Descriptive Essay Examples About An Object

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Descriptive Essay Examples About An Object

Crafting a descriptive essay on the topic of "Descriptive Essay Examples About An Object" can be a
challenging yet rewarding task. The difficulty lies in the delicate balance between providing vivid
and evocative details that bring the object to life, while also maintaining a structured and coherent
narrative. The challenge is not just to describe the physical attributes of the object but to infuse the
writing with sensory elements that allow the reader to experience the object through the writer's

Selecting the right words to convey the texture, color, shape, and even the emotional significance of
the object requires careful consideration. It demands a keen observation skill to capture the essence
of the object and translate it into words effectively. Striking the right tone, whether it be nostalgic,
celebratory, or analytical, adds another layer of complexity to the writing process.

Moreover, the difficulty intensifies when attempting to create a seamless flow between paragraphs,
ensuring a logical progression that holds the reader's interest. The challenge is to avoid a mere list of
descriptive elements but to weave them together into a cohesive and engaging narrative that paints a
complete picture.

Additionally, writers often face the hurdle of maintaining originality and avoiding clichés when
describing common objects. It is crucial to find a unique angle or perspective that sets the essay apart
and makes the reader see the object in a new light.

In conclusion, writing a descriptive essay about an object requires a combination of creativity,

attention to detail, and the ability to articulate sensory experiences. It is a task that demands careful
thought, patience, and a commitment to delivering a well-crafted piece. Despite the challenges, the
satisfaction derived from successfully bringing an object to life through words makes the endeavor

