Ixo - Internet of Impact White Paper Working Draft May 2021

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The Internet of Impact

Dr Shaun Conway1 , Dr Michael Zargham2 , Dr Tat Lam3 and Joe Andrieu4

ixo Foundation, 2 BlockScience, 3 Shanzhai City, 4 Legendary Requirements

May 2021

his white paper describes the purpose and all forms of capital flowing into social, environmental
design of an Internet of Impact. We explain and economic development, as well as Climate Finance
how this blockchain-based Internet will be- and Carbon markets.
come an essential digital infrastructure for Sustain- Community currencies implemented through the
able Decentralised Finance (Sustainable DeFi) and Internet of Impact can drive outcomes towards local so-
Impact Data. To finance and verify the changes cial and economic development goals, in ways that are
that are urgently needed in the social, environmen- inclusive, locally governed, low-risk and sustainable.
tal and economic state of the world, and to mitigate With great potential to innovate new use-cases, new
impacts of the climate crisis. forms of economic production, new types of incentive
schemes, new investment mechanisms, and new eco-
nomic models for community sustainability and local
Summary resilience.
Internet of Impact networks will give people ev-
ixo is leading the development of an Internet of Impact.
erywhere access to the trustworthy information and
This essential digital infrastructure is formed by inter-
financial tools they need, to invest and spend their
connecting globally and locally distributed blockchain
money in more sustainable ways, and to hold public
networks that implement the ixo protocol. Through
finance accountable. As mandated by the UN Task
which Sustainable Decentralised Finance (Sustainable
Force on Digital Finance for the Sustainable Development
DeFi) and Impact Verification applications can be built
and deployed at Internet scale.
This new Internet overcomes the limitations of legacy Impact Tokens are units of value created through
Web 2.0 Internets, by being stateful, graph-based, pro- the Internet of Impact. Each Impact Token represents
grammable and trustworthy. It is also verifiably carbon- a real-world outcome state that people care about, are
neutral. willing to invest in, work towards, or spend their money
The ixo protocol defines a new open standard for on. Impact tokens will become the new standard for
producing verifiable claims about changes in the state measuring, verifying, reporting and valuing impacts
of the world. Which are the basis for impact creators through marketplace mechanisms.
to mint non-fungible (NFT) Impact Tokens. Tokenizing verified outcome states through the ixo
The ixo protocol applies the latest decentralised web protocol transforms traditional certificate-based out-
(W3C) standards for linked-data (JSON-LD), decen- come representations, such as Carbon Emission Reduc-
tralised identifiers (DIDs) and verifiable credentials tion Certificates, Education Certificates, Immunization
(VCs). We have created the Interchain Standard for Certificates, Biodiversity Certificates, or any other certi-
next-generation non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and verifi- fied outcome state, into tradable and investible digital
able metadata. assets. Which are backed by data assets and verification
Sustainable Decentralised Finance (Sustainable proofs, with embedded executable rights.
DeFi) and Impact Verification applications built on Programmable Capital applications can be built
the Internet of Impact have the potential to fundamen- using the crypto-economic mechanisms and Impact
tally change the state of the world. By transforming Graph provided by the Internet of Impact. Alphabonds
how we finance, implement, measure, value and create are are the world’s first cybernetic Sustainable DeFi
markets for sustainable impact. Which is relevant to mechanism for results-based financing of outcome
The Internet of Impact

