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Practice Test PART 1 (8) They are standing in a tne. {@) The man is pouring a beverage. (0) There's fence infront of some trees. (©) She is valkeng up some stops. (6) There's @ cup on the table, (4) They are about o waik between two vehictes. (C) Tre towers are dispieyco on a cart (©) The gins anocking on tne door, (0) The man is walking aisngside the bus. (8) The cars being repaed PART 2 1" 12. 12 1 15 16 17 18 19. 20 2 22 28 24, 25, 26 27 28 29 30 3 2 3 34 % 7 38 30 40 (8) A cay or two at most (6) Pm not sure whose tis, (A) Yes, they are very clear (A) Not enough, Fm ataia (C) The old ones were obsotete (A) W's ust aross the hal. (C) You shovld ask that man over theve (A) I pala Tor most of i () No. had fo walk quite a ways, (C) You be tine. Dont worry, (a) Oniy in desicnated areas. (8) We're out of staples and paper. (6) Yes. Ws 75% (A) This isthe third yearn a row. (6) Oni itn receptionist out (3) No.l importes {C) Not everyone could make i today. () Tho manager takes care ofthat (A) They were investigating @ breakin (C) The owner hac a larmiy emergency. (6) She doesn't allow i, (A) Tipping is not customary neve. (@) Actual, 1m tne owner. (G) They seem a ite high to me, (2) Yas, we on the fist lane oman (6) | spied some tea at lunch, (C) ton the mouse. (4) Insta fom minutos. (a) The damage was 100 extensive. (6) tm about ta use t myst PARTS @ 43, 4a 45, 46 8 49, 50. 51 2 53. 54 (© Inabank (0) Waitin te lobby {C) More than twenty minutes (B) Less than three weeks 3 year (©) As much as she could (@) He can receive extra money. (©) ina vestaurant (8) The man has undercharged he woman, {A) She was honest {) Forms of entiation (0) Her criver's oense (A) She doesnt have the nacessary documents (0) Just ater 72:00 {C) She wants to know the weather @ sncwer ey 55, 56, 87 58 50, 60, 61 6, a 54 €. 66, 67 6, 6 70. (C) Wis lator than she expected. (A) Use her croc cars (A) Try again (8) The computer doesnt work property (C) Atteast tree wooks () Save ime {(C) The woman wit have to wait (8) Monday morning (0) Making a decision today {8) The client wants a decision soon, () Ajob offer {(C) Disapportes (8) He shuld accept (8) An automobile rental company {C) Two montns ago (a) Aminvan PART 4 n 7. 73, 74 % 7 78 73, 0. a 2 53, 8 85, 85, 87 85, 89, 9, 82 % 94 95, 98, m7, 98, 93, 100, (€) Garvage pickup (8) Less frequent meetings (0) Giizen. of Atamont {8) Salesperson {©} Too much time in the office (8) Mpays wet, (©) On Monday (8) A snowstorm (©) 12.00 pm (8) Many employees are attending, (a) Employee information (a) Tes! one of he trainers before leaving (4) Accomputer (6) Wat forte stas (8) Press he backspace key {(@) Contes wih workers (8) A spokesperson (@) In South America (C) Hep ine sevections (a) Press number one (8) Two (0) Sova (0) The food wil take longer. (0) None {(8) Former clients (8) Somewhat risky (©) Tomorrow (@) Salaries and bonuses (C) Totton subsiies (©) Green PART 5 101 (A) $0 ~ Such should be foliowed by a naun, and Is not appropiate forthe sentence. Nor are as ‘and very appropiate, because they are nol Used wha thatciause, The adverb 0 is ‘simiar in mearing to f0 that extent, ana when iis used before an adjective or adver, result clause should fellow inthe form of a tha-lause. Therefore, so is the best answer. 102, 103, 104, 106. 108, sor. 108. 109, 110, an 112, as. 114, 115, 116. (0) keep ~ The words, stay and remain, are verbs that do not take objects. The ver let is similar ‘in meaning lo allow, s0 tis not a good choice, ‘ther. The remaining ver, Keep sa verb that takes an object and means fo cause fo continue ina coran stato or concn (0) regardless ~ Ragarcessis used with ofto mean no matter how er without gard f. (8) on - For street we use the proposition on. (0) is being considered Since Janet Tale is one ‘of thove who may get promoted the tharclause shoulé be passive. Therelore is boing considered is most appronrat. (A) satstactory~ Since the word suitable for the Dank should modty the preceding noun, -accommedations, (C) and (0) cannot be onsiered forthe blank. Also accommodations ‘ive salstacon, not gt saistied. Hence, ‘alisfactoy i approprate. (A) posipone = The presence of such words as recommend, insist require, demand et. ‘equires the veto o their object clause to be {an infiive wehout fe. Thus, postpone is most ‘appropriate fr tne sentence. (€) make ~ Since folowed by aninfritve without tothe blank is reserved for one ofthe two let ‘and mako. However, ets not appropriate because fl means 10 allow while make s the fight word because ofits meaning, fo cause to actin a speciied manner. (®) disposable ~ When we mention things that we ‘an dispose of afer using, we use disposable (A) denied ~ Since tne sentence is