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Version Date







0.5 3/28/2021
0.4 9/21/2020
0.3 4/26/2020
0.2 4/13/2020
0.1 9/26/2018

Remember you need to download or copy

the document before using it!
Toolbar -> File -> Make a copy/Download
This way you'll be able to change cell
values in your own copy.
Please DO NOT use cell comments to mark
your progress by writing something like
Y/N/Done/Yes/No, those are for feedback.
Comments are open to everyone feel free to make suggestions or suggest fixes. Check the
Minor corrections
feedback and todoinpage
the books
first. tab. Moved Flame thrall out of the unique/quest books
section and all of the the Black Books into it
Added some quest items that can be pickpocketed back after completion.

Unique horses added to Followers tab

Fjola's Wedding Band added to Vanilla uniques
Filters for sorting added

Minor fixes to books tab. Added notes to a couple books with two versions
Added notes to quest books that can be pickpocketed back
Changed name of the book "The "Madmen" of the Reach to contain quotes
Smithing perks notes fixed
Fixed a lot of misprints on the Enchantments tab
Added perk trees for Werewolf and Vampire Lord
Bone hawk ring and amulet are removed from unique gear - craftable
Enchanted ring added again to vanilla Uniques since its optional to turn it in for a quest.
Layout of Perks tab changed to be more convenient.
Conditional formatting fixed across the whole spreadsheet.
Y/N changed to checkboxes on every tab except Quest because it needs to be redone
Books type column fixed, skill books and spell tomes style changed for better sorting
About 25 empty descriptions filled in in Books tab.
Multiple link errors fixed and all of them are verified plus consistent now on all tabs except
Removed Enchanted ring from vanilla Uniques - quest itemRemoved Chrysamere from vanilla Uniques - CC contentRemoved

Added 5 paragons to Collectables tabAdded following list of misc collectables :

Fixed some minor formatting issues

Fixed spell location column
Added missing tome ids for DLC spells

Civil war locations are separated from the main list

All fast travel markers verified
Location added:
The Chill
Minor style and error fixes
Formulas for locations tab replaced.
Locations and Merchants tabs added to dashboard.
Added "List" column to the Books tab with link to an explanation
Removed duplicate book: Diary of Faire AgarwenRemoved unobtainable books: Gallus's Journal The Secrets of R

Removed duplicate book The "Madmen" of the Reach

Added amissing
quest Archery andPractice
Dawngaurd givenbooks
by Angi in outside Falkreath
Fixed a few typos and some cleanup on quest tabquests
some book which must be turned in for
Moved a couple
Fixed some typos,quests
errorstointhe correct
book countlocation
formulas, and 1 missing book, slight formatting
Finished adding all missing DLC spells and spell tomes
Finished adding
Corrected links to Quest
two locations whichtabare not on the map
Added Hunter's rest and Raven Rock Mine to locations
Added some
Added missing Nightingale
items to gather armor
to thepieces
lists intoquest
Addedconditional formatting
links to: spells on quests
tab, followers tab,tab
shouts tab, alchemy ingrediants tab, merchants tab
Removed two duplicate
More edits for consistancy Unique items
Added formula and Inns
two missing conditional formatting
to the list of locations for total thieves guild jobs.
a fewslight errors in for
modifications formulas
Added Merchants tab
First Release

Link to main google sheet

(If you're using web view or need a link to the main
(Page loadsuse this)faster but CAN'T be copied or
edited! Useful if you just want to use it as a refrence)
link to original version (mostly here for crediting the
original work)
Completion Percentage
Key (rough estmates): 0-10% = Not started/outlined only 11-90%= In progress 91-99%= Almost done; Needs final checks

Task Name
0-10% = Not started/outlined
in the page itself only 11-90%=
that has In progress
a problem. 91-99%=
I can only Almost
have one activedone; Needsthread
comment final checks
per cell 100%= Complete
If one already exists just add to the
DO NOT close or open a comment that is not your own. I need those to fix issues and I will close them as needed.
Comment on this cell with any NEW suggestions for features or fixes
Comment on this cell for general discussion, feedback, questions on checklist
Add Dawnguard and Dragonborn Spells and Spell tomes
Add Dawnguard and Dragonborn Books
Add Dawnguard and Dragonborn ingredients and effects
Add a column for which leveled list each book is in to aid in finding them
Verify all fast-travel locations and check for duplicates
Verify that all recruitable followers are in the list and that they are properly marked
Find quest-related books which must be turned in and remove them from Books list
Add more data to the recruitable followers list (gender, race, etc.)
Fix spell locations column. I didn't make it I have no idea what all those letters mean.
Add more collectables to collectables tab. Only unique items that are not equippable should go here.
Verify all unique gear is in the list and remove any quest-specific items that must be turned in to complete the quest
Add werewolf and vampire perks to Perks tab
Add UESP links to followers
Add UESP links to Alchemy ingredients
Fix Information on the books tab
Add UESP links to collectables
Add UESP links to Merchants
Add UESP links in the shouts tab.
Add UESP links to spells
Create filters for two-click sorting wherever its possible
Add Effect strength, Value and Duration modifiers to Alchemy tab
Add Creation Club items to unique gear, Alchemy ingredients, Quests, Books, Spells etc. Clearly mark and separate them.
Manually verify that all quests are accounted for on the Tab.
Add UESP links to quests
Finish items to store for quests list
Create a dashboard tab that tracks how close you are to completion
Reorganize the quests tab so that it clearly outlines conflicting quests and is easily read and totaled up.
Make formatting consistant on all tabs
Unify color scheme on all tabs
Add a list of notes
Bastionfucks built the orininal spreadsheet based on the work of the spreadsheets that other people made.
I have added to his work by refining the spreadsheet and adding edits for consistency and some missing info
Name Author
Current Document Xboxiscrunchy, mezotaken
Skyrim 100% Checklist (v0.01) bastionfucks
Skyrim Books Checklist roachy1
Skyrim Character Planning Spreadsheet porter2613
All Skyrim Spells broken down by Level and School alanchavez
Skyrim Quest Checklists and Quest Mod Checklists Sakr3d
Filterable list of alchemy ingredients u/Guysmiley777
The UESP Wiki All Authors
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
adsheets that other people made.
consistency and some missing info
Reformatting and many additions
Reformatted the books tab.
Everything below was compiled here by bastionfucks
The Books tab is based off of roachy1's work and the UESP wiki.
The Perks tab is based off of porter2613's work.
The spells tab is a copy of alanchavez's work
The Quests, Collectible Items, and Dragon Shout tabs are based off of
Sakr3d's work.
The Alchemy tabis based of off Guysmiley777's wor.
The UESP wiki was the best resource and I am forever in your debt.
nal License.
Tab name Track Progress bar
Total progression Y

Quests N

Enchanting Effects Y

Spells Y

Dragon Shouts Y

Locations Y

Merchants Invested Y

Unique Gear Y

Collectible Items Y

Books Y

Recruitable Followers Y

Learned Alchemy Effects Y

Perks Y
ar Completed %












Side quests highlighted in orange. Level dependent quests highlighted in green. last updated: 2015.08.20

Quest Description Giver

Main Quest
No Unbound Escape Imperial custody and a dragon raid. N/A

Inform the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon attack on

No Before the Storm Hadvar or Ralof

No Bleak Falls Barrow Retrieve the Dragonstone. Jarl Balgruuf

No Dragon Rising Investigate a Dragon sighting near Whiterun. Jarl Balgruuf

No The Way of the Voice Meet the Greybeards. Jarl Balgruuf

No The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller Retrieve a Greybeard artifact from Ustengrav. Arngeir

Prove you are Dragonborn to Delphine by slaying the dragon A Mysterious

No A Blade in the Dark
Sahloknir. Note

No Diplomatic Immunity Infiltrate a party at the Thalmor Embassy. Delphine

No A Cornered Rat Locate Esbern. Delphine

No Alduin's Wall Locate the prophecy within Sky Haven Temple. Esbern

No The Throat of the World Receive a lesson from Paarthurnax. Arngeir

No Elder Knowledge Locate an Elder Scroll. Paarthurnax

No Alduin's Bane Exploit the Time Wound to learn Dragonrend. Paarthurnax

No The Fallen Capture and interrogate one of Alduin's allies. Arngeir

No Paarthurnax (optional) Deal with a potential threat.

No Season Unending (optional) Enforce a ceasefire to secure Dragonsreach.

Battle through Skuldafn Temple to reach Alduin's portal to

No The World-Eater's Eyrie

No Sovngarde Seek out Alduin within Sovngarde.


No Dragonslayer Put an end to the World Eater.

Faction Quests
College of Winterhold
Main Quests Radiant Quests
College Objective Sergius wants you to pick-up an item Sergius
No Visit the College of Winterhold. No Enchanting Pick-Up
Quest from a client for enchanting. Turrianus
Help Sergius Turrianus to fill his stock Sergius
No First Lessons Join the College of Winterhold. No Restocking Soul Gems
with soul gems. Turrianus
Uncover the mysteries beneath this Tolfdir The Absent-
No Under Saarthal ancient ruin. Tolfdir No Minded Help Tolfdir find his missing alembic. Tolfdir

Find the books needed to identify Put an end to the rupture caused by
No Hitting the Books the artifact found in Saarthal. Savos Aren No Aftershock the Eye of Magnus. Tolfdir

Find and consult the Augur of Urag

No Good Intentions Tolfdir No Fetch me that Book! Fetch a book for Urag gro-Shub.
Dunlain. gro-Shub
Discover the location of Magnus' Mirabelle Discover the writings of Shalidor and Urag
No Revealing the Unseen staff. No Shalidor's Insights
Ervine benefit from his wisdom. gro-Shub
Deal with the aftermath of the Eye's
No Containment power surge. Master Skill Quests
Mirabelle Find the Fang and use it to get
No The Staff of Magnus Retrieve the Staff of Magnus. No Alteration Ritual Spell Heartscales from a dragon. Tolfdir
Reclaim the College and contain the Conjuration Ritual Find a Sigil Stone by summoning a
No The Eye of Magnus No Phinis Gestor
Eye. Spell Daedra.
Destruction Ritual Learn the most powerful Destruction
Optional Quests No
Spell spells in Skyrim.

Find some books about Illusion

No Arniel's Endeavor Uncover an ancient Dwemer secret. Arniel Gane No Illusion Ritual Spell Magic to learn Master Spells. Drevis Neloren

Restoration Ritual Find the Augur of Dunlain and learn Colette

No Brelyna's Practice Help Brelyna Maryon test spells. Brelyna Maryon No
Spell more about Restoration Magic. Marence
Help J'zargo test out a fiery new
No J'zargo's Experiment spell. J'zargo

Help Onmund negotiate the return

No Onmund's Request Onmund
of a family amulet.
Purify the focus points for magical
No Out of Balance energy around the College. Drevis Neloren

Make amends for breaking the

No Rejoining the College College of Winterhold rules.

Bards College (Solitude) Companions (Whiterun)

Side Quests Quest Line
Unveil the truth about a King; Prove you are worthy to join the
No Tending the Flames Viarmo No Take Up Arms
become a member of Bards College. Companions.

Miscellaneous Quests Complete one radiant quest.

Investigate the Bards Claim a Fragment of Wuuthrad from

No College Investigate the Bards College. Any Bard No Proving Honor Dustman's Cairn. Skjor

Return an invaluable lute to Inge Six

No Finn's Lute Fingers. Inge Six Fingers Complete one radiant quest.

Join the Circle and clear Gallows Rock

No Pantea's Flute Find a missing flute for Pantea. Pantea Ateia No The Silver Hand of werewolf hunters. Skjor


No Rjorn's Drum Retrieve a drum for Giraud Gemane. Giraud Gemane Complete two radiant quests. At least one from Aela.

Blades No Blood's Honor

Claim the head of a Glenmoril Witch Kodlak
for Kodlak Whitemane. Whitemane

Miscellaneous Quests No Purity of Revenge Retrieve the Fragments of Wuuthrad. Vilkas

Cure Kodlak's spirit and prove

No Rebuilding the Blades Recruit new members for the Blades. Delphine No Glory of the Dead yourself as a true Companion. Vilkas

No Dragon Hunting Kill a dragon at its lair. Esbern Radiant Quests

Help Esbern complete his research
No Dragon Research on dragons. Esbern Aela the Huntress Radiant Quests

Fulfill a Companion contract to kill an

No Animal Extermination invading beast. Aela

Fulfill a Companion contract to clear

No Animal Extermination out a beast den. Aela

No Striking the Heart Assassinate a Silver Hand leader. Aela

Search a Silver Hand hideout for

No Stealing Plans Aela
information on their headquarters.
Retrieve a fragment of Wuuthrad.
No Retrieval
Unavailable after Glory of the Dead. Aela
Find a Totem of Hircine. Only
No Totems of Hircine available if you are a werewolf. Aela

Farkas Radiant Quests

Fulfill a Companion contract bring a

No Hired Muscle citizen back in line. Farkas

Fulfill a Companion contract to clear

No Trouble in Skyrim Farkas
out a troublesome area.

Skjor / Vilkas Radiant Quests

Fulfill a Companion contract to

No Family Heirloom retrieve a stolen family heirloom. Skjor or Vilkas

Fulfill a Companion contract to hunt

No Escaped Criminal Skjor or Vilkas
down an escaped criminal.
Fulfill a Companion contract to
No Rescue Mission Skjor or Vilkas
rescue a kidnapped citizen.
Help a member of the Circle give up
No Purity their beast hood. Farkas or Vilkas

Go to a dragon lair with Farkas or

No Dragon Seekers Vilkas and kill the dragon. Farkas or Vilkas

The Dark Brotherhood

Main Quests Contract Quests
Delayed Burial Convince farmer to help a stranded
No (optional) jester outside of Whiterun. Cicero No Kill Narfi Kill a hapless beggar in Ivarstead. Nazir

Help an orphaned child avoid being Aventus

No Innocence Lost returned to a caretaker. Aretino No Kill Beitild Resolve a feud in Dawnstar. Nazir

With Friends Like Show you are willing to kill on

No No Kill Ennodius Papius Kill Ennodius Papius. Nazir
These... command.
Pick up your first contracts as a
No Sanctuary Astrid No Kill Hern Kill Hern, a reclusive vampire. Nazir
Brotherhood member.
Mourning Never
No Comes Help Muiri get her revenge. Astrid No Kill Lurbuk Silence a terrible bard, permanently. Nazir

No Whispers in the Dark Spy on the Night Mother's keeper. Astrid No Kill Deekus Slay an Argonian looting a shipwreck. Nazir


The Silence Has Been Meet Amaund Motierre inside Fulfill a Dark Brotherhood contract
No Broken Volunruud. Astrid No Kill Ma'randru-jo assassinate Ma'randru-jo. Nazir

Assassinate Vittoria Vici at her own Fulfill a Dark Brotherhood contract

No Bound Until Death wedding. Astrid No Kill Anoriath assassinate Anoriath. Nazir

Kill and frame the son of a high- Fulfill a Dark Brotherhood contract
No Breaching Security ranking Imperial guard. Astrid No Kill Agnis assassinate Agnis. Nazir

Confront the traitor among the Dark

No The Cure for Madness Brotherhood. Gabriella No Kill Maluril Kill Maluril in Mzinchaleft. Nazir

Assume the identity of the famous Fulfill a Dark Brotherhood contract

No Recipe for Disaster Gourmet. Astrid No Kill Helvard assassinate Helvard. Nazir

No To Kill an Empire Attempt to assassinate the Emperor. Astrid No Kill Safia Kill a pirate captain on her own ship. Nazir

Assist Brotherhood members in the

No Death Incarnate fight against assault. Miscellaneous Quests
Fulfill the biggest contract in
No Hail Sithis! Brotherhood history. Night Mother
Find Dark Brotherhood Assassin.
Locate the Assassin of Olava the
Other Quests No Old (Quest activates if you successfully Feeble
completed Breaching Security and
Destroy the Dark Finish the Dark Brotherhood and rid After killing received a bonus from Gabriella.)
Brotherhood! Skyrim of their kind. Astrid
Where You Hang Your Restore the Dark Brotherhood's
No Nazir Torture the Brotherhood's prisoners
Enemy's Head… sanctuary.
for treasure.
Take the Hidden
Radiant Quests No Treasure (This quest activates after purchasing Torture Victims
the torture room for the Dawnstar
Regain the trust of your fellow Sanctuary.)
No Honor Thy Family Nazir
The Dark Yet another child has prayed to their
No Brotherhood Forever mother. Night Mother

Thieves Guild (Riften)

Main Quests Special Job Quests
A Chance Help teach a merchant to mind his
No Brynjolf
Arrangement own business.
Delvin's and Vex's quests become available once you join the guild, and can be
Taking Care of Help Brynjolf collect some debts for repeated indefinitely. In addition to the monetary reward for completing these
No Brynjolf quests, they also count towards restoring the guild's status in Skyrim. In order to
Business the Thieves Guild.
start the final Thieves Guild quest, Under New Management, you must complete five
Send a message to a former Thieves of these jobs in each of the other four main cities in Skyrim (Markarth, Solitude,
No Loud and Clear Guild client. Brynjolf
Whiterun, and Windhelm), at which point Delvin will give you a special "reputation"
job in that city. Completing these jobs also contributes to improving the guild.
Put Maven Black-Briar's competition Brynjolf or
No Dampened Spirits out of business. Maven
Squeeze a reluctant informer for
No Scoundrel's Folly information. Mercer Frey

Track down the Dunmer behind the

No Speaking With Silence Mercer Frey
Guild's misfortunes.

No Hard Answers Help translate Gallus' journal. Enthir Shadowmarks: Guild Safe Danger Escape Protected

Break into Mercer Frey's house and

No The Pursuit search for clues. Brynjolf
Shadowmarks: Fence Cache Loot Empty
Become one of the Nightingales, Complete 125 total special jobs to unlock all Thieves Guild upgrades. Tracks the
No Trinity Restored Nocturnal's guardians. Karliah higher of either total jobs done in every city or total jobs of each type

No Blindsighted Stop Mercer Frey. Brynjolf 0 Total Jobs completed

Return the Skeleton Key to its

No Darkness Returns Karliah Delvin Special Jobs. Use the below section to track jobs completed.
rightful place. (Daedric Quest)
Under New Become the Guild master of the The Bedlam Job: Steal items worth a set amount of
No Management Thieves Guild. Brynjolf 0 gold.

Other Quests 0 The Fishing Job: Pickpocket an item.


Speak with guild members and pick
No Meet the Family up your gear. Brynjolf 0 The Numbers Job: Alter a stores business ledger.

Find the 24 gems to restore the

No No Stone Unturned Crown of Barenziah. Vex Special Jobs. Use the below section to track jobs completed.

Make reparations for breaking the Breaking guild The Burglary Job: Steal a special item from a wealthy
No Reparations Thieves Guild rules. rules 0 home.
Thieves Guild Caravan The Shill Job: Place an item as evidence inside a
No Fence Quest Deliver Moon Sugar to Ri'saad. Tonilia 0 wealthy home.
Retrieve a necromancer's journals The Sweep Job: Steal three specific valuable items
No Toying With The Dead for an interested buyer. Vekel the Man 0 from a wealthy house.
The Litany of Larceny Find all seven Larceny Targets and
No Targets Delvin 0 The Heist Job: Steal a particular item from a store.
sell them to Delvin. (Listed Below)
Use the below section to track the special jobs done in each city. After completing 5
No Bust of the Gray Fox Riften: Riftweald Manor in each city, Delvin will give you a reputation quest.

No Dwemer Puzzle Cube Markarth: Understone Keep Jobs completed City

East Empire Shipping Solitude: East Empire Company

No Map Warehouse 0 Markarth special jobs completed.

No Whiterun: Honningbrew Meadery 0 Solitude special jobs completed.

No Left Eye of the Falmer West of Windhelm: Irkngthand 0 Whiterun special jobs completed.

North of Windhelm: Snow Veil

No Model Ship Sanctum 0 Windhelm special jobs completed.

No Queen Bee Statue Riften: Goldenglow Estate 0 Other special jobs completed

Reputation Quests
Recover a stolen silver mold for a
No Silver Lining Delvin
silversmith in Markarth.
Frame a ship's captain for a jilted
No The Dainty Sload merchant in Solitude. Delvin

Help get a convicted prisoner

No Imitation Amnesty released from jail in Whiterun. Delvin

Remove a rival guild from the picture

No Summerset Shadows in Windhelm. Delvin

Faction Civil War Quests

Imperial Legion Stormcloaks
Quests Quests
Prove yourself worthy to join the Joining the Prove yourself worthy of being a Ulfric
No Joining the Legion Imperial Legion. Legate Rikke No Stormcloaks Stormcloak rebel. Stormcloak
Find the Jagged Crown for the Galmar
No The Jagged Crown Imperials. General Tullius No The Jagged Crown Find this crown for Ulfric Stormcloak. Stone-Fist

Deliver the message that will decide Deliver an axe to the Jarl of Ulfric
No Message to Whiterun Whiterun's allegiance. No Message to Whiterun Whiterun. Stormcloak
Protect Whiterun from the Take Whiterun in the name of the Ulfric
No Battle for Whiterun General Tullius No Battle for Whiterun
Stormcloak invasion. Stormcloaks. Stormcloak
Reunification of Re-unite Skyrim under the leadership Overarching quest governing the Ulfric
No Legate Rikke No Liberation of Skyrim
Skyrim of the Empire. individual battles of the war. Stormcloak

Note: A number of factors related to the optional main quest Season Unending can influence which of these quests are initiated.

