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Write My Essay Com

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Write My Essay Com Write My Essay Com
Trophy Persuasive Speech
Jessica Colon
Post University

Persuasive Speech
Topic: Trophy Culture, in youth sports sign up and you re guaranteed a trophy!
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that giving a child a trophy just for signing
up for the sport will give that child a false sense of hope later on in life.

Thesis: In youth sports, Should you get a trophy just for showing up?
Attention Getter: Show up or don t show up no worries you ll get a trophy.
Reason to Listen: In youth sports organization you pay to play. Every child receives a
trophy that s on the rooster. You win, you get a trophy, you lose, you get a trophy, you
never show up to a game you get a trophy. Wow what kind of message are we sending
our kids.
Thesis: In youth sports, Should you get ... Show more content on ...
My kids play four sports, baseball, football, basketball and lacrosse. Preview of Main
Points: First, I ll discuss youth sports and its philosophy on awarding children with a
trophy just for signing up. According to Brian Sanders from I9 Sports, his philosophy
is every child gets an All Star trophy. They believe by giving a trophy to every child it
would make them feel special, by participating, being part of a team and complete the
season. Every child should receive an award it will build up their self esteem and would
encourage them to play again. I m ambivalent when it comes to the younger kids age 4
and age 5. This happens in all in house youth sports organization.

