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Importance Of College Education Essay

Writing an essay on the importance of college education can be both challenging and rewarding. On
one hand, the topic is broad and encompasses various aspects such as personal growth, career
opportunities, and societal impact. It requires thorough research and a deep understanding of the
subject matter to present a well-rounded argument.

The difficulty arises in balancing the different dimensions of the topic. It's not merely about listing
the advantages of college education, but also addressing potential counterarguments and
acknowledging the complexities associated with higher education. Crafting a compelling thesis
statement that captures the essence of why college education matters is crucial, and providing
substantial evidence to support the claims adds another layer of complexity.

Furthermore, maintaining a coherent structure and flow throughout the essay is essential to ensure
that the reader can follow the logical progression of ideas. This involves transitioning smoothly
between different aspects of the topic and avoiding redundancy.

Moreover, the writer must consider the audience and tailor the essay to be engaging and persuasive.
It's not just about presenting facts but also about connecting with the reader on a personal level,
making them see the relevance of the topic in their own lives.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on the importance of college education may pose challenges,
the process also offers an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth. It demands careful
consideration of various factors and a nuanced approach to presenting arguments. Ultimately,
successfully navigating these challenges can result in a well-crafted essay that effectively
communicates the significance of pursuing higher education.

For assistance with similar essays and more, individuals can explore services ,
where they can find support in crafting well-researched and compelling academic content.
Importance Of College Education Essay Importance Of College Education Essay
The Importance Of Communication With Parents
In order to understand more about children s backgrounds, educators need to build
relationships, and open communication with their parents because they are the first
children s teacher. Having communication between the teachers and parents will help the
teachers gain knowledge about children s languages, tradition clothes, and food. In
addition, the teachers will understand more about children s development, interest, and
wants. Then, they will be able to create multicultural curriculum appropriate children s
development, interest, and needs. In addition, they will able to provide books, and music
with children languages, and materials that reflect and honor children s diversities. There
are different ways educators can communicate with diverse families such phone call, in
person, emails, parent newsletters, home visits, school s website, conference, workshops
for parents. For instance, I usually communicate with parent daily to share about their
children s progress, share different techniques for them to help their children to learn at
home, and encourage them to talk about their concerns. Then, I have ideas to make an
improvement in the learning environment for their children. In conclusion, having
communication with parents is very important because it will help teacher ideas to create
multicultural curriculum, understand about children s backgrounds, and provide
materials that reflect children s diversity. The multicultural curriculum must be assessed
regularly for bias
A Short Note On Hypertension And Secondary Hypertension
The reason why I selected to do my paper on hypertension is, hypertension is very
common. About 70 million people in the United States have hypertension (High Blood
Pressure Frequently Asked Questions , 2015). Another reason why I selected to write
my paper on hypertension is I want to know why it is called the silent killer. I also want
to know why it affect African Americans the most.
Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure reading of 140/90mmHg (millimeters of
mercury) or above. Blood pressure is the force blood exerts against your artery walls as it
circulates through your body. When the left ventricle contract and expels blood into the
aorta the pressure on the artery wall is called the systolic pressure. The more blood
exerts on the artery wall the higher the blood pressure is. When the aortic valve close,
avoiding blood from flowing back into the heart and the arteries readjust themselves is
called diastolic pressure. When the heart is relaxed the pressure is at its lowest. The two
kind of hypertension are primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. Primary
hypertension develop over many years and there is no known cause for it. Primary
hypertension can be influenced by diet, heredity, obesity, stress, smoking and age (staff,
2015). Primary hypertension cannot be cured, but it can be controlled sometimes through
diet, exercise, stress management, and medications. Secondary hypertension is caused by
underlying condition such as obstructive sleep apnea, kidney
Themes Of Urban Legends
Nowadays, the development of technology affects the way we search for the
information. For instance, stories that have been told only within families or small
groups of people can now be exposed to the internet, where these stories are shared
amongst hundreds of people. Urban legend, by definition, is a humorous or horrific story
that people usually believe, even when there is no proof of where it started from, or of
the trustworthiness of that story. Urban legends have appealed to many ranges of
audiences since this genre tends to attract many individuals. For instance, college
students have taken an interest towards these legends, whether they like the strange
stories or the actual messages behind it. Urban legends have taught college students the
themes, which are based on the reflection of their conflicts or problems that they have
dealt with. The two common themes of urban legends that represent the problem that
college students are dealing with are the conflicts between college students and their
professors and the paranormal and horror events that occur in their life.
There are many urban legends that have solutions to deal with the problems with their
professors. The first urban legend story, Do you know who I am? , was set in a large
lecture classroom, where the instructor could not remember all of his students. In order
to turn in their exams, they had to show their ID cards. There was a student who forgot
to bring his ID on the exam day, and he was convinced that

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