Creative Essay Sample

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Creative Essay Sample

Crafting a creative essay on the topic of "Creative Essay Sample" might seem paradoxical at first
glance. The challenge lies in the open-ended nature of the assignment, as creativity knows no bounds
and can take various forms. It demands a delicate balance between structure and free expression,
requiring the writer to navigate the fine line between coherence and imaginative exploration.

The difficulty begins with the paradoxical nature of the task itself – trying to define creativity within
the constraints of a traditional essay format. Unlike more straightforward topics, the challenge here is
not only to communicate ideas effectively but also to do so in a manner that reflects the essence of
creativity. This requires the writer to step outside the conventional boundaries of essay writing and
embrace a more unconventional, innovative approach.

Moreover, finding the right balance between creativity and coherence can be a daunting task. It
involves the constant interplay of divergent thinking and logical organization. The fear of veering too
far into the realm of chaos or, conversely, becoming overly formulaic can be paralyzing. The writer
must tread carefully, avoiding the trap of clichés and the mundane while still adhering to the basic
principles of structure.

Additionally, the subjective nature of creativity poses another layer of complexity. What one person
finds groundbreaking and imaginative, another might perceive as disjointed or confusing.
Navigating this subjective terrain requires not only a keen understanding of one's audience but also
the ability to take risks and embrace vulnerability in the pursuit of originality.

In conclusion, crafting a creative essay on the topic of "Creative Essay Sample" is an intricate dance
between structure and innovation. It demands a writer's willingness to explore the uncharted
territories of their imagination while maintaining a thread of coherence. Though challenging, the
process can be incredibly rewarding, offering a unique opportunity for self-expression and pushing
the boundaries of traditional essay writing.

For those seeking assistance or inspiration in tackling such creative challenges, a variety of resources
are available. Similar essays and more can be ordered through platforms like ,
providing a valuable support system for individuals navigating the complexities of creative
expression in written form.
Creative Essay Sample Creative Essay Sample
Essay on A Universal Renaissance Man
A Universal Renaissance Man James Mercer Langston Hughes was born February 1,
1902 in Joplin, Missouri, to school teacher Carrie (Caroline) Mercer Langston and
James Nathaniel Hughes. Hughes father left his family, and later divorced Carrie
moving to Cuba, and then Mexico trying to escape the racism in the United States.
Since his mom traveled looking for work, young Langston was being raised by his
maternal grandmother, Mary Patterson Langston in Lawrence, Kansas. She told him
stories of abolitionist and courageous slaves who struggled for their freedom, it was
these stories that gave him a great sense of racial pride. After the death of his
grandmother in 1912 Langston lived with family friends for awhile, but, eventually he
ended up... Show more content on ...
It is on the trip to Mexico that thinking of his dad s disdain for his people that Langston
wrote The Negro Speaks of Rivers it was published in Crisis, the magazine of the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Langston is noted as
saying, I didn t understand it, because I was a Negro, and I liked Negroes very much.
As he crossed the Mississippi River Langston looked out the window and thought of
what rivers meant to the black slaves. In the beginning his father had hoped he would
attend a university abroad and study engineering, but Langston wanted to be a writer.
The two came to a compromise: Langston would study engineering as long as he could
attend Columbia. Although he managed to maintain a B+ GPA he left in 1922 because
of racial prejudice. It was at this time that he became more involved with Harlem than
his studies, though he continued writing poetry. Although Langston s poetry career had
begun in 1921 after The Negro Speaks of Rivers Langston worked various jobs before
becoming a crewman aboard the S.S. Malone in 1923 and traveling to West Africa and
Europe. He spent six months as a busboy in Paris and continued writing poetry
influenced by Carl Sandburg, Walt Whitman, and Laurence Dunbar. In 1924 he decided
to return back to the U.S. to live with his mom in Washington, D.C. Langston again
worked various jobs until he landed
Legalization Of Cannabis Analysis
In legalizing cannabis, the American people will be given the best option for treatment
to improve their physical and mental health. The use of cannabis as an herbal
medicine, goes back to 2700 BC, when the Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung, first
discovered it along with ginseng and ephedra which treated diseases across civilizations
( History of Marijuana as Medicine ). Despite having mainstream medicines to treat
diseases and chronic pain, Americans across the U.S. still suffer and are often crippled
by their affliction. It makes sense to legalize cannabisbecause it is the most natural, least
harmful, and least addictive drug for therapeutic treatment. Grinspoon and Bakalar have
claimed that the simplest way to enable patients to use cannabis... Show more content on ...
Most people are physically conditioned with using opioids that it is becoming an
ineffective treatment, thus causing misuse, taking higher doses than the prescribed
quantity (Tina Rosenberg). Consequently, opioid abuse is killing thousands from an
overdose. In 2015, opioids had killed 33,000 people (Douglas Berman), whereas no
overdose of cannabis has been reported (Igor Grant). Further, opioids ability to cause
physical dependence and withdrawals surpass those of cannabis (Grant). In the latest
national survey by Pew Research Center assembled those who supported legalizing
marijuana and those who were opposed. In that survey, those that opposed, thirty
percent concluded that cannabis was dangerous, addictive, and lead too many people
to more drugs; when in fact, scientific evidence concludes that states with legalized
medical marijuana witness fewer opiate deaths and use (Berman). This is because
cannabis has the capabilities to lessen the necessity for high doses of opioids, thus
causing opioids dependence and addiction to be limited (Carey Clark). The reason
cannabis is such an effective treatment is due to its ability to connect with the body s
sensory system (Mark Torres). This connection allows cannabis to create obstructs of
inflammation and prevent disease (Torres). Therefore, only a few drugs can compete
with cannabis effectiveness which comes with hardly any side effects (Torres).
During a research for the documentary Weed , the Figi family treated their five year old
daughter with medical marijuana for Dravet s Syndrome, which caused seizures and
severe developmental delays (Welsh and Loria). The use of cannabis had decreased her
seizures from 300 a week to just one every seven days. Forty other children in the state
are using the same strain of marijuana to treat their seizures and it seems to be working

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