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Essay On Patience

Crafting an essay on the theme of patience can be a formidable task, as the concept itself is intricate
and multifaceted. Patience is not a one-dimensional trait; it encompasses a range of emotions,
behaviors, and perspectives that require careful consideration and exploration. The challenge lies in
dissecting this abstract quality and presenting it in a coherent, engaging, and insightful manner.

To begin with, defining patience involves navigating through its various dimensions, from the
personal to the societal. It requires delving into the psychological aspects, exploring how individuals
cultivate patience in the face of adversity or delay. Additionally, one must examine the cultural and
historical contexts that shape our understanding of patience, recognizing its significance in different
societies and periods.

The difficulty intensifies when attempting to provide concrete examples and illustrations. Patience is
often manifested in subtle ways, making it challenging to find tangible instances that vividly capture
its essence. Whether it's waiting for a goal to materialize or enduring a challenging circumstance, the
challenge is to weave these examples into a narrative that resonates with the reader, fostering a
deeper appreciation for the virtue.

Moreover, striking the right balance between theoretical discussions and real-life applications is no
easy feat. The essay must offer a theoretical framework for understanding patience while grounding
it in relatable experiences. This requires a delicate dance between abstract concepts and concrete
scenarios, a challenge that demands a nuanced approach to writing.

Crafting a compelling conclusion also poses its own set of challenges. Summarizing the intricate
exploration of patience in a way that leaves a lasting impression on the reader requires finesse. It
involves tying together various threads of thought, leaving the audience with a sense of
enlightenment and a newfound appreciation for the virtue in question.

In essence, writing an essay on patience is akin to a journey through a labyrinth of ideas, requiring
careful navigation and thoughtful analysis. It demands the writer's patience in itself, as distilling this
complex concept into a coherent and impactful piece necessitates time, reflection, and a genuine
understanding of the subject matter.

On a different note, for those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges,
resources like provide a platform where expert help can be enlisted. Such services
can offer valuable support in tackling the intricacies of essay writing, making the journey towards a
well-crafted piece a more manageable endeavor.
Essay On Patience Essay On Patience
Historical And Contextical Roots Of The Political Economy...
Some historical and theoretical roots of the political economy of communication
The political economy of communication (PEC) has its roots in moral and political
philosophers that have established the foundations of political economy s field, such as
Adam Smith, Karl Marx, or J.S. Mill. Nevertheless, later interpreters have narrowed their
works to their contributions to the field of economics, ignoring not only the political
aspects of their inquiries, but also the moral foundations of their intellectual enterprises.
In other words, classical moral philosophers at the core of political economy were
originally committed to disentangling the scope and implications of social structures
organizing human life, regarding normative as well as practical ways of social
distribution of power and access to resources. However, instead of acknowledging their
broader trajectories as philosophers, the field has later labeled them just as economists, at
the same time economy has turned into a science , spreading its technocratic dogma.

Indeed, in his well known overview of the field of the PEC, Mosco (2009) describes a
genealogy situating its starting point in the political economy of the 18th century,
grounded upon the work of those moral philosophers. By that time, thinkers such as
Adam Smith were engaged in making sense and promoting capitalism s acceleration,
tradition that finds echo in its 20th century versions that celebrate the growth of
communication industries. Indeed, the
Essay on Giant Panda
What animal is black and white and loved all over the world? If you guessed the giant
panda, you re right! The giant panda is also known as the panda bear, bamboo bear, or in
Chinese as Daxiongmao, the quot;large bear cat. quot; Actually, its scientific name means
quot;black and white cat footed animal. quot; Giant pandasare found only in the
mountains of central China. They live in dense bambooand coniferous forests at altitudes
of 5,000 to 10,000 feet. The mountains are covered in heavy clouds with torrential rains
or dense mist throughout the year. Giant pandas are bear like in shape with striking black
and white markings.

The ears, eye patches, legs, and shoulder band are black. The rest of the body is whitish.
Adults are 4 to 6 ... Show more content on ...
Ling Ling, at age 23, died in December 1992.

Giant pandas are among the rarest mammals in the world. There are probably less than
1,000 left in the wild. Although adult giant pandas have few natural enemies, the young
are sometimes preyed upon by leopards. Habitat encroachment and destruction are the
greatest threats to the continued existence of the giant panda. This is mainly because of
the demand for land and natural resources by China s 1 billion inhabitants. To offset this
situation, the Chinese government has set aside 11 nature preserves where bamboo
flourishes and giant pandas are known to live.

Giant pandas are being poached, because their dense fur carries a high price in illegal
markets in the Far East. The Chinese government has imposed life sentences for those
convicted of poaching giant pandas. The low reproductive capacity of the giant panda
makes it more vulnerable to these threats, and less capable of rebounding from its low
numbers. In 1984, due to its decreasing numbers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
listed the giant panda as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. This
means it is considered in danger of extinction throughout all of its range.

