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Anti Gay Marriage Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Anti Gay Marriage" can be a challenging task, as it involves
addressing a sensitive and controversial subject. It requires careful consideration of different
perspectives and a nuanced exploration of the arguments against gay marriage. Expressing opinions
on such topics demands a balance between maintaining a respectful tone and presenting a coherent
and well-supported argument.

One difficulty lies in navigating the emotional aspects of the topic. The issue of gay marriage often
elicits strong emotions from various quarters, and crafting an essay that remains objective and
analytical can be challenging. It requires a writer to tread carefully, avoiding inflammatory language
or biased rhetoric that may undermine the credibility of the essay.

Additionally, conducting thorough research is essential for developing a well-informed perspective.

Understanding the historical, cultural, and legal aspects of the debate is crucial for constructing a
compelling argument. However, the vast array of opinions and data available on the subject can make
it challenging to sift through the information and select the most relevant and reliable sources.

Furthermore, crafting a coherent structure for the essay is essential. The complexity of the topic
necessitates organizing thoughts in a logical manner, ensuring that each point flows seamlessly into
the next. This can be particularly challenging when dealing with a topic that has multiple facets and

Despite these challenges, writing an essay on this topic provides an opportunity for critical thinking
and the development of persuasive writing skills. It encourages the writer to engage with diverse
viewpoints and strengthen their ability to construct well-reasoned arguments.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the subject of "Anti Gay Marriage" is no easy feat, given the
emotional nature of the topic, the need for extensive research, and the requirement for a well-
structured argument. However, it offers a chance for personal growth and the refinement of
analytical and persuasive writing skills.

