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Fidm Entrance Essay

Crafting an essay, particularly one focused on the FIDM entrance, can pose a challenging task for
many individuals. The difficulty lies not only in conveying personal experiences, aspirations, and
achievements effectively but also in aligning them with the specific requirements and expectations of
the FIDM admissions process. It demands a delicate balance between showcasing one's unique
qualities and adhering to the guidelines set by the institution.

The challenge intensifies as applicants strive to make their essays stand out from the multitude of
submissions. They must find a way to articulate their passion for fashion, design, and related fields
in a compelling manner, ensuring that the narrative is not only engaging but also reflective of their
genuine enthusiasm and suitability for FIDM.

Moreover, the essay should go beyond mere self-promotion, delving into the applicant's
understanding of the industry, their future goals, and the potential contributions they can make to the
FIDM community. This depth requires thorough research, self-reflection, and an ability to
communicate ideas cohesively.

As individuals navigate this intricate process, they may encounter moments of self-doubt,
questioning whether their words truly capture the essence of their ambitions and personality. It's not
just about writing well; it's about distilling one's essence into a narrative that resonates with the
admissions committee.

In conclusion, the difficulty in writing a compelling FIDM entrance essay lies in the intricate dance
between personal expression and meeting the stringent expectations of the institution. Crafting an
essay that seamlessly combines individuality, passion, and suitability is a formidable task that
demands time, effort, and a keen understanding of both oneself and the aspirations associated with

For those seeking assistance in this endeavor, various resources are available, and services like provide support in composing essays tailored to specific requirements. With their
expertise, individuals can navigate the complexities of essay writing, ensuring that their narratives
shine in the competitive landscape of college admissions.
Fidm Entrance Essay Fidm Entrance Essay
Transfer Of 40 % Ownership
A.Transfer of 40% Ownership As a sole proprietorship, Mr. Jones owns 100% of his
used car dealership. He has full authority to make big business decisions and reports
business income from the Schedule C to his Form 1040. He is currently deciding on
re electing his business and giving his daughter 40% ownership of the business. When
a current owner brings in new business associates, allocating a percentage of
ownership is crucial. The individual with majority share has the voting power to
make or break critical business decisions. An even 50/50 spilt might create a deadlock
which could negatively impact the business. For example, another used car dealership
wants to buy Mr. Jones business. Mr. Jones thinks the sale is a good idea, but Mandy
is completely against it. Since the two are in a deadlock, the interested company may
back out of the offer if a decision is not immediately made. Using the same scenario
with the 60/40 split, Mr. Jones is a majority shareholder and has the voting authority
over Mandy to accept the offer despite any rejections (Duff 2016). Financially
speaking, the duo is better off with the 60/40 split. The S corporation election allows
for income and deductions from the business to flow down to the taxpayers. If Mr.
Jones decided to stay a sole proprietor, he claims the entire $1,200,000 on his Form 1040.
If he decides to elect the S corporation status with a 60/40 split, he claims $720,000 of
the business income, as well as 60% of the business
Comparison Of Greed In Elle Woods s Legally Blonde
Despite physical beauty, greed can create an ugly personality that affects relationships
with others. Elle Woods, worked her way up from nothing more than living as a pretty
girl to get into Harvard, in the movie Legally Blonde. While Glinda, of Wicked, used
her high social status to remain in power by tromping down others. Glinda the Good is
known as the epitome of goodness but she stepped on other to work her way up. Elle
Woodshowever, was ambitious and worked hard to better herself and built her way up
to prevail as powerful. Both of these women may seem nothing more than beautiful, but
they arose above what people thought they could become to ensue as powerful,
although in extremely different ways. Glinda s greed left her well liked, but also
isolated, depressed and alone, while Elle Woods s ambition gave her a happier future and
more successful life.

