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fe Answer Key UNIT® PART 1 41. (A) The man is tving a keto, 21 (D) The cat is noar tho door. 3. (C) The woman's holding a dink. 44. (D) Thera is graft on the wall 5.(C) The building is under construction, PART 2 1. (B) About live kilometers. 2. (A) Yes, ust a minuto, please. 2. (C)it's on the dresser 4(B) Great! And you? 55 (B) Not ight now, 'm very busy. PART 3 4B) Ata hote! 2.(B) He is expecting a phone call, 3.(A) 11:90 4. (C)How 9 send a tex 55. (B) Documents 6 (0) The green button PART 4 1. (8) Outdoo- actives 2 (O)River rating 3. (B) The activities coordinator 4-(C) Hale and Chava 3.(A)Ata university & (AJA book PARTS 1. (A) want = Hebing vers, the does have fo be fooned by 2 bane form ofr 2.(@)fo uy = The vero atord canbe folowed ether bya toiintve ory 8 noun 3. (Cymoving "The verb consiao lakes a gerund as teopjeet 4.(@)l0 drop ~ Wout tho, wher ltiowed by a t- Inve, becom sina in meaning to mart 5.(B)to bush = The word forge nas tobe followed by 'romifvive when eta about wnat so Be dona oF haste flo ved By a ing form "hen wr tah about wnat nae aon bosn done Retore. 6. (6)10 stand - Tho verb ask, when i akes a person 3s object may meca'aominave as ask 9 Berson to.) a noun phrase (es n ask a pesson the way. ), oa preposional pease (ash ask 2 person about someting ater he je 7. lake = Pereaptal vers ine lath, se, faton te, hear and oo sna take 8 base form of erm ater objet 8 (©)atowig = Conlerng thatthe blank immediatly precedes hand Is iniates he sje hat fe msn re ls.a govund. gerund can become or intate a subjecl ang It derves Wom a anstve ver needs 10 be flowed by te bet 9. (@)dving= Since ats apreposton. needs a ‘ng orm as object. @ rover ney 10. (B) saying - Porceptual verbs like har, se, foe, ‘ete. ganoraly roquie its object followed by a base form of verb or by an ing form in an active Sernence, wills in a passive sentence the base form is changed into to-nfintive form and the -ing form remains the same. ~ The verb discuss and say do not need a preposition before its object, However, for toto be followed by about a porson oF is equivalent ‘must folow i, a8 in fell me about i. Whan tall is folleved by about, t means discuss 12. (B) Informed ~ As preceded by its objec, the verb must be a past participle. 18. (B) hearing ~ he phrase look forward to has to be followed by 2 gerund (nearing) 11, (B) made - Since followed by a base form clean, the blank needs a strong causative verb made, All the otner choices require that tne object be followed by a tountiniive 15, (C)to ~ The phrase be opposedis used with fo, the Combinatory meaning foughly being be against PART 6 1, (B) to change ~ When needis used as a verb in an ‘himatve dacinralwa sentence, # should bs followed by a torntintve 2. (A) to move - The verb agree belongs tothe class of verbs that take a torntintive as ts object. 3. (C) want to ~ When the verb want is used before another verb, te flloing verb needs an infinite marker fo belo‘ itn this sentence, both wanting {aang want fo mel tis condtion, but the presence Of I dictates that want 0 is needed for the blank. 4, (C)eanding = The presence of am strongly implies that tna verb after should be either an -ing farm of an -ed form. As the abject af send remains in ts typical postion. itis cer‘ain thatthe present partciale sending isthe correc: answer. 5. (8) 10 have ~ The vetb prefer is usually followed by 2 fornfiniive. An -ng form may be used i hore is a possibilty of a consecutive repetition of fo, however, this does not happen oa this occasion, 6. (DJusing - Gonsidering ine context, the only ‘appropriate choice Is using. PART 7 1. (8) Spring 2 (A) House plants 3. (8) Furnture 4. (0) Thee years 5.(C) With a lever 8.(A) Creatt cards 7. (A) $7,000 8. (A) Clients of the bank 9. (8) interest 10. (C) Fal 11. (0) UNIT PART 1 1. (O) The woman is helping the man. 2. (A) Troes surround the builgings 43 (C) The man has missed the tain 44 (B) The man is siting on a bench. 5.