
supervision of said attorney. Currently, there are no absolute requirements for a person to
be a paralegal, but with most... Show more content on ...
Having previous experience working in the legal field as a secretary/assistant, I can
say for sure that you are constantly put in situations that are very close to crossing that
line. A paralegal must use discretion and professional judgment commensurate with
knowledge and experience but must not render independent legal judgment in place
of an attorney. (NALA Code of Ethics, 2007, Cannon 4). The entire legal team is
should follow required ethical behavior, but the duty to supervise ultimately is the
attorney s responsibility. A paralegal should make it clear to clients from the start that
you are a legal assistant, and if needed explain your duties and limitations, as some
people really are not aware of a paralegals limitation. The State of Pennsylvania has
addressed concerns that the title paralegal is misinterpreted by the public as being a
person who is authorized to practice law. In all the confusion of a busy law office, the
unauthorized practice of law can easily be crossed. Even outside the office,
Van Dierendonck Servant Leadership
Van Dierendonck, D., Stam, D., Boersma, P., De Windt, N., Alkema, J. (2014). Same
difference? Exploring the differential mechanisms linking servant leadership and
transformational leadership to follower outcomes. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(3), 544
562. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2013.11.014

The study provides insights into the different mediating mechanisms through which
servant leadership and transformational leadership affect followers. Van Dierendonck,
Stam, Boersma, Windt, and Alkema (2014) examine environmental uncertainty as a
moderator of the effects of servant leadership and transformational leadership. Van
Direndonck ... Show more content on ...
(2014). Leader member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior: The roles of
identification with leader and leader s reputation. Social Behavior Personality : An
International Journal, 42(10), 1699 1711.
/ db=s3h AN=99503696 site=eds live

Jiaxin, Lin, and Jun (2014) begin by exploring current theoretical and empirical
developments in the identification theory to develop a model of the procedures linking
leader member exchange (LMX) to organizational citizenship behavior. Jiaxin et al. then
survey 262 supervisor subordinate dyads collected in China and found followers
identification with management mediated the influence of LMX on groups behavior. The
authors also reveal that group perceptions on leadership reputation moderates relationship
between LMX identification with leaders, and citizen organizational behavior. Jiaxin et
al. examine work that reveals relationship was stronger for participants scoring big on
perceived group leader s character than it was for those scoring low. Jiaxin et al. contend
that when group members perceive their leaders favorable, increase quality relationship
is more likely to facilitate members personal identification, encouraging members to
engage in organizational citizenship
Australopithecus Essay
The species of Australopithecus robustus lived around one to two million years ago in
South Africa. The first discovery of this species occurred in 1938, when fossil
fragments of a jaw were found at Kromdraai in Southern Africa and presented to Robert
Broom. Broom explored the site further and collected many more bones and teeth that
together convinced him he had a new species (Smithsonian s National Museum of
History). Another well known site for fossils of this species is the limestone cave of
Swartkraans, where the fossil remains of 130 individuals were discovered (Fran and
Bexland). The species of Australopithecusrobustus and Australopithecus boisei fall under
the category of robust Australopithecines, and both share extreme robust cranial and
mandibular features. The Australopithecus robustus survived the Plio Pleistocene, which
consisted of woodlands, bushlands, and open grasslands with no lush forests and a
patchy distribution of trees. Scientists believe much of their robust cranial and
mandibular traits are related to their habitat and diet. The cranial fossil that belongs to the
Australopithecus robustus is number 15. The traits in this cranial fossil include a... Show
more content on ...
This fossil is a very robust mandible, containing extreme megadontia with molars and
premolars that have around double the area of modern human s molars. The incisors and
canines are very small compared to their molars. Their extreme dentition relates to their
diet. Although fruit is a high quality fruit that was a part of this species diet, it was not
always readily available for them to eat. Their fallback diet included low quality food
sources, like nuts, seeds, and leaves. Their enormous teeth assisted them in eating
mechanically tough food sources. This would suggest that they had thick enamel on their
teeth to give them a source of protection and strength while eating foods that could
potentially harm their
Febrile Case Studies
A woman goes to the pediatric Eemergency Ddepartment with her four month old
daughter following her pediatrician s phone recommendation. The infant has been
extremely irritable and has not been breastfeeding as usual for the past 24 hours. The
mother s last three attempts to feed the baby were followed by vomiting of whitish,
serous fluid. The perinatal history is unremarkable and she received antenatal care. The
patient was born by spontaneous vaginal delivery with no complications. Apgar scores
were 8, and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes of life. The patient is up to date with her vaccines.
Prior to this event, she could raise her chest while lying on her stomach, follow moving
objects and smile at the sound of her mothers voice; she could babble and imitate facial
expressions. Physical examination is significant for an ill looking and irritable... Show
more content on ...
Urine culture is generally required to establish a diagnosis of UTI. However, cultures
obtained from urine in a sterile bag attached to the perineum have a high rate of false
positives hence are not suitable for this purpose.
Choice C is not the best answer. Although febrile seizures should be anticipated during
febrile illnesses, the priority should be to diagnose and treat the disease that is causing
fever to prevent febrile seizures.
Choice D is not the best answer. Doxycycline is an antibiotic of the tetracycline class. It
is effective against atypical bacteria, such as in chlamydia infections and atypical
pneumonia. It Doxycycline is also used against protozoa, such as in early lLyme disease,
syphilis, and rickettsial illnesses, but it. It is not effective in for UTIs.
Choice E is not the best answer. Imaging studies are not indicated for patients with first
episodes of cystitis or without voiding difficulties, abdominal mass, or a prompt
response to treatment (72 hours). If a renal and/or bladder ultrasound is indicated, it
should be performed after the UTI has been

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