At the beginning of Legally Blonde, Elle Woods loses the man she loves to a different
girl, which makes her very upset. Vivian, the girl Elle s ex ended up going out with
after Elle and her boyfriend broke up, was extremely mean to Elle, but she didn t let it
get the best of her. When asked how her first day continued after meeting Vivian, Elle
describes it as, good, except for this horrible preppy girl..who made me look bad in
front of the professor. But no biggie (SergeiK). Despite being bullied by Vivian for the
remainder of the movie, Elle chooses to put their differences aside in the end and try to
Examples Of Nonconformity In The 50 s
When historians observe the 1950 s (50 s) and 1960 s (60 s), they tend to generalize
both decades. The 1950 s is seen as a era of conformity and political consensus. The
1950 s are normally viewed as a time of peace and prosperity because many Americans
were able to save money during World War II. Mainly white Americans will move to
less crowded areas and make their living off of white collared jobs. During the 50 s
many Americans will view Communism as an evil, economic power and wish to
spread Capitalism instead. The 60 s, however, is viewed as a decade of nonconformity
and political divisiveness. Many young men would refuse to fight in the Vietnam war,
and women would begin to break the tradition of the stay at home wife, and begin to
join the workforce. However, both decades show conformity and nonconformity.
Many people in the 50 s would conform to a basic living style of life. There was a mass
migration of white families moving from the cities to areas called suburbs (1). The
suburban life of theses families would also conform to the Cult of Domesticity. Many
married women would stay home and take care of the children, clean the house, and fix
dinner while their husband worked to provide money for his family (1). Due to the mass
migration of whites to suburbs many minorities, like African... Show more content on ...
During the 60 s the Vietnam War was raging on and many young American men were
being drafted into the war (7). Many Americans did not agree with the war and would
protest against the government and the draft itself (7). Many women were still stuck in
the confined circle of the Cult of Domesticity as well. Many would died with unfilled
dreams because they only served their husbands (6). Racial issues was still a problem
troubling America at the time, but there was conformity among racial leaders, like
Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) who promoted ending segregation through peace
The Evolution Of Skateboarding
Evolution of Skateboarding Skateboarding has been around since 1944. Initially,
created as a crate with wheels and a bar used as a handle bar, the idea was slowly being
more refined. Woman s Army Corps Betty Magnuson, reported seeing French children
riding on wooden boards with rollerblade wheels attached to them which would imply
that the idea has been played around with but never capitalized upon. From crate boxes
with handle bars, to popsicle shaped boards with specialty made wheels backed with a
massive culture, skateboarding has become a popular industry.
Originating in California as a way surfers could be able to surf when the waves were
flat. The original creator isn t known as it seems that everybody seemingly came
together with the idea at approximately the same time. The first manufactured
skateboards were ordered in a Los Angeles surf shop in California. The shop owner
Bill Richard organized with Chicago Roller Skate Company to produce skate wheels to
be used with the boards. Towards the later 60 s, there was a trend of shops dedicated to
skateboarding or Street surfing referred to at the time. The evolution of the board went
from a rectangle piece of wood to resembling a surf board. As skateboarding continued to
become more popular, the first skateboarding magazine, The ... Show more content on ...
The history of skateboarding still hasn t ended though as many more competitors such as
hover boards or rip sticks are changing the game of personal entertainment and
transportation. With such a strong cultural background it ll be almost impossible to
knock, what monolithic skateboarding has become, out of the competition. Many more
revolutions of skateboarding and the board itself are still in the future as more
technology comes out, such as stronger boards, more durable trucks and even the skate
Hearing Loss Simulation Essay
Emilee Pflueger
SPPA325 001
Hearing Loss Simulation In order to gain a better understanding of the difficulties faced
by people with hearing loss I wore ear plugs for an entire day in a variety of settings.
The hearing loss simulation made relatively simple parts of my day much more difficult
and really showed how much hearing loss can impact daily life. As discussed in class
the shift from being able bodied to disabled , was quite difficult to cope with. My day
started with driving to class, I usually enjoy listening to music on my drive however
the music sounded quite muffled and was not pleasant to listen to. I then stopped to
get a coffee, the coffee shop was quite busy and noisy as it was very early in the
morning. I found myself asking for clarification from the cashier several times before I
pretended to understand what he was saying. I could tell that he was getting frustrated
when I asked for clarification twice so I was too embarrassed to ask a third time. The
noisy environment of the coffee shop was the most difficult to hear in. ... Show more
content on ...
I struggled to listen to the instructor and found myself having to work very hard to
understand her then about an hour into class I began to lose focus and stopped paying
attention. In this instance, I empathized with the children who have an unidentified
hearing loss and struggle to pay attention in school. These children are often identified as
having attention and behavior issues when in reality their hearing is the problem. This
further emphasized the importance of services such as hearing aids, FM systems or other
amplification methods to ensure that these children do not have to work so hard to

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