states, and to produce Impact Tokens, with risk- 1 Sustainable Digital Finance
adjusted token bonding.
Alphabonds adaptively bond real-world state The Internet of Impact provides the infrastructure for
changes to blockchain state-changes, through trusted the next generation of sustainable digital finance.
information-feedback loops, which algorithmically up-
date a bond’s share token prices and supply, in response 1.1 DeFi
to real-world risk signals, which can be derived from
any trusted oracle data source. Decentralised Finance (DeFi) has successfully demon-
Alphabonds have been engineered and scientifically strated that traditional financial instruments can be
validated to deliver Impact Alpha – above market aver- reinvented and deployed at Internet scale for anyone
age – financial returns and sustainable impact results. to use, replicate and rapidly evolve.
The Alphabond design also offers a novel internal Tokenized assets worth billions of dollars are now
prediction market mechanism for deriving risk signals staked in or flowing through DeFi protocols.
directly from the convictions of bond token-holders
over time. Which transforms stakeholders into a col-
1.2 Sustainable DeFi
lective intelligence oracle and puts people in the loop
of development financing processes. Sustainable DeFi further advances the concept of
This versatile crypto-economic primitive can be con- DeFi, by embedding DeFi mechanisms, together with
figured into a diverse range of sustainable DeFi applica- claims verification, into a stateful, graph-based, pro-
tions, including tokenized Impact Bonds, Green Bonds, grammable and trustworthy blockchain infrastructure.
Use of Proceeds Bonds, Insurance Bonds, Innovation A key differentiator, in comparison with most DeFi
Bonds, Governance Bonds, and Community Currency applications to-date, is that Sustainable DeFi crypto-
Bonds. economic mechanisms are deterministically driven by
The Internet of Impact Hub is a global network of extrinsic real-world state changes.
proof-of-stake ixo protocol blockchain validator nodes, This is an extremely powerful concept, because what
operated by leading development agencies and impact happens in the real-world is what matters.
market-makers. This interconnects autonomous Impact Sustainable DeFi responds to changes in the state of
Zone networks using the Inter-Blockchain Communi- the world by autonomously triggering events — such as
cation Protocol (IBC), which connects through to the price changes, or payment transactions, which change
Cosmos Hub and Internet of Blockchains, with bridges the state of a blockchain.
into other networks, such as Ethereum and Bitcoin. An even more powerful idea, which leads from this,
Prediction Oracles are a new type of service deliv- is that changes in the state of a blockchain can bring
ery mechanism for processing and enriching impact about changes in the state of the real world.
claims. Data-driven specialised services perform event- Human behaviours are substantially influenced by
driven tasks, such as verifying claims, prescribing and blockchain state-changes when:
personalising interventions, predicting outcomes, de-
• People receive the financial incentive of being paid
tecting threats and preventing risks.
for results.
Prediction Oracles integrate external data sources,
• The current state of progress towards shared goals
such as satellite imagery and IoT devices, to transform
is both visible and accountable to all stakeholders.
claims into digital credential certificates, such as Re-
• Trust is elevated by making claims verifiable, with
newable Energy Certificates.
independently verified data as evidence.
At the application layer, ixo provides new tools, mar-
ket access and data for both legacy and AI-augmented Sustainable DeFi can therefore better align people’s
verification services to improve the performance and incentives to work together, invest their money into
reach of their proofing and prediction methods. Of- outcomes they collectively care about, pool available
fering investors and project implementers everywhere resources, and coordinate their actions to achieve the
more affordable and better access to specialised ex- future-state outcomes in which they all have a stake.
pertise, intelligent decision-support and trustworthy For example, an immunization campaign can trigger
impact verification. an Outcome Payment to investors and implementers,
"A digital immune system for humanity" describes when a target population coverage threshold has been
the bio-mimetic design of the Internet of Impact. Which achieved.
enables us to locally sense and respond to sustainability Sustainable DeFi requires trustworthy interfaces be-
threats or opportunities, with mechanisms to coordi- tween the real-world and blockchain state-machines,
nate, signal and amplify interventions. Building innate which are bound to a series of state-changes over time,
intelligence and enduring memory to replicate what recorded in an ordered, directed acyclic graph. With
works, evolve, and respond more effectively in future. reliable signalling mechanisms and economic stakes,
The tokenized impact economy built on the Inter- bonded to reality.
net of Impact has potential to grow rapidly through The Internet of Impact provides the mechanisms,
marketplaces that are already worth trillions of dollars. services, data and economic platform with which to

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The Internet of Impact

build the next generation of sustainable digital finance participants to enter or exit the reserve pool with their
ecosystems. national currency. Which enables communities to trans-
act both within their internal local economy and within
1.3 Community Currencies the national economy.
This is compelling alternative for cash-transfer pro-
Tokenized community currency systems can promote grams, compared with blunt instruments such as gov-
inclusive local socio-economic growth and resilience, ernment Stimulus Cheques.
by enabling communities to achieve greater self- By linking local currency tokens through automated
sufficiency. market-makers that share reserve pools, currencies can
be exchanged across communities, for participants to
"Community currencies are a form of money and credit
transact across marketplaces.
standard similar to Currency Boards. A Currency Board
The pioneering work of Grassroots Economics in East
is a reduced, rule-based monetary policy that operates as
Africa demonstrates how Community Inclusion Curren-
if in ‘auto-pilot’ mode, because there is no option to
cies provide an efficient and scalable way of implement-
provide credit to the national government, commercial
ing cash transfers to communities in need—which was
banks or state-owned enterprises." [2]
particularly evident during the 2020 economic crisis
Blockchain mechanisms enable community curren- resulting from the Covid-19 Pandemic. [3]
cies to be implemented as systems which are locally Tokenized Community Currency mechanisms can
owned and governed. also be used for Universal Basic Impact schemes,
Using the Internet of Impact Sustainable DeFi mech- which are gaining traction in many different economic
anisms and Impact Graph enables community currency contexts— including government-sponsored social wel-
systems to be implemented in ways that adaptively fare programs in developed countries.
respond to changes in the state of the real world state,
to direct economic growth towards sustainability out-
1.4 Potential of Sustainable DeFi
This aligns the incentives of community currency Sustainable DeFi enables capital to be continuously pro-
token-holders to collectively work towards desired out- grammed to achieve future outcome states in capital-
come states in which they all have a stake and this can efficient, deterministic, risk-adjusting ways, at a decen-
promote local solutions to local problems. tralised level.
Token Bonding Curve mechanisms, such as Al- It is conceivable that Sustainable DeFi, implemented
phabonds, provide an automated mechanism for is- at Internet scale, could fundamentally change how
suing and managing the treasury of community curren- capital markets operate. By providing more efficient
cies in a decentralized and sovereign way. These mech- and accountable financing mechanisms, with trusted
anisms allow for the currency supply to expand—or data, local feedback loops and economic incentives,
contract—in response to real economic growth, making to optimise both the financial results and impacts of
this sustainable and non-inflationary. creating and using financial capital in more sustainable
As an example, an Alphabond can be configured ways.
to direct Outcome Payments into a community cur- The crypto-economic mechanisms powering commu-
rency reserve, to incentivise and reward participants nity currencies, combined with the configurable state-
for achieving shared development goals—such as a space of the Internet of Impact Graph, holds great po-
community immunisation coverage target—which in- tential for socio-economic innovation that could lead
creases the value of the community currency token and to entirely new models of sustainable economy and
makes everyone richer. social transformation.
The results of community currency transactions Sustainable DeFi could become a critical enabler for
and systems can be measured using verifiable Impact proven interventions to rapidly scale, through decen-
Claims. tralised replication.
Impact Tokens can be produced to represent the Sustainable DeFi will make it feasible for social, envi-
various forms of value generated by a community for ronmental, economic and climate impacts of any type
financing outcomes. to be systematically programmed into any financial
The Internet of Impact connects community curren- transaction, business process, or other human activity.
cies by linking automated market-maker reserves, for Sustainable DeFi applies to all economic sectors, in-
local economies to trade with each other, into regional dustries, geographies and socio-economic contexts.
economies or within global digital marketplaces for
products, services and capital.
Community currency systems have many possible 2 People’s Money
configurations and use-case applications.
Fractional reserve community currencies, which can Enabling people to earn, invest and spend their money
have a fiat reserve—using a stable fiat-backed token— in ways that improve the current and future states of
multiply the local currency supply, whilst also enabling the world, is a profound paradigm-shift.