a kindof ‘tfense and detense, denied meaning "declared unos” is most appropiate for it Declined means “otusod polly” exclaimed ‘means “expressed suddenly,” and unclaimed ‘means “not claimed.” (8) wit Be provided is followed by with {C) to maintain = inabity, as well as aby, followed by a foinintve, (C) Unmoved = Considering the presence ol by aftr the blank, we can conclude that an 24 orm is noeded, Moved means to affect with ‘emoton and because the management cid not ‘change its decison we can conctude mat thoy ‘wore Unmoved, not affected wih emoton (a) character As this i about screening the ‘Sancidates fora job vacancy, 2 word moaning ‘personaly is what is neoded forthe blank ‘The presence o his or her implies tha the word should be singuar (@) at When we tel time, we use a, as in at ‘eight oiock sharp. (©) which ~ Logic says that te blank refers to is ‘esearch. Moeover, since the sentence Consists ‘of two tensed clauses (Ie parenthetical no hopes being set aside), the right choice forthe ‘sentence shouldbe a relave pronoun. Note ‘hat he relative pronoun, that, cannot be preceded by a preposition. 17, 18, 119, 120, 121 ee 128. 124, 125, 128, 127, 128, 129, {) eloquent ~ Considering the meaning ofthe second clause led by Dut, we can easily ‘conclude that eloquent (mearing characterized by persuasive and powerful discourse) i "ght choice. Eclectcmeans made up of or ‘combining elements fom a valty of sources. (0) reputation = Since receded byte, te anc (8) but ~ We often use everyone follomed by ‘excep, as in Everyone passed except me, We may auecttuts exept for but yrelding Everyone passed but me where the cnoce of me instead of fig an informal sy. () concentrating ~ We use havo rouble with an ing for, (8) though = The sentence shows a contrast. In (general, along speech is vary key fo fal fo raw the audience's attention, bul the speaker In this sentence Meld he inierest from beginning to end, Thus thoughie a conjunction most appropriate fr the sentence. Note that though ‘gre long eres fom though # wos gute on (©) lave ynsed - As tne propostion by Teprsents completion, tno posenes of by the limos svg neaton thal to tre porfct is needed forthe man aise (a) row Te Dark needs a word moaning a sy2up o! peeps worng together Cian eles ralage aroup of rlaves trond, or {srocaes reece crew the best anwar. (©) reaton = As red tala sold customer {see the ject! the ver, cea the noun reaton est completes the sentence. Greawryrlre © ominaly, rete Some roto. and reer one that Sraten (0) on Tho whoo wed win tho pepesiton on {© mean consdonng evening or asa ue (@) avis Two nile pases are powded a: complement fo he suet, and'0 verb SS ended rhe Dank Aces ard aeisor are nouns, ana advisory an ajecive. Note tat oavee Used hove ne saree itrm or an (cy ives ~ Contng he veo seen anne Broo thor used he srtees, he ban Ererclore served for peopl wo vest Hone nvcctors who errors preen, ‘reat appropate for he sentence (©) notmavng formed The spear apoogzee {oranat ey snoud nave done ear. Wen wre mgt boca we dion do someting we Use regret no having -e. Note tat wren {olowed bys fontnve rege means foe omy a" syn. (w 10 as romeans about oF with regerdto So {bie mos srproprate forthe serence snnuer key @ 131 199 197. 198 140, (©) resort - is easy inferrod that tho representatives are asked not to depend fon cettan sales tactics, Tha ver thet may ‘Suppo this inleence Is resort. Succumb ‘means surrender, resolve means 10 sove, {nd sul means surrendorhand in (A) anyone ~ As hardyis a negative adver, 0 ‘one cana be chosen because of the ban against double negation. Nor can haraly be Immediately folowed by a pronorn lke those ora prepoaton lia of However, harly can be used with anyone, meaning mast no one. (©) decreased ~ I seams clear tat the 108 oF [COLAS'S to Keep the value of pensions from dropping due to ilation; terelore decreased ‘5 tye most agpropriate word fr re sentence, (©) much less The most possible meaning of the Sentence seems “ow ean we achive a prot when ts dificut even to cover expurses™ Thus, much less mening even less ike is fois most appropriate forthe blur. Evermore ‘means always, of for aver, and more or less ‘means somewhat (©) Kooning up = As the role of customer service ‘epreseniatves isto mest the customer's cal, keaping upis he best choice in halt means (0 cominue atthe same pace. ld down ‘means to limit, put through means fo oblan a Telephone connection for. and take avermeans to assume the contrl or management of (8) coverage ~ Since 8 nferred thatthe merger \was rot completed because ofthe news repo, coverage, one o's definitions being report, fs most appropriate. (8) fatigue = The fat that they are going to allow ‘mote breaks ana increase the length of beaks forthe employees is a song