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Oedipus Rex Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Oedipus Rex" can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires a deep
understanding of Sophocles' classic play and the ability to analyze its intricate themes, characters,
and literary elements. The complexity of Oedipus's character, the tragic unfolding of the plot, and the
layers of symbolism demand careful consideration and thoughtful expression.

Moreover, exploring the psychological and philosophical dimensions embedded in the narrative adds
another layer of difficulty. Addressing the concept of fate, the inevitability of Oedipus's tragic
downfall, and the moral implications of his actions further intensifies the challenge. The task is not
just to summarize the story but to delve into its nuances, offering insightful interpretations that
demonstrate a profound comprehension of the play's timeless significance.

Furthermore, constructing a coherent and well-structured essay requires a meticulous approach to

organizing ideas, integrating evidence from the text, and presenting a compelling argument.
Balancing the exploration of themes with a focused thesis statement can be a delicate act, requiring a
careful examination of the source material and scholarly perspectives.

In summary, writing an essay on "Oedipus Rex" demands a combination of literary analysis, critical
thinking, and effective communication skills. It necessitates a deep dive into the complexities of the
play, an understanding of its cultural and historical context, and the ability to articulate meaningful
insights. While challenging, such an essay can be a rewarding exercise in literary exploration.

For those seeking assistance or more insights on similar essays, various resources are available.
Services like offer support in crafting essays on a wide range of topics, providing
an avenue for individuals to access professional help in academic writing endeavors.
Oedipus Rex Essay Oedipus Rex Essay
The Smiley s Journey
He set the frog the down and went after this feller. (Twain) The story is good ol smiley
chased after this fella for days. His journey began just leaving camp, having no idea
where this fella went he simply just started along the main road hoping to find
someone who might know where he d gone off to. He eventually came across a man
that seemed like he s been traveling for ages. His black hair was down to his chin, his
beard was down to his chest, his body was covered in bruises and scratches. Ol smiley
almost giving up hope of ever catching the man who d done him wrong, he asked if this
fella had seen anyone like the crook on the road. The man looked up angrily and stated
that he had his scratches because the man had robbed him of all he had.... Show more
content on ...
After passing a large hillside, full of green and beautiful flowers as far as the eye could
see. He found himself at a dilapidated ol tavern. He decided to step off the road to ask
the owner of that said tavern if he s seen the crook he was after maybe also catch a
drink before departing. Upon entering the tavern, he felt as if he was being watched
from afar. The tavern seemed like one good gust of wind could blow the whole worn
place down but he knew he wouldn t stay long. The tavern owner was an old man that
seemed barely able to walk, with his hair line receding behind his forehead. Smiley sat
down at the broken down ol bar and asked the bar keep if he seen anyone come in here
matching the description of the crook. The bar keep said he had some information on
the man but nothing in this world was free. Smiley, wanting to find this man at all cost
even if it would cost him everything, payed what little money he had left, ruining that
chance of ever having a drink. The bar keep told him he saw a man looking like that
enter the road behind the tavern that led up the mountain. He said there was nothing but
death up in those parts with the road only leading to a dark
The White Umbrella By Gish Jen Summary
In The White Umbrella , author Gish Jen illustrates the life of a Chinese family living in
America, where they don t fit in. The narrator, a girl who is embarrassed by the fact that
her mom works, tries hard to keep it a secret and doesn t realize how much she needs her
until she might be dead. This short story teaches the lesson that you should appreciate the
things that already make you happy and not get distracted by what you think will make
you happy. Throughout the story, the author shows this theme by the character s actions,
repeating important symbolism, and in the turning point of the story. One way the author
conveys the theme is through the main character s actions. She strives to be like an
American girl and is stubbornly blind
Ben Her Movie
BEN HER REVIEW Ben Her is a film what is about forgiveness and hate. I will be
reviewing the length of the movie and how that effects the movie and second Ill
review how Jesus was shown in the movies. A brief overview of the movie is as
follows. Messala and Judah (Ben Her) are brothers. But when messala leaves to fight
for Rome things change between them. The reason behind this is because Rome and
Jerusalem don t get along. After Messala returns, there is an accident and Judah takes
blame. With this, he goes on a long, awful adventure. But he eventually finds the Sheik
and things start to turn up. Lastly He then enters a chariot race that he will either win
and stay alive, or die trying. The length differences in the movies are one of the biggest
reason on how they are different. In the 1959 film the boat scenes and when he meets a
friend drag out the movie way longer than it needs to be. There are also Long scenes with
a lot of side stories... Show more content on ...
In 1959 Jesus was more of a mysterious figure. They never showed his face and also
don t he him spreading the word of God. In 2016 Jesus s face is shown and we see him
in a lot of scenes not only helping people but we see him spreading the word of God.
In the 1959 film we see Judah receive water from Jesus and also him when he s about
to preach on the hill. But in the 2016 film we see him preaching, jumping in front of a
person getting stones and we hear him talking, not only talking about God while
preaching to others but on the cross when he is about to die. Having these be different
gave the movie a completely different feel. I talked to people in the class and most
agreed that in the 1959 movie when Jesus was hung on the cross they didn t get as
emotional in watching it as in the 2016 movie. They felt like they connected to Jesus
more in the 2016 because they understood and loved what he was standing
The Perfect Concept Of Beauty In Edvard Munch s The
As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is
art. Therefore, does that mean that all art is supposed to be beautiful? During the time of
the Renaissance, the objective of beauty is vastly different compared to modern beauty.
Even so, the ideal concept of beauty for women during the Renaissance era was to be
nothing more than sensual. Women in paintings during the modern time are genuinely
petite. That is what most would consider beautiful and all women strive to be in order to
one day wife a wealthy man. The painting called The Scream, is a piece of art that could
debatably be considered beautiful. Thus, what really determines if art is truly beautiful?
Edvard Munch s 1893 modern art painting called The Scream is one of the most famous
paintings of all time. Edvard Munch s painting is famous for its bountiful colors, the
effulgent sky, and not to mention the individual screaming in anguish all alone on the
never before seen, dock. Like Vincent Van Gogh, Edvard Munch went through his life
struggling with anxiety and ultimately insanity. The painter was not only troubled with
this disorder through his own ways, but also witnessed his mentally ill sister be
hospitalized around the same time as the magnificent painting was made. With this
information, Edvard Munch created The Scream as an autobiographical picture. The
painting is considered to be an expressionistic construction of Munch s real life
experience of a horrific scream
Supply and Demand Simulation
Supply and Demand Simulation Summary