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The Internet of Impact

The August 2020 People’s Money report of the UN 3.1 Verified Outcome States
Task Force on Digital Finance for the Sustainable De-
velopment Goals [1] identifies that: An Outcome State is a representation of the cumulative
claims about what has changed in the state of the world,
“Historic opportunity, combined with unprecedented at a point in time.
crisis, provides a unique moment and imperative to act To deliver Sustainable DeFi solutions, we need to
in harnessing digitisation to accelerate financing of the innovate how Outcome States are used to drive digital
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. transactions and information-flows.
The report warns that “Failure to act would be a wasted The ixo protocol defines an open standard and meth-
opportunity and risks finance diverging from the needs ods for tokenizing Outcome States, using Verifiable
of citizens for inclusive sustainable development”. Claims which have been independently verified.
People’s Money makes specific calls to action, defines The legitimacy of an Outcome State is established
the moral imperative for building citizen-centric finan- by verifying that claims about this state are true and
cial systems, demonstrates a broad political mandate, by demonstrating a positive correlation between prior
and identifies specific catalytic opportunities to imme- state-changes, with the observed outcome state.
diately start making progress, by building sustainable Factual truth and positive correlation are both proba-
digital financing ecosystems. People’s Money is a frame- bilistic statements, which can be statistically predicated
work for: and cryptographically verified.
State representations are recorded as Verifiable
“Triggering broader systemic changes by driving Claims. Which must provide sufficient good-quality
innovation, disrupting stagnant markets, undermining data as evidence, to be verified with cryptographic
rent-taking, increasing accountability, and encouraging proofs and then represented as non-fungible tokens.
governance innovations” Impact Tokens have intrinsic value which is directly
by: related to the value people place on outcome states
relevant to their real-world contexts.
1. Channelling domestic savings into development
Impact Tokens could replace all tradable analogue
instruments, such as
2. Enhancing financing for small and medium-sized
businesses (SMEs). • Verified Emission Reduction Certificates for Carbon
3. Digitizing public financing and making public bud- Credits,
gets and contracts transparent. • Renewable Energy Certificates for clean energy out-
4. Embedding SDGs into the decisions made in finan- comes,
cial and capital markets. • Qualification certificates for educational outcomes,
5. Shaping consumption decisions through improved • Biodiversity certificates for nature outcomes,
information and choice architecture. • Immunisation certificates for health outcomes.
These catalytic opportunities: • Or any other verified outcome states that people
care about, are willing to invest in, work towards,
“cover much of global finance, from the vast pools or spend their money on.
flowing through global financial and capital markets, to
public finance that makes up a major part of the global Impact Tokens can be built into any financial transac-
economy, to the aggregated potential of citizens’ savings tion, capital allocation, government expenditure, busi-
and consumer spending, and the lifeblood financing for ness process, or consumer product. The economic
the employment and income-generating world of SMEs”. space for Impact Tokens is therefore large.
We believe Sustainable DeFi with impact verifica- Impact Tokens can be bought or sold, swapped, in-
tion is a fundamental technological breakthrough for vested in, collateralised, or used in tradable financial
people’s money to finance a sustainable future. derivatives, such as warrants, options and futures con-
Providing composable financial lego and account- tracts.
ability systems for building citizen-centric sustainable We anticipate that Impact Tokens have the potential
local economies. to become the tokenized commodities of sustainable
finance markets.