(0) The man has a shoe in is hands. PART 2 1. (A)50 cents each, 2. (8) To play tonnis: 3. (C) She hasn't come in yet. 4. (B) Just yesterday. 5. (C) Yes, how many guests wit be staying? PART 3. 1. (O)In a bus station 2(o)1115 3.(B) Thirteen 4 (A) Ina supermarket 5. (C) The speakers went to the same elementary school 6.(B) Many years ago PART 4 1. (Q)Save electricity 2. (A) The printer, photocopier, and lights 8 (C)Someone in the office 4. (D)On a boat 5.(B) Two 6. (C)Go to the beach PART 5 1. (D) get - Modal verbs such as may, can, must, et. Should be followed by a base form of verb. 2. (B) not = The presence of such words as recommend, Insist, require, demand, etc. asks the verb of their object clause to be a base form, and negation of the object clause invoWves adding @ ‘negative like not before the base form of vero, 3. (C)could have gotten ~ When the subjunctive clause is in a past perfect tense, we generally use the past form of a modal verb plus a parlacive Infintve, 4.(A) submit ~ Just lke recommend, insist, require, fc. adjectives such as essential, vial, necessary etc. also require the verb of the ‘embedded clause to be a base form, 5. (C) Would - The use of askod in this sentence is indicative that itis an offer. When we offer tea, Coffee, oF something to eat, the question usually ‘begins with Wout 6.(B) cant - That the baby had mik guarantoes the ‘speakers conclusion that is impossibe fo him or her to be hungry. Thus, canis most appropriate. 1. (O)mmust not - Because ine use Of soimpies nat the second clause is a resut of he fist clause, we can make an inference that he is certainly not thirsty. Hence, must nots the right answer in the ‘sense of "being certainly nol.” Furthermore, none (ofthe other three choices is appropriate because they cannot be foliowed by an infintve be. 8, (A) better not - Tha negation of hag better (ought 10) involves a negative not just after better, hence, bettor notis the sight answer. 8.(A) plays ~ Tho prosonce of usually isa strong ‘nation that playing tennis 's one of his usual after-school activities. AS a repeated or regular action is represented by presont tense, plays is tha right answer. Note that play is not the right answer because it doesn't agree with is subject in pumoer, 10. (C)have you~ A tag quoction Ie formed by sing tho given auxiliary plus a negative tag f the preceding Sentence is afirmative or plus a non-negative tag | the preceding sentence is negative 11. (G)t00 ~ In order for a degree adverb to be ‘Used here, it should be followed by a tharclause. ‘Aso, the use of very and far does not match the Infinive phrase to play outside without coats. ‘That is, 100... infintive is intended, meaning “it was very cold, and the children couid't play ulside without coats" 12. (A) run= The verb fun takes an orrand as its abject to roughly mean to do small places of business.” 18, (A) will ~ As the vero folowing the blanks an infinitive form, ought and could have are not appropriate for the sentence. Nor is count appropriate, Considering the possible meaning ofthe sentence. 14, (0) shall~ Shailis Used in the form ofa tag question to make suggestions in sentences beginning with Ler’. 15, (A) by ~ When saying that an action or event wil ‘happen al or belore a future moment, we use by. PART 6 1. (B)have - Since followed by a past participle had, the blank should be filed with have to make a present pertect. 2. (O)ean ~ AS the sentence talks about atist available ‘now, prosont lense is required for tho sentence. 2, (B) am ~ The speaker is polly requesting a person {to do something. In order to express "sorry" for asking someting we use the present tense 4, (G)have ~ Since itis inferred that shuting the whole Duileing Bogan lastnight and continued up 19 the present, a present perfect in a plural form is needed. 5. (A) might - To deliver the meaning "it fs possible that F we use may 0° might. 