University of Phoenix

ECO360, Economics for Business I

The Supply/Demand simulation involves acting as property manager for GoodLife

Management in the fictional town of Atlantis. GoodLife Management manages seven
apartment complexes in Atlantis. The property manager is expected to adjust the
monthly rental rate of two bed rental apartments and the quantity of apartments supplied
based on the market trends. Factors that influence the supply and demand for apartments
include personal preferences, economy, income, and rental rates. Each of these factors
affect the ratio of vacant and occupied apartments. Decisions regarding supply, demand,
and price require careful evaluation. Regular ... Show more content on ...
The equilibrium rental rate was then higher than before, but the equilibrium quantity was
The last situation in the simulation introduced the concept of governmental price
controls for monthly rental rates. Since the price ceiling was lower than the equilibrium
price, the quantity demanded was higher than the quantity supplied. Goodlife could not
afford to rent all apartments at the ceiling price. Other forms of revenue, such as
increased key deposits, had to be implemented. Consequently, there was an excess
demand, creating a supply shortage. Goodlife was then able to be more restrictive when
selecting renters, which can affect economic and social aspects of the community. The
imbalance of demand and supply can lead to discrimination in tenants and an increase in
ancillary charges, such as key charges. As illustrated in the simumation, price controls
can have negative consequences on the housing supply.
In conclusion, the simulation confronted the user with a variety of situations that
affected the supply and demand of rental units. The prices and quantity supplied had to
be adjusted according to the factors affecting the supply and demand. The key
components from the reading material that were reinforced in the simulation were supply
and demand, shifts in supply and demand, equilibrium, and price ceilings.

1.What causes the changes in supply and demand in the simulation?