Find and deliver some forged Rescue from Fort Rescue Stormcloak soldiers from the Galmar
No A False Front Legate Rikke No
documents to the Stormcloaks. Neugrad Imperials and capture the fort. Stone-Fist


The Battle for Fort Blackmail a Talos worshipper into Galmar
No Dunstad Regain the Pale for the Imperials. Legate Rikke No Compelling Tribute helping the Stormcloaks. Stone-Fist
Use a corrupt steward to gain The Battle for Fort Take this fort in the name of the Galmar
No Compelling Tribute intelligence on the Stormcloaks. Legate Rikke No Sungard Stormcloaks. Stone-Fist
The Battle for Fort Take Fort Greenwall for the Find and deliver some forged Galmar
No Greenwall Imperials. Legate Rikke No A False Front documents to the Imperials. Stone-Fist
The Battle for Fort The Battle for Fort Galmar
No Sungard Take Fort Sungard for the Imperials. Legate Rikke No Snowhawk Take this fort for the Stormcloaks. Stone-Fist
Rescue from Fort Rescue the prisoners and regain The Battle for Fort Galmar
No Kastav Winterhold Hold for the Imperials. Legate Rikke No Dunstad Take this fort for the Stormcloaks. Stone-Fist
The Battle for Fort Take Fort Snowhawk for the The Battle for Fort Galmar
No Snowhawk Imperials. Legate Rikke No Greenwall Take this fort for the Stormcloaks. Stone-Fist
The Battle for Fort Prepare for the final assault on The Battle for Fort Galmar
No Amol Windhelm. Legate Rikke No Kastav Take this fort for the Stormcloaks. Stone-Fist
Conquer the Stormcloak capital and The Battle for Fort Galmar
No Battle for Windhelm bring Ulfric to justice. Legate Rikke No Hraggstad Take this fort for the Stormcloaks. Stone-Fist
The final push to free Skyrim of the Galmar
No Battle for Solitude Imperials. Stone-Fist

Daedric Quests
Azura Meridia Level Required: 12

Visit the Shrine of Find Meridia's Beacon and cleanse

No Azura Visit the Shrine of Azura. Aranea Lenith No The Break of Dawn her temple of undead. Meridia

No The Black Star Help find and repair Azura's Star. Aranea Lenith Molag Bal

Speak to the Speak to the witchhunter about the

Boethia Level Required: 30 No Witchhunter abandoned house. Vigilant Tyranus

Investigate the Boethiah's Help Molag Bal take revenge upon a

No Boethiah cultist Investigate the Boethiah cultist. Proving No The House of Horrors servant of Boethiah. Vigilant Tyranus

No Boethiah's Calling Become Boethiah's new champion. Namira
Investigate the Hall of Investigate the Hall of the Dead in Kleppr, Verulus,
Clavicus Vile Level Required: 10 No
the Dead Markarth. Eola
Prepare a Feast for the Lady of Kleppr, Verulus,
No Speak to Lod Speak to Lod in Falkreath. Barbas No The Taste of Death Decay. Eola
A Daedra's Best
No Friend Help Barbas reunite with his master. Barbas Nocturnal

Darkness Returns Return the Skeleton Key to its

Hermaeus Mora Level Required: 15 No (thieves guild) rightful place. Karliah

Discerning the Uncover the secrets of the Septimus

No Peryite Level Required: 12
Transmundane mysterious Dwemer lockbox. Signus
Find Kesh at the
Hircine No Peryite Shrine Find Kesh at the Peryite Shrine. Kesh the Clean

Speak to Mathies or Speak to Mathies in Falkreath or to Mathies or Slay an apostate worshipper for the
No Sinding Sinding in Falkreath Jail. Sinding No The Only Cure Daedra Lord Peryite. Kesh the Clean

Mathies or
No Ill Met By Moonlight Hunt in Hircine's name. Sinding Sanguine Level Required: 14

Participate in a drinking contest with

Malacath No Drink with Sam Sam Guevenne
Sam Guevenne.
Help lift the curse placed on the Orcs A Night To Find your lost friend, Sam, as you
No The Cursed Tribe Atub No Sam Guevenne
of Largashbur by Malacath. Remember recover from a bad hangover.

Mehrunes Dagon Level Required: 20 Sheogorath

Visit the museum in Investigate the man wandering the

No Visit the museum in Dawnstar. Silus Vesuius No Investigate Dervenin Dervenin
Dawnstar streets near the Bards College.


Retrieve and reforge the scattered Gain access to and solve the mystery
No Pieces of the Past pieces of Mehrunes' Razor. Silus Vesuius No The Mind of Madness of the Pelagius Wing. Dervenin

Mephala Level Required: 20 Vaermina

Ask about Balgruuf's Ask about Balgruuf's strange Relieve the people of Dawnstar from
No strange children children. Jarl Balgruuf No Waking Nightmare Vaermina's curse. Erandur

Investigate Nelkir's story of a

No The Whispering Door Whispering Lady. Jarl Balgruuf

Divine Quests
Participate in the trials by hunting Help the Temple of Mara of Riften
No Kyne's Sacred Trials the guardian beasts of Skyrim. Whetted-Blade No The Book of Love spread the cause of love. Dinya Balu

The Blessings of Restore the Gildergreen for Danica Danica Pure- Find a new Sybil for the Temple of
No Nature Pure-Spring in Whiterun. Spring No The Heart of Dibella Dibella in Markarth. Hamal

Dungeon Quests
Angarvunde - A Nordic tomb at the foot of the mountains directly west of Riften and
Nilheim - A tower east-northeast of Ivarstead containing disguised bandits.
slightly northwest of Avanchnzel.
Escort Telrav back to his camp in
No Angarvunde Discover the treasure of Angarvunde. No Telrav's Request Nilheim. Telrav

Ansilvund Excavation - A Nordic ruin situated northeast of Shor's Stone. Ragnvald - A Nordic ruin north of Markarth containing draugr.

No Ansilvund Kill Lu'ah Al-Skaven in Ansilvund. No Ragnvald Discover the secrets of Ragnvald. Ragnvald

Blind Cliff Bastion - A cave southwest of Karthwasten along the banks of the Karth Rebel's Cairn - A cave located in The Reach between the Sundered Towers and
River containing Forsworn. Bleakwind Bluff.
The Affairs of Help an imprisoned hagraven reclaim Legend of Red
No Melka No Rebel's Cairn Find Red Eagle's sword.
Hagravens her lost tower. Eagle
Darklight Tower - A tower southwest of Riften that is nested by hagravens and their Robber's Gorge - A bandit camp spanning the road from Rorikstead to Dragon
ilk. Bridge.
Help Illia prevent her mother Silvia
No Repentance from transforming into a hagraven. Illia No Robber's Gorge Find the treasure of Robber's Gorge.

Folgunthur - A Nordic ruin located southeast of Solitude. Shroud Hearth Barrow - An ancient Nordic ruin located just northeast of Ivarstead.

Investigate the forgotten Gauldur Investigate the barrow outside of

No Forbidden Legend Legend. No Lifting the Shroud Ivarstead. Wilhelm

Forelhost Crypt - A ruined fortress on a peak southeast of Riften which contains a Southfringe Sanctum - A remote snowy cave that is home to the conjurer Bashnag
word wall for the Storm Call shout. and his coven.
Siege on the Dragon Enter the ruins of Forelhost and The Savior of Selveni Help a necromancer escape from
No Cult recover Rahgot's mask. Captain Valmir No Nethri Southfringe Sanctum. Selveni Nethri

Sleeping Tree Cave - A giant camp where the Sleeping Tree is located. It is situated
Frostflow Abyss - A lighthouse located west of Winterhold in the north of Skyrim. almost due west of Western Watchtower.
Uncover the tragic events inside Question Ysolda about a note found Note on Ulags
No Frostflow Abyss Frostflow Lighthouse. No Sleeping Tree Cave on a dead Orc. corpse.
Frostmere Crypt - A Nordic ruin south-southwest of Dawnstar and just northeast of
Soljund's Sinkhole - A moonstone ore mine east of Sky Haven Temple.
the Lord Stone.
Find out what happened in Defeat the draugr in Soljund's
No The Pale Lady No Soljund's Sinkhole Perth
Frostmere Crypt. Sinkhole.
High Gate Ruins - A Nordic ruin directly west of Dawnstar, and a short distance east
of the Wreck of the Icerunner. The Midden - A dungeon underneath the College of Winterhold.

Help Anska trace her roots in High Summon the Dremora pirate, Velehk
No A Scroll For Anska Anska No Forgotten Names
Gate Ruins. Sain.


Treva's Watch - A fort situated to the southeast of Ivarstead and to the west of
Hillgrund's Tomb - A Nordic barrow where the Hillgrund family dead are interred. Riften.
Stop a necromancer from defiling
No Ancestral Worship Golldir's ancestral barrow. Golldir No Infiltration Help Stalleo take back Treva's Watch. Stalleo

Ironbind Barrow - A Nordic ruin which contains a word wall for the Become Ethereal Valthume - An ancient barrow where ancient knowledge awaits and restless dead
shout, and the tomb of a long dead warlord. still battle. It is located southeast of Markarth.
Help a daring adventurer and her
No Coming of Age companion retrieve their riches. Salma No Evil in Waiting Seal away an ancient evil. Valthume

Mistwatch - A fort located at the northern base of the mountains on the border of Volunruud - A tomb containing a word wall, as well as the treasure and dead body of
the Rift and Eastmarch. the Tongue Chieftain Kvenel.
Help Christer locate his kidnapped Unlock the burial chamber of the
No Mistwatch wife Fjola. Christer No Silenced Tongues Tongue Chieftain Kvenel.
Moss Mother Cavern - A small, open-ceiling, cavernous grove lush with flora, located Yngol Barrow - A barrow northeast of Windhelm on the south bank of the White
northwest of Half-Moon Mill. River. Due to a glitch this quest will never appear in your journal
Help an injured hunter avenge his Find the treasure unlocked by the
No Moss Mother Cavern fallen companions. Valdr No Yngol's Barrow Coral Dragon Claw.
Liar's Retreat - A small underground cellar which is located northwest of Broken
Tower Redoubt and northeast of Karthwasten.
No Lair's Retreat Retrieve the Longhammer from a
fallen bandit.

Region: Eastmarch Quests

Windhelm Regional Sites
No House in the City Purchase Hjerim. Darkwater Crossing

Side Quests No Delivery Deliver Sondas's Note to Quintus. Sondas Drenim

Windhelm is plagued by a shadowy Windhelm Extracting an

No Blood on the Ice killer. Guard No Argonian Rescue Derkeethus. Derkeethus

Retrieve a legendary artifact to fulfill Annekke Crag-

No The White Phial Nurelion No Kill the Bandit Leader Do a favor by slaying a bandit leader. Jumper
an old alchemist's wish.
Acquire the materials necessary to Verner Rock-
No Repairing the Phial Quintus Navale No Mine Ore Get paid to mine corundum ore.
repair the White Phial. Chucker
Help the East Empire Company take
No Rise in the East
care of some pirates.
Orthus Endario Kynesgrove
A Few Words with Do a favor by talking to someone
Miscellaneous Quests No
You about a problem.

A Few Words with Do a favor by talking to someone Scouts-Many-

No No Chop Wood Get paid to chop firewood. Ganna Uriel
You about a problem. Marshes
Adonato Find some frost salts for Dravynea Dravynea the
No Delivery Deliver Adonato's Book to Giraud. Leotelli No Dravynea's Frost Salts the Stoneweaver. Stoneweaver
Deliver a bottle of Nightshade Extract Hillevi Cruel- Roggi Knot-
No Delivery to Wuunferth the Unliving. Sea No Dungeon Delving Recover Roggi's Ancestral Shield. Beard
Oengul War-
No Dungeon Delving Recover Queen Freydis's Sword. Anvil No Mine Ore Get paid to mine malachite ore. Kjeld

Recover Shahvee's Amulet of

No Dungeon Delving
Shahvee Mixwater Mill
Prove your strength by wagering on
No Fight! Fight! a fist fight with another. Rolff Stone-Fist No Chop Wood Get paid to chop firewood. Gilfre

Find the Thalmor The Thalmor are after Malborn. Help

No Assassin him get to safety. Malborn Narzulbur
Get paid to gather wheat crops for Prove your strength by wagering on Chief
No Gather Wheat Hlaalu Farm. Belyn Hlaalu No Fight! Fight! a fist fight with another. Mauhulakh
Take care of a runaway crew
No Harsh Master member. Kjar No Mine Ore Get paid to mine ebony ore. Dushnamub


Brunwulf Free-
No Kill the Bandit Leader Do a favor by slaying a bandit leader. Winter Outside of Windhelm
Quest all Beggars Angrenor Once- Get paid to gather wheat crops for Bolfrida
No Have Take pity on a beggar. Honored No Gather Wheat Brandy-Mug Farm. Brandy-Mug
Quest all Beggars Silda the Get paid to gather wheat crops for
No Have Take pity on a beggar. Unseen No Gather Wheat Hollyfrost Farm. Tulvur

No Quest all Drunks Have Make a drunk dance for joy. Shatter-Shield
Bring one Amulet of Arkay to Torbjorn
No Rare Gifts Torbjorn Shatter-Shield
Steal the Double-Distilled Skooma for Stands-In-
No Some Light Theft Stands-In-Shallows Shallows
Brunwulf Free-
No Thane of Eastmarch Gain the title of Thane of Eastmarch. Winter

That Was Always

No There Return a ring to its rightful owner. Revyn Sadri

Region: Falkreath Hold Quests

Falkreath Regional Sites
Develop Land Outside Purchase land to build Lakeview
the City Manor. Outside of Falkreath
Get paid to chop firewood for Half-
No Alchemy Tutorial Learn the basics of potion making. Zaria No Chop Wood Moon Mill. Hert

Blacksmithing Angi can provide you with several

No Learn the basics of smithing. Lod No Archery Practice Angi
Tutorial Archery practice sessions
Destroy Dengeir's risen ancestor, the Dengeir
No Dark Ancestor vampire Vighar. of Stuhn

No Delivery Deliver Berit's Ashes to Runil. Thadgeir

No Dungeon Delving Recover Runil's Journal. Runil

Get paid to gather cabbage, gourd,

No Gather Wheat Mathies
potato crops for Corpselight Farm.
Slay a bandit leader for Siddgeir, the
No Kill the Bandit Leader Jarl of Falkreath. Siddgeir

Bring one Black-Briar Mead to

No Rare Gifts Siddgeir. Siddgeir

No Some Light Theft Do a favor by stealing an item. of Stuhn
Gain the title Thane by assisting the
No Thane of Falkreath
people of Falkreath Hold.

Region: Hjaalmarch Quests

Morthal Regional Sites
Develop Land Outside Purchase land to build Windstad
the City Manor. Stonehills
Side Quests No Mine Ore Get paid to mine iron ore. Rockbreaker
Update Thane Bryling about a late
No Laid to Rest Investigate a house fire. Jonna No Payment Delivery Pactur
shipment from Rockwallow Mine.


Track down Falion to rid yourself of
No Rising at Dawn vampirism. Innkeepers

Miscellaneous Quests

No Chop Wood Get paid to chop firewood. Hroggar

No Chop Wood Get paid to chop firewood. Jorgen

Idgrod the
No Delivery Deliver Idgrod's Note to Danica. Younger

No Falion's Secret Investigate Falion's curious activities. Falion

Prove your strength by wagering on

No Fight! Fight! a fist fight with another. Benor

For the Good of Deliver Gorm's letter to Captain Aldis

No Morthal in Solitude. Gorm

Bring one Song of the Alchemists to

No Rare Gifts Lami. Lami

Gain the title of Thane of Idgrod

No Thane of Hjaalmarch
Hjaalmarch. Ravencrone

Region: Haafingar Quests

Solitude Regional Sites
No House in the City Purchase Proudspire Manor. Dragon Bridge

Side Quests No Chop Wood Get paid to chop firewood. Horgeir

The Man Who Cried Investigate reports of strange Dragon's Breath Retrieve the Dragon's Breath Mead
No Wolf happenings in Wolfskull Cave. Falk Firebeard No Mead and give it to either Olda or Horgeir. Olda or Horgeir
The Wolf Queen Potema must be stopped. Get paid to gather cabbage, gourd,
No Courier No Gather Wheat Azzada Lylvieve
Awakened Level Required: 10 potato crops.

No Lights Out! Help run a cargo ship aground. Jaree-Ra Outside of Solitude
Get paid to chop firewood for
Miscellaneous Quests No Chop Wood Solitude Sawmill. Hjorunn

A Few Words with Do a favor by talking to someone Get paid to gather leek, potato,
No You about a problem. Octieve San No Gather Wheat wheat crops for Katla's Farm. Katla

Deliver the Stros M'Kai Rum to Falk Quest all Beggars

No Delivery Firebeard Sorex Vinius No Have Take pity on a beggar. Gissur

Recover Noster's Helmet from a Noster

No Dungeon Delving No Quest all Drunks Have Make a drunk dance for joy. Razelan
cave. Eagle-Eye
Take Torygg's war horn to the Shrine
No Elisif's Tribute of Talos. Elisif the Fair

No Fit for a Jarl Model some clothes. Taarie

No Get Outfitted Get a free set of Imperial armor. Beirand

No Kill the Bandit Leader Do a favor by slaying a bandit leader. Ahtar

Do menial work for Sybille Stentor by

No Kill the Vampire Sybille Stentor
assaulting a vampire lair.
No News is Good Discover the fate of Angeline Angeline
No News Morrard's daughter. Morrard
Quest all Beggars
No Take pity on a beggar. Dervenin


Quest all Beggars Noster
No Have Take pity on a beggar. Eagle-Eye
Quest all Beggars
No Have Take pity on a beggar. Svari

No Rare Gifts Bring book The Mirror to Aldis. Captain Aldis

Convince a mourning mother to go

No Return to Grace to the local temple. Svari

Convince Vittoria Vici to hand over

No The Spiced Wine some spices. Evette San

No Thane of Haafingar Gain the title of Thane of Haafingar. Elisif the Fair

Region: The Reach Quests

Markarth Regional Sites
No House in the City Purchase Vlindrel Hall. Karthwasten
End the dispute over Sanuarach Ainethach
Side Quests No Sanuarach Mine Mine. or Atar
No One Escapes
Cidhna Mine
Escape from Cidhna Mine! Dushnikh Yal
The Forsworn Prove your strength by wagering on
No Conspiracy Investigate a murder in Markarth. Eltrys No Fight! Fight! a fist fight with another. Chief Burguk

Recover the journals from the

No The Lost Expedition Alethius No Gharol's Message Deliver Gharol's sword to Lash. Gharol
expedition in Nchuand-Zel.

Miscellaneous Quests No Mine Ore Get paid to mine orichalcum ore. Gharol

A Few Words with Do a favor by talking to someone

No You about a problem. Omluag Mor Khazgur
Bothela's Discreet Deliver the Stallion's Potion to Prove your strength by wagering on
No Bothela No Fight! Fight! Chief Larak
Delivery Raerek. a fist fight with another.
Bring Dwarven artifact to Calcelmo in
No Buy Dwarven artifact Markarth. Calcelmo No Mine Ore Get paid to mine orichalcum ore. Shuftharz

Bring a Daedra heart to Moth gro- Moth

No Coated in Blood Bagol. gro-Bagol Old Hroldan Inn
The Ghost of Old
No Delivery Deliver Spiced Beef to Voada. Banning No Hroldan Put an ancient ghost to rest. Eydis

No Delivery to Calcelmo Deliver a ring to Calcelmo. Kerah Outside of Markarth

Get paid to gather potato crops for
No Dungeon Delving Recover Hrolfdir's Shield for Igmund. Igmund No Gather Wheat Vigdis Salvius
Salvius Farmhouse.
Prove your strength by wagering on Clear the Forsworn from Kolskeggr
No Fight! Fight! a fist fight with another. Cosnach No Kolskeggr Mine Mine. Pavo Attius

Kill the Forsworn Do a favor for Jarl Igmund by killing a

No Leader Forsworn leader. Igmund No Mine Ore Get paid to mine gold ore. Pavo Attius

Lisbet's Missing Retrieve a missing Dibella Statue for Get paid to mine iron ore near Left Skaggi
No Shipment a struggling store. Lisbet No Mine Ore Hand Mine. Scar-Face
Nimhe, the Poisoned Kill the giant frostbite spider blocking
No Calcelmo No Rogatus's Letter Deliver a letter to a farmer's son. Rogatus Salvius
One access to Nchuand-Zel.
Quest all Beggars
Take pity on a beggar. Degaine Soljund's Sinkhole

No Quest all Drunks Have Make a drunk dance for joy. Cosnach No Mine Ore Get paid to mine moonstone ore. Perth

No Quest all Drunks Have Make a drunk dance for joy. Degaine


No Read Eltrys' Note See what Eltrys wants. Eltrys

Find evidence of a Talos worshipper

No Search and Seizure for the Thalmor. Ondolemar

Skilled Bring The Last Scabbard of Akrash to Ghorza

No Apprenticeship Ghorza. gra-Bagol
Steal the statue in the Temple of
No Speak to Degaine Dibella. Degaine

No Thane of the Reach Gain the title of Thane of the Reach.