6. (B) would ~ Would combines with like to mean want PART 7 (©)s1099 (8) Oice sottware (8) Online (0) 850 (C) Computer supplies (A) To encourage people to use public tennis courts 7. (©) Expensive 8 (D) People of alt ages 9 (B) Private cubs 10. (C) The manager of a sports center svewer ey @ UNIT PART 1 1. (B) The women are holding wine glasse: 2. (C) The bike is beside the rack 3. (0) Ha is looking at himselt in the mirror. 4, (A) The ciy skyline consists of tall buildings. 5, (6) People are-cn the escalator. PART 2 1. (B) We're open from nine to five. 2. (A) There's a pay prone around the comer. 3: (C)At8:00 am, 4, (6) The orange one is nic. 5. (A) No nat yet. PART3 1. (B) Ata pharmacy 2. (A) Medicine 3. (B) On the second shel 4 (0) The sacretary 5. (itis atthe main office. 6. (0) The paperwork was very goos. PART 4 4. (©) Keep pets 2. (C) Cookbooks 3. (8) On holicays 4. (D) He could not connect to the Internet. 5, (D) His password 6. (A) He had to loave for work. PART 5 1. (0) Are ~ Tho subject of this sentonce is cats. So, its appropriate verb Are agrees withthe subject in number, 2. (B) is ~ The sentence is a definition of mathematics, a branch of learning, whose number is singular. Thereloce, i, agrees with mathematics in number 3. (B) has ~ The determiner each requies a singular verb. 4. (C)are ~ The subject The people requves a plural vet. 5. (A) waa Aphvase o clause does not affect the ‘number of te subject that it modifies. Even though the choices has and becomes agroe with the subject in number, they are not compatible with ihe flowing present partcipla struggling. 6. (C)is ~ Each requires a singular verb, The modal verb wil is not appropriate because itis ollowed Not by an infinitive, but by a past participle. 7. (Clare = The phrase @ number of... needs a plural ‘verb. Even though become agrees with the subject in number, itis not appropriate because itis followed by an od form. 8. (C)has ~ The rumber ofa fraction is determined by the noun folowing of. The noun that flows is uncountable, Though singuer, snl appropaate here, because it's flowed by a past participle been. 9. (@) are ~ With the phrase not only. but (also)... the ‘number ofa verb is determined by the noun that comes after but (also). The noun Mere is plural 10, (A)is ~ Exprossions of time, distance, price, and \woight are regarded as singular 11. {D)}o = Bo a person a (big) favors an idiomatic. expression. 12, (O) wnuld have - In this sentence, othenwise is an ‘adverb equivnlent to a conditional clause roughly ‘meaning "if he had not mised the train $0, the resull clause needs @ modal verb would folowed by have + -ed, 13, (D} were wearing - The antecedent of the relative pronoun wos plural, $0 the verb of the relative Clause should also be plural 14, (Clis - The vero ofthe relative clause should be ‘singular because the ani: cedent is an expression oftime. An expression of ime is considered singular 15, (0}10 ~ Beiget maid's followed by a preposition to. PART 6 1. (B)have - Since the verb made has is object in its original position, itis in an active voice. Hence, neither is nor are are correct. Furthermore, the ‘subject is plural, needing a plural verb, 2. (C)it- When the subject of clause is an infinitive expression, it doesn't come at the beginaing, Instead, we use a preparatory subject itat the ‘beginning, putting the intintive expression tater. 3. (A)are ~ Considering tne if-clause has a present tense verb, ihe main clause cannot have a past tense verb. The noun phrase following a vero is. whal determines the number of the verb, Note thal there cannot be followed by have, except in such cases 2s have been, 4. (8) are ~ The sentence needs a verb that can link the subject you three with iis complement the Subscriptions eolectors. The vero should therefore be a linking ver in plural form. 5. (C}se0 ~ The context says thatthe bare infinitive ‘orm see isthe right answer because itis actualy linked to ask you fon parle with start. 