This protection also prohibits giant pandas from being imported into the U.S. except
under certain conditions. What you can do to help: Join WWF (World Wildlife
Foundation) and help
How Ballet Changed My Life
Ever since I was six years old, ballet has defined me. I was extremely passionate about
making a career for myself through dance, and I spent all of my time in dance classes
instead of other extracurriculars or social activities
Ballet for me began in a small basement studio, doing twirls and jumps and receiving
stickers from the teacher when I worked well. At age six it was fun, but as I turned eight,
it became something different. I began attending the Boston Ballet School, and a passion
for dance emerged. I learned technique in the lower levels, strengthening my body and
preparing for advanced work. I found release and joy in my classes, working until I
built up a sweat, and stretching each night as my muscles began to ache. Ballet was
intense, a workout to become stronger, yet it was also a freeing expression of myself. I
learned to leap across the floor with such grace that seemed to contrast the effort behind
each move.
As I grew, my drive for ballet pushed me off to explore other places and unfamiliar
forms of dance education. I spent three summers in New York, beginning when I was
twelve, where I stayed in an apartment in Greenwich Village along with other dancers
my age. There, I studied under the instruction of the Joffrey Ballet School in classes
taught by teachers from all over the world. ... Show more content on ...
There, I studied other forms of dance intensively, working on my Jazz, modern, and hip
hop, alongside of my ballet studies. While I struggled with these different styles, I
remained determined to try what I had not yet mastered and persevere through my
struggle. The following summer I traveled to Israel and, at the Jerusalem Ballet school,
learned steps and styles that were foreign to me. While the Gaza conflict broke out,
constant air raid sirens going off throughout the week, I continued attending dance
classes, refusing to allow anything to interrupt my
Tootsie Roll Industry Analysis
TOOTSIE ROLL INDUSTRIES Introduction Tootsie Roll Industries is an American
manufacturer of confectionery products. The company s history date back to 1896 when
Leo Hirschfield began making and selling individually wrapped, chocolate flavored
candy named after his daughter Tootsie . The product became an instant success and
demand quickly exceeded supply. To increase output, Hirschfield merged operations with
local candy manufacturer Stern Staalberg (1). In 1917, the company changed its name to
The Sweets Company of America and began advertising nationally. In 1966, the company
s name changed again to what it is known by today, Tootsie Roll Industries. (2) The
Tootsie Roll empire continues to expand. With its... Show more content on ...
Although the company did show an increased gross profit of $8,255,000 with
$6,358,000 less Net Sales in 2013 versus 2012, that increase is due to the reduction in
product Cost of Goods Sold by $14,613,000. Since increases in product price will
negatively affect sales, one of management s primary goals is to keep prices stable.
This objective is achieved through implementation of cost cutting programs, investing
in more efficient equipment, and automation of more steps in the production process.
Seasonality has a major impact on Tootsie Roll Industries in terms of sales volume. Its
most profitable seasons are the summer movie season, followed by the holiday season.
Conversely, the company is least profitable outside these periods. Tootsie Roll s
products are sold at many movie theaters throughout North America. During the
summer, when box office sales are the highest historically, Tootsie Roll s sales enjoy an
added boost (12). Increased profit during the holiday season is driven by strong sales of
specially packaged items designed for Halloween and
Persuasive Essay On Winning
Competition is defined by the Merriam Webster s Collegiate Dictionary as a contest
between rivals. Many views winning as the optimum outcome for their favorite
athlete or sport s team. Henry Russell Sanders said, Sure, winning isn t everything; it s
the only thing. A similar but different phrase was echoed by Vince Lombardi. He said,
Winning isn t important, but the desire to win is. The desire to win is what pushes all
to be the best they can be. A healthy society should not be obsessed with winning.
Winning, after all, isn t what makes someone the best at something. Sure, Suzy could
win the tennis match, but if she has no drive to repeat the action of winning again,
what s the point? One example of why the desire to win is best is found in the life of
Albert Einstein. This man didn t really excel in school, but he kept working and trying
his hardest. In fact, he eventually went to solve many of the great mysteries of
physics. However, he didn t make his discoveries until later in life. This shows that if
one keeps working hard things will eventually work themselves out, even if it takes.
Another example of this principle can found in the life of Phiona. She learned to play
chess as a little girl in the slums of Uganda, and she eventually went on to become a
chess champion. She, however, wasn t always the best at chess. She lost the very first
game she ever played, and this loss sparked her desire to improve the game and to
eventually win many matches. She proves
Essay on The Message of Rip Van Winkle
Rip looked, and beheld a precise counterpart of himself, [It appears Rip has seen an
exact mirror image of himself the way others have always perceived him] as he went
up the mountain [This was the way he was before his quot;sleep, quot; or journey up the
mountain] : apparently as lazy, and certainly as ragged [Before he encountered the party
on the mountain, he was a casual, rough and lazy person] . The poor fellowwas now
completely confounded [It appears to everyone that Rip Jr. was confused in his
thoughts, however, just as Rip Sr. was, he knew exactly what was going through his
head it appeared he had a plan for everything] . He doubted his own identity, and whether
he was himself or another man [I believe Rip... Show more content on ...
He sees how people perceived him and realizes the changes that need to be made, and
wants to be someone else] quot;

If there s one passage in this story that would summarize the entire story it would be this
one. Every theme throughout Rip Van Winkle is touched on somewhere in here and the
constant theme of quot;who Rip is quot; is the underlying question of both this story
and this passage. In the beginning of the story I think we all took a liking to such a
friendly character who cares so much about pleasing everyone. However, towards the
end of the story Rip seems to examine his life and realizes that he doesn t like everything
about himself, and that quite possibly some changes are in order.

We sometimes get so wrapped up in helping and pleasing everyone else around us we

forget to pay attention to our own needs and those especially close to us. Just as what
happened to Rip in his personal and family life, it s obvious that some adjustments
need to be made. Rip was a kind caring person and apparently was always willing to give
a hand. It seems everyone in the village took a certain liking to Rip. Yet his family life
needs a lot of attention.

Rip didn t take care of his own farm, fences, wife or children. It can be compared to the
shoe maker without shoes. You spend too much time caring for others needs that the ones
closest to you go unattended. The last thing you want to do is

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