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Thesis Statement Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Thesis Statement Essay" can be a challenging endeavor that
demands a combination of critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication. The
difficulty lies in the need to develop a clear and concise thesis statement that encapsulates the main
argument of the essay. This requires a deep understanding of the chosen topic and the ability to distill
complex ideas into a single, powerful sentence.

The process involves extensive research to gather relevant information and evidence to support the
thesis statement. Analyzing and organizing this information coherently is crucial for constructing a
well-structured essay. Additionally, one must ensure that the thesis statement aligns with the overall
purpose of the essay and provides a roadmap for the reader to follow.

Furthermore, the challenge extends to incorporating a variety of supporting arguments and examples
to strengthen the essay's overall persuasiveness. The writer must strike a balance between providing
enough detail to substantiate their claims while avoiding unnecessary tangents that may dilute the
essay's focus.

Moreover, effective writing skills are essential to convey ideas clearly and persuasively. Crafting a
compelling introduction, developing coherent paragraphs, and concluding the essay with impact are
integral components of a successful thesis statement essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Thesis Statement Essay" is a demanding task that
requires a combination of intellectual rigor, research prowess, and adept writing skills. The challenge
lies not only in formulating a strong thesis statement but also in presenting a well-structured and
cohesive argument that engages and convinces the reader.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges, various
resources, including professional writing services, can provide support. Services like offer the convenience of ordering custom essays and accessing expert guidance to
navigate the complexities of academic writing.
Thesis Statement Essay Thesis Statement Essay
Penny Stock Trading
Penny stock investing is not something that sounds as the name sounds, rather it is quite
different from what the name suggests. Penny stock is also known as micro cap
investment. Any stock that costs less than $5 is called penny stock. Penny stocks are
usually even lesser than $5, like $3 or $1, though $5 acts as a good example for
understanding the principle. Any stockthat is being traded over the counter bulletin
board (OCTBB) is considered a penny stock.Penny stock pose a lot of risk to
inexperienced traders as these trading companies use pink slips. Since these companies
use pink sheets that means they do not have to release any information to the public as
they are not registered to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Bigger stock
markets like the New York stock marketor NASDAQ have to reveal all their information
to the public. This poses a great risk while opting for penny stock. There are no
minimum standards for many of these companies. Due to the lack of higher standards in
large exchanges these companies have moved to pink sheets. Many companies that trade
in penny stocks are usually relatively new companies, so there are no stock exchange
histories. Also all these companies do not need... Show more content on
Such traders help you not only help you make right decisions but also teach you a lot
about penny stocks. Even though penny stocks is very dangerous but to a smart
investor it can be extremely lucrative. Some of the penny stock trading tips are using a
fundamental stock screener, making use of support and resistance level on charts,
looking at liquidity, stop looking for penny stocks that are jumping high on volume. A
stock screener usually makes use of intrinsic value, growth earnings and values,
dividends and cash flows. Support and resistance level charts are when the shares either
fall down and bounce back up or hit a peak then falls to a low
The River In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha
The river in Siddhartha can also symbolize the unity of the self. In the book,
Siddhartha s main goal is to find peace and nirvana. He goes far and beyond just to
experience the divine of complete mental peace. After years of working hard,
Siddhartha finally reaches his goal, His self had merged into unity... There shone on his
face the serenity of knowledge, of one who is no longer confronted with a conflict of
desires... Belonging to the unity of the people (136). As Siddharthalistens and pays more
attention to the river, he is going through all the memories of his life and all he heard
were the voices of many merge into the voice of one, and that word was Om. This is the
moment that Siddhartha s self has merged into unity. Siddhartha s mind is much more
free of stress and horrors.... Show more content on ...
To clarify his doubt that Siddhartha has reached Nirvana and so Govinda kisses
Siddhartha and in this very same moment touched with his lips. And, Govinda saw it
like this, this smile of the mask, this smile of oneness above the flowing forms, this
smile of simultaneousness above the thousand births and deaths, this smile of
Siddhartha was precisely the same, was precisely of the same kind as the quiet,
delicate, impenetrable, perhaps benevolent, perhaps mocking, wise, thousand fold
smile of Gotama, Siddhartha (152). After Siddhartha, achieved Nirvana, when
Govinda touches Siddhartha, the oneness which feels like many different people to
Govinda, but he, later on, realizes that it is just one voice which is Om. This oneness
is symbolized by the river, the water of which goes through its own life cycle. It starts in
the river and its ultimate goal is to become water vapor and after the goal is reached, it
returns back to the start and the cycle goes on. This cycle of the river relates to
Siddhartha s life as he goes through a cycle of life as
The Impact Of Jane Addams And Civil Rights
Civil rights demonstrates that all people, no matter what race, religion, color or class,
are equal and have equal rights. Although the civil rights time period is a subject that is
not talked about much today, it was years ago when there was a lot of segregation and
discrimination. There were many African Americans who made a difference in their fight
for civil rights, but not many white people tried to make that same difference. Jane
Addamswas one of the few white people who made this effort; she had an even bigger
impact on civil rights since she was female and wealthy, along with her skin color.

Jane Addams got involved in promoting civil rights because she grew up around many
sophisticated adults that also supported it. In fact, her own father was Addams greatest
influence and she grew up only knowing what he taught her. When she was just a little
girl, her father told her that, was important for those who have enough to help
those who do not. (Ray, 8). This quote shaped Addams whole life since it was based
off of helping people who weren t as lucky as her and promoting rights for all people.
Another time when Addams was just a little girl, her family helped African Americans
escape from slavery using the Underground Railroad. This was one of the first times she
had seen how African Americans were treated by most of the American population, and
how dreadful their ... Show more content on ...
Being rich and female helped her out because she thought about people who weren t
as lucky as her. In brief, civil rights was a subject everyone was supposed to be free to,
but wasn t. It was a subject that took lots of time, violence and lives, but overall it
changed history and the way society is today. In the final analysis, it can be said that
Jane Addams got involved at a very young and did many things inside and outside of the
development of civil
Functional Prerequisites Essay
Some basic needs and requirement must be fulfilled by every human society for its
survival. These basic needs or necessities for existence of a society are known as
functional prerequisites of the society. The meaning of functional prerequisites is refer
to the basic needs such as food, shelter and dress. This basic need is require for every
individual to live his life. This is because, without them, humancannot remain alive.
Functional prerequisites has some different between Islamic and Western sociologist.
In western perspective, there are no agreed up on definition of functional prerequisites
eventhough many of the western scholars try to define it according to their own style. A
Western scholar, Christine ( 2002, p. 2 ) has defined the ... Show more content on ...
According to Islamic teaching, Functional prerequisite has been divided into two main
category by Islamic scholars which are physical prerequisite and spiritual prerequisite
that it is religion while according to Western sociology, they just only focus on physical
prerequisites. We find some indications about prerequisites in the Hadith of Prophet
that Prophet says, There is no right of Ibne Adam ( son of Adam) without these three
things: House: In which he lives, Cloth or Dress: with it he covers his body and Food:
A morsel of bread and water . In addition, the famous Hadith Mulla Ali Qari wrote
about the meaning of Haq is mean the right ( Haq) basic needs declares these things
basic needs of a man . According to the Quran and Hadith, food, water, dress and
shelter are four things as prerequisites of man. Imam Ghazali also says about the basic
needs of a man which is three things that a man compelling are food, shelter and dress
and food is needed for life , dress to avoid or saving from hot and winter and house for
accommodation and to save the family . According to Muhaddith and Muslim Scholar
Imam Ibne Hazm, the poor and needy person are necessary and needed for food, dress and

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