Region: The Rift Quests

Riften Riften Side Quests
Help Louis Letrush get Frost from
No House in the City Purchase Honeyside. No Promises to Keep Louis Letrush
Sibbi Black-Briar.
Uncover the memories of the Deepest-
Miscellaneous Quests No Unfathomable Depths Dwemer. Level Required: 14

No Bloody Nose
Defeat Hofgrir Horse-Crusher in a
Hofgrir Horse-
Crusher Regional Sites
Deliver Harrald's sword. Pick up
No Bring It!
Harrald's Sword from Balimund.
Harrald Ivarstead
Svana Far- Temba
No Caught Red Handed Gather three marks of Dibella. Shield No Chop Wood Get paid to chop firewood. Wide-Arm
Deliver a load of goods up to High
No Distant Memories Help Brand-Shei uncover his past. Brand-Shei No Climb the Steps Klimmek
Hrothgar for Klimmek.
Restock Elgrim's with 20 nirnroot, Ingun Black- Get paid to gather cabbage, leek,
No Few and Far Between nightshade, & deathbell. Briar No Gather Wheat potato, wheat for Fellstar Farm. Boti

Recover Mjoll's beloved sword, Mjoll the Give ten bear pelts to Temba Wide- Temba
No Grimsever's Return Grimsever, from Mzinchaleft. Lioness No Grin and Bear It Arm. Wide-Arm
Help Wujeeta cure her skooma Quest all Beggars
No Helping Hand Wujeeta No Take pity on a beggar. Nafri
addiction. Have
Retrieve Wylandriah's spoon, ingot, Discover what is plaguing Narfi's
No Hunt and Gather Wylandriah No The Straw that Broke mind. Nafri
and soul gem.
Find five ice wraith teeth for Marise
No Ice Cold Aravel. Marise Aravel Outside of Riften
Help Alessandra make peace with
No Pilgrimage her dead father. Alessandra No Bow to the Master Retrieve a farmer's stolen bow. Dravin

Quest all Beggars Get paid to chop firewood for

No Have Take pity on a beggar. Edda No Chop Wood Heartwood Mill. Grosta

Quest all Beggars Help Grosta at Heartwood Mill locate

No Take pity on a beggar. Snilf No Flight or Fight Grosta
Have her missing husband.
Supply 2 flawless sapphires, gold ore, Get paid to gather leek, potato,
No Ringmaker and a mammoth tusk. Madesi No Gather Wheat wheat crops for Snow-Shod Farm. Addvild

Find three flawless amethysts for Get paid to gather gourd, nirnroot,
No Sealing the Deal Talen-Jei's engagement ring. Talen-Jei No Gather Wheat potato, wheat for Sarethi Farm. Avrusa Sarethi

Deliver a purchase agreement to Get paid to gather potato, gourd,

No Special Delivery Kleppr in Markarth. Bolli No Gather Wheat wheat crops for Merryfair Farm. Synda Llanith

Distribute religious literature to the Collect 20 jazbay grapes for Avrusa

No Spread the Love Dinya Balu No Smooth Jazbay Avrusa Sarethi
citizens of Riften. Sarethi.
Help Shadr clear his debt with
No Stabilized
Shadr Shor's Stone
Find 10 fire salts to restore Grogmar
No Stoking the Flames Balimund's forge. Balimund No Mine Ore Get paid to mine iron ore. gro-Burzag
Clear Cragslane Cavern for the Jarl of Rid the Redbelly Mine of frostbite
No Supply and Demand Laila or Maven No Mine or Yours Filnjar
Riften. spiders.


The Bonds of Make a delivery for Sylgja to
No Matrimony Find someone in Skyrim to marry. Maramal No Special Delivery Darkwater Crossing. Sylgja

Help Sibbi Black-Briar locate his Sibbi Black-

No The Lover's Requital former fiancée. Briar
Help the Jarl of Riften to uncover and
No The Raid stop the illegal skooma trade. Wujeeta

Truth Ore
No Consequences Retrieve an ore sample from Filnjar. Hafjorg

Deliver a Black-Briar Mead keg to the

No Under the Table inn at Ivarstead. Romlyn Dreth

Find the Quill of Gemination to clear Maven Black-

No Vald's Debt Vald's debt. Briar

Region: Whiterun Hold Quests

Whiterun Regional Sites
No House in the City Purchase Breezehome. High Hrothgar
Follow the Greybeards' advice to
Side Quests No The Words of Power learn a Word of Power. High Hrothgar

Find the Redguard, Saadia, who is on

No In My Time Of Need
the run from Hammerfell.
Alik'r Warriors Riverwood
Rescue a missing Stormcloak Several Gray- Use a forged letter to resolve a love
No Missing In Action supporter from the Thalmor. Manes No A Lovely Letter triangle. Faendal or Sven

Miscellaneous Quests No Alchemy Tutorial Learn the basics of potion making. Orgnar

A Few Words with Do a favor by talking to someone Carlotta Blacksmithing

No You about a problem. Valentia No Tutorial Learn the basics of smithing. Alvor

No Alchemy Tutorial Learn the basics of potion making. Arcadia No Chop Wood Get paid to chop firewood. Hod

Argonian Ale Brenuin longs for the taste of

No Brenuin No Quest all Drunks Have Make a drunk dance for joy. Embry
Extraction Argonian Ale.
Blacksmithing Adrianne Retrieve a family heirloom from a
No Learn the basics of smithing. No The Golden Claw Lucan Valerius
Tutorial Avenicci bandit.
Lars Battle-
No Bullying Braith Convince Braith to stop bullying Lars. Born Rorikstead

No Chop Wood Get paid to chop firewood. Hulda No Erik the Slayer Help Erik become an adventurer. Erik

Get paid to gather cabbage, leek,

No Dungeon Delving Recover Amren's Family Sword. Amren No Gather Wheat potato for Lemkil's Farmhouse. Lemkil

Farengar Get paid to gather cabbage, potato,

No Enchanting Tutorial Use an Arcane Enchanter. No Gather Wheat Reldith
Secret-Fire wheat for Cowflop Farm.
Prove your strength by wagering on Uthgerd the
No Fight! Fight! a fist fight with another. Unbroken
Get paid to gather gourd, leek, Alfhild Battle-
No Gather Wheat wheat crops for Battle-Born Farm. Born
Get paid to gather cabbage, potato
No Gather Wheat crops Pelagia Farm. Severio Pelagia

Greatsword for a Adrianne asks you to deliver a sword Adrianne

Great Man to Proventus Avenicci, her father. Avenicci
Quest all Beggars
No Take pity on a beggar. Brenuin

No Rare Gifts Bring one Mammoth Tusk to Ysolda. Ysolda

Recover Andurs' Retrieve Andurs' Amulet of Arkay

No Andurs
Amulet of Arkay from the catacombs.


Farengar asks you to deliver some Farengar
No Salt for Arcadia frost salts to Arcadia. Secret-Fire
Vignar Gray-
No Thane of Whiterun Gain the title of Thane of Whiterun. Mane

Region: The Pale Quests

Dawnstar Regional Sites
Develop Land Outside Purchase land to build Heljarchen
No the City Hall. Anga's Mill

Miscellaneous Quests No Chop Wood Get paid to chop firewood. Aeri

No Dungeon Delving Recover Ring of Pure Mixtures. Frida No Delivery Deliver Aeri's Note to Skald. Aeri

Do a favor for the Jarl of Dawnstar by

No Kill the Giant Skald
killing a giant.

No Mine Ore Get paid to mine iron ore. Beitild

No Mine Ore Get paid to mine quicksilver ore. Leigelf

No Quest all Drunks Have Make a drunk dance for joy. Karl

Bring Night Falls on Sentinel book to

No Rare Gifts Rustleif. Rustleif

Find some void salts for an Captain

No Salty Sea-Dogs
inexperienced sea captain. Wayfinder

No Thane of the Pale Become Thane of the Pale.

Region: Winterhold Quests

Winterhold Regional Sites
A Few Words with Do a favor by talking to someone
No You about a problem. Haran Outside of Winterhold
Thorgar at
No Drowned Sorrows Find Isabelle, Ranmir's lost love. Dagur No Mine Ore Get paid to mine iron ore. Whistling Mine

No Dungeon Delving Recover Helm of Winterhold. Korir

No Quest all Drunks Have Make a drunk dance for joy. Ranmir

No Some Light Theft Steal the Staff of Arcane Authority. Malur Seloth

Gain the title of Thane of

No Thane of Winterhold Winterhold. Korir

Global Quests
Side Quests Stones of Barenziah


A Return To Your Sinderion's Eastmarch
No Roots Aid in research in Blackreach. Journal No N of Riften Stony Creek Cave

Miscellaneous Quests No S of Windhelm Ansilvund

Find amulet for a caravan guard Falkreath Hold

No Amulet of the Moon outside of Dawnstar or Riften. Kharjo No NNW of Falkreath Sunderstone Gorge

Find The Forgemaster's Fingers to Falkreath Hold

gain favor with the Orcs. No W of Falkreath Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

This quest is only available if you are Falkreath Hold

not an orc and have not completed No W of Helgen Pinewatch
any of the following quests:
No N of Solitude Dainty Sload
Coated in Blood - Markarth
The Cursed Tribe - Largashbur
Fetch Book! - College of Winterhold Haafingar
No W of Solitude Thalmor Embassy
The Forgemaster's Kolskeggr Mine - Left Hand Mine Any orc at any
No Sanuarach Mine - Karthwasten
Fingers orc stronghold
Skilled Apprenticeship - Markarth No Markarth The Treasury House
Mine Ore - Shor's Stone
Kindred Judgment - Dawnguard
No Markarth Understone Keep

No Riften Mistveil Keep

No Solitude Blue Palace

No Scare My Enemy Assault a target. Radient No Solitude Proudspire Manor

The Reach
Player Level Dependent Quests No
SSW of Markarth
Dead Crone Rock

Level required Quest, Type, Location No The Rift of Riften Black-Briar Lodge

The Cursed Tribe

9 No No Whiterun Hall of the Dead
Type: Daedric Site: Largashbur
A Daedra's Best Friend
10 Type: Daedric Site: Falkreath No No Whiterun Dragonsreach

The Wolf Queen Awakened

10 Type: Side Site: Solitude No No Whiterun Jorrvaskr

The Break of Dawn

12 No No Whiterun Hold Rannveig's Fast
Type: Daedric Site: Solitude
The Only Cure
14 No No Whiterun Hold Fellglow Keep
Type: Daedric Site: Markarth
Unfathomable Depths
14 Type: Side Site: Riften No No Windhelm House of Clan Shatter-Shield

A Night To Remember
14 Type: Daedric Site: Any Tavern No No Windhelm Palace of the Kings

Pieces of the Past

20 Type: Daedric Site: Dawnstar No No Winterhold College of Winterhold

The Whispering Door Winterhold

20 No No Hob's Fall Cave
Type: Daedric Site: Whiterun E of Dawnstar
Boethiah's Calling Winterhold
30 Type: Daedric Site: Windhelm No No ENE of Dawnstar Yngvild

Items to store up on for quests Items to store up on for quests (continued)
Region: The Rift Site: Ivarstead Region: Eastmarch Site: Kynesgrove
No 10 Bear Pelts Quest: Grin and Bear It No 2 frost salts Quest: Dravynea's Frost Salts
Region: Blackreach Site: Blackreach Region: The Rift Site: Riften
No 30 crimson nirnroot No 1 gold ore
Quest: A Return To Your Roots Quest: Ringmaker


Region: The Rift Site: Largashbur Region: The Rift Site: Riften
No 1 daedra heart Quest: The Cursed Tribe No 5 ice wraith teeth Quest: Ice Cold
Region: The Raech Site: Markarth Region: The Rift Site: Outside of Riften
No 1 daedra heart Quest: Coated in Blood No 20 jazbay grapes Quest: Smooth Jazbay
Region: The Rift Site: Riften Region: The Rift Site: Riften
No 20 deathbell Quest: Few and Far Between No 1 mammoth tusk Quest: Ringmaker
Region: The Reach Site: Shrine of Peryite Region: Whiterun Hold Site: Whiterun
No 1 deathbell Quest: The Only Cure No 1 mammoth tusk Quest: Rare Gifts
Region: Winterhold Site: College of Winterhold Region: The Rift Site: Riften
No 10 Dwermer cogs Quest: Arniel's Endevor No 20 nightshade Quest: Few and Far Between
Region: The Rift Site: Riften Region: The Rift Site: Riften
No 10 fire salts Quest: Stoking the Flames No 20 nirnroots Quest: Few and Far Between
Region: The Rift Site: Riften Region: The Reach Site: Shrine of Peryite
No 3 flawless amethysts Quest: Sealing the Deal No 1 silver ingot Quest: The Only Cure
Region: The Reach Site: Shrine of Peryite Region: The Rift Site: Largashbur
No 1 flawless ruby Quest: The Only Cure No 1 troll fat Quest: The Cursed Tribe
Region: The Rift Site: Riften Region: The Reach Site: Shrine of Peryite
No 2 flawless sapphires Quest: Ringmaker No 1 vampire dust Quest: The Only Cure

Books or notes to read that start quests

Book / Note Quest

No Lost Legends Forbidden Legend (global quest)

No Boethiah's Proving Investigate the Boethiah cultist (daedric quest)

No Boethiah's Proving Boethiah's Calling (daedric quest)

The Legend of Red

No Rebel's Cairn (dungeon quest)
Message on Ulag's
No corpse. Sleeping Tree Cave (dungeon quest)

Heddic's Volunruud
No Notes Silenced Tongues (dungeon quest)

Sinderion's Field
No A Return To Your Roots (global quest)


last updated: 2014.07.31

Quest Description Giver Quest Description Giver

Main Quest Faction Side Quests

Durak or
No Dawnguard Join the Dawnguard. Agmaer Dawnguard
Find out what the vampires are Retrieve Dwemer schematics to
No Awakening looking for. Isran No Ancient Technology improve technology. Sorine Jurard

Find Florentius Baenius and recruit

No Bloodline Choose your side! Serana No Bolstering the Ranks Sorine Jurard
him into the Dawnguard.

Quests when you join the Dawnguard. No Cleansing Light Kill the boss of a vampire lair. Gunmar

Kill a vampire masquerading as a

No A New Order Recruit Isran's old allies. Isran No Hide and Seek citizen. Gunmar

No Prophet Find and rescue a Moth Priest. Isran No Hunting the Monster Destroy the vampire target. Gunmar


Kill a vampire masquerading as a
Quests when you join the Vampires. No A Jarl's Justice visiting advisor. Isran

The Bloodstone Fill the Bloodstone Chalice from the Retrieve a relic of the original Florentius
No Chalice Bloodspring at Redwater Den. Garan Marethi No Lost Relic Dawnguard. Baenius
Destroy the vampire before it turns
No Prophet Locate a Moth Priest. Lord Harkon No Preemptive Strike its allies. Gunmar

Return to the main quest line No Rescue Rescue a victim from vampires. Baenius

No Chasing Echoes Explore Castle Volkihar. Serana Vampire

Amulets of Night
No Scroll Scouting Obtain all three Elder Scrolls. Dexion Evicus No Power Retrieve the Amulets of Night Power. Feran Sadri

No Beyond Death Search for Valerica in the Soul Cairn. Serana No Ancient Power Retrieve vampire parts. Feran Sadri

No Seeking Disclosure Bring the Elder Scrolls to Dexion. Harkon or Isran No Culling the Beast Kill the thin-blooded vampires. Fura or Garan

Perform a ceremony to read the

No Unseen Visions Elder Scroll. Dexion Evicus No Deceiving the Herd Frame the Dawnguard for murder. Feran Sadri

Destroying the
No Touching the Sky Find and retrieve Auriel's Bow. Serana No Kill the Dawnguard leaders. Fura or Garan
Turn your spouse into a creature of
No Kindred Judgment Confront Lord Harkon. Serana No The Gift Vingalmo
the night.

Side Quests No The Hunt Kill the Dawnguard spy. Fura or Garan

Learn a dragon shout from

No Durnehviir Durnehviir No New Allegiances Turn the target into a vampire. Vingalmo
Forgotten Vale Books Urag Protecting the Destroy a vampire before it turns its
No Quest Find the Ancient Falmer Tome. gro-Shub No Bloodline allies. Fura or Garan

Collect the ten missing pages of Saint Retrieve the Ring of the Erudite and
No Impatience of a Saint Jiub's Opus. Soul of Jiub No Rings of Blood Magic the Ring of the Beast. Feran Sadri

Search for the Dwemer's Aetherium Enter

No Lost to the Ages Forge. Arkngthamz
Soul Cairn Horse
No Quest Find Arvak's skull. Soul

No Surgery Change your appearance. Rumors


last updated: 2014.07.31

Quest Description Giver Quest Description Giver

Main Quest Raven Rock Quests

No Dragonborn Travel to the island of Solstheim. No An Axe to Find Retrieve an ancient Nordic pickaxe. Glover Mallory

Uncover the source of Miraak's Clear the Temple Ancestral Tomb of

No The Temple of Miraak power in the Temple of Miraak. Frea No Clean Sweep ash spawn. Elder Othreloth

Find a way to free the citizens of Convince an innkeeper to let a

No The Fate of the Skaal Frea No Feeding the Addiction Bralsa Drel
Skaal Village. drunken miner get back to the bar.
Use the Bend Will shout to cleanse Storn
No Cleansing the Stones No Fetch the Netch Obtain five samples of netch jelly. Milore Lenth
the remaining All-Maker Stones. Crag-Strider
The Path of Discover the locations of the Black Storn
No Knowledge Books. Crag-Strider No First Edition Locate an important folio. Cindiri Arano

Travel to the realm of Hermaeus Distribute Sadri's Sujamma to the

No The Gardener of Men No It's All In The Taste Geldis Sadri
Mora to learn the rest of Bend Will. citizens of Raven Rock.


At the Summit of Confront Miraak at the summit of
No Apocrypha Apocrypha. Frea No March of the Dead Stop the ash spawn attacks. Captain Veleth

Black Books No Paid in Full Recover bonemold formula. Glover Mallory

Black Book: Filament

No & Filigree Learn the Black Book's knowledge. Read book No Pain in the Necklace Find East Empire pendants. Fethis Alor

Black Book: The Locate a hidden stash of Emberbrand

No Hidden Twilight Learn the Black Book's knowledge. Read book No Recipe for Distraction Wine. Captain Veleth

Black Book: The Save Councilor Morvayn from an

No Sallow Regent Learn the Black Book's knowledge. Read book No Served Cold assassination plot. Captain Veleth

Black Book: The Find out what happened to the Crescius

No Winds of Change Learn the Black Book's knowledge. Read book No The Final Descent great-grandfather of Crescius Caerellius
Black Book: Untold
Legends Learn the Black Book's knowledge. Read book Skaal Village Quests
Other Quests No
A New Source of
Stalhrim Find a missing blacksmith.
Convince Nikulas to Counsel a young Skaal on life as an
No Black Book Retrieve a Black Book. Madman No stay in Skaal Village adventurer. Edla

Find the treasure of Haknir Death- Read Wulf Wild-

No Deathbrand No Filial Bonds Find Wulf Wild-Blood's brother.
Brand. Deathbrand Blood
Uncover the secret of Hrodulf's
No Hrodulf's House No Lost Legacy Travel to Vahlok's Tomb. Tharstan
Kolbjorn Barrow Misc Search for the relics of Ahzidal in Take Bera's necklace to Runil in
No Objectives Kolbjorn Barrow. Ralis Sedarys No Skaal Village Dialogue Falkreath. Morwen

Sell Stalhrim
Sell stalhrim equipment to Ancarion
at Northshore Landing.
Ancarion Thirsk Quests
Elmus Favor Quest Retrieve one sample of juniper
No Summoning Karstaag Summon and defeat Karstaag. No (berries) berries. Elmus

Locate and defeat the Ebony Elmus Favor Quest Retrieve one bottle of Ashfire Mead
No The Ebony Warrior Ebony Warrior No Elmus
Warrior. (mead) for Elmus.
The Kagrumez Survive the Kagrumez trials to claim Find 10 stalhrim samples and Halbarn Iron-
No Gauntlet a unique prize. No Halbarn Favor Quest 15 ebony ingots. Fur
Search for the relics of Ahzidal in
No Unearthed Kolbjorn Barrow. Ralis Sedarys No Hilund Favor Quest Find 50 Riekling spears for Hilund. Hilund

Visit the hunters at Talk to the hunters at Frostmoon Bujold the

No Geldis Sadri No Retaking Thirsk Help retake the Thirsk Mead Hall.
Frostmoon Crag Crag. Unworthy
The Chief of Thirsk
No Help a Riekling Chief. Riekling Chief

No Thirsk Rumors Investigate Thirsk Mead Hall.

