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Outline Examples For Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "Outline Examples for Essay" might seem deceptively straightforward
at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of constructing a comprehensive outline presents a
myriad of challenges. The process involves a delicate balance between structuring thoughts
coherently, ensuring logical progression, and capturing the essence of the chosen subject matter.

Firstly, one must grapple with the task of brainstorming relevant ideas and organizing them in a
logical sequence. Deciding which points to include and how to arrange them within the outline
requires a keen understanding of the essay's purpose and audience. The challenge intensifies as you
attempt to strike the right balance between depth and conciseness, avoiding both oversimplification
and excessive complexity.

Furthermore, the process demands a nuanced understanding of the essay's overarching theme.
Defining the scope and boundaries of the topic while maintaining a sense of cohesion can be
intellectually demanding. The struggle lies in articulating thoughts in a way that reflects a deep
comprehension of the subject matter without overwhelming the reader with jargon or unnecessary

Navigating the fine line between creativity and adherence to academic conventions adds another
layer of complexity. Crafting an outline involves making choices about the structure, deciding
whether a chronological, thematic, or comparative approach best suits the topic. This decision-
making process can be a daunting task, as it requires a judicious balance to ensure that the essay
remains engaging while adhering to the expected format.

In summary, writing an essay on "Outline Examples for Essay" demands a comprehensive

understanding of the topic, a keen sense of organization, and the ability to strike a delicate balance
between depth and accessibility. It is a task that challenges both creativity and analytical skills,
requiring a meticulous approach to ensure the final product is both informative and engaging.

If you find yourself struggling with such tasks, it's worth noting that there are resources available to
assist you. Similar essays, as well as a plethora of writing assistance, can be explored on platforms like , where experts are ready to provide guidance tailored to your specific needs.
Outline Examples For Essay Outline Examples For Essay
Computer Aided Systems Into Establishing Formulation Of...
This chapter of the study is in accordance to the concluding results of this study, the
results are to be obtained through a numerical approximate solution and Computer
aided systems into establishing formulation of Finite Element Method of a 2
Dimensional Kirchhoff Plate. This study investigate the behavior of plates based on
Kirchhoff theory of thin plates in plane stress, the study established the formulation of
the FEM to the plate in the previous chapter there for this chapter will show the results
and discussion of the formulation by implying it on an actual case study to verify the
accuracy of the formulation and the developed algorithm by two methods in FEM
solution using analytical integration and numerical integrations of the stiffness matrix
form parametric comparison. 4.2IDEALIZED PLATE MODEL The plate under study is
a rectangular plate simply supported at four ends with load force at it extremes, the study
aims to find the nodal displacement of the plate caused by the load. Also the plate was
modeled in FEA software for comparison reason and to check the algorithm accuracy, the
plate specification is as follows: Material Density ρ = 7840 Poisson ratio = 0.3 Plate
thickness = 0.01 Load = 1*105 N a = b = 1 m Figure 7 4.1 idealized plate model
discretized into several schemes to verify the efficiency of the FEA solution as well as the
Finacial Tones
I always assumed reading only meant picking up a book and reading the words on the
page in order to comprehend a certain concept, but I have come to learn that there are
so many other types of reading in the world, ones that many people do not even realize.
I argue that it is extremely imperative in life to be close to familymembers and dearest
friends, so that in the most awkward, sad, excited, and nervous of times, one can know
exactly how the other one feels by their appearance and tone of voice. I for one never
noticed the most important type of reading one can learn to do, which is reading facial
expressions and tones of voices of close family. I argue that reading tones of voices and
facial expressions is more important than being able... Show more content on ...
I argue that going through life not being capable of reading facial expressions and
tones of voices is like going through life without any emotional connection to anyone
because being able to do so creates the bond that holds family and friends together. Not
only is it easier on me to be able to read my family members, but it is also easier on
them, so that even at the hardest times, they are able to save themselves from speaking
words that may be impossible to get out. Not only is this in the saddest moments in
life, but also in the most exciting, uncomfortable, and endearing moments that it is
essential to be able to read other people and determine what they want to say. Overall, I
argue that it is more imperative to be close to family members and dearest friends, and
to learn the capability of reading their tones of voices and facial expressions no matter
what the circumstance than to have a capability of reading a poem or piece of
Police Misconduct And Sexual Behavior
Lately, it is not uncommon to hear of some form of police misconduct in the nightly
news, whether it be on the national, state, or local levels. Just in the past month alone,
there have been allegations of misconduct in Baltimore, Maryland; Goose Creek, South
Carolina; Boulder, Colorado and in Janesville, Wisconsin. These cities are not the only
cities that have been in the media for misconduct issues, but they are a good
representation to the fact that misconduct does not just necessarily happen in one area of
the United States.
Perhaps one of the biggest questions is not why misconduct occurs throughout all areas
of the United States, but rather what constitutes misconduct and why misconduct
happens at all.
Per Merriam Webster Dictionary, misconduct is defined as:
1. Mismanagement especially of governmental or military responsibilities; 2.
Intentional wrongdoing; specifically: deliberate violation of law or standard especially
by a government official; 3. improper behavior, adultery; and 4. a penalty (as in ice
hockey) for improper behavior or abusive language (as toward an official).
Clearly, in the above definition there is a multitude of incidences that could be
considered as misconduct. Misconduct can be a minor incident that others may perceive
not worthy of an investigation, or a major incident that is in the headlines for months on
end. An officer, who engages in receiving gifts, when doing so is against their police
department s guidelines, would be
Breastfeeding Vs Breast Feeding Essay
There are many difficult choices new mothers face in the world whether it s pre birth or
post birth. Mothers tend to struggle with choosing the way they want to feed their
newborn baby. The biggest discussion is whether or not to breastfeed your newborn or
formula feed. Formula feeding feeds the infantwhile also providing needed nutrition.
Breastfeedinghelps create a bond between mother and child, has multiple health benefits
as well as providing the best nutrition for children; therefore, I believe it is better for the
mother and child.