3.2 Data Assets

3 Impact Tokens
Impact Tokens produced through the ixo protocol are
Impact Tokens are the units of value which can be data-rich. And can be further enriched by the insights
created through the Internet of Impact. and value added by Prediction Oracle services.
Each Impact Token represents a Verified Outcome Impact Tokens, together with their linked data assets,
State, in the form of a non-fungible token (NFT), which may therefore also be seen as data commodities. Which
is backed by impact data assets and verification proofs, can be sold, traded, rented, or licensed through new
with embedded executable rights. data marketplaces, such as Ocean Protocol.

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The Internet of Impact

The potential societal and commercial value that With most token bonding curve mechanisms to-date,
can be extracted from abundant, accessible, consented, changes in the state of external systems cannot modify
high-quality Impact Data is extraordinary. the bonding curve configuration during live execution.
Especially considering that lack of data is the most- This may result in pricing and supply anomalies, such
cited impediment to deploying capital for impact [4]. as tokens being mis-allocated on both buy-side and
sell-side, with losses in risk correlation.
DeFi systems implemented in the unpredictable real-
3.3 Accorded Rights
world, or with complex economic mechanisms, have
Depending on the class of Impact Tokens, this may inter-dependencies that produce non-linear, compound-
accord rights to the token controllers/owners, includ- ing risk. Which can lead to the systemic collapse of
ing executable rights for invoking services – such as non-adaptive financing mechanisms.
the right to mint derivative fungible tokens and sell These constraints are addressed by Alphabonds.
fractional shares in the Impact Token.
4.2 Risk-adjusted Bonding
4 Programmable Capital Alphabonds have been engineered to internalise and
control investment risks, to make investing in outcomes
The Internet of Impact is used to program capital and safer, more efficient and scalable through replication
other resources into producing sustainable outcome [6].
states in the real world. The mechanism implements a novel class of para-
Alphabonds are the world’s first cybernetic Sustain- metric token bonding curves, which adapt the bonding
able DeFi mechanism which is built into the Internet of curve algorithm in response to external state changes.
Impact. Alphabonds dynamically adjust the blockchain This enables dynamic, risk-adjusted pricing of shares
state in response to real-world risk signals. in a bond’s liquidity reserve and in the distributions
Developers can use the Alphabond mechanism to of future returns. By algorithmically re-calibrating
build novel applications for a wide range of use-cases, the current-state costs and risks of capital allocations,
such as: against the probability of success.
• Impact Bonds that return outcome payments. The mathematical proofs, engineering designs and
• Innovation Bonds that return a share of IP rights simulations for validating this mechanism are detailed
or future revenues. in a System Specification, developed in collaboration
• Insurance Bonds that make event-based payouts. with BlockScience [5].
• Equity Bonds that convert to discounted share
distributions. 4.3 Alpha Risk Signal
• Collateralised Debt Bonds that return loan repay-
ments with interest. Information about the observed state of the real-world
• Or any other conceivable Sustainable DeFi applica- is fed into the Alphabond as an Alpha Risk signal. Alpha
tion that adapts to external state-change signals. predicts the probability (ranging from 0 to 100 percent)
that an investment will succeed to deliver an expected
The ixo Bonds Module also provides a library of future-state payout. For instance, Impact Bonds pay
generic fixed parametric bonding curves that can be an Outcome Payment back to the bond investors when
used for other applications, such as Community Cur- an outcome state target is reached.
rencies which are issued against a fractional reserve. As the value of Alpha changes over time, this adjusts
This class of Sustainable DeFi applications therefore the shape of the bonding curve through a coefficient
has far-reaching potential to be used for implementing that modifies the algorithmic price of the token, in
more sustainable solutions in finance and investment, relation to its current reserve. If the probability of
insurance, equity and debt financing, commodity trad- success decreases, the bond retains a higher reserve
ing and supply chains. ratio to protect investors.
A computer-aided design (cadCAD) tool enables Al- Figure 1 demonstrates how Alpha inputs over time
phabond implementers to simulate, calibrate and test update prior probabilities, to adjust the bonding curve
new classes of Alphabonds for novel use-cases. algorithm.
An Alpha signal could, in principle, be derived from
any credible source of information which has predictive
4.1 Token Bonding Curves
value — including AI oracles, IoT devices and predic-
DeFi protocols use token bonding curve mechanisms as tion markets.
automated market-makers and for continuous financ-
ing processes. However, these DeFi mechanisms have 4.4 Internal prediction market
generally been static, with fixed a-priori assumptions
about the interaction between the crypto-economic When data is unavailable – for instance, in novel project
mechanism and external systems. implementations, the ixo blockchain SDK provides a

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4.5 Outcomes-based Financing

Alphabonds could overcome many of the operational
impediments to issuing conventional bonded capital
instruments, such as:

• The need to form all capital commitments upfront.

• Technical constraints to quantifying project risks
• Achieving investor consensus on the risk premium.
Figure 1: Alpha Signal over time • Restricted participation options, due to fixed entry
or exit points.

