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What Makes A Good Friend Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "What Makes A Good Friend" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty lies not only in the need for introspection and thoughtful analysis but also
in navigating the fine line between subjectivity and objectivity. Friendship is a deeply personal and
nuanced concept, making it a task to capture its essence in a coherent and universally relatable

To begin with, one must delve into the intricate dynamics that define a good friend. This involves
exploring qualities such as trust, loyalty, empathy, and understanding. While these virtues may seem
straightforward, unraveling their layers and expressing them eloquently requires careful
consideration. Striking a balance between personal anecdotes and general principles is crucial to
create an essay that resonates with a diverse audience.

Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding clichés and providing fresh perspectives. The topic has been
explored extensively, and readers may be fatigued by repetitive insights. Crafting an essay that stands
out demands creativity and originality, urging the writer to think beyond conventional notions of

Additionally, the complexity of the human experience adds another layer of difficulty. Friendships
can be influenced by cultural, societal, and individual factors, making it a multifaceted theme to
address. Navigating this complexity requires a nuanced approach that acknowledges the diverse
nature of relationships while maintaining a cohesive narrative.

Despite the challenges, writing an essay on what makes a good friend provides an opportunity for
personal growth and reflection. It allows the writer to articulate their thoughts on a topic that holds
universal significance. While the difficulty lies in articulating these thoughts with clarity and depth,
the end result can be a piece that resonates with readers on a profound level.

In conclusion, exploring the qualities that make a good friend in an essay requires navigating the
intricate tapestry of human relationships. It demands introspection, creativity, and the ability to
communicate universal truths in a unique way. However, the process is not without its rewards,
offering a chance for personal growth and a deeper understanding of the significance of friendship in
our lives.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essay topics or need assistance in academic writing,
consider exploring the services available at . Their professional writers can provide
support in crafting essays and other academic assignments, ensuring a high-quality and well-
researched final product.
What Makes A Good Friend Essay What Makes A Good Friend Essay
Artist Music Should Be Used For Advertising
Music is all around us. Do u think the artists music should be used for advertising? Did
you know that according to data journalist David, McCandless, a signed solo artist
would need about 5,478 iTunes downloads of a song per month versus 4,200,000
YouTube streams per month just to make the U.S. minimum wage. Back in time our
parents bought records, CDs and cassette players and some of them still do. I m going
to tell you why I oppose that artists should be used for advertising. Technology has
changed and it will keep on getting more advanced but the only problem is that every
person will have probably about 5% of common sense. Do you guys now the meaning
of advertising? Advertising is instrumental to the success of businesses. If no one
knows that the business exists or they have no idea what products or services are
offered, how will they get customers? People love music. But do this people know that
the people producing or making this music do get paid much. Here s an example, In
November of 2014, award winning... Show more content on ...
Well I m a singer so I gotta love music. For instance my family they love music.but It s
clear that for artists big or small, trying to maintain credibility while struggling to
sustain a career is certainly tricky. Artists must develop an image that appeals to their
fans in order to remain unique and authentic, or they risk striking the wrong chord,
which could leave them struggling to sustain careers in this new business landscape. I
was thinks about getting into the music career like singing but it takes a lot of
deification and sacrifice becuase you have no time for school you have now time for
yourself and also everybody wants to be in your business if you start advertising .This
can be tremendously stressful for artists who are just starting to build their careers, as
they need to spend energy creating good music and a unique image that appeals to fans.
When the electronic artist
CYPOP5 Task 1 Outline the current legislation covering...
Legislation regulating home based child carer s and the role of Ofsted the regulatory body
All people working with children are governed by legislation that is in place to protect
your children and the child care provider. In this document I have listed four important
legislations that are of particular importance to home based child care providers and
noted how I aim to incorporate them into my practice. Child care practitioners also
have a regulatory body; in England it is Ofsted. This document gives you a brief
description of their supervisory role in child care settings. However, the list of
legislation is not comprehensive and nor is the short description of Ofsted s Role, if you
would like more information or would like to discuss ... Show more content on ...
This law proctects people from prejudice and allows legal action to be taken against any
person or company who is proven to have unfairly treated any of the protected groups
covered by this Act.
Everyone is welcome at my childcare service and we strive to ensure that the children
learn about the importance of inclusion and the acceptance of others. I try to explain
that in many cases it can just be fear of not knowing or understanding but this makes
for a fantasic learning experience to discuss and learn about other peoples religions,
cultures and so forth and that differences are good. In our play room there are many
books, puzzles, pictures and other toys that promote the inclusion and acceptance of all
groups of people including disabled, black and other ethnicities and the elderly but to
name a few. You may also like to read the equal opportunites policy.
The Data Protection Act 1998
The 7th Data Protection principle states The Data Protection Act 1998 requires all
organisations to have appropriate security to protect personal information against
unlawful or unauthorised use or disclosure, and accidental loss, destruction or damage
(ICO, 2012. P10). It referes to information that is kept on file whether it be
electronically stored, i.e. on a hard drive, a flash drive or paper copies. The Act also
gives individuals the right to request copies of all information a business may hold on
them within 40 days
Child Labour In The Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution is known to be one of the hardest times known in the American
history as it led to poverty, pollution and prejudice. Along with these corruptions, came
one of the worst darkest sides of the industrial revolution which is known as child labour.
Although children have been servants and apprentices throughout most of the human
history, child labourreached its extreme point during this time. Child labour is the
employment of children under the age of physical maturity, which is 18 years old. As
many believe that child labour does not affect them, they do not realize the Persian
rugs they own are all made by the suffering children, all gathered in a small dark room.
They do not realize the high end Nike shoes they wear are all made my children, who
slave themselves day and night with little pay. Children are giving up their childhood,
education and families just to earn a few cents a day as some work from 6 in the
morning till 7 at night for less that 20 cents a day. As poverty is the main cause of
child labour, many families send their kids, as young as the age of 5 to work to earn
money. However, working as a child also has its cons, as it can disturb the child
physically, mentally and even emotionally. That being the reason, children all the world
should not be derived from their childhood, should be able to attend school, live their
life as children, enjoy, play and have fun. Poverty is considered the main reason children
work hard,
Rabies Virus Research Paper
Rhabdovirus (rabies) is a viral disease that is transmitted through the saliva or tissues
from the nervous system from an infected mammal to another mammal. It s an RNA
virus who s genome encodes 5 proteins designated as N, P, M, G, and L. The
arrangement of these proteins and the RNA genome determine the structure of the rabies
virus. It belongs to the order of mononegavirales which are virus with a non segmented
negative stranded RNAgenome. Under the rhabdoviridae family is the lyssavirus genus
which rabies virus falls under. Rabies is a zoonotic disease (meaning it can be transmitted
between animals and humans).
The target host for this virus are all warm blooded mammals except Lagomorphs
(rabbit).The most common mode of transmission is through the bite and virus containing
saliva of an infected host. Another form is through contamination of mucous membranes
(i.e., eyes, nose, mouth), although aerosol transmission, and corneal and organ transfer
has rarely been documented. ... Show more content on ...
During this period this newly infected animal does not show symptoms. This said
period is called the incubation period. The rabies virus has a variable of incubation
period running from 30 days to 18 months. When the virus eventually reaches the brain
it begins to multiply creating an inflammation and then starts the first sign of rabies.
Which is later moved to the salivary glands. Studies have shown that ferrets, dogs and
cat can be excrete this virus in its saliva couple days before the disease is obvious. The
excretion of this virus before and after the beginning of clinical signs varies because
different factors which include the site of exposure, immunity in the bitten animal and
the type of rabies affect

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