If you find yourself struggling with this or any other type of essay, consider seeking assistance.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on , where professional writers are ready
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Descriptive Essay Examples About An Object Descriptive Essay Examples About An Object
Truman and Atomic Bombs
OPTION B You are a member of the editorial staff of the New York Times. You are to
take a side and then write an editorial on Harry S Truman s decision to order the
dropping of the atom bomb. HARRY S TRUMAN amp; THE DECISION TO ORDER
THE DROPPING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB Boom! Boom! Seventy thousands
Japanese citizens were perished instantly after the first atomic bomb was dropped in
Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Japanese still refused to surrender to Allied forces. On
August 9, 1945, with the dropping of the second atomic bomb in Nagasaki, where
eighty thousands people were vaporized, Japanese surrendered unconditionally and the
World War II ended ( The Decision to Drop the Bomb 5 6). But was it a right decision of
Harry S Truman to end... Show more content on ...
He wanted not only to avoid Congressional hearings, but also another term of office.
His chances of reelection would be a zero if it were known by the general public that
he wasted money and lives of American soldiers by hiding a weapon that could have
ended the war more quickly ( Why did President Truman Drop the Atomic Bomb 4).
They also said that Truman should have chosen different ways to compel a Japanese
surrender instead of dropping atomic bombs into two cities. The most obvious
alternative is an invasion of American into Japanese mainland because Japanese was
very close to defeat. And the World War II was close to the end. However, according
to historians, the atomic bomb probably saved half of a million U.S. lives, not to
mention the number of Japanese casualties than the invasion. Moreover, Japanese was
close to defeat, but not close to surrender. Therefore, the decision of President Truman
was necessary at that time. His decision was just for the good of America as well as
was to save lives of both American and Japanese soldiers. If the war was prolonged, a
lot of soldiers would die and the expenses would increase. In conclusion, it does not
matter the decision of Truman to order the dropping of atomic bombs was right or
wrong. It matters how effective that decision in ending the war and saving lives of
soldiers. And history proved it. With those two atomic bombs, the
A Research Study On Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is using molecular biology methods to modify the genetic
information of an organism. Its aims include learning about the biology of an organism
and generating new or improved commercial products. Plant biotechnology is
manipulating plants specifically to improve agricultural needs. GMOs or genetically
modified organisms are organisms modified by genetic engineering to express desirable
traits. DNAfragments containing said desirable traits and a means of introducing the
DNA to the host plants is required for genetic engineering. Some common methods of
introducing DNA fragments to plants include the use of viruses, chemicals, some means
of physical insertion, or the use of agrobacterium.
Mysore et al aimed to study the mechanism of Agrobacterium transformation, DNA
transfer, and the possible limits of genetic engineering. A complementation test of rat5
mutant and Histone H2A (RAT5) showed rat5 mutant is responsible for the mutant
phenotype. Transient and stable β glucuronidase expression and T DNA levels of wild
type and rat5 Arabidopsis plants showed that the rat5 mutant is deficient in T DNA
integration. The researchers also thought rat5 could be haploinsufficient and to test this
hypothesis they transformed wild type plants with A. tumefaciens GV3101(pE1553) and
found the rat5 mutant does not show dominance in WT plants.1 So, two copies of RAT5
gene are necessary to conduct Agrobacterium mediated transformation. This paper
examines a protein gene (H2A)
Victorian Influence on Women s Fashions Essay
Before Research
Before the Victorian Era, the main focus of fashion was for men. Women s fashion
changed some, but the general idea of long skirts, tight bodices, and heavy fabrics
stayed consistent. Real changes to style and fashion were not made until about the
1840 s, when Queen Victoria came into power. After her rise to Queen, the fashions
began to change dramatically. Pride and Prejudice is a book written in this time, and
the fashion is clearly visible. Looking at fashion of the time can be clear examples of
social customs, role models, and other aspects of the time period.
The question to start off with is how has royalty affected women s fashions through the
ages? Royalty is influential on all sorts of things, so why not fashion? ... Show more
content on ...
The beginning of the civil war in America affected the cotton production, so fabric
became more scarce, leading into the next era, one that used less fabric. The early bustle
period featured a narrower skirt, with gathered fabric on the back. Bodices ended at the
natural waist. By 1877, the bustles had dropped to knees, leading into the Natural Form
period. By this time, a tall, slim figure was born. Dresses were long and the bodice
became long and tight. The Late bustle period brought the bustle back into style. The
skirts stayed long and tight, with a large amount of fabric gathered in the back. The
1890 s saw the disappearance of the bustle for good. At this time, skirts became plain,
and the bodice was dressed up with frills and puffed sleeves. The popular Pigeon
Silhouette of the Victorian era was born. The Edwardian Period was a time of ultimate
femininity. The skirts became soft and flowing, and the hobble skirt became popular
(What is). This was probably the most interesting part of my research, because I got a
deeper look into the world of fashion.
The Queen s Fashion
I now needed to know what Queen Victoria did for fashion in this time period. I learned
through my next source that Queen Victoria and her daughters were often fashion
models for women of this period. Typical outfits of this time consisted of cotton fabrics,
as they were in abundant supply and allowed air into the often heavy fabrics. Day
dresses were worn inside the home, and were
Analysis Of The Book Witches The Absolutely True Tale Of...
In the book Witches! The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem by Rosalyn
Schanzer the town of Salem starting going into a panic of the theory of witches from
the fits of two girls. Everyone accusing each other, family is accusing family. Brothers
are accusing brothers. Accused witches are taken to trial, but are the trials that fair?
The trials were unfair because of the use of spectral evidence, the inability to testify
for oneself, and the surprisingly unbiased judges. Even though it was a courtroom,
spectral evidence was used in many ways. Spectral evidence is when a witness is
saying that somebody s spector or spirit appeared to them in a dream and they are
using it to testify against whoever is on trial. When the accusers were having fits and
screaming and thrashing in odd ways, the courtroom did not tell them to quiet down,
they instead believed that the accused witch in the room was guilty, it was a horrid
sight. (According to the Salem Witch Trials DBQ) Document 6 The examination of
Bridget Bishop, when she moved her head all of the afflicted moved their head, then
she turned up her eyes and the afflicted turned up their eyes. When the accused witch
looked or moved a muscle, the accusers magically moved the same muscle. According
to Joan Holub s What Were the Salem Witch Trials? The girl accusers tumbled to the
floor if Bridget happened to look their way, as if her invisible specter had knocked them
down. (Holub 61). Even though the accused witches plead
Reign Of Terror Essay
The Reign of Terror, which lasted about a year, was part of the French Revolution.
Leaded by Maximilien Robespierre, the Reign of Terror was the beheading of
thousands of people who followed the king. Believed to start on September 5, 1793, the
Reign of Terror was meant to eliminate all who were thought to conspire against the
revolution. During the Terror as it is also called, thousands upon thousands were
executed by guillotine, most of which were from the first and second estates. Many
famous figures such as Marie Antoinette and Jean Paul Marat. Also during the Reign of
Terrorthe Committee of Public Safetywas created and gradually became the de facto war
time government. The Reign of Terror finally ended with the beheading of Robespierre.
Space Race During the Cold War between Russia and the U.S. there was a time called
the space race. During which both countries rushed to have the best space
developments than the other did. One of the main things was to be the first to get
someone in space. As Russia and the U.S. continued the race little did they know they
were advancing technology for the world. When Russia got something in space so did
the U.S. and the race continued. As soon as Russia got a man in space the U.S. raced to
get a man on the moon, and they did. As soon as Mr. ... Show more content on ...
It was because of the place that we became involved in the first world war. During the
first part of WW1 we wanted to remain neutral, however due to Japan s attack on our
soil we had to get involved. Now if Japan hadn t have bombed us then we would have
stayed out of the war and the Central powers would have won, but Japan did. At the
time Pearl Harbor was a large naval base housing many warships and many people, so
when Japan attacked killing hundreds and destroying many ships. Now there is a
memorial in Pearl Harbor remembering the importance of that place and how Pearl
Harbor changed our lives
Wrestlecade Case Study
As the date grew closer, both myself and Steve, as well as the fans voicing their
opinion on WrestleCade s home website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts were
thoroughly excited to see Justin possibly renew some old rivalries from his extreme
days, given his history with both Dreamer and C.W. In the weeks immediately
preceding the event, Justin (P.J. Polaco in his everyday life outside of the ring) had
been dealt some difficult twists in the road to say the least, as his wonderful wife, Jill
was diagnosed with cancer. This would be a tough enough blow for any family to take,
much less one who has their personal life for the most part seen at any curve in the road
by millions of dedicated wrestling fans on a daily basis across the internet.... Show more
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Justin Credible is a throwback to a day gone by in pro wrestling. One that believes in
shaking every hand in the locker room, from main eventers to rookies. One that through
his fantastic ne YouTube show, Pro Wrestling 101 is doing his best to give back to the
young talent and future stars of the sport he

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