For assistance with essays or similar tasks, you can explore resources , where a
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Anti Gay Marriage Essay Anti Gay Marriage Essay
The Trade Activities Between Mainland China And Taiwan
Sunflower Movement in Taiwan The interaction of the trade activities between Mainland
China and Taiwan always successfully draws attention from the global, but this time the
fuel is directly presented in the manifesto of the Sunflower Movement 堅持,直到島嶼
天光. The campaign of the occupation lays the advantages as well as the disadvantages
of the CSSTA under the sun stark naked; unfortunately, the pact is already passed. The
forced adoption by the KMT highlights the Ma government s arbitrary abuse of the power
and infringement of the human right, leading to the constitutional crisis of the
retrogression in democracy. It meanwhile stimulates civilians to ponder the rebirth of
democracy. (堅持,直到島嶼天光, see footnote , translation mine). People... Show
more content on ...
Mori readily points out what our government is doing is simply transforming Taiwan
into another Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of the People s Public China;
everyone, to some extent, knows what special means here. Accordingly, people gathered
together, most of whom were students, and were defending their homeland on March
18th, 2014. By occupying the legislature for over twenty days, every one demonstrates
the insistence on protecting the nation as well as the exploding poll and is being, no
more, silent to politics. There are, of course, incidents involving blood, but the blood isn t
the slaughter s blood; it comes from Taiwanese who are desperately withstanding the
injustice. The band, 滅火器Fire EX, sings for the Sunflower Movement, Dawn is near.
We are braver than before... Let s singing it out loud until the rays of hope [shine] upon
everyone on this island... Once the sun reaches the mountain, [t]hen it s time to go home
(Island s sunrise). This song, within simple words in Taiwanese, pictures the people never
giving up, the police maintaining the order, and others who devote themselves to
protecting their home. As a consequence, no matter what comments there are at the end
of the entire event, this movement has shown the government their negligence to what is
truly in Taiwaneses mind, and it has also resulted in
The Problem Of Safe Injection Sites
There are many ways in which people who are addicted to intravenous drugs are
perceived by our society. People sometimes believe the addicted person is to blame for
their circumstance and substance dependence and some feel serious drug addicts are a
lost cause due to a lack of values or flawed character. Persons who struggle with
addictions often are depicted as criminals or prostitutes, weak, lazy and morally corrupt
(Bartlett, R., Brown, L., Shattell, M., Wright, T., Lewallen, L. (2013). These stereotypes
paint people with addictionnegatively; a percentage of people who live with serious
addiction are capable of recovery with the right attitude, support and healthcare. Street
level healthcare services such as; safe injection sites, provide accessable resources at
street level for people to make the choice to live healthier lifestyles. Govement funding
and support is needed to make these projects possible to improve the health of
Canadians. Safe injection sites are proven to be positive contributions to communities,
save lives, reduce harm and open doors towards recovery for people from the grip of
The ethical implications of the Canadian government funding and supporting these
projects, considering current drug laws and policies, are questioned by some. People
believe that the government should not participate in enabling drug use (Globe Mail,
(2011) and that zero tolerance approaches should be taken. In opposition to zero
tollerance attitudes some
Scarlet Letter Feminism Essay
Gender discrimination has been embedded into society since the beginning of time.
Women have faced several instances of discrimination and anguish throughout their daily
lives, Both the victimization and the anger experienced by women are real, and have a
real source, everywhere in the environment, built into society, language, the structures of
thought, (Rich). Starting in the mid 19th century, women began to stand up for their role
in society and experienced a global enlightenment. The idea of feminism began with
many rebellious and relentless women to gain equal rights in society, economy, and
politics as men. In the novel The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester
Prynne, the main character of the story, embraces these feminist qualities. Hester, a sinner
in the Puritan society, is discriminated and struggles with the consequences of her
actions. Hester shows her independence, courageousness, and identity throughout the
novel, making her a prime example of a feminist in literature. Throughout the novel,
Hester is isolated from society and lives in a small cottage outside of town with her
little daughter. Not relying on anyone for support as a single mother, She possessed an
art that sufficed, even in a land that afforded comparatively little scope for its exercise, to
supply food for her thriving infant and herself. (Hawthorne 75). Although Hester is
shunned in society, she still manages to provide for her daughter along with herself,
proving that
A Review On Cloud Elasticity For System Performance...
A review on cloud elasticity for system performance improvement and cost reduction
Pancham Baruah ME CN Department of Computer Engineering DY Patil School of
Engineering Technology Charoli, Pune India Abstract: Cloud Computing as a new
enterprise model has become popular to provide on demand services to user as
needed. Cloud Computing is essentially powerful computing paradigm to deliver
services over the network. Computing at the scale of the Cloud system allows users to
access the enormous resources on demand. However, a user demand on resources can
be various in different time and maintaining sufficient resources to meet peak resource
requirements all the time can be costly. Therefore, dynamic scalability which can also
be called as elasticity is a critical key point to the success of Cloud Computing
environment. Dynamic resizing is a feature which allows server to resize the virtual
machine to fill the new requirement of resources in a cloud environment. Though there
are enormous applications hosted on cloud now a days, but the next big thing which
will be focused on will be the elasticity. In this paper, an effort has been put to explain
the cloud elasticity concept and how it will benefit the Cloud implementers in reducing
operation cost and also to improve the system s performance as a whole. Keywords:
Elasticity, Scalability, Performance, Cloud, SaaS, Cost effective I. Introduction Cloud
computing has become a significant part for many business and
Analysis Of Ketchum s The Fall And Winter Of 1776
Ketchum begins in the fall and winter of 1776 in describing the events of the
campaign. At the time, the future of the Revolution was in serious doubt men were
freezing, starving, and the Continental Army was dissolving around General
Washington. More than anything else, he needed a victory. Ketchum displays to the
reader how exactly the colonials got into such a distressing situation in the first place.
Traveling back to 1774 and 1775 Ketchum explores the reason behind why and how
the entire situation occurred in the first place. The motivations of both the English
crown and the colonials are explored throughout the book. For example, the
motivations of King George III are explored in the section Everyone Who Does Not
Agree With Me Is A Traitor . Ketchum describes the early life of George III which
would motivate his latest moves against the colonies. George III felt he had to almost be
more English than the English themselves , to paraphrase the honor of England and the
crown were his preeminent concerns. Ketchum also described the wide variety of
ailments, mostly hereditary ones, which plagued the king. Put these together and it s no
surprise he was less than willing to listen to the pleas of his colonial subjects. Ketchum
also went into a good deal of detail as to the workings and motivations of the British
government at the time. Finally, he lists the events leading up to the actual winter of
1776, the conditions on the ground and then goes over the actual

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