Tel Mithryn Quests

Help Drovas Relvi with his debt to
No A New Debt Mogrul. Mogrul

Retrieve a staff made by Azra

No Azra's Staffs Neloth

No Briarheart Necropsy Examine a Briarheart. Neloth

Experimental Subject
No (A) Be a test subject in an experiment. Neloth

Experimental Subject
No (B) Be a test subject in an experiment. Neloth

Help Talvas Fathryon by killing an ash

No From the Ashes Talvas Fathryon
Help Elynea Mothren repair the Elynea
No Healing a House
tower of Tel Mithryn. Mothren

No Heart Stones Find a heart stone for Neloth. Neloth

Hunting and Elynea

No Collect a rare alchemy ingredient.
Gathering Mothren


No Lost Knowledge Retrieve the Black Books for Neloth. Neloth

Find the source of attacks on Tel

No Old Friends Mithryn. Neloth

No Reluctant Steward Find a new steward in Raven Rock. Neloth

Extract a sample from an ash spawn

No Telvanni Research for Neloth's research. Neloth

No Wind and Sand Retrieve a copy of Wind and Sand. Neloth


Enchantment Name Obtained? Weapon Head Neck
- 0.00% - - -
Fortify Alchemy N - X X
Fortify Block N - - X
Fortify Carry Weight N - - X

Fortify Conjuration & Magicka Regen N - - -

Fortify Destruction & Magicka Regen N - - -

Fortify Healing Rate N - - X

Fortify Magicka Regen N - X -
Fortify One-Handed N - - X

Fortify Stamina N - - X
Fortify Stamina Regen N - - X
Fortify Unarmed N - - -

Fortify Alteration N - X X

Fortify Destruction N - X X

Fortify Health N - - X

Fortify Heavy Armor N - - X

Fortify Light Armor N - - X

Fortify Smithing N - - X
Fortify Sneak N - - X

Fortify Alteration & Magicka Regen N - - -

Fortify Archery N - X X

Fortify Barter N - - X

Fortify Conjuration N - X X

Fortify Illusion N - X X

Fortify Illusion & Magicka Regen N - - -

Fortify Lockpicking N - X X
Fortify Magicka N - X X
Fortify Pickpocket N - - X
Fortify Restoration N - X X

Fortify Restoration & Magicka Regen N - - -

Fortify Two-Handed N - - X
Muffle N - - -

Resist Disease N - - X

Resist Fire N - - X
Resist Frost N - - X
Resist Magic (Two Versions) N - - X

Resist Poison N - - X

Resist Shock N - - X
Waterbreathing N - X X
Absorb Health N X - -
Absorb Magicka N X - -
Absorb Stamina N X - -
Banish N X - -
Chaos Damage (Dragonborn Only) N X - -
Damage Stamina N X - -
Fear N X - -
Fiery Soul Trap N X - -
Fire Damage N X - -
Frost Damage N X - -
Huntsman's Prowess N X - -
Magicka Damage N X - -
Paralyze N X - -
Shock Damage N X - -
Silent Moons Enchant N X - -
Smithing Expertise N X - -
Soul Trap N X - -
Turn Undead N X - -
Chest Hands Finger Feet Shield School
- - - - - -
- X X - - -
- X X - X -
- X - X - -

X - - - - -

X - - - - -

X - X - - -
X - X - - -
- X X X - -

X - X X - -
X - X X - -
- X X - - -

X - X - - -

X - X - - -

X - X - X -

X X X - - -

X X X - - -
X X X - - -
- X X X - -

X - - - - -

- X X - - -

- - - - - -

X - X - - -

X - X - - -

X - - - - -

- X X - - -
- X X - - -
- X X X - -
X - X - - -

X - - - - -

- X X X - -
- - - X - -

X - X - X -

- - X X X -
- - X X X -
- - X - X -

X - X - X -

- - X X X -
- - X - - -
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Conjuration
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Illusion
- - - - - Conjuration
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Alteration
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Destruction
- - - - - Conjuration
- - - - - Restoration
Base Magnitude Base Cost
- -
Plus 8% potion strength 167
Plus 13% damage blocked 235
Plus 15 393
Negative 5% casting cost
Plus 10% Magicka Regen
Negative 5% casting cost
Plus 10% Magicka Regen
Plus 10% 251
Plus 20% 53
Plus 13% damage 369

Plus 20 161
Plus 10% 125
Plus 5 damage 88

Minus 8% casting cost 206

Minus 8% casting cost 256

Plus 20 202

Plus 8 Skill 157

Plus 8 Skill 137

Plus 8% tempering strength 236
Plus 13% 672
Negative 5% casting cost
Plus 10% Magicka Regen
Plus 13% damage 352

Prices Improved by 8% 206

Minus 8% casting cost 248

Minus 8% casting cost 226

Negative 5% casting cost
Plus 10% Magicka Regen
Plus 13% 168
Plus 20 188
Plus 13% mulitplier to success chance 184
Minus 8% casting cost 231
Negative 5% casting cost
Plus 10% Magicka Regen
Plus 13% damage 369
N/A 105

Plus 25% 55

Plus 15% 176

Plus 15% 186
Plus 8% 187

Plus 15% 39

Plus 15% 196

N/A 100
8 31
10 21
10 22
Level 10 113
10 19
15 29
Level 10, for 30 seconds 16
5 seconds
10 fire damage
10 11
50% slow for 2 seconds
Plus 3 damage vs. Animals 3
15 15
26% chance for 2 secondds 34
10 14
Plus 10 damage between 9pm and 5am 5
5 shock damage 11
+5 Smithing
4 seconds 9
Level 10, for 30 seconds 29
Muiri's Ring
Ring of Pure Mixtures
Shields "of Blocking"
Boots "of Hauling"
Boots "of Lifting"
Boots "of the Mammoth"
Robes and Vampire Armor "of Conjuration"

Robes and Vampire Armor "of Destruction"

Armor, Necklaces, and Rings "of Revival"
Armor, Necklaces,
MageRings "of Regeneration"
Expert Robes
Bracers/Gauntlets, Necklaces, and Rings "of Wielding"

Armor, Boots, Necklaces, and Rings "of Stamina"

Necklaces and Rings "of Recuperation"
Armor, Necklaces and Rings "of Rejuvenation"
Gloves of the Pugilist

Armor, Bracers, and Helmets "of Alteration"

Armor, Bracers, Circlets, Helmets, Necklaces, and Rings "of Destruction"
Thalmor Robes, Hooded Thalmor Robes
Armor "of Health"
Enchanted Ring
Armor and Necklaces "of the Knight"

Armor and Necklaces "of the Squire"

Bracers/Gauntlet, Necklaces, and rings "of Smithing"
Silver-Blood Family Ring
The Forgemaster's Fingers
Boots, Necklaces, and Rings "of Sneaking"

Robes "of Alteration"

Bracers/Gauntlets, Circlets, Helmets, and Rings "of Archery"

Necklaces "of Haggling"

Armor, Bracers, and Helmet "of Conjuring"
Circlets, and Imperial Helmets "of Conjuration"
Armor, and Helmets "of Illusion"

Robes "of Illusion"

Bracers/Gauntlets and Necklaces "of Lockpicking"

Apprentice Hood
Black Mage Hood
Executioner's Hood
Bracers/Gauntlets and Rings "of Deft Hands"
Armor, Circlets, Helmets, and Rings "of Restoration"

Robes "of Restoration"

Bracers/Gauntlets, Necklaces, and Rings "of Sure Grip"
Ironhand Gauntlets
Ring of Minor Striking
Boots "of Muffling"
Necklace of Disease Immunity
Necklace of Disease Resistance
Boots, Necklaces, and Shields "of Flame Suppression"
Armor, Necklaces, and Shields
Necklaces, "of the
and Shields "ofFirewalker"
Resist Frost"
Armor,Boots, Necklaces,
Boots, Necklaces, and
andShields "of
Shields Resist
"of Fire"Frost"
Necklaces, Rings, and Shields "of Waning Magic"
Armor, Boots, Necklaces, and Shields "of Warmth"
Necklaces, Rings, and Shields "of Magic Abatement"
Necklaces, Rings, and Shields "of Magic Suppression"
Necklace of Poison Immunity
Necklace of Poison Resistance
Boots, Necklaces, and Shields "of Resist Shock"
Boots, Necklaces, and Shields "of Shock Abatement"
Circlets, Helmets, and Necklaces "of Waterbreathing"
Weapons "of Leeching"
Weapons "ofthe
Weapons "of Siphoning"
Weapons "ofWinnowing"
Weapons "of"of Banishing"
Extreme Chaos"
Weapons "of
"of Expelling"
High Chaos"
Weapons "of Fatigue"
Weapons"of "of
Ultimate Chaos"
Weapons "of "of Dismay"
Weapons "of Dread"
Steel Battleaxe
Weapons "ofofEmbers"
Fiery Souls
Weapons "of Fire"
Weapons "of"of Ice"
Weapons "of Winter"
Poacher's Axe
Weapons "of Draining"
Weapons ""of Petrifying"
Weapons "ofStunning"
Weapons "of Thunderbolts"
Lunar Iron War Axe
Lunar Steel Mace
Notched Pickaxe
Weapons "of Damnation"
WeaponsHoly"of Malediction"
Reverent weapons
Name Obtained? School Level Value
- 1.75% - - -
Candlelight N Alteration (1) - Novice 44
Equilibrium N Alteration (1) - Novice 250
Oakflesh N Alteration (1) - Novice 44
Magelight N Alteration (2) - Apprentice 87
Stoneflesh N Alteration (2) - Apprentice 95
Ash Shell (DB) N Alteration (3) - Adept 425
Detect Life N Alteration (3) - Adept 332
Ironflesh N Alteration (3) - Adept 341
Telekinesis N Alteration (3) - Adept 326
Transmute Mineral Ore N Alteration (3) - Adept 200
Waterbreathing N Alteration (3) - Adept 340
Ash Rune (DB) N Alteration (4) - Expert 635
Detect Dead N Alteration (4) - Expert 600
Ebonyflesh N Alteration (4) - Expert 650
Paralyze N Alteration (4) - Expert 685
Dragonhide N Alteration (5) - Master 1389
Mass Paralysis N Alteration (5) - Master 1280
Bound Dagger (DB) N Conjuration (1) - Novice 38
Bound Sword N Conjuration (1) - Novice 49
Conjure Familiar N Conjuration (1) - Novice 49
Raise Zombie N Conjuration (1) - Novice 49
Summon Unbound Dremora N Conjuration (1) - Novice N/A
Bound Battleaxe N Conjuration (2) - Apprentice 99
Conjure Boneman (DG) N Conjuration (2) - Apprentice 75
Conjure Flame Atronach N Conjuration (2) - Apprentice 99
Reanimate Corpse N Conjuration (2) - Apprentice 99
Soul Trap N Conjuration (2) - Apprentice 100
Summon Arniel's Shade N Conjuration (2) - Apprentice N/A
Summon Arvak (DG) N Conjuration (2) - Apprentice N/A
Banish Daedra N Conjuration (3) - Adept 346
Bound Bow N Conjuration (3) - Adept 335
Conjure Ash Spawn (DB) N Conjuration (3) - Adept 338
Conjure Frost Atronach N Conjuration (3) - Adept 347
Conjure Mistman (DG) N Conjuration (3) - Adept 75
Conjure Seeker (DB) N Conjuration (3) - Adept 307
Flaming Familiar N Conjuration (3) - Adept 250
Revenant N Conjuration (3) - Adept 340
Command Daedra N Conjuration (4) - Expert 660
Conjure Ash Guardian (DB) N Conjuration (4) - Expert 1120
Conjure Dremora Lord N Conjuration (4) - Expert 730
Conjure Storm Atronach N Conjuration (4) - Expert 690
Conjure Wrathman (DG) N Conjuration (4) - Expert 75
Dread Zombie N Conjuration (4) - Expert 630
Expel Daedra N Conjuration (4) - Expert 620
Dead Thrall N Conjuration (5) - Master 3296
Flame Thrall N Conjuration (5) - Master 1260
Frost Thrall N Conjuration (5) - Master 3374
Storm Thrall N Conjuration (5) - Master 3504
Arniel's Convection N Destruction (1) - Novice N/A
Flames Y Destruction (1) - Novice 50
Frostbite N Destruction (1) - Novice 47
Sparks N Destruction (1) - Novice 46
Fire Rune N Destruction (2) - Apprentice 90
Firebolt N Destruction (2) - Apprentice 96
Frost Rune N Destruction (2) - Apprentice 92
Ice Spike N Destruction (2) - Apprentice 96
Lightning Bolt N Destruction (2) - Apprentice 95
Lightning Rune N Destruction (2) - Apprentice 93
Chain Lightning N Destruction (3) - Adept 390
Fireball N Destruction (3) - Adept 345
Flame Cloak N Destruction (3) - Adept 325
Frost Cloak N Destruction (3) - Adept 340
Ice Storm N Destruction (3) - Adept 360
Lightning Cloak N Destruction (3) - Adept 355
Whirlwind Cloak (DB) N Destruction (3) - Adept 395
Icy Spear N Destruction (4) - Expert 725
Incinerate N Destruction (4) - Expert 710
Thunderbolt N Destruction (4) - Expert 750
Wall of Flames N Destruction (4) - Expert 680
Wall of Frost N Destruction (4) - Expert 700
Wall of Storms N Destruction (4) - Expert 725
Blizzard N Destruction (5) - Master 1350
Fire Storm N Destruction (5) - Master 1290
Lightning Storm N Destruction (5) - Master 1400
Clairvoyance N Illusion (1) - Novice 50
Courage N Illusion (1) - Novice 46
Fury N Illusion (1) - Novice 43
Vision of the Tenth Eye N Illusion (1) - Novice 0
Calm N Illusion (2) - Apprentice 91
Fear N Illusion (2) - Apprentice 80
Muffle N Illusion (2) - Apprentice 88
Frenzy N Illusion (3) - Adept 330
Frenzy Rune (DB) N Illusion (3) - Adept 310
Rally N Illusion (3) - Adept 300
Invisibility N Illusion (4) - Expert 625
Pacify N Illusion (4) - Expert 610
Rout N Illusion (4) - Expert 653
Call to Arms N Illusion (5) - Master 1150
Harmony N Illusion (5) - Master 1220
Hysteria N Illusion (5) - Master 1240
Mayhem N Illusion (5) - Master 1250
Healing Y Restoration (1) - Novice 50
Lesser Ward N Restoration (1) - Novice 45
Fast Healing N Restoration (2) - Apprentice 94
Healing Hands N Restoration (2) - Apprentice 89
Necromantic Healing (DG) N Restoration (2) - Apprentice 115
Steadfast Ward N Restoration (2) - Apprentice 92
Sun Fire (DG) N Restoration (2) - Apprentice 80
Turn Lesser Undead N Restoration (2) - Apprentice 89
Close Wounds N Restoration (3) - Adept 360
Greater Ward N Restoration (3) - Adept 341
Heal Other N Restoration (3) - Adept 300
Heal Undead (DG) N Restoration (3) - Adept 370
Poison Rune (DB) N Restoration (3) - Adept 290
Repel Lesser Undead N Restoration (3) - Adept 333
Stendarr's Aura (DG) N Restoration (3) - Adept 335
Turn Undead N Restoration (3) - Adept 323
Vampire's Bane (DG) N Restoration (3) - Adept 340
Circle of Protection N Restoration (4) - Expert 650
Grand Healing N Restoration (4) - Expert 680
Repel Undead N Restoration (4) - Expert 655
Turn Greater Undead N Restoration (4) - Expert 664
Bane of the Undead N Restoration (5) - Master 1200
Guardian Circle N Restoration (5) - Master 1220
Key to abrreviations:CUK - Calcelmo at Understone KeepFFH - Falion at Falion's HouseFDR - Farengar Secret-Fire at Dragonsre
Create hovering light that lasts 60 seconds
Convert 20/s Health into 20/s Magicka
Improves caster's armor by 40 points for 60 seconds
Stick a 60-second ball of light where it strikes when cast
Improves caster's armor by 60 points for 60 seconds
(DB) Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes when enemies are nearby, immobilizing them in hardened ash for 30 seconds
See nearby living through walls
Improves caster's armor by 80 points for 60 seconds
Target item and hover it nearer or cast it away
Transmute one piece of unrefined Iron Ore to Silver Ore or Silver Ore to Gold Ore
Breathe under water for 60 seconds
(DB) Targets that fail to resist are immobilized in hardened ash for 30 seconds
See nearby dead through walls
Improves caster's armor by 100 points for 60 seconds
Targets that fail to resist are paralyzed for 10 sec
Caster ignores 80% of physical damage for 30 seconds
All targets in the area that fail to resist are paralyzed for 15 sec
(DB) Creates a magic dagger for 120 seconds. Sheathe it to dispel
Creates magic sword for 120 seconds
Summons a familiar for 60 seconds where the caster is pointing
Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for 60 seconds
Summons an unbound Dremora for 999 seconds.
Creates a magic battleaxe for 120 seconds
(DG) Summons a Boneman Archer from the Soul Cairn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing
Summons a flame atronach for 60 seconds where the caster is pointing
Reanimate a more powerful dead body to fight for 60 seconds
Fills a soul gem if target dies within 60 seconds of casting
Summons the Shade of Arniel Gane for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing.
(DG) Summons Arvak in the Soul Cairn or Tamriel wilderness to act as your steed
Returns weaker daedra to Oblivion
Creates a magic bow for 120 seconds
(DB) Summons an Ash Spawn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing
Summons a frost atronach for 60 seconds where the caster is pointing
(DG) Summons a Mistman from the Soul Cairn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing
(DB) Summons a Seeker for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing
Summons flaming familiar that attacks then explodes causing flame damage
Reanimate a powerful dead body to fight for 60 seconds
Powerful summoned & raised creatures are put under your control
Creates an Ash Guardian that guards that location until destroyed. Consumes a heart stone from your inventory, without whi
Summons a Dremora Lord to fight for you for 120 seconds
Summons a storm atronach for 60 seconds where the caster is pointing
(DG) Summons a Wrathman from the Soul Cairn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing
Reanimate a very powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 sec
Powerful summoned daedra creatures are sent back to Oblivion
Reanimate a dead person permanently to fight for you
Summons a Flame Atronach permanently
Summons a Frost Atronach permanently
Summons a Storm Atronach permanently
Burns the target 1 points per second. Targets on fire take extra damage.
Shoot flames from one or both hands for 8/s fire damage; targets on fire take extra damage
A blast of cold that does 8/s per second to health and stamina
Create a bolt of lightning that does 10/s shock damage to health and 5/s to magicka
Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 50 points of fire damage when enemies come near
A blast of fire that does 25 points of damage; targets on fire take extra damage
Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 50 points of frost damage when enemies come near
Throw a spike of ice that does 25 points of frost damage to health and stamina
Create a bolt of lightning that does 25 points of shock damage to health and half that to magicka
Cast on a nearby surface, explodes for 50 points of shock damage when enemies come near
Lightning bolt that shock damages health magicka, then leaps to another target
A fiery explosion for 50 points of damage in 15 foot radius; targets on fire take extra damage
For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range take 8/s fire damage; targets on fire take extra damage
For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range take 8/s frost damage and stamina damage
Create a freezing whirlwind that does 40/s frost damage to health and stamina
For 60 seconds nearby opponents take 8 points shock damage and half magicka damage
(DB) For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range have a chance of being flung away
Throw spear of ice that does 60 points of frost damage to health and stamina
Create blast of fire that does 60 points of damage; targets on fire take extra damage
Create a thunderbolt that does 60 points of shock damage to health and half that to magicka
Sprayed on the ground, creates wall of flames that does 50/s fire damage
Sprayed on the ground, creates wall of frost that does 50/s frost damage
Sprayed on the ground, creates wall of lightning that does 50/s shock damage
Targets take 20 frost damage + Stamina damage for 10 seconds
When cast it explodes for 150 points of fire damage to nearby enemies
Target takes 75/s shock damage to Health and 75/2s damage to Magicka
Shows the path to the current goal
Target won't flee for 60 seconds and gains some extra health and stamina
Creatures and people up to level 6 will attack anything nearby for 30 seconds
See what others cannot
Creatures and people up to level 9 won't fight for 30 seconds
Creatures and people up to level 9 flee from combat for 30 seconds
Allows player to move more quietly for 180 seconds
Creatures and people up to level 14 will attack anyone nearby
(DB) Targets up to level 20 that fail to resist are frenzied for 30 seconds
Targets won't flee for 60 seconds and boosts player's health and stamina
Caster is invisible (but can still be heard) for 30 seconds; activating an object or attacking will break the spell
Creatures and people up to level 20 won't fight for 60 seconds
Creatures and people up to level 20 flee from combat for 30 sec
Improves target combat skills for 10 minutes
Creatures and people up to level 25 nearby won't fight for 60 seconds
Creatures and people up to level 25 flee from combat for 60 seconds
Creatures and people up to level 25 will attack anyone nearby for 60 seconds
Heals caster 10/s
Increases armor rating by 40 points and negates up to 40 points of spell damage or effects
Instantly heals caster 50 points
Heals target 10/s, but not undead, atronachs, or machines
(DG) Heals the undead target 10 points per second, but not the living, atronachs or machines
Increases armor rating 60 / negates up to 60 points spell damage or effects
(DG) Ball of sunlight that does 25 points of damage to undead
Undead to level 6 flee for 30 seconds
Heals caster 100 points of health
Increases armor rating by 80 points and negates up to 80 points of spell damage or effects
Heals the target 75 points of health, but not undead, atronachs, or machines
(DG) Heals the undead target 75 points, but not the living, atronachs or machines
(DB) Targets that fail to resist take 3 points of poison damage per second for 30 seconds
Affected undead to level 8 flee for 30 seconds
(DG) For 60 seconds, undead in melee range take 10 points sun damage per second
Undead to level 13 flee for 30 seconds
(DG) Sunlight explosion that does 40 points of damage in a 15 foot radius to undead
Undead up to level 20 entering the circle will flee
Heals everyone (including enemies) close to caster (up to 300 points)
Affected undead to level 16 flee for 30 seconds
Undead to level 21 flee for 30 seconds
Sets undead up to level 30 on fire and makes them flee for 30 seconds
Undead up to level 35 entering the circle will flee; caster heals 20/s
r Secret-Fire at DragonsreachMWH - Madena at The White HallNFH - Nelacar at The Frozen HearthSBP - Sybille Stentor at Blue PalaceTCW
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, TCW, WPK, WMK
Found in Labyrinthian Chasm
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, RT, SBP, TCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, TCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, TCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from TTM after "From the Ashes" quest
Purchase from TCW, WMK (level 40 Alteration)
Purchase from TCW, WMK (level 40 Alteration)
Purchase from TCW, WMK (level 40 Alteration)
Found in Ansilvund Burial Chambers, Halted Stream Camp
Purchase from TCW, WMK (level 40 Alteration)
Purchase from TTM after "From the Ashes" quest
Purchase from TCW (level 65 Alteration)
Purchase from TCW (level 65 Alteration)
Purchase from TCW (level 65 Alteration)
Reward for "Alteration Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Alteration)
Purchase from TCW after "Alteration Ritual Spell" (Level 90 Alteration)
Purchase from TTM after "From the Ashes" quest
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, PCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, PCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, RT, SBP, PCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Learned during the quest "Conjuration Ritual Spell" (level 90 Conjuration)
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, PCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Found in Soul Cairn, in the center of the encircling pathways southwest of Jiub's Opus, Page 9
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, PCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, PCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, PCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Reward for "Arniel's Endeavor" quest
Reward for "Soul Cairn Horse" quest
Purchase from CUK, FFH, PCW (level 40 Conjuration)
Purchase from CUK, FFH, PCW (level 40 Conjuration)
Purchase from TTM after "Telvanni Research" quest
Purchase from CUK, FFH, PCW (level 40 Conjuration)
Found in Soul Cairn next to Jiub's Opus, Page 7
Found in Apocrypha in multiple places (level 40 Conjuration)
Reward for "A Scroll For Anska" quest
Purchase from CUK, FFH, PCW (level 40 Conjuration)
Purchase from PCW (level 65 Conjuration)
Purchase from TTM after "From the Ashes" quest
Purchase from PCW (level 65 Conjuration)
Purchase from PCW (level 65 Conjuration)
Soul Cairn, in a building due south of Jiub's Opus, Page 5
Purchase from PCW (level 65 Conjuration)
Purchase from PCW (level 65 Conjuration)
Purchase from PCW after "Conjuration Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Conjuration)
Reward for "Conjuration Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Conjuration)
Purchase from PCW after "Conjuration Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Conjuration)
Purchase from PCW after "Conjuration Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Conjuration)
Learned during the quest "Arniel's Endeavor"
All players start with this spell
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, RT, SBP, FCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, FCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, FCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, FCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, FCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, FCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, FCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, FCW, WPK, WMK, TTM
Purchase from FDR, MWH, ECW, FCW, WPK, TTM (level 40 Destruction)
Purchase from FDR, MWH, ECW, FCW, WPK, TTM (level 40 Destruction)
Purchase from FDR, MWH, ECW, FCW, WPK, TTM (level 40 Destruction)
Purchase from FDR, MWH, ECW, FCW, WPK, TTM (level 40 Destruction)
Purchase from FDR, MWH, ECW, FCW, WPK, TTM (level 40 Destruction)
Purchase from FDR, MWH, ECW, FCW, WPK, TTM (level 40 Destruction)
Purchase from TTM after "Wind and Sand" quest
Purchase from ECW, FCW, TTM (level 65 Destruction)
Purchase from ECW, FCW, TTM (level 65 Destruction)
Purchase from ECW, FCW, TTM (level 65 Destruction)
Purchase from ECW, FCW, TTM (level 65 Destruction)
Purchase from ECW, FCW, TTM (level 65 Destruction)
Purchase from ECW, FCW, TTM (level 65 Destruction)
Purchase from FCW after "Destruction Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Destruction)
Reward for "Destruction Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Destruction)
Purchase from FCW after "Destruction Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Destruction)
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, RT, SBP, DCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, DCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, RT, SBP, DCW, WPK, WMK
Learned during the quest "Illusion Ritual Spell" (level 90 Illusion)
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, DCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, DCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, SBP, DCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from SBP, DCW (level 40 Illusion)
Purchase from TTM after "From the Ashes" quest
Purchase from SBP, DCW (level 40 Illusion)
Purchase from DCW (level 65 Illusion)
Purchase from DCW (level 65 Illusion)
Purchase from DCW (level 65 Illusion)
Purchase from DCW after "Illusion Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Illusion)
Purchase from DCW after "Illusion Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Illusion)
Reward for "Illusion Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Illusion)
Purchase from DCW after "Illusion Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Illusion)
All players start with this spell
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, RT, SBP, CCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, CCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, CCW, WPK, WMK
Purchased from RVK, Found in Dimhollow Crypt
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, CCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from SFD
Purchase from CUK, FFH, FDR, MWH, NFH, SBP, CCW, WPK, WMK
Purchase from CCW (level 40 Restoration)
Purchase from CCW (level 40 Restoration)
Purchase from CCW (level 40 Restoration)
Purchased from RVK
Purchase from TTM after "From the Ashes" quest
Purchase from CCW (level 40 Restoration)
Purchase from FFD
Purchase from CCW (level 40 Restoration)
Purchase from FFD
Purchase from CCW (level 65 Restoration)
Purchase from CCW (level 65 Restoration)
Purchase from CCW (level 65 Restoration)
Purchase from CCW (level 65 Restoration)
Reward for "Restoration Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Restoration)
Purchase from CCW after "Restoration Ritual Spell" quest (level 90 Restoration)
at College of WinterholdPCW - Phinis Gestor at College of WinterholdECW - Enthir at College of WinterholdFCW - Faralda at College of Wi
Tome ID
FCW - Faralda at College of WinterholdDCW - Drevis Neloren at College of WinterholdCCW - Colette Marence at College of WinterholdWP
Obtained? Word of Power Translation
Animal Allegiance

