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Oliver Cromwell Hero Or Villain Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Oliver Cromwell: Hero or Villain" poses a unique set of
challenges. Firstly, the historical figure of Oliver Cromwell is a complex and controversial character,
making it difficult to present a one-sided argument. His role in English history is marked by both
commendable accomplishments and questionable actions, leaving room for interpretation and debate.

One of the challenges lies in navigating through the extensive historical records and conflicting
narratives surrounding Cromwell. Research demands a careful examination of primary sources,
contemporary accounts, and varying perspectives from historians. The task of sifting through biased
accounts and deciphering the true nature of Cromwell's character requires a meticulous approach to
historical analysis.

Furthermore, addressing the opposing views on Cromwell – whether he should be hailed as a hero
for his military successes, political leadership, and role in the establishment of the Commonwealth,
or condemned as a villain for his harsh treatment of dissenters, involvement in the execution of
Charles I, and military campaigns in Ireland – adds another layer of complexity. Striking a balance
between acknowledging his achievements and critiquing his actions necessitates a nuanced and well-
supported argument.

Constructing a coherent and persuasive thesis is another hurdle. Successfully navigating the fine line
between portraying Cromwell as a hero or a villain requires a well-articulated argument supported by
evidence and analysis. The essay must delve into the intricacies of his leadership, policies, and impact
on society, presenting a comprehensive picture that allows the reader to form their own informed

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Oliver Cromwell: Hero or Villain" demands
thorough research, critical analysis, and a nuanced approach to historical interpretation. Successfully
addressing the complexities of Cromwell's character and legacy requires a deep understanding of the
historical context and an ability to present a well-balanced argument. Ultimately, the challenge lies in
crafting an essay that does justice to the multifaceted nature of this historical figure.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essays or need assistance with academic writing, consider
seeking help from professional services. Platforms like offer support for various
types of essays, providing customized and well-researched content to meet your academic needs.
Oliver Cromwell Hero Or Villain EssayOliver Cromwell Hero Or Villain Essay
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Beowulf,son of Ecgtheow fought savage beasts far and wide,traveled treacherous places
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horror/And quickly commanded a boat fitted out proclaiming that he d go to that
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terrible monster,Grendel so he would help this king that he never met.This explains he
is willing to face this creature that s terrifying hrothgar s people and is willing to do
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someone.For instance Hrothgar The wise old king/Trembled in anger and grief, his
dearest/ Friend and adviser dead.Beowulf/ was sent for at once;... [t]he gray haired king
wondering/If God would ever end this misery/The Geats tramped quickly through the
hall; (19, 1307 1316).After hearing the
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promised to reshape the media landscape. If this deal were to be approved, AT T
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Warner s stable of TV networks and programming (Gryta). This potential merger has
drawn many comparisons to Comcast s acquisition of NBC Universal in 2011. Despite
the acquisition of NBC Universal successfully going through, U.S. regulatory officials
and rivals have expressed concerns that some government conditions regarding Comcast
s behavior, such as its requirement to not weigh in on strategic decisions at streaming
service Hulu, were tough to monitor and enforce (Gryta). Many rival executives and
members of Congress share the same fear regarding the AT T and Time Warnermerger.
There is the belief that this potential deal would put too much concentration of power in
the hands of too few (Gryta).
Essentially, people are worried that if this deal were to go through, AT T would gain
significantly more control over the television market which could potentially result in
fewer choices and higher prices. Furthermore, by acquiring Time Warner, AT T would
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identified by many as the Preschool Years. During that time is when we begin to expose
children to a variety of techniques and activities that increase their gross motor skills in
both indoor and outdoor settings, because they are essential for this age group. Of course
we now that these stages are general and all children develop on their own timeline, but
the exposure to such activities is essential in children s development. Therefore we allow
our children or students to manipulate games, objects and tool that will help them
develop gradually their strength, control, hand eye coordination, and manipulation of
their arms, risks, hands and fingers, legs, and feet. Not to mention the importance that
Physical development has in all the other areas of development. Physical Development
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Coleridge adapted for his own.
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the reader to believe that it will soon become important by foreshadowing without ...
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Mariner suffers? He becomes trapped in life, to wander the earth forever, spreading his
story a prison of freedom, a cell made out of eternal life. A curse disguised as the world
s greatest blessing. He goes further to describe the boat when he says the line, Are
those her ribs through which the Sun/ Did peer, as through a grate? This is, on one
level, merely continuing the same vein of interpretation as mentioned before, both
veins. But on another level, it describes the weariness of the Ancient Mariner, and the
old and eaten away shape his body has taken on over the years his ribs sharp and bony
against even the baggy of rags.
Later, it discusses a very old superstition that many may not be familiar with the legend
of the Moon as guardian of the dead, and keeper of the souls that have passed on. More
than once, it is alluded to that the Moon is keeping the sailors souls safe, and that the
Moon is holding them captive where they lie, as well. Once it even mentions that the
Ancient Mariner sees the cold and pale unfeeling light of the moon reflected in the dead
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possible care. This will be achieved by following the five key stages of patient
assessment from Pilbery et al. (2013, pp. 114 239). This will consist of the Scene
management, primary assessment, History taking, Secondary assessment and
reassessment of the patient. Following this, the patient s presenting complaint would be
managed according to the findings and relevant guidelines.

Based on the primary survey, it is understood that there is no danger. Therefore, making it
safe for a crew to enter and examine the patient. Safety is extremely important in pre
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Furthermore, According to Cretikos et al. (2008), an adult with a respiratory rate of over
24 breaths per minute in combination with other evidence of physiological instabilities,
can sometimes be an early indicator that a patient may be critically ill.

This patient has oxygen saturation levels of 94%on air. Thus, she is considered to be
within the lower level of being within the normal range. At this moment, it would not be
necessary to give emergency oxygen according to the Guideline for emergency oxygen
use in adult patients (2008). However, due to the saturations being in the lower range, it
is advised that the saturation probe stays on the patient s finger. This would be as a
precautionary measure in case she becomes hypoxic (Henderson, 2014).

Her heart rate is high at 110 beats per minute (bpm). In medical terms, any person who
has over 100bpm is classed as having Supraventricular tachycardia (NHS Choices,
2015). Increased heart rate can be caused due to the increased respiratory effort or
overuse of β2 agonist (Henderson, 2015). Increases in breaths per minute are a sign that
there is a reduced amount of oxygen getting to the lungs. This in turn, will show a
reduction of oxygen in the blood. As a result, in order to compensate, the heart will then
work faster in an effort to provide the necessary amount of oxygen to the rest

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