The monthly
Design Of A Smart Blind Stick
Since centuries, mobility have been the provocative issue for blind people or partially
sighted people. Everybody including blind people needs to move. Hence there are some
limitations with such devices as they are not much efficient. With the advancement of
technology, several prototypes have been developed for blind assistance. They are
usually known as blind stick. For the betterment of Pakistan and third worldcountries
which are least developed proposing a user friendly and cost effective electronic
embedded blind stick keeping in mind the limited resources. The significant design of
this smart blind stick is the use of a reflective technique that is known as diffuse
scanning method that is cost effective and will also only help in rehabilitation of blind
individuals all around the world especially in poor countries where rehabilitation is quite
limited to specific individuals.
Significant components used are IR emitter, IR receiver, potentiometer and amplifier to
form prime photo electric sensor. Along with it DC battery, power switch and buzzer is
connected in the blind stick.
A photoelectric sensor is a device that senses a change in light beam intensity.
Characteristically, this means either non detection or detection of the sensor s emitted
light source. Depending upon sensors, the nature of light and method by which the target
is detected varies accordingly.
It is sometimes called proximity mode. For application of this mode, the transmitter and
receiver of
Funeral Planning For Life After Death
Ami Richardson
Missouri Southern State University

Ami Richardson
March 18, 2014
It s assumed that people have knowledge of what is appropriate planning for life after
death, but nobody is ever prepared; and that is why preplanning is necessary. Death and
dying is a part of life nobody likes to discuss, plain and simple, it makes us
uncomfortable. This is a major contributor to why no one plans ahead. Nobody likes to
think about death, it isn t a pleasant thought to most of us. However, unfortunately, in our
lifetime, avoiding a funeral is inevitable.
In pursuing this further, there are several aspects to this topic; such as, preplanning,
financial planning, cost, and the surviving family members. Funeral planning is
something we all will have to do at one point in our lives, but where should we begin?
It is a good idea to start with the preplanning of the funeral. Preplanning is crucial; it
provides piece of mind, especially for surviving family. As said earlier, discussing one
s mortality is an extremely uncomfortable topic; however, by preplanning a funeral, it
will relieve the family of having to make important decisions during a period of
immense stress and grief. Furthermore, preplanning gives time to explore the options for
a ceremony and allows time to discuss the financial aspects. It also gives a chance to
choose a funeral home that best suit ones needs and budget. Moreover, the first decision
that needs to be made
The Road Use Internal Combustion Engines
Introduction Currently, most vehicles on the road use internal combustion engines
(ICEs). This type of engine has existed from as early as the 19th century, when
Nikolaus Otto created the first 4 stroke cycle (Otto cycle) system, which is still used in
cars to this day. As of 2010, the vehicular population surpassed 1 billion (according to
the research by Ward s Auto [1]), meaning the IC engine is extremely widespread
throughout the world. However, this does not mean that an IC engine is the most
effective way of producing power for vehicles nowadays. They have many problems,
which include but are not limited to increased fuel consumption and high CO2 emissions.
There have been many attempts to improve the IC engine, including the... Show more
content on ...
For each cylinder, there is a piston attached to a crankshaft, allowing it to move up and
down (i.e. complete a stroke), an intake manifold housing the intake valve, connected
to the combustion chamber and exhaust valve. The intake valve opens, and air is taken
into the combustion chamber, as the piston is pulled towards the crankshaft (Intake
Stroke). Then the valves are closed, and the piston is extended, pressurising a
combination of air and fuel in the compression chamber, causing combustion
(Compression Stroke). This instantaneous combustion causes the pressure in the
combustion chamber to increase and act on the face of the piston, causing it to be
pushed back towards the crankshaft (Power Stroke). After this, the exhaust valve is
opened, and the gas escapes (Exhaust Stroke). Idling However, every time one cycle
is completed, some fuel is used to create the spark during the power stroke. This means
that when the car is idling (i.e. the engine is on, but the car is stationary), a lot of fuel
and energy is wasted. This will not only negatively affect fuel consumption, but also
increase the CO2 emissions, which are already quite high. As stated by the U.S.
Department of Energy, around 27 million tonnes (30 million tons) of CO2 is produced
in the US alone [3], just due to idling vehicles. Personal vehicles also waste
approximately 3 million tonnes of fuel annually, just

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