Risk-transfers to investors in traditional results-based

financing mechanisms produce a bias towards fund-
ing lower-risk endeavors. Which diminishes project
innovation and limits capital allocations to a subset of
interventions that are implemented in carefully con-
trolled contexts.
Traditional outcomes-based financing mechanisms
will therefore not produce the scale and pace of changes
in the state of the world that are needed to achieve the
SDGs by 2030, or to significantly impact on the race
Figure 2: The Composite Alphabond Mechanism against climate change and ecological degradation.
Alphabonds have the advantage that capital does not
have to be formed in advance. Investors can choose
Risk-prediction module for implementing an internal to enter and exit at the bond price ranges that satisfy
prediction market mechanism. their risk-return preference – depending on how this
has been configured.
The risk-adjusted bonding and internal risk-
Alphabonds allow for either a pre-specified or adap-
prediction mechanisms are tightly coupled in the Al-
tive risk tolerance level to be incorporated into each
phabond system, as depicted in Figure 2.
bond instantiated, to fit the risk preferences of a repre-
The technical design of these composable mecha- sentative class of investor.
nisms has been subject to extensive engineering re- In cases where an underlying investment fails to
search, mathematical validation and cadCAD simula- perform to the investor’s expectations, they have the
tion testing [6]. option to exit through the Alphabond – if there is suf-
The ixo blockchain Risk-prediction module may also ficient liquidity, or by selling their bond share tokens
be used as an alternative, or supplement, to obtaining through a secondary market.
Alpha predictions from external Oracles. The ixo blockchain SDK Bonds Module includes a
The Internal Prediction Market mechanism offers Uniswap-style AMM for trading token-pairs.
bond token-holders the option of taking positions in
Success or Failure pools, based on their private beliefs
4.6 Pricing Signals
of the Risk Alpha.
The pay-out mechanism is designed to drive out- Alphabonds provide real-time pricing signals which re-
comes biased towards success. flect both the performance of an underlying investment
and investor sentiment.
But this also provides a fractional hedging mecha-
Pricing signals can have a powerful influence on
nism, in case of failure.
both investment and project implementation decisions.
An agent may attest both positively and negatively Providing an information-feedback loop that can direct
with subsequent actions, reflecting changes in their the investment towards achieving successful outcomes,
conviction about a project’s chances of success. by adapting to the complex, dynamically changing
Agents may choose to participate in only the bonding state of real-world contexts.
curve, or the bonding curve and internal prediction
4.7 Scaling through replication
Unallocated tokens minted through the bonding
curve can be burned back to the curve to reclaim the By programmatically automating and decentralising
collateral. But when tokens are attested towards the the processes of forming, allocating and verifying the
success or failure options pool, they cannot be unat- impacts of capital investments, Alphabonds locally con-
tested, withdrawn or re-cast. trol risks, so they can be scaled through replication.

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As an example, the ixo Foundation is demonstrating 5.2 Data Science

with a leading traditional investment institution how
a large, costly, “too big to fail” Impact Bond for pri- Prediction Oracles open up the powerful intersection
mary education in India can be replaced by unitised between AI/data-science and blockchain technologies.
portfolios of Alphabonds. Continuously improving their performance by using
Each Alphabond instance limits the financial and data for machine learning and intelligent analytics.
operational risks to an autonomously controlled DeFi For example, in Alphabonds, this feedback loop is cali-
investment within a local context. Informing investors, brated by the binary success or failure outcome state
implementers and other stakeholders with real-time of each bond.
data. Whilst benefiting from local governance, local As volumes of verified claims data increase, this
knowledge, local ingenuity, local resources, and mean- machine-readable, semantically standardised data can
ingful local stakeholder participation. be shared and pooled across projects, for Prediction
Oracle service-providers to gain system-wide insights,
gather human intelligence, and use machine-learning,
5 Prediction Oracles to optimise their prediction capabilities and to build
new types of oracle services.
ixo Prediction Oracles are a new class of blockchain The need for Prediction Oracle training data-sets for
services for the Internet of Impact. federated learning should drive the creation of decen-
Blockchain oracles commit information about the tralised impact data marketplaces. Potentially provid-
state of the world into blockchain smart contracts and ing additional revenue to investors and project owners.
stateful databases. Typically, blockchain oracles are Data assets are tokenized and traded through the
un-opinionated and their purppose is to securely com- Internet of Impact as NFTs, with executable data access
municate factual information into the relying mecha- and usage rights which are mediated through a dele-
nism, from trusted data sources. These signals can be gatable access-control mechanism, using Authorization
programmed to change the blockchain-state in ways Capabilities (zCaps). These data tokens can be rented,
that are predictable and deterministic. sold or exchanged through decentralised peer-to-peer
The ability to drive state-changes based on real- marketplaces.
world observations goes well beyond the capabilities
of established blockchain oracle systems. 5.3 Oracle marketplaces
In contrast, Prediction Oracle services are opinion-
ated about claims which make assertions about the Delivering both Legacy and AI Prediction Oracles
state of the world. through the Internet of Impact should make these
Service providers implementing Prediction Oracles services more widely accessible and affordable to im-
use their domain-specific expertise and established pact project implementers and investors everywhere.
rubrics to evaluate each claim and apply statistical Legacy services provided by evaluators, auditors and
methods, together with cryptographic verification, to certification agencies can now be technology-enabled.
infer the probability that each claim is both factually The Internet of Impact Hub provides a network
true and positively correlated with the claim subject. through which Impact Relayers connect project imple-
Prediction Oracles produce verified data assets, menters and investors with Prediction Oracle services.
in the form of W3C standard Verifiable Credentials. Prediction Oracles are remunerated through the ixo
Which may be further enriched with reference data claims processing mechanism, with service fees auto-
and information from other sources, adding the value matically processed, accounted for and distributed by a
of expert opinion and specialised computation. programmable ixo-Blockchain SDK Payments Module.
We anticipate the emergence of a competitive mar-
ketplace for trusted oracle service-providers, with ex-
5.1 P-functions pertise in their respective domains.
Prediction Oracle services can offer a wide range of A share of oracle fees is distributed to the originating
data-driven Precision functions (P-Functions), giving Impact Relayer and to the Impact Hub treasury, to
investors and project implementers access to intelligent maintain and grow the network.
systems and human expertise for: he historical performance levels of Prediction Oracle
services can be transparently assessed using transaction
• Proofing claims. analytics.
• Personalising services. Tooling, such as Jupyter Notebook integrations, will
• Planning. be made available for any data-driven service to build
• Prescribing interventions. their own Prediction Oracles.
• Predicting Outcomes. A Prediction Oracle Launchpad, implemented on
• Programming transactions. the Internet of Impact Hub, will provide a funding
• Preventing risks. and skills marketplace for researching, developing and
• Protecting against threats. distributing Prediction Oracle services.

