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Module 4h.

Ex. 2
1. 3D images characters
appear on 7. has been at
flat screens, the top of
whereas the music
holographic charts and
2. images are tickets for
projected to her tours
appear as have sold
real objects out
3. the US 8. the fashion
Presidential designer,
Election in Alexander
2008 by CNN McQueen
4. users could
Ex 3.
touch a
holographic 1. advanced
screen and 2. flat
there 3. news
5. would be no 4. sell-out
need for a 5. top
mouse or a 6. fashion
Ex 4.
6. the band
 ~brief look =  the name of
glimpse the game -
 ~not para 1
possible=  the writer's
out of the opinions
question about the
 ~having an game - para
effect on 3
=left its mark  the type of
on game - para
 ~do the 1
same =
Ex 2.

 ~virtual -
Module 4I.
Ex 1.  ~latest -
 the writer's
 ~popular -
ation - para
 ~realistic -
 the features
 ~exciting –
of the game
- para 2
Ex 3.
1. spacious
2. modern 8. acts, twist -
3. terrific play
4. impressive
5. skillful Ex 5.
6. reasonably- ~film: action, horror,
priced sci-fi, animated,
7. cheerful fantasy, western
8. helpful
Ex 4. supporting, lead role,
1. characters,
villain, hero, sidekick
down - book ~special effects:
2. lyrics, tracks spectacular,
- music CD simplistic,
3. graphics - imaginative, stunning
video game ~plot: fast-paced,
4. dishes,
dramatic, clever, dull,
service -
5. plot, effects
– film Ex 6.
6. stage - play Available in the
7. star- autumn this is a must
studded, have for video game
cast - film
enthusiasts and
sports fans alike and I 6. well worth
for one can’t wait. seeing

Ex 7.
1. recommend
2. put it down
3. miss it
4. biggest hits
5. definitely

Ex 9.

1. It's an action film.

2. The film is directed by Marc Webb.

3. It stars Andrew Garfield in the lead role.

4. It is set in New York City.

5. It tells the story of Peter Parker as he learns that


got superpowers.

6. The story begins with Peter Parker as a high school

student who is trying to discover why his parents

7. The cast is superb.

8. The plot is absolutely gripping.

9. It has an action-packed ending and spectacular

special effects.

10. I thoroughly recommend this film.

Module 5a. 6. Chips

The Nanobots Ex 4.

Ex 2. 1. He told the
audience that they
1-D 2-A 3-B 4-A 5-C 6- were creating an
C artificial brain.
Ex 3. 2. Josie told me that
1. Environment she had just found a
job working in
2. Device
a science lab.
3. Developed
3. He said that they
4. Applications would seon have
enough money to
5. Commands
buy a more powerful I think that all of
computer. these people can be
described as bright
4. Tom told me that
he was going to sparks because they
watch Frankenstein had great ideas. I
think Angela
on DVD that night.
Zhang must have
5. She said that Philip discovered something
was very interested in really important,
Cameron Johnson
6. Tony said that Sally must have been
worked for a successful in
company that business,
designed robots. Emily Cummins must
7. She told me that have invented
she had read an something really
article about useful and Dereck
artificial intelligence Kayongo must have
the other day. done something

Module 5b. that really helped a

Ex 1.
Ex 2.

Bright sparks
1-C 2-A 3-A 4-D 5-B 6- 1. Evaporates
D 7-A 8-B 9-C 10-B
11-C 12-C 13-D 2. Tumors

14-A 15-D 3. Tissue

Ex 3. 4. Rejection

~stunned = shocked 5. Cross

~decode = solve 6. Donate

~promising = likely to Ex 5.
be ~successful 1. He asked her if he
~purchased = bought could buy those
~hosted = presented
2. He apologised for
~put themselves out not having called her.
there = ~make
themselves knon 3. Sally told Mike not
to throw it away.
~portable = easily
moved 4. She asked him
where he had got it
~potential = from.
5. He reminded
~sanitise = him/her/them to
clean/disinfect hand in his/her/their

Ex 4. essay the next day.

6. He ordered us to 8. He refused to give
stop shouting. up

7. She suggested
watching/that we
watch Beat the Boss'.

Module 5c. What can visitors see

and do there?
Ex 1.
Visitors can touch the
I know that the Royal prime meridian and
Observatory is in stand over it
with one foot in each
London, England and of the world's
that it has something hemispheres. They
to do with
can also visit
the stars and planets. London's only
What is the planetarium.
observatory most Ex 2.
famous for?
Where Time Begins
It is famous for being
the place where time 1. than
2. when

3. after
4. can ~divides = cuts into
5. up
~boasts = has
6. order something that it is
7. not proud of

8. for Ex 4.

