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What are the five stages of trust-building?

10 Engagement
How do you get clients to initiate discussions with you?

11 The Art of Listening

How can you improve your listening skills?

12 Framing the Issue

How can you help clients look at their issues in a fresh way?

13 Envisioning an Alternate Reality

How can you help clients clarify what they’re really after?

14 Commitment
How do you ensure clients are willing to do what it takes to solve heir


15 What’s So Hard About All This?
Why are truly trust-based relationships so scarce?

16 Differing Client Types

How do you deal with clients of differing types?

17 The Lieutenant Columbo Approach

What can we learn from an unorthodox winner?

18 The Role of Trust in Getting Hired

How do you create trust at the outset of a relationship?

19 Building Trust on the Current Assignment

How can you conduct your assignment in a way that adds to trust?

20 Re-earning Trust Away from the Current Assignment

How can you build trust when you’re not working on an assignment?

21 The Case of Cross-Selling

Why is cross-selling so hard, and what can be done about it?

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