6. (8) sels - sell cannot be the right answer, because ‘doesn't agree in number withthe antecedent Of the relative pronoun who. Also, considering the meaning of the sentence, only sells is appropriate PART 7 1. {A) Within thiay days 2. (A) Products damaged by the customer 3. (0) They workin the same company, 4.) $25, 5. (B) An Internat store 8. (C) Two oF more years 7. (6) An accredited university 8. (C)$75,000 9. (8) Once a week 10. (C) Mr. Fenwood has a bad relationship with his current employer. UNITO PART 1 1. (C) The cables are plugged into the system. 2. (0) Two people are singing on a stage. 3. (0) The child is looking at something, 4. (A) The statue shows the charging solders. 5. (C] She is preparing some food. PART 2 1. (A)At least three times. 2. (8) No thanks, I'm ful 3. (A) About two pounds. 4. (B) The new one with Sean Connery 5. (C)No, Il check i iter. PART 3 1. {C) She has misplaced a phone number. 2. (B) She needs to be better organized. 3. (A) Keeping a notebook 4. (C) Secretary 5. (6) This afternoon 6.(A) Type it PART 4 1. (A) Calendars 2 (8) One year 3. (¢) Four 4. (6) Blocked trate. 5. (A) An overturned truck 6. (8) Fog PART 5 1. (A) takes ~ We use a present tense for things that happen regulary 2. (B) arrives - We use a present tense instead of a ‘uture tense in adverbial causes beginning with when, the momentinstant, before, etc. oF with if “The subject here is singular. 3. (D) were ~ In a that-clause after wish, we generally Use a past tense like were with a present or future meaning n a formal s 4, (C)did you nish As the embeded clause isa direct ‘question, the subject-ver inversion is needed Furthermore, finish isnot used in a pertect tense 5. (C)have seen - The use of lately and a ot of is a strong incicaton that a present perfect tense is needed. 6. (D)had met ~ Considering the use of two or three times before, a present perfect tense, have met, is needed. We use a present pertect tense for past events when the period of ime continues Upto the present 7.(A) seem ~ The verb seem doesn't alow a progressive form, nor ist used in the form of be + seemed. ‘Seem is most appropriate forthe sentence, Note that ‘Seems does not agree wit ts subject in number. 8, (C) was looking - The sentence is intended to descrbe ‘something taking place around a parkcular time. ‘Totalk about what is going on around a particular time, we use a past progressive tense. 9. (C) since - Considering hati is an answer to ‘how Tang," the speaker has obviously been waiting ‘continuously from four o'clock up to now. The ‘reposition equivalent 1 "from .. up t0 now" is since, 10, (A) ago - When the embedded clause is in a past perfect tense, we vee bofora in the sence of ‘any time before then.” By contrast, we use ago when we count back from the present, as in: We artived two hours ago. 11. (B) analysis - The possessive adjective His should 'be folowed by a noun. Even though analyst is noun too, it doesn fit the blank because it refers to a person who does analysis. 12, (C)take ~ We use take offin the sense of “removing ‘one’s clothing from one’s body.” 13, (0) gets ~ We use a present tense instead of a future tense in adverbial clauses of time o¢ condition. 14, (O)oanes~ As he cause is an adverbial use, ‘he present tense is used instead ofa future tense, 15, (C)in ~ Detalis preceded by in, meaning *horoughly ‘or at ful length PARTS 1. (C)have been - The presence of since shows the need for the present perfect tense. 2. (B) was delayed ~ Since delivery is understood to be the object of the verb delay, itis certain that ‘a passive sentence is intended. Note that were delayed cannot be the right answer. because it Tails fo agroe with is subject in number 8. (A) makes ~ We use a present tense when we talk about the function ofa system. Note that make does not agree with the subject in number 4. (B) have been reduced ~ Since the folowing sentence says thatthe change wil be effective the following ‘week, it appears thatthe decision has now been made. Thus neither will have been reduced nor hhad been reduced can be the right answer. Noris reduced appropriate because the verb reduces Pot an intransitive verb. 5. (C}uil be ~ The changes are being enumerated in the future tense, so we need fo use a future tense to be consistent. 