Second, I ll discuss why this can potentially hurt the child in the long run. This
culturally is changing our children. This is hurting our children. Giving trophies to
every child just for participating will not want them to improve. It gives them a false
sense of hope and entitlement. A trophy will make the child believe that their good
enough. When their confronted with a first time of difficulty there more like to quit.
According to Ashley Merryman, losing is good for you. Kids need to improve to
become a winner. When children mistakes we should help them through it and teach
them to recognize the mistakes and improve and work for it. Also you should teach
them to graciously congratulate the winner and the loss as a lesson to improve your
skills. Give my example with my
Male And Female Characters In A Streetcar Named...
Male and female writers communicate differently as to how a character is portrayed.
The way female characters are depicted in short stories, poems, books, and essays all
change depending on the writer. The perspective changes due to how the writer sees
things and how they relate to the character. Male writers insinuate how a female
character is depending on their view of the world and other females. Female writers
resemble the female characters they write about and how much they relate to their life
to the character. For example, the reader can compare A Streetcar Named Desire by
Tennessee Williams and A New England Nun by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman to see the
difference in comparison of female characters by writers of the opposite sex. The formal
writingof males and females contradict each other by way of contrasting views. A
Streetcar Named Desire is written by a male by the name of Tennessee Williams. His
character Blanche DuBois struggles with many different circumstances through out her
life. One of those things being the fact that she found out her late husband was gay and
then committed suicide. This broke her heart and she resorted to lying about several
things. She would lie so much that when she stopped lying no one believed her any
more and had determined she had become mentally ill. By the end of the story her sister
is sending her to a mental hospital where she will end up dying. Williams constructs
Blanche DuBois the way he believes women behave. He views
Top Fastest Growing Real Estate Markets
5 Fastest Growing Real Estate Markets in South Asia
South Asia is the world s fastest growing region where the value and importance of real
estate is more than anywhere else in the world. It is a diverse continent where people
have different ways of trading. You must know the fastest growing real estate markets in
South Asia before you start your property search. The 5 fast growing real estate markets
in south Asia are discussed below
Pakistan real estate market
Pakistan s economy faced depression in 2012. In 2013, the political scenario was quite
unpredictable and challenging but the position of Lahore real estate market was
relatively attractive for the same year. It was due to the success of the agricultural
sector. Generally the political scenario does not have a deep impact on the real estate
market because the economy of Pakistan is quite informal and investors are attracted to
invest in the property market. The year 2014 was also positive for the economy of
Pakistan and since the beginning of this year, real estate market of Pakistan showed
stability in both residential and commercial terms.
Now the real estate market is showing positive results. The demand of the properties in
the leading cities like Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi is also increased along with some
increase in the prices.
New and existing projects also show upward growth. Rawalpindi/Islamabad real estate
markets are growing and receiving more investments but Lahore property market is going
The Randle Reef
One of the most appalling environmental catastrophes in Canada is right within the
Greater Toronto Area, The Randle Reef, located in the Hamilton Harbour.
Randle Reef, is considered the direst of identified water pollution issues within Canada,
but has recently begun remediation of the site. The Randle Reef contains a massive
amount of toxic coal tar, which has been building up for decades, but is scheduled to be
contained shortly.
In the early 1800 s, then known as Burlington Bay, Hamilton Harbour was an important
access point for initial water transportation and industrial expansion of the Burlington and
Hamilton area. During this time, the bay was crudely treated by its shoreline residents
constantly polluting, as well as the dredging ... Show more content on ...
The cleanup is a three phase plan, estimated to remove more than 99% of the PAH
mass from the area, which has begun and will hopefully undo the previous generations
of damage. Phase one is building a box to contain the contamination. Upon completion
of the first phase, there will be a double steel walled barricade surrounding contaminated
sediment. Phase two involves of dredging the polluted deposits from the adjacent areas
and placing them within the enclosure. The final phase of the project encompasses
removing the water from the suppression area and placing a waterproof cap on the
facility, which is anticipated to have a 200 year life span, to seal in the chemicals.
Upon completion, the container will be paved and then turned over to the Hamilton Port
Authority, who will then own the facility and be accountable for monitoring, preserving
and evolving the site as port facilities.
This project is expected to be completed by 2022, with an estimated cost of
approximately $139 million. The Randle Reef sediment remediation project is being
funded by both the federal and Ontario government, along with the cities of Hamilton,
Burlington and surrounding areas, the U.S Steel Canada, and Hamilton Port
Archetypes In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Archetypes can be found in most literary work, especially in Sir Gawain and the Green
Knight. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight most characters or objects served to aid in
the development of the hero by being either a situational, character, color, or a symbol
archetype. The poem begins with a challenge being presented to the knights of the Round
Tableby the Green Knight. While seeing that no one else will accept the challenge,
putting Camelot s honor at stake, Gawain accepts and then realizes that in a year they
must meet again and the Green Knight will return the blow that Gawain gave to him. Sir
Gawain and the Green Knightdramatically demonstrates how a single character can play
many archetypal roles.
In Sir Gawain and the Green ... Show more content on ...
The ultimate boon is the girdle that was given to Gawain by the Host s wife. On the
third day that Gawain is staying with the Host he is given a green girdle by the Host s
wife that is said to protect the person wearing it; knowing that he will meet with the
Green Knight the next day, he selfishly keeps the girdle without telling the Host. The
next day Gawain meets with the Green Knight to complete the challenge that was
presented to him in the beginning of the poem. However, since the Green Knight
knows that Gawain broke the deal with the Host he cuts Gawain on the third swing of
his sword. The three swings symbolize the three days Gawain stayed at the castle. The
first two swings don t touch him because he kept his part of the deal. On the third swing
he is cut, this symbolizes the third day when he keeps the girdle and breaks his part of
the deal.
The author utilizes colors to aid in the development of Gawain s character: Then they
brought him his shield, which was of bright red, ... gleaming gold (Weston 12). The red
that Gawain wears symbolizes the passion that he shows toward the deal he made with
the Green Knight. The gold symbolizes values and nobility two things that Gawain holds
to a high standard. Another character whose colors stand out are the Green Knight s he
wears green and gold. The green represents the amount of envy that King Arthur s sister
Pros And Cons Of The Border Wall Essay
In the past few years, there has been a recent push for a border wall to protect the United
States from the increase in immigration and drug trafficking. Although the border wall
aids in reducing problems in our country, it is affecting the economy of the country and
the health of our environment, therefore the border wall is not the best solution.
Starting in 2006, the United States started to develop the wall along parts of the
frontier between U.S. and Mexico. There was 670 miles of the wall authorized to be
assembled, and there were many objections to it being built. Besides the oppositions,
from 2006 to 2009 there was already more than 100 miles of the wall constructed
(Gilman 258). Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act in 1996. The act gave power to the government to create walls or
barriers along the border, and it allowed it to seize land from people if it is imperative
in protecting the borderline of the country (Gilman 259). In 2006, the Secure Fence
Act was passed that instructed the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to
develop a fence stretching from 5 different areas of the border. In 2007, there was 70
miles of the wall built in the Arizona and Mexico frontier. Since this occurrence, the
government then shifted its surveillance to the border along Texas and Mexico in 2007,
and started suggestions to assemble more than 100 miles of the border wall by 2008
(Gilman 260). Towards the end of 2007, the

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