N Raan Animal

N Mir Allegiance

N Tah Pack

Aura Whisper

N Laas Life

N Yah Seek

N Nir Hunt

Become Ethereal

N Feim Fade

N Zii Spirit

N Gron Bind

Call Dragon

N Od Snow

N Ah Hunter

N Viing Wing

Call of Valor

N Hun Hero

N Kaal Champion

N Zoor Legend

Clear Skies

N Lok Sky

N Vah Spring

N Koor Summer


N Zun Weapon

N Haal Hand

N Viik Defeat



N Faas Fear

N Ru Run

N Maar Terror


N Joor Mortal

N Zah Finite

N Frul Temporary

Elemental Fury

N Su Air

N Grah Battle

N Dun Grace

Fire Breath

N Yol Fire

N Toor Inferno

N Shul Sun

Frost Breath

N Fo Frost

N Krah Cold

N Diin Freeze

Ice Form

N Iiz Ice

N Slen Flesh

N Nus Statue

Kyne's Peace

N Kaan Kyne

N Drem Peace

N Ov Trust

Marked for Death

N Krii Kill


N Lun Leech

N Aus Suffer

Slow Time

N Tiid Time

N Klo Sand

N Ul Eternity

Storm Call

N Strun Storm

N Bah Wrath

N Qo Lightning

Throw Voice

N Zul Voice

N Mey Fool

N Gut Far

Unrelenting Force

N Fus Force

N Ro Balance

N Dah Push

Whirlwind Sprint

N Wuld Whirlwind

N Nah Fury

N Kest Tempest


Drain Vitality (Dawnguard)

N Gaan Stamina

N Lah Magicka

N Haas Health

Soul Tear (Dawnguard)

N Rii Essence

N Vaaz Tear

N Zol Zombie

Summon Durnehviir (Dawnguard)

N Dur Curse

N Neh Never

N Viir Dying

Battle Fury (Dragonborn)

N Mid Loyal

N Vur Valor

N Shaan Inspire

Bend Will (Dragonborn)

N Gol Earth

N Hah Mind

N Dov Dragon

Cyclone (Dragonborn)

N Ven Wind

N Gaar Unleash

N Nos Strike

Dragon Aspect (Dragonborn)

N Mul Strength

N Qah Armor

N Diiv Wyrm


Word Wall Location

Animal Allegiance

Ancient's Ascent


Ysgramor's Tomb

Aura Whisper

Northwind Summit



Become Ethereal

Ironbind Barrow

Lost Valley Redoubt

Ustengrav - During The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

Call Dragon

High Hrothgar - During The Fallen

Call of Valor

Sovngarde - During Dragonslayer

Clear Skies

High Hrothgar - During The Throat of the World


Eldersblood Peak

Silverdrift Lair

Snow Veil Sanctum (quest locked)



Dead Crone Rock

Lost Tongue Overlook

Shalidor's Maze


Throat of the World - During Alduin's Bane

Elemental Fury

Dragontooth Crater

Shriekwind Bastion

Statue to Meridia

Fire Breath

Dustman's Cairn - During Proving Honor

Sunderstone Gorge

Throat of the World - During Throat of the World

Frost Breath

Bonestrewn Crest


Skyborn Altar

Ice Form

Frostmere Crypt

Mount Anthor

Saarthal (quest locked)

Kyne's Peace


Rannveig's Fast

Shroud Hearth Barrow

Marked for Death

Autumnwatch Tower


Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary (quest locked)

Forsaken Cave

Slow Time

Hag's End

Korvanjund (quest locked)

Labyrinthian (quest locked)

Storm Call


High Gate Ruins

Skuldafn Temple (quest locked)

Throw Voice


Unrelenting Force

Bleak Falls Barrow

High Hrothgar - During The Way of the Voice

High Hrothgar - During The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

Whirlwind Sprint

Dead Men's Respite

High Hrothgar - During The Way of the Voice



Drain Vitality (Dawnguard)

Dimhollow Crypt

Forgotten Vale

Arcwind Point

Soul Tear (Dawnguard)

Durnehviir teaches you a word each time you summon him from the
Soul Cairn.

Summon Durnehviir (Dawnguard)

Soul Cairn - During Beyond Death

Battle Fury (Dragonborn)

Vahlok's Tomb

Bend Will (Dragonborn)

Saering's Watch

Taught to you by Hermaeus Mora

Taught to you by Hermaeus Mora

Cyclone (Dragonborn)

White Ridge Sanctum


Kolbjorn Barrow

Dragon Aspect (Dragonborn)

