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Video #5

Section 1

The Statistics

85% of all people who go out car shopping that tell their salesperson that they are
not going to buy that day and are just looking, end up buying a car that day.

99% of all people want to drive the car before they buy it (crazy, huh?)

94% of all people make payments on their vehicles, yet most people focus on price;
stay away from price and the word price. I assure you that only 1 out of 20 people will
be writing a check.

80% of all people will buy at a different dealership if you get them to leave your
dealership... “regardless of the great excuse that they gave you of why they're
coming back.”

85% of all people tell their salesperson that “they’re just looking” when they walk on
their lot. They're just looking for our sales person to sell them a vehicle! Don't get it

70% of the time, sales people do not make a good first impression. They don't greet
the customer promptly or properly. -- Don't be that person!

85% of sales people didn't investigate, build rapport or have control of the sale when
the customer didn't buy.

80% of the people who bought a vehicle said that they got a l​ ousy Presentation and
Demonstration​... That's why the commissions are not higher!

75% of people buy on the spot when they get a great presentation and
demonstration... And the commissions are always higher when this happens.

80% of car sales are made after the 5th attempt at closing. Unfortunately, most
salespeople give up after the 3rd attempt. Never stop asking for the business! There
is more than one way to skin a cat! Ask for their business a different way every time,
but never stop asking... I assure you that you're getting closer to a YES every time.

75% is a closing ratio for salespeople who get at least 45 “YES”responses from their
customers in 45 minutes. Control the sale and lead them through the process!

Remember: People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan!

When you really understand this, you’ll close way more sales and earn more money.
Section 2

Change Your Thinking

Assume Control of Everything and Stop Acting Like a Victim

The purpose of this is to discuss the idea that cry-babies, whiners, and victims just
don't do well at creating success.

It's not even that they aren't capable, it's just that people who generally succeed take
big actions, and it's impossible to take big actions if you don't take big responsibility.

It's equally impossible to do something positive when you're spending your time
making excuses. Making excuses is just plain out negative. You must understand
that success is not something that happens to you, it happens because of you and
because of the actions you took. People who don't do well at taking responsibility,
don't do well at taking much action... And as a result of that don't do well at the
game of success.

Successful people accept very high levels of accountability for creating and having
success for themselves. Successful people hate the b
​ lame game!​ Unsuccessful
people suffer from victim thinking.

Victim thinking, which I bet is 50% of all sales people, (maybe more,LOL!) will hate
this class today.

Any salesperson who uses blame as the reason why something did or did not
happen, I promise you, will never accumulate real success in life! I understand that
this is ugly to hear but it's the truth. And if you can't swallow this, then you know
what they say about the shoe...LOL!

You have to take charge of your outcome moving forward! You can't say, “I'm a little
victim”, “bad things happen to me often”, and “I can't do anything about it”.

To get where you want to go in life you must adopt the view that whatever is going
on in your world... Good, bad, or nothing is because of something caused by you. You
have to assume control over everything that happens to you.

Once you decide to take control and take full responsibility, you are going to start
making your life better and guaranteeing success for yourself and your family.

Adopt the position that you will make all things happen, even those things that
you've previously considered not to be under your control.

Never take the position that things just happen to you. Take the position that they
happen because of something that you did or didn't do.
If you're willing to take credit when you win, you have to take credit when you don't
win. Again, increase the responsibility level... and increase the future success for
yourself. No more playing the victim ever again!

Assuming control will cause you to start to look at what else you can do to make sure
that negative events don't take place, so you can improve your life, become more
successful, and reduce victim thinking to create a life with success!

Take massive action and change! Good things don't happen to victims, bad things
happened to victims.

Embrace success! Take a new stance! Change your mind! Change your life!

Section 3

Goal Setting

People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan

There's a destination for me at the end of the month and I cannot rely on chances! I
must act now to ensure I arrive at the destination that I want and need for myself!

(My goal ) Money to be Made $ _____________

Cars to be Sold _____________


I want to make $8,000.00 this month.

I will sell 16 cars.

with an average Commission being $500, I must sell 16 cars to make $8,000.00

At 20% closing ratio, I must take 80 ups this month.

If I work 23 days this month, I must take 3.5 ups minimally per day to make this

I will sell 1 out of 5 customers = 20% closing

I will work 23 days. Taking 3 ½ ups a day will put me at 80 ups by the end of the
month. At 20% closing ratio out of 80 apps, I will sell 16 cars this month. 16 cars sold X
$500.00 per copy= $8,000.00 made!

I plan to work ______ days this month. in order to sell_________ cars this month, I will
have to take _______ ups this month.

So, to achieve my goal, I must take_________ ups per day.

Can I reach this goal? ________

Time management is crucial in order to achieve your goal.

The average salesman only really works 2 out of the 10 hours a day that he's at work...
You will fail every time with this plan!

When I come into work this will be my new plan.... EVERY DAY!

How will I reach this goal?

(My written plan)…

Arrive to work at: ____________

Leave work at:______________


Section 4

Write down your 24 hour schedule


















Section 5.1
Section 5.2
Section 5.3

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