Persuasive Essay Speech

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Persuasive Essay Speech

Crafting a persuasive essay speech can be a challenging endeavor that requires a combination of
critical thinking, effective communication skills, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. The
difficulty lies not only in presenting a coherent argument but also in persuading the audience to
adopt a particular viewpoint or take specific action.

One of the initial challenges is selecting a compelling and relevant topic. The chosen subject should
be of interest to the audience and allow for a nuanced exploration of different perspectives.
Conducting thorough research to gather credible and up-to-date information is another hurdle. This
requires sifting through various sources, evaluating their reliability, and synthesizing the information
to construct a solid foundation for the essay.

The art of persuasion demands a strategic approach to organizing thoughts and presenting them in a
logical sequence. Developing a clear thesis statement and supporting it with compelling evidence is
crucial. Balancing ethos, pathos, and logos to appeal to the audience emotionally, ethically, and
logically adds complexity to the task. Ensuring a smooth flow of ideas and maintaining the reader's
engagement are constant challenges.

Moreover, addressing potential counterarguments and effectively refuting them is essential to

strengthen the overall persuasive impact. Anticipating the concerns or objections of the audience and
incorporating counterarguments into the essay demonstrates a thoughtful and thorough analysis.

Additionally, the language used in a persuasive essay speech must be precise, impactful, and tailored
to the target audience. Striking the right tone, employing persuasive techniques, and maintaining a
professional yet compelling style can be demanding for the writer.

In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay speech is a demanding process that involves careful topic
selection, extensive research, strategic organization, and skillful use of language. Successfully
navigating these challenges can lead to a persuasive essay that not only informs but also convinces.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or looking to explore a variety of topics, resources
like can provide valuable support and guidance.
Persuasive Essay Speech Persuasive Essay Speech
What Type of Ipo Should Avaya Use
Course Number: FIN501

Module 1 Case Assignment

Upon deciding to go public, a company looks into preparing an initial public offering
(IPO). There are two IPOs with which a company can utilize: a traditional IPO or the
relatively new Auction based IPO that was made popular by Google. Avaya is currently
planning for IPO. Avaya is a global leader in business communications systems. The
company provides unified communications, contact centers, data solutions and related
services directly and through its channel partners to leading businesses and
organizations around the world (, 2011). Avaya s current plan of an IPO
valued at approximately $1 billion (Klassen, 2011) needs to consider whether to go with a
... Show more content on ...
Once this process has finished, the investment bank is paid a percentage of the sale as
commission as well as fees for the underwriting process. Due to the discount of the IPO
from the estimate of the market value, traditional IPOs normally trade much higher
than the initial price (Clinton, 2011). Being a long used and well known process,
traditional IPOs allow for more choices of underwriters. Using an investment bank
with experience in traditional IPOs allows for the road show to give the high profile
investors a greater idea of the value of the company, and since the allocation of shares
is done during this process they can avoid over valuing the company. Nayantara
Hensel writes that underwriters who do less than three IPOs a year will average a first
day price increase of 10%. On the other hand Hensel also tells us that the average first
day price increase for all traditional IPOs is 38%, meaning a loss in the potential capitol
for the company. The investment bank underwriting for a traditional IPO normally gets a
7% underwriting fee of the amount earned or more, bringing the potential money lost to
45 50%.
Auction Based IPO An auction based IPO uses the Internet to open a company s IPO
stock for purchase to more potential investors. This process allows a company to spend
less on their underwrite fees. The company
Analysis of Plato s Republic Essay
Philosophy is a Greek word meaning love of wisdom. Throughout Plato s Republic,
wisdom plays an important role. According to Plato, education is wisdom. In the passage,
518d, Plato discusses the true meaning of education vicariously through Socrates. Some
literary mechanisms can be found in the passage and I will show how they fit in the text
and how they contribute to the main themes of Platos Republic.