hit that the injuries are due to okers being wed. Fatigue {physical or mental weariness trom exertions therefore the most appropriate. (A) mandatory - When attendance is requires, we say tis mandatory. Laudatory means expressing prase, exemplary means worthy of Jaton, and discinary means relating fo ascii. (A) productivty = The acrass:the-board pay raises Inthe sentonce strongly implies that the output ‘er unt of labor lurned out beller than Belore Productuty’can mean the production of goods has increases while tme and money spent to {get the goods has remained the same. (9) Say - Perceptual vorbs Ike wach, soe, ston to, hear, foo! shoul take 2 9308 form of va alters objec: Inus. say is most appropiate for ne sentence (@) regaraing ~ Since both concern and the ‘decision are nouns, they should bo connected bya preposition. OF the four choices given, only regarding isa preposivon meaning Concerning, ot wih respect f, Q rower ney PART 6 141, (©) devoted ~ Devote aneseif o's oten used as a passive form, Le. be devoted fo, mean ng to ‘ive one’s time and allention to an actviy oF 142, (a) monthly ~ When something is publs'ad once ‘a month, we say itis pubched monthly. 143, (0) ot Whan a novn hat derives from a verb tekes its objec, should be flowed by « preposition. In case of volaon, the reposition of used, 144, (©) folowing = When foiow comes betore a noun to modi, i shoule 8€ In an “ng orm, 145, (A) lnast = Since the sentence is sttesing the importance of washing hands, least meaning no! less than is most appropriate or ‘the sentence, Note that at mast means at We 146, (C) might ~ The speaker wars the possibilty of the employees having to leave work forthe day i rey fall to meet the given guidelines. To tak ‘about a possibly, parila 2 sfoht possibilty, we use might. 147. {@) delivery ~ Since preceded by the, the blank shoud be filed wih a nou. The presence fof mai atthe end of tne sentence impiog that delivers most appropriate. Daiverance, another noun form, means rescue, while elberation, which detves rom delcerae, ‘means thaugituiness in deision or acto, 148, (0) batier~ When faiowed by @ noun, the sSuperatve form needs the betore it. Best and ‘mos are therelore not appropriate. To use ‘more the context should be plural ard implies Increasing the amoum. Botorimples increasing the quality 149, (A) above ~ Since no further information is provided below, the information must refer to Thus, above s most appropiate, 150, (0) current ~ The sale i being offered forthe Sock that they have now. For stock that is available now, we use current stock. Note that \We cannot use contemporaryin this sentence, ‘which is mosty used to reter to persons, books, of acadents that belong fo the same period of time. 154. (0) her OF the four choices, what can follow ‘many’ only oer. 152, (A) cheaper = The price they wi match isa ‘cheaper price that occurs inthe secause, $0 ‘cheaper s mast aporopriato. Note that the is ‘hint saying that the. pice relers to what hhas already been mentioned PART 7 4531 (0) Four 154. (B) The bookcases 155, (A) The women's gol cubs 156, (A) Fourteen years ld 4187. (0) Proof of age 158. (B) Between January 25 and February 12 158. (A) Elder people 160. (0) Most deaths trom falls among the elderly are preventable. 161. (B) Many people trp a fat over electrical {and telephone cords. 362. (C) They were not Bue, 163. (A) For facity upkeep 164, (D) Email address 165, (C) There will be one more daily fight to Bulfalo trom County Aipor. 166. (8) Two 167, (A) He works for the Metro Airport Authority. 168. (C) It was desired by local business travelers. 168. (A) The cleanness of tho restaurant 170. (0) He had heard it was good, 171. (8) To praise the restaurant 172 (0) They wore unfamiliar wit American cestaurans 173. (C) Homeowners 174, (0) itcan be used while stit in the garage 175. (A) Wait a shod time 178. (0) On a day wit bad weathor 177. (0) tis open ony to registered businesses. 4178. (C) Ethical companies 179, (A) Unethical businesses can easly jon 180, (0) Product discounts 181. (0) Al regonal managers 182. (8) Because ofa change in data keeping 183, (C) Twenty-one hours 184, (A) tls more cost elleent than the current system. 185, (8) Soling of records 186, (0) To renew a membership 187. (0) He has been a momber since 1969, 188, (C) $41.99 188, (G) itis paid for once a year 190. (8) Two 191. () A police officer 192. (C) Whether the citation wil be contested 196. (C) Because ine vencie owner aiant pay for parking 194. (6) $20 195, (G) They are too expensive 196, (0) To apply fora credit card 197. (C) itis good 198. (C) Too many debts 198, (B) Request it rom Equty Evaluations, In. 200: (0) She may request a free crt report newer toy

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