Bonding is quite important while raising children, and beneficial to the child altogether.
A baby who breastfeeds also has a special opportunity to bond with his or her mother
(Hubbard, J. M., Gattman, K. R., 2017, p. 90). Breastfeeding allows you to have more
skin to skin contact, which many nurses recommend within the first year of life. is
also recommended during the postpartum period (Hubbard, J. M., Gattman, K. R., 2017,
p. 89). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants be
breastfed until at least age 1 year... (Hurst, A. M., 2016, paragraph 1). ... Show more
content on ...
The benefits for mothers who breastfeed include but are not limited to reduced risks for
breast and ovarian cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (Hubbard,
J. M., Gattman, K. R., 2017, p. 90). Antibodies from the mother are passed on through
breastmilk as well which helps the infant s system fight off colds for example. These
antibodies will help your infant conquer the cold germs quickly and effectively (New
Mother s Guide to Breastfeeding, 2nd Edition, paragraph
Marine Corps Ethical Issues
There is a lurking ethical issue that is facing contemporary society and that has already
started to affect the military, but has the potential to grow even more monstrous. Online
privacy or internet privacy is the root of this issue and following the revelations of
widespread data collection by the United States government, among others, the public has
to decide whether to push for legislation that would safeguard their online privacy, and
which criteria, if any, should first be met by government agencies before invading
civilians privacy . The main point of this issue with leadership in the MarineCorps is the
freedom of speech on social media. Marine Corps leaders need to ensure steps for
troops realize the impact of their online interactions, how their identity translates beyond
just themselves but to the entire Marine Corps, and how you have to be all in. Young
Marines are a generation that use social media to communicate and socialize by sharing
certain or every detail of their lives (Simpson). Young Marines believe that they can
disclose any information without filter because there are no clear cut defining actions to
identify the right and wrong things to post on social media. Marines should realize that
their actions online can disgrace or discredit themselves which may have a negative
impact for the integrity of the Marine... Show more content on ...
In conclusion some of the things our young Marines do on the Internet undermines that
trust, and Marine Corps leadership has an obligation to ensure that Marines understand
this and modify their behavior accordingly, both on social media as well in the
community. Wearing the uniform is a privilege and no Marine has the right to wear the
uniform and then degrade the Marine Corps with an offensive video or
The Common Law Derivative Action in Hong Kong


School of Accountancy

ACY 3151 D Company Law

Preserve The Common Law Derivative Action in Hong Kong

Presented to
Professor C.K. LOW

Submitted by

Tony BAI Dongyi; Ashley CHEN Xi; Ri REN Xinyu; Zoe ZHOU Beinan

30 April 2010


This paper is a response to the First Phase Companies Ordinance Rewrite Consultation
Paper Question 7 whether we should abolish the common law derivative action (the
CDA) currently retained by sec. 168BC (4) in the amended Companies Ordinance (2004).

This paper firstly briefly introduces the current co existence of the common law
derivative action and the statutory derivative action (the SDA) and figure out potential
problems which lead us to think about ... Show more content on ...
Because the company is a separate legal entity, if something wrong is done to the
company, only the company itself can sue and that is the so called Proper Plaintiff Rule.

The effect of this rule is to eliminate vexatious litigation by troublesome minority

shareholders. However, the rule was also criticized by many researchers. If the directors
of the company do something wrong, they will of course not have the incentive to make
the company bring law suits against themselves. Therefore the minority shareholders
cannot have the rights to get the wrongdoers to pay remedies to the company and it is to
some extent unfair.

Due to this reason, later, four exceptions to the rule were established to try to solve this
problem. It is held that the Proper Plaintiff Rule will not apply if the relevant transaction
λis ultra vires or illegal; λrequires the sanction of a special majority; λinfringes the
personal rights of a shareholder; or λamounts to a fraud on the minority.

1.3 The Common Law Derivative Action

The exceptions to the Proper Plaintiff Rule in Foss v Harbottle allow the minority
shareholders under some limited conditions to sue on behalf of the company. The
common law derivative action (the CDA) is applied based on these exceptions. There
are two basic requirements for applying the CDA: The alleged wrong or breach of duty
cannot be ratified by a simple majority of the members; The alleged wrongdoers are in
control of the company,

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