Zia Ul Haq

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Zia – Ul – Haq (1977-1988)

Q) Why was Bhutto executed in 1979

When Zia released Bhutto from prison for a short period of time, Bhutto tried
to reassert his political power by gaining support of the people. This was a threat to
the rule of Zia. Thus, Bhutto was executed to eliminate threat.

Moreover, Bhutto along with 3 others was accused of murdering a political

opponent by sending the FSF to kill him. The trial which took 2 years resulted in
Bhutto being found guilty and therefore he was sentenced to death by the court

Apart from this Bhutto had threatened Zia that he would charge him for
tempting the 1973 constitution (Article 6). This could result in Zia getting
considerable punishment under article 6 of the constitution. Therefore, he got
Bhutto executed in order to avoid such an insult


Q) why did Zia introduce Islamic reforms

Bhutto introduced some socialist measures e.g. nationalization of industries

etc. Since there is no room for any religion in socialism, Zia introduced Islamic
reforms to prove that he was better than Bhutto as a he was working in accordance
with Islamic ideology of Pakistan

Zia was aware that many Islamic political parties like Janat-e-Islami were
influential in both civil service and the army. Therefore, he introduced Islamic
measures to strengthen his rule by getting their support

When the Russians invaded Afghanistan in 1979, Zia decided to fight

against the “pagan” communists. However, he needed support of Muslim countries
for his jihad in Afghanistan. Therefore, he introduced Islamic reforms to prove that
he was a pure Islamic leader of a Muslim country.


Q) “Domestic policies of Zia-ul-haq were more important than his foreign

policies between 1977-88". Do you agree? Give reasons
Islamization policies/Islamic policies
In 1979, Zia introduced a hudood ordinance which introduced punishment
for different crimes. Punishment for theft was cutting of hand and the punishment
for adultery was 100 stripes. Thus, this was a success as strict punishments helped
to reduce crime rate in Pakistan

Secondly it also satisfied the ullemas who believed that Pakistan was run
on Islamic ideology.

However, the punishment of cutting hands was never implemented and so

failed in its main. Furthermore, the punishment of adultery remained on paper and
when it was partially implemented it suppressed the right of women in Pakistan as
no difference was kept between adultery and rape.

In 1979 Zia established federal Shariat court in order to ensure that the
laws were made according to Islamic principles. This ensured the presence of
Islamic based judiciary. Thus, this was a success as justice was served on Islamic
principles which satisfied the Muslim circle within Pakistan

The government of Zia-ul-Haq announced that 20 extra marks would be

given to the huffaz who had memorized the holy Quran in the civil service exams.
Thus, this was a success as it encouraged the Muslims to learn their holy Quran
which brought them closer to Islam.

However, the minorities were annoyed as they had no option to get 20

extra marks. Thus, this was a failure as the minorities rights were suppressed.

During Zia's time, radio Pakistan started Arabic courses and the news
bulletin was also carried out in Arabic. Thus, this was a success as with increased
understanding of Arabic people were more inclined towards holy Quran

Zia ul Haq made Pakistan studies and islamiat compulsory for the students
of grade 10 and 12. Thus this was a success as with increased knowledge of Islam
the future of Pakistan was Islamized.

In 1980 Zia introduced the zakat ordinance. According to this 2.5% zakat
was given on annual savings. He also established zakat committees for efficient
collection and distribution of funds so that the basic needs of the poor could be
met. Thus this was a success as it not only led to fulfillment of basic pillar of Islam
but the weak members of the society were also taken care of.
However, Shia Muslims protested that this tax was due on them as it is a
voluntary act. In 1984 due to protest of Shia Muslims in the capital Islamabad, the
government was forced to exempt them from zakat. Thus, this was a failure as such
discrimination gave rise to sectarianism and disunity in Pakistan.

Economic reforms
Zia-ul-Haq denationalized the industries which were nationalized during
the time of Zulfikar Bhutto. These were sick industries with low output. Thus, this
was a success as the burden of these industries on the government was reduced.

Zia-ul-Haq declared that the government would not nationalize industries

in future. Thus, this was a success as the confidence of private sector was restored
which increased private investment in Pakistan.

During the time of Zia, about 2 million Pakistanis were working abroad.
Due to this Pakistan received 3.5 - 4 billion dollars in remittance per year. Thus,
this was a success as foreign exchange earnings increased to a great extent which
strengthened Pakistan's economy.

Political reforms
Zia introduced 8th amendment in the constitution of 1973 which gave
immense powers to the president. He could choose and dismiss the Prime minister
and his cabinet. Thus, this strengthened Zia’s rule as no one could challenge his

However, 8th amendment was misused by the future presidents of Pakistan

e.g. president Gulam Ishaq khan dismissed Benazir's government in 1990 and
Nawaz sharifs government in 1993. Thus, this was a failure as the 8 th amendment
created political instability in Pakistan

Law & government

When Zia came into power, he announced that the judiciary would be
impartial. However, he soon tightened his grip on the courts by introducing
military courts and PCO (Provincial constitutional order). According to PCO
judges could not make any decision against Zia’s government which strengthened
his rule.

Zia declared that every year a fixed number of military officials would be
transferred to the civil service academy. This strengthened his rule as apart from
the army he had support in the civil beaurocracy as well.
Zia introduced as Islamic parliament known as majlis – e – shura. Majlis
– e – shura had no real power, they could not make laws and their role was just
advisory. Thus, this was a failure as Zia was selling democracy in the wrapper of

However, it also strengthened his rule as the members of Islamic

parliament supported him whole heartedly

Foreign policy
In 1979. USSR invaded Afghanistan. Pakistan agreed to help USA against
USSR. USA provided aid to Pakistan to train mujahedeen who were to fight in
Afghanistan. Pakistan was also provided massive amount of economic and military
aid which strengthened Pakistan's economy and defense. Thus, this improved Pak-
USA relations as both the countries were serving each other's interests.

Due to Afghan-USSR was, 3 million Afghan refugees migrated to

Pakistan to escape the war. This improved Pak-Afghanistan relations as Pakistan
not only fought for their survival but also provided them with shelter.


Q) Why did Zia dismiss Junejo in 1988?

-Ojhri camp incident
-All parties conference
-Corruption didn't introduce Islamic reforms


Q) Why did Zia became unpopular by the end of his rule

-Ojhri camo
-Afghan miracle
-NWFP, Balochistan and Sindh
-Lack of support from US after Afghan miracle


4-mark questions

Q) Describe the ojhri camp incident

Q) what was MRD
Q) what was Afghanistan miracle

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