9. is ~unknown -famous

10. each ~real - imaginary

11. well ~incorrect - accurate

12. where ~spread - gathered

Ex 3. ~changeable - fixed

~calculated = worked ~tiniest - largest

out ~minor - major
~imaginary = not real Ex 5.
~tricky = difficult I learnt that all world
~navigate = sail/steer time is calculated
from the prime
~pinpoint = find the
exact position of meridian, an
imaginary line at the
~brilliant = very Royal Observatory in
Greenwich, London. I ~stunning =
learnt that the Royal impressive/beautiful
~following in the
was set up in 1675 footsteps of = doing
because sailors the same things as
needed to know the
~diverse = varied
exact time to
navigate around the ~dazzling =
world. I also leant impressive/beautiful
that ~trapped = unable to
the meridian divides escape
the globe into two ~massive = huge
~embraces = accepts
Module 5e.
~exhale = breathe out
Ex 1.
~have the best of
Into the Unknown both worlds = enjoy
1-C 2-B 3-D 4-F two different

5-E 6-H 7-G 8-A opportunities

Ex 3. Ex. 5

1-B 2-D 3-A 4-D 5-C 6- 1. descended

B 2. plunged into
Ex 4.
Module 5f. 1-F 2-C 3-G 4-A 5-H 6-
D 7-E
Ex 1.
Ex. 3b
~single-minded =
focused The author's purpose
in writing this article
~doesn't give up = was to
persuade the reader
~brave = courageous to believe in
~willing to accept something and do
ideas/suggestions = their
open-minded best to make it come
~looks at the positive true. By using Thomas
= optimistic Edison's life

~really wants to be as an example, the

successful = writer is trying to
ambitious persuade the reader

~won't let anything that they should work

stop him/her doing hard and be
sth = determined persistent in order to

Ex 3. achieve their dreams

in life.
On the path to true
genius Ex 4.

1. None
2. A little 6. Fell, deep

3. Much 7. On

4. Hardly any Ex 6.

5. A lot of ~had a hand in =

participated in
6. All
~give up = stop trying
7. Both
~stepping stones =a
8. Few, many way to ~make
9. Several progress

10. Many intolerant of = not

willing to accept/put
11. A great deal of up with
12. Either ~try taking a leaf out
of Edison's book =
13. Any behave the
Ex 5. same way as Edison
1. Practical ~effective =
2. Long-lasting successful

3. Reach ~drift off to sleep =

slowly fall asleep
4. Contributed to
~scribble down =
5. Out write down quickly
~stuck on = unable to 2. Jill has had her
do equipment checked.

~wander = move Module 5g.

from topic to topic
Ex 1.
~tap into = make use
of ~deal with people -
waitress, bank cashier
3. crashed into
~start your own
4. collapsed business - open a
dance studio,
5. floated manicurist
6. shattered ~have a 9-5 job in an
Ex. 6a office - human
resources assistant,
We use the causative
when we have typist
arranged for ~be the boss - a chief
someone else to do editor, store manager
something for us. ~work from home as
Example in text: She a freelancer
has had her stunning - online teacher,
photographs journalist
published worldwide

Ex. 6b
~become a though; I think there
professional - vet, would be far too
professor much pressure.

~have a skilled job - Ex 3.

painter/decorator 1-A 2-C 3-C 4-B 5-B 6-
C 7-A
~work in the armed
forces/emergency Module 5h.
services - naval Ex 2.
officer, police officer One Brain or Two
~become a famous 1-B 2-D 3-B
celebrity - TV
presenter, DJ 4-D 5-A 6-B

I might like to start 7-D 8-C 9-B

my own business in
the future; maybe 10-D 11-C 12-A

something like a web Ex 3.

design business, ~regulates = controls
because l'd like to be
~complex =
my own boss. I really complicated
wouldn't like to be a
famous celebrity, ~senses = the five
physical abilities
(touch, taste, sight,
smell & hearing) 2. past tenses will be
~dominant = more
powerful 3. I must begin the
story with the words:
~function = purpose It seemed like
~handle = deal an opportunity too
with/manage good to miss.
3. She will have her 4. The story could be
new diving mask about a great
delivered tomorrow. opportunity that
4. Greg had his someone is offered,
swollen ankle for example to take
examined by the part in an
exciting activity and
5. Nick is having his something that
wetsuit repaired. happens while
Module 5i. the person takes part.
Ex 1. 5. I should write 120-
1. short story 180 words.
competition, 6. I can begin the
magazine readers will story with a
read it description of the
weather, who was Ex 3.
involved, what they
were going to A3 B5 C1 D8

do, when the story E2 F7 G4 H6

took place and the Ex 4.
feelings of
those involved. I members of the
might end it with potholing club
what happened in
~tiny dark tunnel
the end and how the
characters felt. ~slow dripping of
Ex 2.
~cool dampness
sets the scene: para 1
~huge cave
describe the events in
the order they ~glistening stalactites
happened: 2 & 3 and stalagmites

include direct speech: ~thundering crack

paras 2 & 4
~icy water
describe the
characters' feelings: ~fresh air
para 1 & 4 Ex 4b.
includes the climax 1. Heavily
event: para 3
2. Frantically 4. approaching

3. Anxiously 5. grinning

4. Slowly Ex 6.

5. Violently 1. waited nervously

Ex 5. 2. crept

move - crawl, reach, 3. peered

gush, hurry look -
search 4. huge

say - yell 5. deep

see - spot 6. fantastic

Ex 5b. excited

A 8. powerful

1. crept 9. rock violently

2. spotted 10. absolutely

3. ran
Ex 7.
to begin - creating
1. staring atmosphere by
describing the
2. drifting weather,
3. noticed
people, setting the mood
scene; expressing the
characters' feelings/

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