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6 The ixo Protocol 6.2 Protocol Life-cycle

The ixo Protocol defines a new open standard for mak- The ixo protocol defines the steps and methods for
ing verifiable claims about changes in the state of the making and verifying Impact Claims and then tokeniz-
world and to represent the resulting outcomes as non- ing Verified Outcome States, as illustrated conceptually
fungible Impact Tokens. in Figure 3.
This is a generic and versatile protocol that can be 1. Observations about the state of the world are iden-
used to process claims relating to any real-world sub- tified, using decentralised identifiers (DIDs) for
ject or observation. It enables any imaginable non- the subject and classified for semantic context,
fungible resource – whether physical or conceptual, to using linked-data schemas.
be tokenized as a uniquely identified, verifiable, digital 2. Verifiable Claims are issued and cryptographically
asset. Backed by high-definition data [7] and verifica- signed by identified, authenticated agents. This
tion proofs, with embedded rights. is typically done using client applications, such
As an example of this versatility, the protocol could as mobile apps, to capture the claim data at the
be used to evaluate and verify identity claims, to issue implementation edge of the real-world processes
KYC Verifiable Credentials, which may be linked as re- which are creating and observing change.
sources to non-fungible, non-transferable, Membership 3. These claims, together with their evidence, are
Tokens. evaluated by independent Verification Agents, us-
We believe this protocol is the fundamental enabler ing standardised rubrics and statistical methods
of Sustainable DeFi, which must be embed financial to form opinions whether each claim can be ap-
mechanisms in stateful graphs of information, with proved, to issue Verification Proofs.
verifiable evidence of real world state-changes and 4. Collections of verifiable claims over time, together
outcome states. with their verification proofs and additional in-
As Outcome States typically result from interdepen- formation – such as the verifiable credentials of
dent processes in the complex real-world, so claims a project implementer, are combined to issue a
about the observable changes in the state of the world Verifiable Credential for an Outcome State. Which
must be linked across chains of causality. includes a graph of the claims, proofs and creden-
Which requires claims to be connected through tials.
linked-data graphs, with edges that describe the re- 5. Impact Tokens are minted with this graph of data
lationships between identified organizations, agents, assets as Linked Resources, which can be retrieved
investments, verification mechanisms, data sources and by authorised users from a specified service end-
indicator frameworks. point – such as ixo Cellnode confidential data
stores, in a permissioned way, using Authoriza-
tion Capabilities (zCaps).
6.1 Inter-operable Open Standards
The configurability of this protocol, together with the
The ixo Protocol builds on core new decentralised, se- flexibility of decentralised, delegatable Authorization
mantic web standards from the W3C, for Linked-data Capabilities (zCaps), enables complex business rules
(JSON-LD), Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs), and Veri- and workflows to be implemented through the Internet
fiable Credentials (VCs), which further extends into a of Impact, in fully decentralized, controlled and secure
family of related specifications – including Authoriza- ways.
tion Capabilities (zCaps) which provide decentralised,
delegatable control over the processes and services for
issuing and verifying claims, minting Impact Tokens 7 ixo Blockchain SDK
and executing the rights accorded to token-holders.
To mint Impact Tokens, the ixo protocol implements The ixo blockchain SDK offers modular components for
the Interchain Identifier (IID) specification for next- configuring and deploying sovereign network zones of
generation NFTs and Verifiable Metadata. the Internet of Impact.
ixo has been a leading contributor to the develop- Engineered using the Tendermint consensus engine,
ment and adoption of these various standards, since Cosmos SDK framework, Inter-blockchain Communica-
2015. tion, and related tooling [8].
These inter-operable standards make available to This benefits from the diversity of novel innovations
application developers all the tooling and integrations and technology advancements which are being made
which have been built for DIDs – such as wallets, con- within this vibrant ecosystem of researchers, engineers,
fidential data stores, and credential exchange mecha- entrepreneurs and users.
The ixo protocol directly addresses the challenge 7.1 Modular architecture
that legacy financial and impact measurement and
management methodologies were never yet designed In addition to core Cosmos SDK modules, such as
to be interoperable and are difficult to standardise. Staking and Governance, the ixo SDK includes mod-

