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Pronombres sujeto
Unit 7
Who y What pueden ser el sujeto de una pregunta. El orden de la
USOS DEL GERUNDIO Y EL frase es el siguiente.

verbo … ?
El gerundio (-ing) y el infinitivo (to + verb) se usan en los
siguientes casos. dinner
Who cooked Sonia did.
last night?
at the leisure The lights
What happened
centre? went out.
• Detrás de verbos que indican gustos y preferencias:
enjoy, like, love, can’t stand (no soportar), hate y prefer. Which film is best? Skyfall.
I can’t stand spending my leisure time in a mall. are My uncle's
Whose children on the picnic?
He prefers doing outdoor activities. coming children.
They enjoy going shopping. How many peo-
like fishing?
• Detrás de las preposiciones. ple
They’ve been thinking of watching less TV. How much cotton grows in the field?
Are you good at organising your free time?
• Cuando usamos un verbo como sujeto de la oración.
Pronombres objeto
Walking in the countryside is one of the most popular
leisure activities. Recuerda que para hacer estas preguntas debes seguir este
Eating out is an expensive way to enjoy your free time. orden.


Auxiliar Sujeto Verbo ... ?
• Detrás de verbos como: agree, decide, need, want,
Where did you go last night?
would like, expect, hope.
The government’s agreed to introduce more bank What is she doing tomorrow?
Would you like to work fewer hours? When does the train arrive?
• Detrás de los adjetivos. Which book do you prefer?
It’s not easy to find a leisure activity which you can
enjoy for free. to the
Who will we invite
Don’t you think it’s really boring to spend your
weekend at home? Which film did you see yesterday?

Fíjate Fíjate
Algunos verbos como like y prefer pueden ir seguidos Who are coming to the party? Sally and Robert.
tanto de verbo en -ing como de infinitivo con to. Who did you invite to the party? Oh, I invited many
I like going shopping. (Algo que disfruto haciendo.) people.
I like to go shopping for clothes twice a year. (Se indica What was on TV last night? A travel show was on.
cuándo apetece hacer algo.) What did you watch on TV last night? I watched a
I prefer eating healthy food / I prefer to eat healthy travel show.
food. (No cambia el significado.)
Recuerda que en inglés existe un grupo de verbos que • Se utiliza para expresar posesión.
normalmente no se usan en tiempos continuos porque I decided to meet George’s sister at the station.
describen estados y no acciones (ver página 105). People’s musical taste has changed a lot in the last
PRONOMBRES INTERROGATIVOS We may use my sister's country house to celebrate my

Podemos hacer preguntas sobre quién o quiénes realizan • Se usa también para referirnos a un lugar conocido. Se
una acción (el sujeto de una oración) o sobre el objeto omite el nombre de lugar y se utiliza solo ‘s.
de una acción (el objeto de una oración). En ambos
I prefer staying at my sister’s (house) when I visit my
casos, se usan las mismas palabras interrogativas who,
home town.
what, which, whose, how much y how many, pero la
forma de hacer la pregunta cambia. They enjoy eating at Di Maggio’s (restaurant) once a
Grammar Reference

2 Ortografía para añadir 's

• Sustantivos singulares añaden ‘s
I love doing exercise with Liam’s brother.
He doesn’t remember his boss’s name.
They had a party at Martin’s.

• Sustantivos plurales terminados en -s añaden solo ‘.

Most Americans’ free time is too little.
She always spends her Christmas holidays at her

• Sustantivos plurales que no acaban en -s añaden ‘s.

Men’s hobbies are quite different from women’s.

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