6. (C) may use - As the announcement is to recommend thal they use vending machines newly available instead of the canteen, may use is most ‘appropriate for the sentence in the sense of permission PART 7 4. (0) Life insurance applications 2. (A) Make a complaint 5. (C) Satelite dishes 4. (8) One year 5. (A) Ghinese program package 6. (A) Monthiy 7. (B) August 10" 8. (8) Two days 9. (C) An office holiday 10. (G)A sales meeting anewer ney @ UNITS PaRT 1 4. (O) The house has two stories. 2. (C) They're at the dentist's office. 3. (6) The customers are siting ata table 4. (A) The people are walking toward the bullings. 5. (6) The poople are playing a card game. PART 2 4. (A) think Sara lot it here. 2. (C) Sure, in just a minute. 5, (8) There are two by the door. 4 (8) Over $1,000. 5. (A)No, [haven't thought about it. PARTS 1. (0) The project manager 2. (A) The operator 3. (B) Call again tha same day 4 (A) To make an appointinent 5. (C)A hair salon 8. (C) Friday at 7:00 pm. PART 4 4. (C)Ina hotel 2. (B) All day and all night, 3. (B) The manager, 4 (A) His wite 5. (C) Microbiologist 6. (0) Retail PARTS 1, (C) baring ~ An -ing form is used when the roun it modifies is 3 causer-i, brings a result 2, (O) murdered ~ Since a man who was kiled is talked about, a past participle (i.e, murdered) is. ‘mast appropriate for the sentence. 2. (D)underotooe Since himeeitic logcaty tho object ‘understand and is placed belore ine vero, an ed form is needed 4. (C)/alling - We use an -ing form, a present paricple, when something i sill going on. 5. (C)living ~ There is no conjunction used inthe sentence, therefore neither live nor lived is appropriate. Nor is a to-nlinitve appropriate because the mast possible meaning of the sentence is to reler to people who live in large otios, nat peoplo who wil ive in large cies. 6 (0) brought ~ As the object occurs before its verb, a past participle is appropriate 7. (8) Wanting ~ The partcipe phrase detives from As hhe wanted to leave early, Thats, As he is omiied since it is recoverable, and the verb is changed into an -ing torr, 8, (B) Shouting ~ The participle form we can make out cf an intransitive verb ike shout is an -ing form 9. (B) permiting ~ Weather permitting is an isiomatic expression thal we can derive fromm If weathar permits by changing the verb into an -ing form aller ne conjunction plus the subject is lll out @ prover ney 10, (C)exhausted ~ The participle phrase derives from Since he is ultery exhausted. When the Conjunction, together with the subject, is omite, 169 ge! is uiterly exhausted, which in turn is. hanged into Boing uttery exhausted. As a final step, the pariciole being s oft out, and we got utterly exhausted. 11. (@) regrettably ~ An advorbial is needed here as it ‘wil modlly the Sentznce, Here t shows that te ‘speaker is assering that is o be regretied that he is out of employment. 12. (@) tansler ~ For changing cars. trains, or planes, Wo use the vero sransfer. 13, (C)shinad - As the verb shine nas its object Bofors 4 a past participle form is most appropriate for the sentence. shone and shined are bo past participles, but their usage is diferent; shone is Used inthe sense of fo emi light, while shined is Used in the sense of 10 make bright by polisning. 14, (O) crossing ~ We use an-ing orm alter be arrested to ay that a person ic arrested while doing sornething 15, (B) [or ~ The preposition for meaning as a result of ig needed for the eentence because his reckless decisions tne reas for emiczing PART 6 1. (C)10 announce ~ Would ike is followed by a Toinfinitve. 2. (B) pick up ~ When collecting things ke @ coupon, Wwe use pick up. Drop off means t0 leave something af a place intentunaly. {3 (B) per = When we say that only one thing goes to ‘ne person, we say ane thing per person. 