Raven Rock Mine

Temple of Miraak

Apocrypha - During Waking Dreams


Location Name Location Category Region
* indicates additional info. Refer to the wiki link under "bugs" or a note inside a cell
Vanilla Locations
Location Name Location Category Region
- - -
Abandoned Prison Imperial Tower Eastmarch
Abandoned Shack Shack Hjaalmarch
Alchemist's Shack Shack The Rift
Alftand Dwarven Ruin Winterhold
Ancient's Ascent Dragon Lair Falkreath Hold
Anga's Mill Wood Mill The Pale
Angarvunde Nordic Ruin Eastmarch
Angi's Camp Shack Falkreath Hold
Anise's Cabin Shack Falkreath Hold
Ansilvund Nordic Ruin Eastmarch
Arcwind Point Nordic Ruin The Rift
Autumnshade Clearing Clearing The Rift
Autumnwatch Tower Dragon Lair The Rift
Avanchnzel Dwarven Ruin The Rift
Bannermist Tower Nordic Tower Falkreath Hold
Bard's Leap Summit Landmark The Reach
Battle-Born Farm Wheat Mill Whiterun Hold
Bilegulch Mine Mine Falkreath Hold
Black-Briar Lodge Settlement The Rift
Bleak Falls Barrow Nordic Ruin Falkreath Hold
Bleakcoast Cave Cave Winterhold
Bleakwind Basin Giant Camp Whiterun Hold
Bleakwind Bluff Nordic Tower The Reach
Blind Cliff Cave Cave The Reach
Blizzard Rest Giant Camp The Pale
Bloated Man's Grotto Cave Falkreath Hold
Bloodlet Throne Military Fort Falkreath Hold
Blue Palace Castle Haafingar
Bonechill Passage Cave Falkreath Hold
Bonestrewn Crest Dragon Lair Eastmarch
Boulderfall Cave Cave The Rift
Brandy-Mug Farm Farm/Settlement Eastmarch
Brinewater Grotto Cave Haafingar
Broken Fang Cave Cave Whiterun Hold
Broken Helm Hollow Cave The Rift
Broken Limb Camp Giant Camp Eastmarch
Broken Oar Grotto Cave Haafingar
Broken Tower Redoubt Military Fort The Reach
Bronze Water Cave Cave The Pale
Brood Cavern Cave Hjaalmarch
Bruca's Leap Redoubt Cave The Reach
Bthardamz Dwarven Ruin The Reach
Chillfurrow Farm Wheat Mill Whiterun Hold
Chillwind Depths Cave Hjaalmarch
Clearpine Pond Clearing Haafingar
Clearspring Tarn Clearing The Rift
Cliffside Retreat Shack The Reach
College of Winterhold Guild Hall Winterhold
Crabber's Shanty Shack Hjaalmarch
Cracked Tusk Keep Military Fort Falkreath Hold
Cradle Stone Tower Nordic Tower The Reach
Cradlecrush Rock Giant Camp Eastmarch
Cragslane Cavern Cave Eastmarch
Cragwallow Slope Cave Eastmarch
Cronvangr Cave Cave Eastmarch
Crystaldrift Cave Cave The Rift
Dainty Sload Shipwreck Haafingar
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Guild Hall Falkreath Hold
Darklight Tower Military Fort The Rift
Darkshade Cave Falkreath Hold
Darkwater Crossing Settlement/Mine Eastmarch
Darkwater Pass Cave The Rift
Dawnstar City The Pale
Dawnstar Sanctuary Guild Hall The Pale
Dead Crone Rock Nordic Tower The Reach
Dead Men's Respite Nordic Ruin Hjaalmarch
Deep Folk Crossing Landmark The Reach
Deepwood Redoubt Nordic Ruin The Reach
Dragon Bridge Town Haafingar
Dragon Bridge Overlook Camp The Reach
Dragonsreach Castle Whiterun Hold
Dragontooth Crater Dragon Lair The Reach
Drelas' Cottage Shack Whiterun Hold
Driftshade Refuge Military Fort Winterhold
Druadach Redoubt Camp The Reach
Dushnikh Yal Orc Stronghold The Reach
Duskglow Crevice Cave The Pale
Dustman's Cairn Nordic Ruin The Reach
East Empire Company Warehouse Dock Hjaalmarch
Eldergleam Sanctuary Cave Eastmarch
Eldersblood Peak Dragon Lair Hjaalmarch
Embershard Mine Mine Falkreath Hold
Evergreen Grove Grove Falkreath Hold
Faldar's Tooth Military Fort The Rift
Falkreath City Falkreath Hold
Falkreath Watchtower Imperial Tower Falkreath Hold
Fallowstone Cave Cave The Rift
Fellglow Keep Military Fort Whiterun Hold
Folgunthur Nordic Ruin Hjaalmarch
Forelhost Nordic Ruin The Rift
Forsaken Cave Cave The Pale
Fort Amol Military Fort Eastmarch
Fort Dunstad Military Fort The Pale
Fort Fellhammer Military Fort/Mine Winterhold
Fort Greenwall Military Fort The Rift
Fort Greymoor Military Fort Whiterun Hold
Fort Hraggstad Military Fort Haafingar
Fort Kastav Military Fort Winterhold
Fort Neugrad Military Fort Falkreath Hold
Fort Snowhawk Military Fort Hjaalmarch
Fort Sungard Military Fort The Reach
Four Skull Lookout Ruins The Reach
Froki's Shack Shack The Rift
Frostflow Lighthouse Lighthouse Winterhold
Frostmere Crypt Nordic Ruin The Pale
Gallows Rock Military Fort Eastmarch
Geirmund's Hall Nordic Ruin The Rift
Giant's Grove Grove The Rift
Gjukar's Monument Landmark Whiterun Hold
Glenmoril Coven Cave Falkreath Hold
Gloombound Mine Mine Eastmarch
Gloomreach Cave The Reach
Goldenglow Estate Settlement The Rift
Graywinter Watch Cave Whiterun Hold
Great Lift at Alftand Dwarven Ruin Winterhold
Great Lift at Mzinchaleft Dwarven Ruin Hjaalmarch
Great Lift at Raldbthar Dwarven Ruin The Pale
Greenspring Hollow Grove Whiterun Hold
Greywater Grotto Cave Falkreath Hold
Guldun Rock Giant Camp Whiterun Hold
Haemar's Shame Cave Falkreath Hold
Hag Rock Redoubt Nordic Ruin The Reach
Hag's End Nordic Ruin The Reach
Half-Moon Mill Wood Mill Falkreath Hold
Hall of the Vigilant* Shack The Pale
Halldir's Cairn Cave Falkreath Hold
Halted Stream Camp Camp/Mine Whiterun Hold
Hamvir's Rest Ruins Whiterun Hold
Harmugstahl Military Fort The Reach
Heartwood Mill Wood Mill The Rift
Hela's Folly Shipwreck Winterhold
Helgen Town Falkreath Hold
High Gate Ruins Nordic Ruin The Pale
High Hrothgar Military Fortt Whiterun Hold
Hillgrund's Tomb Nordic Ruin The Pale
Hlaalu Farm Farm Eastmarch
Hob's Fall Cave Cave Winterhold
Hollyfrost Farm Farm Eastmarch
Honeystrand Cave Cave The Rift
Honningbrew Meadery Settlement Whiterun Hold
Hunter's Rest Shack Falkreath Hold
Ilinalta's Deep Military Fort Falkreath Hold
Irkngthand Dwarven Ruin The Pale
Ironback Hideout Shack Haafingar
Ironbind Barrow Nordic Ruin Winterhold
Ivarstead Town The Rift
Japhet's Folly* Settlement Winterhold
Journeyman's Nook Ruins Winterhold
Kagrenzel Dwarven Ruin Eastmarch
Karthspire Camp The Reach
Karthspire Camp Camp The Reach
Karthwasten Town The Reach
Katla's Farm Farm Haafingar
Kjenstag Ruins Ruins Hjaalmarch
Knifepoint Ridge Camp Falkreath Hold
Kolskeggr Mine Mine The Reach
Korvanjund Nordic Ruin The Pale
Kynesgrove Settlement Eastmarch
Labyrinthian Nordic Ruin Hjaalmarch
Largashbur Orc Stronghold The Rift
Left Hand Mine Mine The Reach
Liar's Retreat Cave The Reach
Loreius Farm Wheat Mill The Pale
Lost Echo Cave* Cave Falkreath Hold*
Lost Knife Hideout Cave Eastmarch
Lost Prospect Mine Mine The Rift
Lost Tongue Overlook Dragon Lair The Rift
Lost Valkygg* Ruins Hjaalmarch
Lost Valley Redoubt Nordic Ruin The Reach
Lower Steepfall Burrow Cave Haafingar
Lund's Hut Shack Whiterun Hold
Mara's Eye Den* Cave Eastmarch
Mara's Eye Pond Clearing Eastmarch
Markarth City The Reach
Markarth Stables Stable The Reach
Meeko's Shack Shack Hjaalmarch
Merryfair Farm Farm The Rift
Mistveil Keep Castle The Rift
Mistwatch Military Fort Eastmarch
Mixwater Mill Wood Mill Eastmarch
Mor Khazgur Orc Stronghold The Reach
Morthal City Hjaalmarch
Morvunskar Military Fort Eastmarch
Moss Mother Cavern Cave Falkreath Hold
Mount Anthor Dragon Lair Winterhold
Movarth's Lair* Cave Hjaalmarch
Mzinchaleft Dwarven Ruin Hjaalmarch
Mzulft Dwarven Ruin Eastmarch
Narzulbur Orc Stronghold Eastmarch
Nchuand-Zel* Dwarven Ruin The Reach
Nightcaller Temple Military Fort The Pale
Nightgate Inn Inn The Pale
Nightingale Hall Cave The Rift
Nilheim Nordic Tower The Rift
North Brittleshin Pass Cave Falkreath Hold
North Cold Rock Pass Cave/Pass Whiterun Hold
North Shriekwind Bastion Nordic Ruin Falkreath Hold
North Skybound Watch Ruins Whiterun Hold
Northwatch Keep Military Fort Haafingar
Northwind Mine Mine The Rift
Northwind Summit Dragon Lair The Rift
Old Hroldan Inn Inn The Reach
Orotheim Cave Hjaalmarch
Orphan Rock Landmark Falkreath Hold
Orphan's Tear Shipwreck Haafingar
Palace of the Kings Castle Eastmarch
Peak's Shade Tower Nordic Tower Falkreath Hold
Pelagia Farm Wheat Mill Whiterun Hold
Pilgrim's Trench Shipwreck Winterhold
Pinefrost Tower Imperial Tower Haafingar
Pinemoon Cave Cave Haafingar
Pinepeak Cavern Cave The Rift
Pinewatch Shack Falkreath Hold
Purewater Run Cave The Reach
Ragnvald Nordic Ruin The Reach
Raldbthar Dwarven Ruin The Pale
Rannveig's Fast Nordic Ruin Whiterun Hold
Ravenscar Hollow Cave Haafingar
Reachcliff Cave Cave The Reach
Reachcliff Secret Entrance Cave The Reach
Reachwater Rock Cave The Reach
Reachwind Eyrie Landmark/Dwarven Ruin The Reach
Rebel's Cairn Cave The Reach
Red Eagle Redoubt Cave The Reach
Red Road Pass Giant Camp The Pale
Redoran's Retreat Cave Whiterun Hold
Refugees' Rest Imperial Tower Eastmarch
Rift Watchtower Imperial Tower The Rift
Riften City The Rift
Riften Stables Stable The Rift
Rimerock Burrow Cave Haafingar
Riverside Shack Shack Eastmarch
Riverwood Town Whiterun Hold
Roadside Ruins Ruins Falkreath Hold
Robber's Gorge Camp Hjaalmarch
Rorikstead Town Whiterun Hold
Ruins of Bthalft Landmark/Dwarven Ruin The Rift
Ruins of Rkund Dwarven Ruin The Rift
Saarthal Nordic Ruin Winterhold
Sacellum of Boethiah Daderic Shrine Eastmarch
Salvius Farm Wheat Mill The Reach
Sarethi Farm Wheat Mill The Rift
Secunda's Kiss Camp Falkreath Hold
Septimus Signus's Outpost Cave Winterhold
Serpent's Bluff Redoubt Camp Whiterun Hold
Shadowgreen Cavern Cave Haafingar
Shearpoint Dragon Lair The Pale
Shimmermist Cave Cave Whiterun Hold
Shor's Stone Town The Rift
Shor's Watchtower Imperial Tower The Rift
Shrine of Azura Daderic Shrine Winterhold
Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon Daderic Shrine The Pale
Shrine to Peryite Daderic Shrine The Reach
Shroud Hearth Barrow Nordic Ruin The Rift
Shrouded Grove Grove The Pale
Sightless Pit Cave/Dwarven Ruin Winterhold
Silent Moons Camp Nordic Ruin Whiterun Hold
Silverdrift Lair Nordic Ruin The Pale
Skuldafn* Nordic Ruin Eastmarch
Sky Haven Temple Guild Hall The Reach
Skyborn Altar Dragon Lair Hjaalmarch
Skytemple Ruins Ruins Winterhold
Sleeping Tree Camp Giant Camp Whiterun Hold
Snapleg Cave Cave Eastmarch
Snow Veil Sanctum* Nordic Ruin Winterhold
Snow-Shod Farm Wheat Mill The Rift
Snowpoint Beacon Imperial Tower Winterhold
Solitude City Haafingar
Solitude Lighthouse Lighthouse Haafingar
Solitude Sawmill Wood Mill Haafingar
Soljund's Sinkhole Cave/Mine The Reach
South Brittleshin Pass Cave Falkreath Hold
South Cold Rock Pass Cave/Pass Whiterun Hold
South Shriekwind Bastion Nordic Ruin Falkreath Hold
South Skybound Watch Ruins Falkreath Hold
Southfringe Sanctum Cave The Reach
Statue to Meridia Daderic Shrine Haafingar
Steamcrag Camp Giant Camp Eastmarch
Steepfall Burrow Cave Haafingar
Stendarr's Beacon Imperial Tower The Rift
Stillborn Cave Cave Winterhold
Stonehill Bluff Giant Camp The Pale
Stonehills Settlement/Mine Hjaalmarch
Stony Creek Cave Cave Eastmarch
Sundered Towers Nordic Tower The Reach
Sunderstone Gorge Cave Falkreath Hold
Swindler's Den Cave Whiterun Hold
Talking Stone Camp Giant Camp Hjaalmarch
Thalmor Embassy Settlement Haafingar
The Apprentice Stone Standing Stone Hjaalmarch
The Atronach Stone Standing Stone Eastmarch
The Chill* Cave Winterhold
The Guardian Stones Standing Stone Falkreath Hold
The Katariah Shipwreck Haafingar
The Lady Stone Standing Stone Falkreath Hold
The Lord Stone Standing Stone Hjaalmarch
The Lover Stone Standing Stone The Reach
The Ritual Stone Standing Stone Whiterun Hold
The Serpent Stone Standing Stone Winterhold
The Shadow Stone Standing Stone The Rift
The Steed Stone Standing Stone Haafingar
The Tower Stone Standing Stone Winterhold
Thieves Guild Guild Hall The Rift
Throat of the World Landmark Whiterun Hold
Tolvald's Cave Cave/Dwarven Ruin The Rift
Tower of Mzark Dwarven Ruin The Pale
Traitor's Post Shack Eastmarch
Treva's Watch Military Fort The Rift
Tumble Arch Pass Giant Camp The Pale
Twilight Sepulcher Nordic Ruin Falkreath Hold
Understone Keep Castle The Reach
Ustengrav Nordic Ruin Hjaalmarch
Uttering Hills Cave Cave Eastmarch
Valtheim Towers Nordic Tower Whiterun Hold
Valthume Nordic Ruin The Reach
Volskygge Nordic Ruin Haafingar
Volunruud Nordic Ruin The Pale
Wayward Pass Pass Winterhold
Western Watchtower Military Fort Whiterun Hold
Weynon Stones Landmark The Pale
Whistling Mine Mine Winterhold
White River Watch Cave Whiterun Hold
Whiterun City Whiterun Hold
Whiterun Stables Stable Whiterun Hold
Whitewatch Tower Imperial Tower Whiterun Hold
Widow's Watch Ruins Imperial Tower Haafingar
Windhelm City Eastmarch
Windhelm Stables Stable Eastmarch
Windward Ruins Ruins The Pale
Winterhold City Winterhold
Witchmist Grove Grove Eastmarch
Wolfskull Cave Cave Haafingar
Wreck Of The Brinehammer Shipwreck The Pale
Wreck of the Icerunner Shipwreck Hjaalmarch
Wreck of The Pride of Tel Vos Shipwreck Winterhold
Wreck of the Winter War Shipwreck Winterhold
Yngol Barrow Nordic Ruin Winterhold
Yngvild Cave Winterhold
Yorgrim Overlook Ruins The Pale
Ysgramor's Tomb Nordic Ruin Winterhold
Civil War camps*
Eastmarch Imperial Camp Imperial Camp Eastmarch
Haafingar Stormcloak Camp Stormcloak Camp Haafingar
Falkreath Imperial Camp Imperial Camp Falkreath Hold
Falkreath Stormcloak Camp Stormcloak Camp Falkreath Hold
Hjaalmarch Imperial Camp Imperial Camp Hjaalmarch
Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp Stormcloak Camp Hjaalmarch
Pale Imperial Camp Imperial Camp The Pale
Pale Stormcloak Camp Stormcloak Camp The Pale
Reach Imperial Camp Imperial Camp The Reach
Reach Stormcloak Camp Stormcloak Camp The Reach
Rift Imperial Camp Imperial Camp The Rift
Rift Stormcloak Camp Stormcloak Camp The Rift
Whiterun Imperial Camp Imperial Camp Whiterun Hold
Whiterun Stormcloak Camp Stormcloak Camp Whiterun Hold
Winterhold Imperial Camp Imperial Camp Winterhold
Winterhold Stormcloak Camp Stormcloak Camp Winterhold
Whiterun Military Camp Stormcloak Camp Whiterun Hold
Solitude Military Camp Stormcloak Camp Haafingar
Windhelm Military Camp Imperial Camp Eastmarch

Dawnguard Locations
Location Name Location Category Region
- - -
Ancestor Glade Grove Falkreath Hold
Arkngthamz Dwarven Ruin The Reach
Castle Volkihar Castle Haafingar
Castle Volkihar Balcony
Darkfall Cave Cave The Reach
Dimhollow Crypt Cave The Pale
Forebears' Holdout Cave Hjaalmarch
Forgotten Vale Pass/Cave Haafingar
Fort Dawnguard Military Fort The Rift
Icewater Jetty Dock Haafingar
Moldering Ruins Nordic Ruin Whiterun Hold
Redwater Den Cave The Rift
Ruunvald Cave The Rift

Dragonborn Locations
Dragonborn Locations
Location Name Location Category Region
- - -
Abandoned Lodge Shack Solstheim
Altar of Thrond Landmark Solstheim
Ashfallow Citadel Fort Solstheim
Beast Stone All-Maker Stone Solstheim
Benkongerike Cave Solstheim
Bloodskal Barrow Nordic Ruin Solstheim
Bristleback Cave Cave Solstheim
Brodir Grove Landmark Solstheim
Broken Tusk Mine Mine Solstheim
Bujold's Retreat Camp Solstheim
Castle Karstaag Caverns Cave Solstheim
Castle Karstaag Ruins Cave Solstheim
Coldcinder Cave* Cave Solstheim
Damphall Mine Mine Solstheim
Earth Stone All-Maker Stone Solstheim
Fahlbtharz Dwarven Ruin Solstheim
Fort Frostmoth Fort Solstheim
Frossel Cave Solstheim
Frostmoon Crag Cave Solstheim
Frykte Peak Landmark Solstheim
Glacial Cave Cave Solstheim
Gyldenhul Barrow Nordic Ruin Solstheim
Haknir's Shoal Camp Solstheim
Headwaters of Harstrad Clearing Solstheim
Highpoint Tower Fort Solstheim
Horker Island Landmark Solstheim
Hrodulf's House Shack Solstheim
Hrothmund's Barrow Cave Solstheim
Hvitkald Peak Landmark Solstheim
Kagrumez Dwarven Ruin Solstheim
Kolbjorn Barrow Nordic Ruin Solstheim
Last Vigil Camp The Rift
Moesring Pass Pass Solstheim
Mortrag Peak Landmark Solstheim
Mount Moesring Landmark Solstheim
Nchardak Dwarven Ruin Solstheim
Northshore Landing Dock Solstheim
Old Attius Farm Farm Solstheim
Ramshackle Trading Post Shack Solstheim
Raven Rock City Solstheim
Raven Rock Mine* Mine Solstheim
Saering's Watch Dragon Lair Solstheim
Skaal Village Town Solstheim
Snowclad Ruins Ruins Solstheim
Stalhrim Source Landmark Solstheim
Sun Stone All-Maker Stone Solstheim
Tel Mithryn Town Solstheim
Temple of Miraak Temple Solstheim
Thirsk Mead Hall Settlement Solstheim
Vahlok's Tomb Nordic Ruin Solstheim
Water Stone All-Maker Stone Solstheim
White Ridge Barrow Nordic Ruin Solstheim
Wind Stone All-Maker Stone Solstheim
Wreck of the Strident Squall Shipwreck Solstheim

Hearthfire Locations
Location Name Location Category Region
- - -
Heljarchen Hall Player Housing The Pale
Lakeview Manor Player Housing Falkreath Hold
Windstad Manor Player Housing Hjaalmarch
Discovered? Visited? Cleared?
Discovered? Visited? Cleared?
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
N N -
N N -
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N N -

Discovered? Visited? Cleared?
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
N N -
N N -
N N -
N N -
N N -
N N -
N N -
N N -
N N -

Discovered? Visited? Cleared?
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
N N -
N N -
- N N
N N -
N N -
N N -
N N -
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- N N
N N -
N N -
N N -
N N -

Discovered? Visited? Cleared?
0.00% 0.00% -
N N -
N N -
N N -
Merchant Name Partner or (Replacment) Invested? Alive?
A compiled list of all the merchants in skyrim * indicates there is additional info in the notes section.
0.00% 100.00%
Rustleif Seren N Y
Frida N Y
Madena - Y
Thoring (Karita) - Y
Hadring - Y
Valga Vinicia - Y
Zaria - Y
Solaf N Y
Lod - Y
Babette - Y
Lisbet (Imedhnain) N Y
Ghorza gra-Bagol* (Tacitus Sallustius) N Y
Endon - Y
Anton Virane - Y
Calcelmo N Y
Moth gro-Bagol* N Y
Hogni Red-Arm - Y
Kerah - Y
Kleppr (Frabbi) - Y
Bothela (Muiri) N Y
Gharol - Y
Murbul - Y
Sharamph - Y
Shuftharz - Y
Eydis (Leontius Salvius) - Y
Falion - Y
Jonna - Y
Lami N Y
Imperial Quartermaster - Y
- Y
Hunter - Y
Skooma Dealer - Y
Peddler - Y
Ungrien - Y
Elgrim Hafjorg N Y
Wylandriah N Y
Brand-Shei - Y
Grelka - Y
Madesi - Y
Marise Aravel - Y
Bersi Honey-Hand (Drifa) N Y
Keerava Talen-Jei - Y
Arnskar Ember-Master - Y
Herluin Lothaire - Y
Syndus - Y
Tonilia - Y
Vanryth Gatharian - Y
Vekel the Man (Dirge) - Y
Balimund (Asbjorn Fire-Tamer) N Y
Florentius Baenius - Y
Gunmar - Y
Sorine Jurard - Y
Wilhelm - Y
Filnjar - Y
Angeline Morrard* (Vivienne Onis) N Y
Sayma N Y
Sybille Stentor (Melaran) N Y
Fihada* (Jawanan) N Y
Addvar (Greta) - Y
Evette San - Y
Jala - Y
Endarie Taarie N Y
Beirand N Y
Corpulus Vinius - Y
Gulum-Ei - Y
Faida - Y
Feran Sadri - Y
Hestla - Y
Ronthil - Y
Halbarn Iron-Fur - Y
Falas Selvayn - Y
Fethis Alor - Y
Glover Mallory - Y
Garyn Ienth - Y
Milore Ienth - Y
Geldis Sadri - Y
Baldor Iron-Shaper - Y
Edla - Y
Neloth - Y
Revus Sarvani - Y
Talvas Fathryon - Y
Elynea Mothren - Y
Ahkari N Y
Zaynabi - Y
Atahbah - Y
Ri'saad N Y
Ma'dran N Y
Ma'jhad - Y
Arcadia N Y
Belethor N Y
Farengar Secret-Fire N Y
Mallus Maccius - Y
Sabjorn - Y
Anoriath* N Y
Carlotta Valentia - Y
Fralia Gray-Mane - Y
Eorlund Gray-Mane - Y
Hulda Saadia(Ysolda) - Y
Elrindir N Y
Adrianne Avenicci
Ulfberth War-Bear Adrianne Avenicci N Y
Alvor N Y
Lucan Valerius (Camilla Valerius) N Y
Orgnar - Y
Mralki - Y
Oengul War-Anvil (Hermir Strong-Heart) N Y
Elda Early-Dawn (Nils) - Y
Aval Atheron - Y
Hillevi Cruel-Sea - Y
Niranye - Y
Ambarys Rendar - Y
Niranye - Y
Wuunferth the Unliving N Y
Revyn Sadri N Y
Nurelion (Quintus Navale) N Y
Iddra - Y
Bolar - Y
Dushnamub - Y
Birna N Y
Dagur Haran - Y
Nelacar - Y
Enthir - Y
Enthir - Y
Tolfdir - Y
Colette Marence - Y
Drevis Neloren - Y
Faralda - Y
Phinis Gestor - Y
Urag gro-Shub - Y
P/R Alive? Region Store/Location Name
otes section.
Y Dawnstar Rustleif's House
- Dawnstar The Mortar and Pestle
- Dawnstar The White Hall
Y Dawnstar Windpeak Inn
- Dawnstar - Nightgate Inn Nightgate Inn
- Falkreath Dead Man's Drink
- Falkreath Grave Concoctions
- Falkreath Gray Pine Goods
- Falkreath Lod's House
- Falkreath The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Y Markarth Arnleif and Sons Trading Company
At the forge near The Hag's Cure or
Y Markarth
in Understone Keep
- Markarth Endon's House
- Markarth In Understone Keep
- Markarth in Understone Keep
- Markarth in Understone Keep
- Markarth Marketplace Stall
- Markarth Marketplace Stall
Y Markarth Silver-Blood Inn
Y Markarth The Hag's Cure
- Markarth - Dushnikh Yal at Burguk's Longhouse
- Markarth - Dushnikh Yal at Burguk's Longhouse
- Markarth - Mor Khazgur at Larak's Longhouse
- Markarth - Mor Khazgur at Larak's Longhouse
Y Markarth - Old Hroldan Inn Old Hroldan Inn
- Morthal Falion's House
- Morthal Moorside Inn
- Morthal Thaumaturgist's Hut
- Most Imperial camps
- Most Stormcloak camps
- Randomly anywhere in the wilderness
- Randomly
Randomly anywhere
anywhere in
in the
the wilderness
- (being attacked by bandits or
- Forsworn)
Riften Black-Briar Meadery
- Riften Elgrim's Elixirs
- Riften in Mistveil Keep
- Riften Marketplace Stall
- Riften Marketplace Stall
- Riften Marketplace Stall
- Riften Marketplace Stall
Y Riften Pawned Prawn
- Riften The Bee and Barb
- Riften The Ragged Flagon
- Riften The Ragged Flagon
- Riften The Ragged Flagon
- Riften The Ragged Flagon
- Riften The Ragged Flagon
Y Riften The Ragged Flagon
Y Riften The Scorched Hammer
- Riften - Fort Dawnguard
- Riften - Fort Dawnguard
- Riften - Fort Dawnguard
- Riften - Ivarstead Vilemyr Inn
- Riften - Shor's Stone Filnjar's House
Y Solitude Angeline's Aromatics
- Solitude Bits and Pieces
- Solitude Blue Palace
Y Solitude Fletcher
Y Solitude Marketplace Stall
- Solitude Marketplace Stall
- Solitude Marketplace Stall
Y Solitude Radiant Raiment
- Solitude Solitude Blacksmith
- Solitude The Winking Skeever
- Solitude The Winking Skeever
- Solitude - Dragon Bridge Four Shields Tavern
- Solitude - Volkihar Keep
- Solitude - Volkihar Keep
- Solitude - Volkihar Keep
- Solstheim - Bujold's Retreat Bujold's Retreat / Thirsk Mead Hall
- Solstheim - Ramshackle Trading Post Ramshackle Trading Post
- Solstheim - Raven Rock Alor House
- Solstheim - Raven Rock Glover Mallory's House
- Solstheim - Raven Rock Ienth Farm
- Solstheim - Raven Rock Ienth Farm
- Solstheim - Raven Rock The Retching Netch
- Solstheim - Skaal Village Baldor Iron-Shaper's House
- Solstheim - Skaal Village Edla's House
- Solstheim - Tel Mithryn Tel Mithryn
- Solstheim - Tel Mithryn Tel Mithryn
- Solstheim - Tel Mithryn Tel Mithryn
- Solstheim - Tel Mithryn Tel Mithryn Apothecary
- Traveling - Dawnstar or Riften Khajiit Traders
- Traveling - Dawnstar or Riften khajiit Traders
- Traveling - Markarth or Whiterun khajiit Traders
- Traveling - Markarth or Whiterun khajiit Traders
- Traveling - Solitude or Windhelm khajiit Traders
- Traveling - Solitude or Windhelm khajiit Traders
- Whiterun Arcadia's Cauldron
- Whiterun Belethor's General Goods
- Whiterun Dragonsreach
- Whiterun Honningbrew Meadery
- Whiterun Honningbrew Meadery
- Whiterun Marketplace Stall
- Whiterun Marketplace Stall
- Whiterun Marketplace Stall
- Whiterun Skyforge
Y Whiterun The Bannered Mare
- Whiterun The Drunken Huntsman
- Whiterun Warmaiden's
Y Whiterun Warmaiden's
- Whiterun - Riverrun Alvor and Sigrid's House
Y Whiterun - Riverrun Riverwood Trader
- Whiterun - Riverrun Sleeping Giant Inn
- Whiterun - Rorikstead Frostfruit Inn
Y Windhelm Blacksmith Quarters
Y Windhelm Candlehearth Hall
- Windhelm Marketplace Stall
- Windhelm Marketplace Stall
- Windhelm Marketplace Stall
- Windhelm New Gnisis Cornerclub
- Windhelm Niranye's House
- Windhelm Palace of the Kings
- Windhelm Sadri's Used Wares
Y Windhelm The White Phial
- Windhelm - Kynesgrove Braidwood Inn
- Windhelm - Narzulbur at Mauhulakh's Longhouse
- Windhelm - Narzulbur at Mauhulakh's Longhouse
- Winterhold Birna's Oddments
Y Winterhold The Frozen Hearth
- Winterhold The Frozen Hearth
- Winterhold - Mage's College Hall of Attainment
- Winterhold - Mage's College Hall of Attainment
- Winterhold - Mage's College Hall of Attainment
- Winterhold - Mage's College Hall of Countenance
- Winterhold - Mage's College Hall of Countenance
- Winterhold - Mage's College Hall of Countenance
- Winterhold - Mage's College Hall of Countenance
- Winterhold - Mage's College The Arcanaeum
Merchandise Gold Investable Master Trader