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The Internet of Impact

Figure 3: The ixo Protocol Life-cycle

ules which have been purpose-built to implement the ontology, using semantic schemas. Which extends to
ixo Protocol. Including: Decentralised Identity, Al- the ontology of measures – such as standardised sus-
phabonds, Risk-prediction, Payments, Claims Process- tainable development indicator frameworks.
ing and Interchain Standard NFTs. This SDK can be Which makes the rubric for impact measurement
extended by developers adding or modifying modules, and reporting interoperable and comparable across
with almost limitless configuration possibilities. previously silo’d systems.
Higher degrees of resolution, with stateful structured
data, should enhance the quality of intelligence gath-
7.2 The Impact Graph ered and shared through Internet of Impact networks.
At the data layer, ixo protocol blockchains hold system- The graph also serves as a configuration space for en-
level state in the directed acyclic and linked-data coding future system-level target states for outcomes-
graphs which together form The Impact Graph. based financing. For instance Alphabond Sustainable
The Impact Graph records metadata about the state DeFi applications can incentivise stakeholders towards
of the world in stateful, ordered, navigable, privacy- achieving desired future state outcomes, such as net-
preserving, distributed registries of agents, claims, or- zero targets for carbon emission reductions [9].
ganisations, projects, oracles, investments and out- Over time, the Impact Graph will grow our collective
come states. intelligence to empower more precise service match-
The data architecture of this graph increases the ing, resource allocation, data-sharing digital asset ex-
resolution of information about impact, by encoding changes.
each data object as a node, with a decentralised iden-
tifier. The relationships – edges, between nodes are 7.3 The power of graphs
encoded with linked-data contexts, which increases
the dimensionality of the data. Considering how graphs have powered the growth of
This allows changes in the state of the world to be the Web 2.0 Internet giants, such as Google’s Knowl-
compared over time and attributed to causal chains, edge Graph, Facebook’s Social Graph and Amazon’s
with linked evidence. Trust Graph, we see the opportunity for the decen-
By design, humans are included in this graph as tralised Impact Graph to power the creation and rapid
addressable and authenticated entities – using self- growth of new digital marketplaces for products and
sovereign identifiers. Which puts people in the loop as services directed toward financing, delivering and veri-
agents making transactions and interacting with the fying sustainable impact.
cyber-physical mechanisms of the blockchain – such
as Alphabonds, to produce state transitions through
their actions. This should enable new forms of citizen- 8 Internet of Impact Networks
centric sustainable finance, organisation, action and
governance. The Internet of Impact infrastructure is delivered
Linked-data allows us to establish a common global through networks of Level-1 Cosmos blockchain nodes