4, (G) occur ~ The presence of Every year implies that tho occurrence is regular, For things that happen regulary, we use a present tense 5 (8) might ~ According fo ine context, the blank Should be tiled with a modal verb representing less probable or less definite. 1. (B) make = An appointment is used with make meaning to make an arrangement to meet someo'e ata particular ime and place. PART 7 (C)Pato (A) Madson (C) Tour information (©) Single passengers (8) Three (0)200 pm. (8) Have a business moeting (8) In te lobby (C) The secretary (6) Leave itat ine front desk UNITO PART 1 1. (B) The boxes are on the belt 21 (A) The man is puting a letter inthe mailbox. 3. (B) The woman is opening a present 4. (C) They are walking infront of a theater. 5. (C) The man is touching the stutfed bear PART 2 1. (B) About 4:30 2. (C)1 ike Spanish, 3. (C)No problem, 4. (A) By bicycle, 5. (C)At a language institute PART 3 1. (A) Plans for atter a conference 2. (C) Leaving early 3. (0) Take a tour 4. (C)To offer ner a job 5. (A) Next weok 6. (D)At the end of this week PART 4 4.(A) Musician 2.(C) Fourteen years, 3, (B) Soundtracks 4. (8) Yesterday evening 5, (C) Evacuate the area 6. (B) A storm PART 5 1. (0) much worse - The presence of thane strongly indcaive of werse beng necessary. Aso, very istanatvorb nat cannot occur with a comparative fom. 2. (C)as.= When comparing two things by using a jase frm ofan aesive of adver, we Use 9. (D) the mare ~ When a comparatve form comes Delore, or somehow i relates with“ the two, thei needed betore the comparative frm. 4.(O)Ine most superiatve form arth tho fe Used ‘hon is felowed by over, 5. (Cymoct A eapoiave form, particulary win ite {olowed by a noun, needs the. Thus the use of tho bere the blank strongly indicates hat most isthe best choice. Bests 0! appropriate, because i's superiave form o “gcodwel” 6. (@) east ~ Gecavse ofthe presence of te Dalore the Bian, a superative form san best complete the sentence, The contest says hat oasis most appropiate for he sonence. 7. Wales A superative form is ot followed by “olthe "anda one-sylable word takes “ost or 8. (alo rors folowed by to, meaning “blore* 9, (0) hat of a woman's - Since what is compared Is ‘eyes, the pronoun should be plural 10, (8) twice as ~ When words lke twice, three times ‘tc are used with the as ... as comparison, they ‘occur just before the fist as. 11, (A) over ~ Over means more than, and therelore best completes the sentence. 12, (A) almost - You could almost hear a pin drops an idiomatic sentence that means it wasis very ‘quiet. Aimost is aso an adverb that modes roar, 13, (B) far ~ Of the four choices, nothing but farcan be Used belore a comparative form, 14, (C)older ~ The presence of than strongly indicates that a comparative form best completes the sentence. 15, (A) about ~ Be about to means be af the point of ng. PART 6 1. (B) enough ~ As itis intended to say that the fabric lefts fess than wanted, enough is the only choice that expresses this, 2. (A) less popular ~ The clause the supplier has no plans .. because of the lank of demand is fenough evidence that less popular is most appropriate for the sentence. 3. (0) cheaper ~ The presence of than requires the lank to be filles with @ comparative form 4. (O)flier ~ As fis a one-sylable word, iis ‘comparative form should be -er 5, (6) the newest ~ As another supetiative form folows, the blank should be filed with a superlative for) to meet a structural parallelism between the two elements linked by and. 6.(C)the trendiest - It isnot very aiticut to see that ‘the phrase of alli omitted ata position just ater workers. The superiative form of fiendiy is Inandiest PART 7 4. B)July7 2 (C) uly 11 3. (€)Comedian 4, (0) Children 5 (B) Seeing people smile 6 (8) Spanish music 7. (B) In Sandra's studio 8. (A) More than a decade 9, (C)She broke her arm. 10. (8) 8:00 p.m. Monday UNIT@ PART 1 1. (8) Clotas are behind the sale signs. 2.{C) They're in tront ofthe git shop. 3, (B) The trucks are loaded with logs. 4 (A) The woman is putting gas in her car, 5. (A) The vending machine is ful of food. PART 2 1.(B) The 14 2.