Blacksmith 1000 Yes Yes

Apothecary 500 Yes Yes
Spells 500 No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Innkeeper 100 No No
Innkeeper 100 No No
Apothecary 500 No Yes
General; sells Blue Mage Robes 750 Yes Yes
Blacksmith 1000 No Yes
Apothecary (also buys Tools) 500 No Yes
General 750 Yes Yes
Blacksmith 1000 No* Yes
Fence 1000-4000 No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Spells 500 Yes Yes
Blacksmith 500 Yes* Yes
Innkeeper 50 No No
Jeweler 50 No No
Innkeeper 100 No No
Apothecary 500 Yes Yes
Blacksmith 400 No Yes
Apothecary 500 No Yes
Apothecary 500 No Yes
Blacksmith 400 No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Spells; sells 1 Black Soul Gem 500 No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Apothecary 500 Yes Yes
Blacksmith 1000 No No
Blacksmith 1000 No No
Meat, Hides 3-36* No No
Moon Sugar, Skooma, Sleeping
20-56 No No
Tree Sap
General Goods 50-77 No No
Innkeeper 100 No No
Apothecary 500 Yes Yes
Spells 500 Yes Yes
General 750 No Yes
General 750 No Yes
Jeweler 750 No No
General 50 No No
General 750 Yes Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Blacksmith 1000 No Yes
Apothecary 500 No Yes
Blacksmith 1000 No Yes
Fence 1000-4000 No Yes
Blacksmith 1000 No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Blacksmith 1000 Yes Yes
Apothecary, Spells 500 No No
Blacksmith 1000 No No
General 750 No No
Innkeeper 100 No No
Blacksmith 500 No Yes
Apothecary 500 No* Yes
General 750 Yes Yes
Spells 500 Yes Yes
Armor, Arrows, Tools, Weapons 750 No* Yes
Innkeeper 50 No Yes
Innkeeper 50 No Yes
Innkeeper 50 No Yes
Clothing, Jewelry 750 Yes Yes
Blacksmith 1000 Yes Yes
Innkeeper 100 No Yes
Fence No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Apothecary 500 No No
Blacksmith 1000 No No
General 750 No No
Blacksmith 1000 No Yes
General 750 No Yes
General 1500 No Yes
Blacksmith 2000 No Yes
Innkeeper 50 No No
Apothecary 1000 No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Blacksmith 1000 No *
Apothecary 50 No No
Staves & Spells 1000 No Yes
General 500 No No
Spells 500 No Yes
Apothecary 1000 No Yes
General; Sells Moon Sugar and
750 Yes Yes
Fence 1000-4000 No Yes
Fence 1000-4000 No Yes
General; Sells Moon Sugar and
750 Yes Yes
General; Sells Moon Sugar and
750 Yes Yes
Fence 1000-4000 No Yes
Apothecary 500 Yes Yes
General 750 Yes Yes
Spells 500 Yes Yes
Fence 1000-4000 No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Innkeeper 50 No* Yes
Innkeeper 50 No Yes
Jeweler 50 No No
Blacksmith 1000 No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No Yes
Armor, Arrows, Food, Tools, 750
Weapons Yes Yes
Blacksmith 1000 Yes Yes
Blacksmith 1000 Yes Yes
Blacksmith 500 Yes Yes
General; sells Blue Mage Robes,
750 Yes Yes
InnkeeperSpell Tomes
(also buys
100 No No
Innkeeper 100 No No
Blacksmith 1000 Yes Yes
Innkeeper 100 No Yes
General 750 No Yes
Innkeeper 50 No Yes
General 750 No Yes
Innkeeper 100 No Yes
Fence 1000-4000 No Yes
Spells 500 Yes Yes
General 750 Yes Yes
Apothecary 500 Yes Yes
Innkeeper 100 No No
Apothecary 500 No Yes
Blacksmith 400 No Yes
General 750 Yes Yes
Innkeeper 100 No Yes
Spells 500 No Yes
General 500 No Yes
Fence 1000-4000 No Yes
Spells (Alteration) 500 No Yes
Spells (Restoration) 500 No Yes
Spells (Illusion) 500 No Yes
Spells (Destruction) 500 No Yes
Spells (Conjuration) 500 No Yes
Books 500 No Yes

Ghorza gra-Bagol will have the dialogue option to invest in her store, but the only
option is to decline, due to a bug.
However, the option works just fine with Tacitus Sallustius.

Investing in Ghorza gra-Bagol or Tacitus Sallustius also invests 500 gold in Moth
gro-Bagol, due to another bug.

Hunters will not dissipate their wealth when you sell them things. They have
theoretically unlimited wealth. It is just that they will only pay up to a certain
amount of gold for a single item, or a single stack of items.
Hostile to vampires
Hostile to vampires
Hostile to vampires

It is possible to invest endlessly with Angeline. She never loses the dialogue option
to invest, but her permanent base gold cannot increase, due to a bug.

his store. However, investing in him has no actual effect—his gold is not
permanently increased—because his merchant chest does not contain the

Hostile to non-vampires
Hostile to non-vampires
Hostile to non-vampires

Wiki does not include info on Master Trader perk for this merchant

Found on outskirts of the town with his silt strider

Anoriath will allow you to invest in his store, but his available gold will not increase
due to a bug.

outside during the day, she sells items from a separate chest. When she is inside
and the store is open, she uses the same chest as Ulfberth War-Bear. The two

If you invest 500 gold into his shop (using the Investor perk), it adds 10,000 gold
instead of 500 gold to his inventory.
This bug is fixed by version 1.9 of the Official Skyrim Patch.

Stocks a Black Soul Gem and 2 Daedra Hearts

Gear Name Gear Type Obtained?
Items marked with the same color are mutually exclusive (with each other or by two groups)

Vanilla Skyrim Unique Gear

Gear Name Gear Type Obtained?
- - 0.00%
Aegisbane Warhammer N
Amren's Family Sword One-handed Sword N
Amulet of Articulation Necklace N
Ancient Helmet of the Unburned Helmet N
Ancient Shrouded Armor Light Armor N
Ancient Shrouded Boots Light Boots N
Ancient Shrouded Cowl Light Helmet N
Ancient Shrouded Gloves Light Gauntlets N
Angi's Bow Bow N
Archmage's Boots Clothing N
Archmage's Robes Clothing N
Armor of the Old Gods Light Armor N
Asgeir's Wedding Band Ring N
Azura's Star Soul Gem N
Black Star Soul Gem N
Blade of Sacrifice Dagger N
Blade of Woe Dagger N
Blades Armor Heavy Armor N
Blades Boots Heavy Boots N
Blades Gauntlets Heavy Gauntlets N
Blades Helmet Heavy Helmet N
Blades Shield Heavy Shield N
Blades Sword One-Handed Sword N
Bloodthorn Dagger N
Bolar's Oathblade One-handed Sword N
Boots of the Old Gods Light Boots N
Borvir's Dagger Dagger N
Bow of the Hunt Bow N
Charmed Necklace Necklace N
Chillrend One-handed Sword N
Cicero's Boots Clothing N
Cicero's Clothes Clothing N
Cicero's Gloves Clothing N
Cicero's Hat Clothing N
Dawnbreaker One-handed Sword N
Diadem of the Savant Light Helmet N
Dragon Priest Dagger Dagger N
Dragon Priest Staff (Rahgot) Staff N
Dragonbane One-handed Sword N
Drainblood Battleaxe Battleaxe N
Drainheart Sword One-handed Sword N
Drainspell Bow Bow N
Ebony Blade Greatsword N
Ebony Mail Heavy Armor N
Eduj One-handed Sword N
Emperor's Robes Clothing N
Enchanted Ring Ring N
Execution Hood Clothing N
Eye of Melka Staff N
Firiniel's End Bow N
Fjola's Wedding Band Ring N
Froki's Bow Bow N
Gadnor's Staff of Charming Staff N
Gauldur Blackblade One-handed Sword N
Gauldur Blackbow Bow N
Gauntlets of the Old Gods Light Gauntlets N
General Tullius' Armor Heavy Armor N
Ghostblade One-handed Sword N
Gilded Wristguards Light Gauntlets N
Gloves of the Pugilist Light Gauntlets N
Guild Master's Armor Light Armor N
Guild Master's Boots Light Boots N
Guild Master's Gloves Light Gauntlets N
Guild Master's Hood Light Helmet N
Halldir's Staff Staff N
Headsman's Axe Two-handed Battleaxe N
Helm of Winterhold Heavy Helmet N
Helm of Yngol Heavy Helmet N
Helmet of the Old Gods Light Helmet N
Hevnoraak Heavy Helmet N
Hevnoraak's Staff Staff N
Hrolfdir's Shield Heavy Shield N
Ilas-Tei's Ring Ring N
Ironhand Gauntlets Heavy Gauntlets N
Kahvozein's Fang Dagger N
Keening Dagger N
Konahrik Heavy Helmet N
Krosis Light Helmet N
Kyne's Token Necklace N
Linwe's Armor Light Armor N
Linwe's Boots Light Boots N
Linwe's Gloves Light Gauntlets N
Linwe's Hood Light Helmet N
Mace of Molag Bal One-handed Mace N
Mage's Circlet Circlet N
Masque of Clavicus Vile Heavy Helmet N
Mehrunes' Razor Dagger N
Morokei Light Helmet N
Movarth's Boots Light Boots N
Muiri's Ring Ring N
Mythic Dawn Boots Clothing N
Mythic Dawn Gloves Clothing N
Mythic Dawn Robes Clothing N
Nahkriin Heavy Helmet N
Necromancer Amulet Necklace N
Nettlebane Dagger N
Nightingale Armor Light Armor N
Nightingale Blade One-handed Sword N
Nightingale Boots Light Armor N
Nightingale Bow Bow N
Nightingale Gloves Light Armor N
Nightingale Hood Light Armor N
Nightweaver's Band Ring N
Noster's Helmet Light Helmet N
Notched Pickaxe One-handed War Axe N
Oghma Infinium Book N
Okin One-handed War Axe N
Otar Heavy Helmet N
Poacher's Axe One-handed War Axe N
Predator's Grace Light Boots N
Queen Freydis's Sword One-handed Sword N
Radiant Raiment Fine Clothes Clothing N
Rahgot Heavy Helmet N
Red Eagle's Bane One-handed Sword N
Ring of Hircine Ring N
Ring of Namira Ring N
Ring of Pure Mixtures Ring N
Roggi's Ancestral Shield Heavy Shield N
Rundi's Dagger Dagger N
Saarthal Amulet Necklace N
Sanguine Rose Staff N
Savior's Hide Light Armor N
Savos Aren's Amulet Necklace N
Shahvee's Amulet of Zenithar Necklace N
Shield of Solitude Heavy Shield N
Shield of Ysgramor Heavy Shield N
Shiv Dagger N
Shrouded Armor Light Armor N
Shrouded Boots Light Boots N
Shrouded Cowl Light Helmet N
Shrouded Cowl Maskless Light Helmet N
Shrouded Gloves Light Gauntlets N
Shrouded Hand Wraps Clothing N
Shrouded Hood Clothing N
Shrouded Robes Clothing N
Shrouded Shoes Clothing N
Silver-Blood Family Ring Ring N
Skull of Corruption Staff N
Spellbreaker Heavy Shield N
Spider Control Rod Staff N
Staff of Hag's Wrath Staff N
Staff of Jyrik Gaudurson Staff N
Staff of Magnus Staff N
Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls Battleaxe N
Targe of the Blooded Heavy Shield N
The Bond of Matrimony Ring N
The Gauldur Amulet Necklace N
The Longhammer Warhammer N
The Pale Blade One-handed Sword N
The Rueful Axe Two-handed Battleaxe N
The White Phial Potion N
The Woodsman's Friend Battleaxe N
Thieves Guild Armor Light Armor N
Thieves Guild Boots Light Boots N
Thieves Guild Gloves Light Gauntlets N
Thieves Guild Hood Light Helmet N
Trollsbane Warhammer N
Tumblerbane Glove Light Gauntlets N
Ulfric's Boots Clothing N
Ulfric's Bracers Light Gauntlets N
Ulfric's Clothes Clothing N
Vaermina Robes Clothing N
Valdr's Lucky Dagger Dagger N
Vittoria's Wedding Band Ring N
Vokun Heavy Helmet N
Volendrung Two-handed Warhammer N
Volsung Light Helmet N
Wabbajack Staff N
Wedding Dress Clothing N
Wedding Sandals Clothing N
Wedding Wreath Clothing N
Windshear One-handed Sword N
Wooden Mask Light Helmet N
Wuuthrad Two-handed Battleaxe N
Yisra's Necklace Necklace N

Dawnguard Unique Gear

Gear Name Gear Type Obtained?
- - 0.00%
Aetherial Crown Circlet N
Aetherial Shield Heavy Shield N
Aetherial Staff Staff N
Akaviri Sword One-handed Sword N
Amulet of Bats Necklace N
Amulet of The Gargoyle Necklace N

Ancient Falmer Boots Light Boots N

Ancient Falmer Cuirass Light Armor N

Ancient Falmer Gauntlets Light Gauntlets N
Auriel's Bow Bow N
Auriel's Shield Heavy Shield N
Bloodcursed Elven Arrow Arrow N
Circlet of Waterbreathing Circlet N
Dawnguard Rune Axe War Axe N
Dawnguard Rune Hammer Warhammer N
Dawnguard Rune Shield Light Shield N
Harkon's Sword One-handed Sword N
Locket of Saint Jiub Necklace N
Ring of The Beast Ring N
Ring of the Erudite Ring N
Staff of Ruunvald Staff N
Sunhallowed Elven Arrow Arrow N
Taron Dreth's Robes Clothing N

Vampire Royal Armor Light Armor N

Zephyr Bow N

Dragonborn Unique Gear

Gear Name Gear Type Obtained?
- - 0.00%
Ahzidal Heavy Helmet N
Ahzidal's Armor of Retribution Heavy Armor N
Ahzidal's Boots of Waterwalking Heavy Boots N
Ahzidal's Gauntlets of Warding Heavy Gauntlet N
Ahzidal's Helm of Vision Heavy Helmet N
Ahzidal's Ring of Arcana Ring N
Ahzidal's Ring of Necromancy Ring N
Ancient Nordic Pickaxe One-handed War Axe N
Blackguard's Armor Light Armor N
Blackguard's Boots Light Boots N
Blackguard's Gloves Light Gauntlets N
Blackguard's Hood Light Helmet N
Bloodscythe One-handed Sword N
Bloodskal Blade Two-handed Greatsword N
Champion's Cudgel Warhammer N
Deathbrand Armor Light Armor N
Deathbrand Boots Light Boots N
Deathbrand Gauntlets Light Gauntlets N
Deathbrand Helm Light Helmet N
Dukaan Heavy Helmet N
Dwarven Black Bow of Fate Bow N
Glass Bow of the Stag Prince Bow N
Hoarfrost One-handed War Axe N
Horksbane Mace N
Miraak Heavy Helmet N
Miraak's Boots Light Boots N
Miraak's Gloves Light Gauntlets N
Miraak's Robes Clothing N
Miraak's Staff Staff N
Miraak's Sword One-handed Sword N
Ring of Bloodlust Ring N
Ring of Instinct Ring N
Ring of the Hunt Ring N
Ring of the Moon Ring N
Skaal Amulet Necklace N
Soulrender One-handed Sword N
Stormfang Greatsword N
Visage of Mzund Heavy Helmet N
Zahkriisos Heavy Helmet N
wo groups)

que Gear

Quest item, but it can be pickpocketed back

after completion.

You can get this set along with Silver-blood ring.

Free Madanach and then after getting the set
During quest "Bound Until Death" can be stolen
kill everyone.
or took from Asgeir.

Multiple may be aquired from pickpocketing the

Two canduring Boethiath's
be aquired if one Proving
is pickpocked from
Astrid whe you first meet her

Carry a bottle of Honningbrew mead with you

to get it during the random encounter.
Weaker version "Jester's Hat" available at
Dawnstar sanctuary.
Weaker version "Jester's Clothes" available at
Dawnstar sanctuary.
Weaker version "Jester's Gloves" available at
Dawnstar sanctuary.
Weaker version "Jester's Hat" available at
Dawnstar sanctuary.
Can get up to 3 during Dark Brotherhood
3 rings during the quest "Under Saarthal". Can
optionally be turned in or kept.
x3 during first DB quest

Can optionally be turned in or kept during the

quest "Mistwatch"

Disenchantable for a unique enchantment

Can be stolen or traded from Ahtar.

Quest item, but it can be pickpocketed back
after completion.

Quest item, but it can be pickpocketed back

after completion.
The mysterious amulet must be sold to Calicimo
during Blood on the Ice

Quest item, but it can be pickpocketed back

Disenchantable for a unique enchantment. Both
after completion.
are bugged and do not boost Smithing as

Disenchantable for a unique enchantment

Quest item, but it can be pickpocketed back

after completion.

To get both this item and Savior's hide first side

with Sinding to get the ring, then kill him.
Quest item, but it can be pickpocketed back
item, but it can be pickpocketed back
after completion.

To get both this item and Hircine ring first side

with Sinding to get the ring, then kill him.
Quest item, but it can be pickpocketed back
after completion.

You can get this ring along with Old Gods set.
Free Madanach and then after getting the set
kill everyone to get the ring.

Can only be stolen from Calcelmo's Lab.

Disenchantable for a unique enchantment

x3 Respawns
x2 Respawns
ue Gear

Can only be stolen from Dexion Evicus

There's Ancient Falmer Crown, unavailable

without console commands or Unofficial
Dawnguard Patch fix.
Complete "Lost to the Ages" quest first.
One from Harkon and one is in Volkihar

ue Gear

Unique reward for "An Axe to Find" quest

Can only be stolen.

Can only be reverse pickpocketed from Frea.
Bugs in a Jar Dragon Claws Trea
Collected? Item Name Location Collected? Item Name Related Quest Collected?