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The Internet of Impact

implementing the ixo protocol, and interconnected by configured with application-specific security, privacy,
IBC Relayers through the Inter-Blockchain Communi- governance and economic models.
cation Protocol (IBC), with a Hub and Zones topology. The first Impact Zone is the Hong Kong Impact Data
These networks are anti-fragile and can be made in- Consortium, which is providing a platform for growing,
corruptible, when fully decentralised, with governance financing and strengthening the social sector, through
and economics distributed amongst all stakeholders. a consortium funded by the Hong Kong government
This is particularly important for producing and report- Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund.
ing impacts in contexts where there are strong political,
social or commercial forces at play which are resistant
to changing the state of the world. 8.4 Carbon-neutral networks
A token slashing mechanism for offsetting the carbon
8.1 The Internet of Impact Hub costs of Internet of Impact networks will be built into
the Proof-of-Stake security mechanism of the ixo pro-
The Internet of Impact Hub provides the first global tocol blockchain.
network of provably carbon-neutral ixo Protocol Network Validators who operate nodes will be re-
blockchain nodes, which forms the backbone routing quired to make claims about their carbon emissions,
infrastructure for this Internet. which will be independently verified.
The Hub is globally distributed and will initially be Nodes which don’t use renewable energy sources, or
operated by up to 150 leading organisations who serve do not voluntarily offset their carbon emissions, will
as network validators and Impact Market Relayers. be penalised by having a proportion of their staking de-
The Hub inter-connects sovereign Internet of Impact posits periodically slashed, to be automatically traded
Zone networks, through to the broader universe of for Carbon Impact Tokens that offset the emissions.
blockchains, using the Inter-Blockchain Communica- The Internet of Impact Hub will implement this
tion Protocol (IBC), with bridges into Ethereum and mechanism with real-time transparent and verifiable
other networks. monitoring of the network’s carbon balance.
Applications from other Cosmos blockchains, or even
other ecosystems, such as oracles from Chainlink, car-
bon registries from the Regen Network, data market- 9 The Internet of Impact Applica-
places from Ocean Protocol, or decentralised machine
learning from Fetch.ai, will become available to users
tions Stack
of the Internet of Impact.
The open-source Internet of Impact applications stack
User from other networks can also use the services
includes mobile, web and IoT client interfaces for per-
of the Internet of Impact, which potentially brings the
forming claims submissions, evaluations, issuing Verifi-
ecosystem of sustainability focused products, services
able Credentials and financing outcome states. Claims
and markets into any blockchain application on any
data is processed and stored in stateful, decentralised
confidential data stores. Prediction Oracles provide
their services through standard APIs, with tooling such
8.2 Impact Market Relayers as Jupyter Notebooks and software integrations to
third-party information sources.
Nodes of the Hub are hosted by a network of Impact Reference software applications developed by the
Market Relayers, who are well-recognised sustainabil- ixo open-source community demonstrate what can be
ity and impact-focused market-making organisations built on the open architecture and standards offered
across all geographic regions. Representing a wide by the Internet of Impact.
range of market sectors and stakeholders. Developers are free to reconfigure or build on these
Impact Market Relayers provide both online and open-source implementations, or to innovate entirely
physical channels into their regional or sector-specific new software solutions and integrations.
marketplaces. Market Relayers may also offer market-
ing and technical support, to connect Internet of Impact
users to agents, applications, services, data, financial 10 The IXO Token
capital and digital asset exchange venues.
This should enable all market participants to oper- IXO is the first staking token of the Internet of Impact.
ate, transact and invest more effectively in the Impact This enables token-holders to self-stake or lease their
Economy and to create new markets for impact. IXO Tokens through a delegation mechanism for Proof-
of-Stake Bonding. Which gives stakeholders the right
8.3 Internet of Impact Zones to perform work and receive shares of fee distributions
for their contributions, from Impact Market Relayers.
Impact Zones are autonomous networks ixo protocol IXO tokens staked in service contracts give users ac-
blockchains, which may be deployed locally or globally, cess to message processing (gas), claim submissions,

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The Internet of Impact

oracle services, data hosting, submission of governance 12 Digital Immune System

proposals, listing projects, digital asset and credential
issuance, identity verification, membership registra- The Internet of Impact design is based on the bio-
tion, subscriptions, dispute-resolution, rental of digital mimetic principles of natural immune systems.
assets, or any other services which are built on the It enables decentralised, autonomous localised sens-
Internet of Impact and utilise the Hub. ing of social, environmental, economic and climate
Token-holders may choose to stake IXO as collateral, threats or opportunities.
to provide liquidity for loan mechanisms, supply to- With response mechanisms for coordinating, target-
kens into Automated Market-Maker Liquidity Reserves, ing and amplifying both localised and systemic actions.
provide performance guarantees, curate registries, or In the process this builds innate intelligence, latent
participate in Alphabond Risk-prediction pools. memory and preparedness, to speed up and replicate
future responses.
Holding minimum stakes of IXO Tokens, together
Using tokens like antibodies to carry information and
with digital membership credentials, may offer Stake-
potentiate, aggregate, neutralise, or catalyse changes
holders additional benefits, such as value-added ser-
in the state of the world.
vices and discounts offered by Impact Market Relayers,
This is the Digital Immune System for Humanity.
Impact Zone networks and – in future, other non-ixo
Governance staking gives Stakeholders the right to 13 Conclusion
submit and vote on various types of proposals. Depend-
ing on the type of voting procedure implemented, the The Internet of Impact is a much-needed global public
quantity of IXO tokens held by a Stakeholder may be good. It provides an open, standards-based digital
used in weighting the results. Governance Bond ap- infrastructure that is built on the latest open-source,
plications – using the ixo Alphabond DeFi mechanism, inclusive blockchain and sovereign data technologies.
may pay out yields in IXO tokens. Which are easy to customise, evolve and deploy at
Internet scale.
Financial and data applications built on the Internet
of Impact could profoundly transform how the world
finances, implements, measures, values, and creates
11 Tokenized Impact Economy markets for impact.
Offering an unprecedented opportunity to imagine
We envisage a future in which Impact Tokens will rep- and create a citizen-centric new world economy. Which
resent the state of the world for all the outcomes that can generate prosperity now, by giving people the infor-
people or organisations care about and value. mation and tools to earn, spend and invest their money
in ways that will lead to a more sustainable future.
Tokenizing the non-fungible social, environmental
and economic outcomes — such as carbon emission
reductions, children’s education, or population immu-
nisation, will add new and renewable forms of capital
to the economy.
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