(B) Not at al 3. (B) About eight or nine. 4 (C)Go down this street and take your third right. 5.(A) Amonth ago, PART 3. 1. (A) He lost his credit card 2.(C) The woman is going to Chicago. 8.(O)L-oking in his drawer 4. (B) ina store in a big city 5. (A) High prices 8. (B) It would bo t00 costly. PART 4 1.(A) cal phone 2 (B) About 200 dollars 3. (C)A camcorder 4. (8) Skateboarcing 5. (D) Skateboard stores 6.(0) Fashion| PART 5 1. (@) Not knowing ~ As tne object remains In ts place, ‘know should be changed into an -ing form; moreover, ven we negate nantinite forms (.e., 1006, -g), we puta negative adverb like not and naver ust before them. 2. (A) no ~ We use not, an adverb, 1o make a word or 2 clause negative, while we use no, an adjective, with a noun er -ing form to mean not any, oF not van. When negating such + noun, we therefore put ro betore such as in no such menthingstvees, etc 8. (C)not to = In order to negate a fornfintive, we put rot or never betor® i 4, (D)nor naving ~ In oFaer to negate an -ing form, wa ul not or never belore it 5, (C)any ~ Since the sentence begins with Nobody, @ onassertve anys one that best completes the sentence, 6. (C)any - Since diticuty is a noun, it cannot be ‘oailied by the adverb So, Furthermore, many is not approrviate because i doesn't agree with dificully in number. Of the remaining two, any best completes the sentence; we use any with words ike never, hardly, witout, refuse, doubt 7. (B) some ~ We mostly use some in affirmative Sentences, but we also Use it in offers oF request. 2, (A) can ~ Considering the second clause, the tons is expected to be present. Also, we generally don’t Use double negation, so can'vcouldn" cannot occur with hava. @ snower key 9. (A) any - We use any instead of some in negative Sentences, in most questions, and in itelauses. 10, (A) did he lose - When a negative word or ‘expression initiates a sentence, an auniiary verb is Placed before the subject, 11. (A) frequent ~ Frequent is used not only as an adjective, but as a verb meaning go trenvently. Go land drop cannot occur witha place noun uniess. they are followed by a preposition. And the phrase cailon occurs before a person, nota place. 12. (A) calor-bind ~ We say a person is color-biind it they cannot distinguish cartain colors 13, (C)assignment - Since nois an adjectve, it can be used wih a noun, 14. (C)have |- Since tne sentence begins with a negative word nover, an auxilary verb must come belore the subject. Due to tie presence of dreamed, the auxilary verb should be have. 15, (B) on ~ Just ike depend takes (up) on, its adjective form dependent needs the same preposition PART 6 1. (©) may not - The presence of under any ircumstances strongly implies that the sentence is, intended to be negative. 2. (B) dressed — Wearing and clothing need to be followed by their objec, and look cannot be placed aller a liking verb. However, we can say Ike, ‘Someone is dressed (in white) 8, (C) won't - Since wearing a unitorm is necessary for al employees, the logic says thal won'tis most appropriate for the sentence, 4.(G)no longer ~ The phrase sorry to inform implies that the following clause contains negative Inoxmation. Note that no! cannot make a comparative form negative; we instead use no 10 negate comparatives. 5. (C)not able - Since are cannot be used with an aurilary verb, anly not ab/2is what can complete the santence, 6. (C)any ~ The determiner any is used in negative Sentences, in questions, and in ifclauses. Funhormore, lots should be folowed by of, and the Indefinite amticle a/an cannot be used with a plural oun. Hence, any is mast appropriate for the Sentence, PART 7 4, (B) One and two 2. (0) The garage and basement 3. (D) Monthly 4.18) CDs 5.(C) Pens 6. (C) She wants to tind out about free programs. 7.) Sally is eligible forthe courses. 8. (0) Online 9, (C) Cheok their works sohediule 10. (A)A signature UNITO PART 1 1. (A) Theve isa large field in front ofthe bulling. 