In Book VII Socrates has finished listening to other opinions and is now formulating a
response. The oration is an excerpt from an intellectual conversation between Socrates
and Glaucon. The goal of the dialogue is to reach a viable explanation of education.
Simile is used in the passage when Socrates compares the instrument ... Show more
content on ...
In the allegory Socrates gives an account of a man that breaks free from his bonds and
makes his way out of the darkness into the outside world. His story represents a man s
journey to enlightenment. To reach enlightenment a man must use education to break the
bonds of ignorance and direct his sight towards true things that originate from the Form
of Good. Man already has the capacity to see, he only needs guidance. Guidance is the
job of the philosopher kings. After these kings have reached enlightenment it is their duty
to travel back into the cave and educate some of the ignorant masses.

Socrates says that wherever sight is set is what will be seen with the most clarity. If a
man doesn t have his sight set on the right things, he can still be very clever but his
sight is forced to serve evil ends, so that the sharper it sees, the more evil it
accomplishes. (519a).

Plato s Republic is a blueprint for his ideal society. In his republic education is
something only attainable to the philosopher kings. It is beneficial for the philosopher
kings to be very well educated so they will make good decisions while they are ruling
the republic. The reason that no one else should receive such an elaborate education
(in Plato s opinion) is because the rest of the people in the city only need to do what
they are specialized in. This seems to be divergent from what Socrates previously said, .
..the power to learn is present in everyone s
Importance Of Winter Solstice
Celebrating Pagan Yule, a Winter Solstice Holiday The winter solstice (also called
midwinter) is a celebration to celebrate the longest night of year, and is on December
21st or the 22nd. Officially the first day of winter, the winter solstice occurs when the
North Pole is tilted 23.5 degrees away from the sun (precisely. *sips daintily from
teacup*) and is the dark night of our souls . It celebrates the birth of the new solar year
and the beginning of winter. The winter solsticehas been celebrated for many years.
There have been many cultural and religious traditions, and some of them are still alive
(note that I said some, not all). In many places, people honor this day with different kinds
of festivals.
For example, in China and Taiwan and a few other countries celebrate the Dongzhi
Festival, where families and relatives get together and eat and generally have a good time
together. Or maybe the old Western Christian tradition, Blue Christmas, where families
mourn and grieve for their dead relatives or loved ones and have a good time . Yeah,
right. Not every holiday is a cheery one. But no, you re not reading about the Dongzhi
Festival, or Blue Christmas and such. This is all about the Pagan Yule festival. From
festivals, feasts, songs, and dances, Yule, Yule Fest, or Yuletide, is an old Norse
celebration that is still celebrated today (Just not as much as Christmas, though).

Today, many people in Western based cultures refer to this holiday as Christmas . In
Smog Check Essay
How to Pass a Smog Check in California ( removed HTML ) How to Pass a Smog
Check in California ( removed HTML ) Smog checks are required in most of
California biennially, or every two years. Even if you move from another state with a
vehicle that has a valid smog certificate, you will need to get a California inspection
before registering the vehicle in the state. This must be performed within 20 days of
establishing residency. [1] It s not necessary to get an inspection for certain older cars
because they re exempt because of a grandfathering clause. Older vehicles also have less
rigid requirements to pass the inspection based on the make, year and model. Vehicle
exemptions to the biennial smog check include: ( removed... Show more content on ...
( removed HTML ) What a Smog Check Measures ( removed HTML ) Smog checks
measure the level of pollutants that the combustion of fuel in your vehicle generates.
Your vehicle is tested on a dynamometer to simulate moderate driving conditions.
Everything is analyzed by computer and automated so that your technician has no
control over whether a vehicle passes or fails the emissions part of the test. The
California smog check is used to measure the levels of hydrocarbons, or HC, and
carbon monoxide, or CO, in your exhaust. If you regularly maintain your vehicle and
respond when your engine light comes on, your vehicle will likely pass. You should
prepare for the smog test by checking a few key conditions and systems. Elements of
your California smog check include the following: [2] ( removed HTML ) ( removed
HTML ) Self diagnostic reports from late model vehicles that have an OBD II, or on
board diagnostics system ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Visual and functional
tests conducted by your technician that include visual inspections of your tailpipe,
emission control components and automotive systems ( removed HTML ) ( removed
HTML ) Functional tests of exhaust gas, recirculation system, fuel evaporative system,
engine light, ignition timing and gas cap fit ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML )
Emission standards that include evaporative emissions and exhaust standards that

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