2. (C) The wornen are walking together in the park. 3. (B) They're riding the lit. 4. (0) The man is standing atthe counter. 5. (C) There are no trees near the dam, PART 2 1.(B)| heard that its Robert. 21 (6) it'sin the rafigerator. 3. (C) He's a vor tall man, 4. (8)! order things off the Internet alt the time. 5. (C)! signed it yesterday, PART 3 1. (0) Buy a number of chairs 2.(0)Four 3. (A) Give the man her address 4.(C) Terrible 5. (8) Go hiking 6. (C) Watching a movie PART 4 1. (O)A music supply stove 2 (C)Every day 3. (0) All of the above 4 (C) Sales manager 5. (8) Easygoing nature 6 (D)CEO PART 5 1. (B) himselt ~ When the object isthe same person or thing as the subject, we use a reflexive pronoun ‘nding in. eileoives. 2. (C)hersot - As tho object of the preposition 10 ‘obviously refers to the same person as the subject sha, a reflexive pronoun is what best ‘completes the sentence. 3. (8) many ~ Out of the four choices, only many can 'be used with @ plural noun. 4 (C)Both ~ As a contact is concluded, for example, ‘between two people a two organizations, both is most appropriate forthe sentence. The plural ‘noun, partie, cannot be preceded by either or ‘one, The determiner any, when used in an affirmative sentence, means i! doesn't matter mich ain) i not appropriate fr the sence, either. 5. (C)otners - Some + plural noun is usually olowed by other + plural noun. When the plural noun is. lef out, the indefinite pronoun other's changed into a plural form, others. 6. (0) neither ~ The presence of anything strongly indicates that itis a negative sentence. 7. (C) amount - As sewage is an uncountable noun, a large number of cannot be used with i. In ‘addition, lot and plenty are not modified by large because of the resuling redundancy. 8. (B) another ~ Another in the sense of additional can be used before a plural noun. Particularly when itis flowed by a numeral. Note thal when we Use more instead, it should occur after a numeral as in ten more minutes, The phrase, an amount of, cannot be folowed by a plural noun, and every fen minutes is logically nol appropriat> as the object of the preposition for, 9. (O)least - We normally use the + superlative + Roun when we compare one personihing with ‘thers, and tne personsithings are often placed aller a preposition of, as in the sentence. 10. (A) many ~ As folowed by a plural noun, problems, the bank should be fled with many. The adjective ‘smalls not suitable in torms of meaning 11. (O)awake - The ver stay is used with awake to mean do not sleep. 12. (C)realistic - Realy is not appropriate for the sentonce because itis an advorb, and nether realism nor realized is appropriate in meaning 13, (C)a few ~ Litie/a litle cannot be used with a plurat Roun. Of the remaining two, a fewis what can (e0ur with onl 14, (C) Every ~ To mean at specified intervals, we use every followed by a period of time. 15, (O)of~ The agjective guity is used witha preposition, (0, fo mean responsible for. PART 6 1. (O) They - As we know from have been checked ‘over, the blank should be filed with a subject pronoun that relers to the books. 2. (B) she ~ The same person as She in the preceding clause is appropriate forthe blank, when we ‘consider the meaning of the sentence. 3, (B) our ~ As the error is made by Wa, a possessive ronoun—that is, our—is needed forthe sentence, 4. (0) yours = According tothe context, the blank Should be filled with a pronoun equivalent to your idea, Your idea can be reduced to yours. 5. (B) whose ~ Itis obvious from the context that the ideas belong to two employees, so whose is one that best completes the sentence. 6, (©) heir ~ From the context we learn that the toys belong to the winners. Thus, a possessive pronoun— ther, which rears to the winners—is what can be used with toys PART 7 4.(C)Four 2.(A) A istore place 3 (0) Complaining 4. (6) Janel Henderson 5. (A) 200 seats 6.(0)9:00 am. 7. (B) Janela Hampton 8. (C)Central America 9. (A) Water color paintings 10. (C) There is no price in the advertisement

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