0.00% - - 0.00% - - 0.00%

Coral Dragon
N Bee in a Jar Goldenglow Estate N Yngol's Barrow N
Butterfly in a The World-
N Alchemist's Shack N Diamond Claw N
Jar Eater's Eyrie
Dragonfly in a The Jagged
N Burguk's Longhouse N Ebony Claw N
Jar Crown
Emerald Dragon Forbidden
N Moth in a Jar Duskglow Crevice N N
Claw Legend
Torchbug in a Siege on the
N Frostflow Lighthouse N Glass Claw N
Jar Dragon Cult
N Golden Claw The Golden Claw N

N Iron Claw Evil in Waiting N

Ivory Dragon Forbidden
Claw Legend
Ruby Dragon Tending the
Claw Flames
Sapphire Dragon Lifting the
Claw Shroud




Treasure Maps (Map Only) Miscellaneous
Item Name Location Collected? Item Name Location

- - 0.00% - -
Found at unmarked bandit camp Amethyst Claw, Left
Treasure Map I N "Lost Legacy" quest
just south of the Guardian Stones. Half (DB)
Found at Journeyman's Nook Amethyst Claw, Right
Treasure Map II N "Lost Legacy" quest
southeast of Winterhold. Half (DB)
Found at Riverside Shack west of Ancient Traveler's
Treasure Map III N Wayward Pass
Kynesgrove. Skull
Found inside Redoran's Retreat Aretino Family
Treasure Map IV N "Innocence Lost" quest
northwest of Whiterun. Heirloom
Found at Angi's Camp south of "Discerning the
Treasure Map V N Attunement Sphere
Falkreath. Transmundane"
Given quest if you
to you by Balbus
Found on corpse on top of a
have Gourmet's Writ of
Treasure Map VI mountain SE of Shrine of Mehrunes N Balbus's Fork
Passage. Can be stolen from
Dagon and west of Stonehill Bluff.
Found at Traitor's Post east of him.
Treasure Map VII N Canticle Bark (DG) "Unseen Visions" quest
Found on Dead Hunter southeast
"The Path of Knowledge"
Treasure Map VIII of Bleakcoast Cave east of N Control Cube (DB)
quest. 5 copies.
On Lucky Lorenz's corpse, across
Deathbrand Treasure
Treasure Map IX river from the Abandoned Prison, N "Deathbrand" quest
Map (DB)
underneath rubble of house.
Found inside Stony Creek Cave far
Treasure Map X N Draw Knife (DG) "Unseen Visions" quest
north of Shor's Stone.

Fort Neugrad Found on tower on top of Fort "Discerning the

N Essence Extractor
Treasure Map Neugrad southeast of Helgen. Transmundane" quest
Reward for delivering a letter
Velehk Sain's Exquisite Sapphire
Given to you by Velehk Sain. N by Glover Mallory to
Treasure Map (DB)

N Firebrand Wine Case Blue Palace

N Glenmoril Witch Head "Blood's Honor" quest

N Initiate's Ewer (DG) "Touching the Sky" quest

Kagrumez Resonance "The Kagrumez Gauntlet"

Gem quest. 5 copies.

Secret quest room in

N Map of Dragon Burials
Sleeping Giant Inn

N Michaela's Flagon Thonnir's House

"Locate the Assassin of Old"

N Olava's Token

"The Mind of Madness"

N Pelagius' Hip Bone


Right Eye of the
N "Blindsighted" quest

"Discerning the
N Runed Lexicon
Transmundane" quest

N Saerek's Skull Key "Ragnvald" quest

"Conjuration Ritual Spell"

N Sigil Stone

N Skull (DB) Kolbjorn Barrow

N The Dancer's Flute Calixto's House of Curiosities

N Torsten's Skull Key "Ragnvald" quest

Ysgramor's Soup
N Calixto's House of Curiosities


Paragons (DG)
Collected? Item Name Location

0.00% - -
N Amethyst Paragon Forgotten Vale

N Diamond Paragon Forgotten Vale

N Emerald Paragon Forgotten Vale

N Ruby Paragon Forgotten Vale

N Sapphire Paragon Forgotten Vale


Book Title Collected? Read? On Shelf?
Regular books, journals and spell tomes
Total: 596, Remaining: 596 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
16 Accords of Madness, v. IX N N N
16 Accords of Madness, v. VI N N N
16 Accords of Madness, v. XII N N N
2920, Evening Star, v12 N N N
2920, First Seed, v3 N N N
2920, Frostfall, v10 N N N
2920, Hearth Fire, v9 N N N
2920, Last Seed, v8 N N N
2920, MidYear, v6 N N N
2920, Morning Star, v1 N N N
2920, Rain's Hand, v4 N N N
2920, Second Seed, v5 N N N
2920, Sun's Dawn, v2 N N N
2920, Sun's Dusk, v11 N N N
2920, Sun's Height, v7 N N N
A Children's Anuad N N N
A Dance in Fire, v1 N N N
A Dance in Fire, v2 N N N
A Dance in Fire, v3 N N N
A Dance in Fire, v4 N N N
A Dance in Fire, v5 N N N
A Dance in Fire, v6 N N N
A Dance in Fire, v7 N N N
A Dream of Sovngarde N N N
A Game at Dinner N N N
A Gentleman's Guide to Whiterun N N N
A Hypothetical Treachery N N N
A Kiss, Sweet Mother N N N
A Minor Maze N N N
A Tragedy in Black N N N
Admonition Against Ebony N N N
Advances in Lockpicking N N N
Adventurer's Journal N N N
Aedra and Daedra N N N
Aevar Stone-Singer N N N
Agrius's Journal N N N
Ahzidal's Descent N N N
Ahzirr Traajijazeri N N N
Aicantar's Lab Journal N N N
Alchemist's Journal N N N
Alchemist's Journal N N N
Alduin is Real N N N
Alva's Journal N N N
Amongst the Draugr N N N
An Accounting of the Scrolls N N N
An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim N N N
Ancestors and the Dunmer N N N
Annals of the Dragonguard N N N
Antecedants of Dwemer Law N N N
Arcana Restored N N N
Argonian Account, Book 1 N N N
Argonian Account, Book 2 N N N
Argonian Account, Book 3 N N N
Argonian Account, Book 4 N N N
Arvel's Journal N N N
Atlas of Dragons N N N
Atronach Forge Manual N N N
Azura and the Box N N N
Bandit Leader's Journal N N N
Bandit's Journal N N N
Bandit's Journal N N N
Battle of Red Mountain N N N
Battle of Sancre Tor N N N
Before the Ages of Man N N N
Beggar N N N
Beggar Prince N N N
Biography of Barenziah, v1 N N N
Biography of Barenziah, v2 N N N
Biography of Barenziah, v3 N N N
Biography of the Wolf Queen N N N
Boethiah's Glory N N N
Boethiah's Proving N N N
Bone, Part I (DB) N N N
Bone, Part II (DB) N N N
Breathing Water N N N
Brief History of the Empire, v1 N N N
Brief History of the Empire, v2 N N N
Brief History of the Empire, v3 N N N
Brief History of the Empire, v4 N N N
Brothers of Darkness N N N
Butcher Journal N N N
Butcher Journal #1 N N N
Butcher Journal #2 N N N
Catalogue of Armor Enchantments N N N
Catalogue of Weapon Enchantments N N N
Cats of Skyrim N N N
Chance's Folly N N N
Changed Ones (DB) N N N
Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v1 N N N
Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v3 N N N
Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v4 N N N
Charwich-Koniinge, v2 N N N
Chaurus Pie: A Recipe N N N
Cherim's Heart N N N
Children of the all-maker (DB) N N N
Children of the Sky N N N
Chimarvamidium N N N
Chronicles of Nchuleft N N N
Cicero's Journal - Final Volume N N N
Cicero's Journal - Volume 1 N N N
Cicero's Journal - Volume 2 N N N
Cicero's Journal - Volume 3 N N N
Cicero's Journal - Volume 4 N N N
Cleansing of the Fane N N N
Confessions of a Dunmer Skooma Eater (DB) N N N
Confessions Of A Khajiit Fur Trader (DG) N N N
Cook's Journal N N N
Darkest Darkness N N N
Daughter of the Niben N N N
Daynas Valen's Journal N N N
Daynas Valen's Notes N N N
De Rerum Dirennis N N N
Death Blow of Ebernanit N N N
Death of a Wanderer N N N
Deathbrand (DB) N N N
Decree of Monument N N N
Diary of Faire Agarwen (DG) N N N
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. I N N N
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. II N N N
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. III N N N
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. IV N N N
Dragon Language: Myth no More N N N
Dunmer of Skyrim N N N
Dwarves, v1 N N N
Dwarves, v2 N N N
Dwarves, v3 N N N
Dwemer History and Culture N N N
Dwemer Inquiries Vol I N N N
Dwemer Inquiries Vol II N N N
Dwemer Inquiries Vol III N N N
Effects of the Elder Scrolls N N N
Eisa's Journal N N N
Enchanter's Primer N N N
Endrast's Journal N N N
Erj's Notes N N N
Expedition Manifest N N N
Eydis's Journal (DB) N N N
Faded Diary N N N
Fall from Glory N N N
Fall of the Snow Prince N N N
Father Of The Niben N N N
Feyfolken I N N N
Feyfolken II N N N
Feyfolken III N N N
Final Lesson N N N
Fire and Darkness N N N
Fisherman's Journal N N N
Fisherman's Journal N N N
Five Songs of King Wulfharth N N N
Flight from the Thalmor N N N
Forge, Hammer and Anvil N N N
Fragment: On Artaeum N N N
Frontier, Conquest N N N
Galerion The Mystic N N N
Gallus's Encoded Journal N N N
Ghosts in the Storm N N N
Glories and Laments N N N
Gods and Worship N N N
Great Harbingers N N N
Guide to Better Thieving N N N
Habd's Journal N N N
Hajvarr's Journal N N N
Hallgerd's Tale N N N
Hamelyn's Journal N N N
Hanging Gardens N N N
Hargar's Journal N N N
Harvesting Frostbite Spider Venom N N N
Heavy Armor Forging N N N
Heddic's Volunruud Notes N N N
Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim N N N
Herbane's Bestiary: Automatons N N N
Herbane's Bestiary: Hagravens N N N
Herbane's Bestiary: Ice Wraiths N N N
History of Raven Rock, Vol. I (DB) N N N
History of Raven Rock, Vol. II (DB) N N N
History of Raven Rock, Vol. III (DB) N N N
Holdings of Jarl Gjalund N N N
Horker Attacks N N N
Horror of Castle Xyr N N N
Hrodulf's Journal (DB) N N N
Hunter's Journal N N N
Hunter's Journal N N N
Ice and Chitin N N N
Ildari's Journal (DB) N N N
Ildari's Journal, vol. I (DB) N N N
Ildari's Journal, vol. II (DB) N N N
Ildari's Journal, vol. III (DB) N N N
Immortal Blood N N N
Imperial Report on Saarthal N N N
Incident at Necrom N N N
Invocation of Azura N N N
J'zhar's Journal N N N
Japhet's Journal N N N
Jornibret's Last Dance N N N
Journal N N N
Journal N N N
Journal N N N
Journal of Drokt N N N
Journal of Mirtil Angoth (DG) N N N
Karan's Journal N N N
Katria's Journal (DG) N N N
Killing - Before You're Killed N N N
King N N N
Kodlak's Journal N N N
Kolb & the Dragon N N N
Krag's Journal N N N
Kyr's Log N N N
Last King of the Ayleids N N N
Last Scabbard of Akrash N N N
Legend of Krately House N N N
Life of Uriel Septim VII N N N
Light Armor Forging N N N
Liminal Bridges N N N
Lives of the Saints (DB) N N N
Lost Legends N N N
Lu-ah's Journal N N N
Lycanthropic Legends of Skyrim N N N
Mace Etiquette N N N
Magic from the Sky N N N
Maluril's Journal N N N
Malyn Varen's Grimoire N N N
Mannimarco, King of Worms N N N
Margret's Journal N N N
Markarth Home Decorating Guide N N N
Medresi's Notes N N N
Merchant's Journal N N N
Merilar's Journal (DB) N N N
Midden Incident Report N N N
Miner's Journal N N N
Minorne (DG) N N N
Mixed Unit Tactics N N N
Mysterious Akavir N N N
Mystery of Talara, Part 4 N N N
Mystery of Talara, v 1 N N N
Mystery of Talara, v 2 N N N
Mystery of Talara, v3 N N N
Mystery of Talara, v5 N N N
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1 N N N
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 2 N N N
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3 N N N
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 4 N N N
Myths of Sheogorath N N N
N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! N N N
Nchunak's Fire and Faith (DB) N N N
Nepos's Journal N N N
Nerevar at Red Mountain (DB) N N N
Nerevar Moon and Star N N N
Night Falls on Sentinel N N N
Nightingales: Fact or Fiction? N N N
Nords Arise! N N N
Nords of Skyrim N N N
Notes on Dimhollow Crypt, Vol. 3 (DG) N N N
Notes On The Lunar Forge N N N
Notes on Yngol Barrow N N N
Nystrom's Journal N N N
Ode To The Tundrastriders N N N
Of Crossed Daggers N N N
Of Fjori and Holgeir N N N
Oghma Infinium N N N
Olaf and the Dragon N N N
Old Tome N N N
On Oblivion N N N
On Stepping Lightly N N N
On the Great Collapse N N N
Opusculus Lamae Bal N N N
Orsinium and the Orcs N N N
Palla, volume 1 N N N
Palla, volume 2 N N N
Pension of the Ancestor Moth N N N
Physicalities of Werewolves N N N
Pirate King of the Abecean N N N
Power of the Elements N N N
Proper Lock Design N N N
Purloined Shadows N N N
Racial Phylogeny N N N
Raleth Eldri's Notes on Kagrumez (DB) N N N
Ramati's Journal N N N
Reality & Other Falsehoods N N N
Red Eagle's Rite N N N
Remanada N N N
Report: Disaster at Ionith N N N
Research Log N N N
Research Notes N N N
Response to Bero's Speech N N N
Riften Home Decorating Guide N N N
Rising Threat, Vol. I N N N
Rising Threat, Vol. II N N N
Rising Threat, Vol. III N N N
Rising Threat, Vol. IV N N N
Rislav The Righteous N N N
Ruined Trailbook N N N
Ruins of Kemel-Ze N N N
Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls N N N
Sacred Witness N N N
Saden's Journal (DB) N N N
Saint Jiub's Opus (DG) N N N
Scourge of the Gray Quarter N N N
Servos's Journal (DB) N N N
Shadowmarks N N N
Shezarr and the Divines N N N
Short History of Morrowind N N N
Sild's Journal N N N
Sinderion's Field Journal N N N
Sithis N N N
Skorm Snow-Strider's Journal N N N
Skyrim's Rule N N N
Smuggler's Journal N N N
Solitude Home Decorating Guide N N N
Song Of Hrormir N N N
Song of the Alchemists N N N
Song of the Askelde Men N N N
Songs of Skyrim N N N
Songs of Skyrim: Revised N N N
Songs of the Return, Vol 19 N N N
Songs of the Return, Vol 2 N N N
Songs of the Return, vol 24 N N N
Songs of the Return, Vol 56 N N N
Songs of the Return, Vol 7 N N N
Souls, Black and White N N N
Sovngarde: A Reexamination N N N
Spider Experiment Notes (DB) N N N
Spirit of Nirn N N N
Spirit of the Daedra N N N
Staubin's Diary N N N
Stromm's Diary N N N
Sudi's Journal N N N
Sulla's Journal N N N
Surfeit of Thieves N N N
Tattered Journal N N N
Tattered Journal N N N
Thalmor Dossier: Delphine N N N
Thalmor Dossier: Esbern N N N
Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak N N N
The "Madmen" of the Reach N N N
The Adabal-a N N N
The Aetherium Wars N N N
The Alduin/Akatosh Dichotomy N N N
The Amulet of Kings N N N
The Anticipations (DB) N N N
The Apprentice's Assistant N N N
The Arcturian Heresy N N N
The Armorer's Challenge N N N
The Art of War Magic N N N
The Axe Man (DB) N N N
The Bear of Markarth N N N
The Beginner's Guide to Homesteading N N N
The Betrayed (DG) N N N
The Black Arrow, v1 N N N
The Black Arrow, v2 N N N
The Black Arts On Trial N N N
The Book of Daedra N N N
The Book of Fate N N N
The Book of Life and Service (DG) N N N
The Book of the Dragonborn N N N
The Buying Game N N N
The Cabin in the Woods N N N
The Cake and The Diamond N N N
The City of Stone N N N
The Code of Malacath N N N
The Doors of Oblivion N N N
The Doors of the Spirit (DB) N N N
The Dowry N N N
The Dragon Break N N N
The Dragon War N N N
The Dreamstride N N N
The Exodus N N N
The Falmer: A Study N N N
The Firmament N N N
The Firsthold Revolt N N N
The Five Far Stars (DB) N N N
The Four Totems of Volskygge N N N
The Gold Ribbon of Merit N N N
The Great War N N N
The Guardian and the Traitor (DB) N N N
The Holds of Skyrim N N N
The Hope of the Redoran N N N
The House of Troubles (DB) N N N
The Importance of Where N N N
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 19 (DB) N N N
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 20 (DB) N N N
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 21 (DB) N N N
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 22 (DB) N N N
The Journal of Ralis Sedarys - Volume 23 (DB) N N N
The Keepers of the Razor N N N
The Knights of the Nine N N N
The Last King of the Ayleids N N N
The Legend of Red Eagle N N N
The Legendary Sancre Tor N N N
The Legendary Scourge N N N
The Locked Room N N N
The Lunar Lorkhan N N N
The Lusty Argonian Maid, v1 N N N
The Lusty Argonian Maid, v2 N N N
The Madness of Pelagius N N N
The Marksmanship Lesson N N N
The Mirror N N N
The Monomyth N N N
The Night Mother's Truth N N N
The Nightingales Vol. 1 N N N
The Nightingales Vol. 2 N N N
The Nirnoot Missive N N N
The Oblivion Crisis N N N
The Old Ways N N N
The Pig Children N N N
The Poison Song, Book I (DB) N N N
The Poison Song, Book II (DB) N N N
The Poison Song, Book III (DB) N N N
The Poison Song, Book IV (DB) N N N
The Poison Song, Book V (DB) N N N
The Poison Song, Book VI (DB) N N N
The Poison Song, Book VII (DB) N N N
The Posting of the Hunt N N N
The Ransom of Zarek N N N
The Real Barenziah, v1 N N N
The Real Barenziah, v2 N N N
The Real Barenziah, v3 N N N
The Real Barenziah, v4 N N N
The Real Barenziah, v5 N N N
The Rear Guard N N N
The Reclamations (DB) N N N
The Red Book of Riddles N N N
The Red Kitchen Reader N N N
The Red Year, Vol I (DB) N N N
The Red Year, Vol II (DB) N N N
The Refugees N N N
The Rise and Fall of the Blades N N N
The Seed N N N
The Song of Pelinal, v1 N N N
The Song of Pelinal, v2 N N N
The Song of Pelinal, v3 N N N
The Song of Pelinal, v4 N N N
The Song of Pelinal, v5 N N N
The Song of Pelinal, v6 N N N
The Song of Pelinal, v7 N N N
The Song of Pelinal, v8 N N N
The Sultry Argonian Bard, v1 (DG) N N N
The Tale of Dro'Zira N N N
The Talos Mistake N N N
The Third Door N N N
The Third Era Timeline N N N
The Totems of Hircine N N N
The True Nature of Orcs N N N
The True Noble's Code (DB) N N N
The Warrior's Charge N N N
The Waters of Oblivion N N N
The Wild Elves N N N
The Windhelm Letters N N N
The Wispmother N N N
The Wolf Queen, v1 N N N
The Wolf Queen, v2 N N N
The Wolf Queen, v3 N N N
The Wolf Queen, v4 N N N
The Wolf Queen, v5 N N N
The Wolf Queen, v6 N N N
The Wolf Queen, v7 N N N
The Wolf Queen, v8 N N N
The Woodcutter's Wife N N N
There Be Dragons N N N
Thief N N N
Thief of Virtue N N N
Thirsk, A Revised History (DB) N N N
Thonar's Journal N N N
Three Thieves N N N
Touching the Sky (DG) N N N
Trap (DB) N N N
Treatise on Ayleidic Cities N N N
Trials of St. Alessia N N N
Troll Slaying N N N
Twin Secrets N N N
Ulfr's Book N N N
Ulyn's Journal (DB) N N N
Umana's Journal N N N
Uncommon Taste N N N
Uncommon Taste - Signed N N N
Valerica's Journal (DG) N N N
Varieties of Daedra N N N
Varieties of Faith in the Empire (DB) N N N
Venarus Vulpin's Journal (DG) N N N
Venarus Vulpin's Research (DG) N N N
Vernaccus and Bourlor N N N
Volk's Journal (DG) N N N
Wabbajack N N N
Walking the World, Vol. XI N N N
War of the First Council N N N
Warrior N N N
Watcher of Stones N N N
Where were you when the Dragon Broke (DB) N N N
Whiterun Home Decorating Guide N N N
Windhelm Home Decorating Guide N N N
Withershins N N N
Words and Philosophy N N N
Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi N N N
Words of the Wind (DB) N N N
Wraith's Wedding Dowry N N N
Yellow Book of Riddles N N N
Yngol and the Sea-Ghosts N N N
Spell Tome: Ash Rune (DB) N N N
Spell Tome: Ash Shell (DB) N N N
Spell Tome: Banish Daedra N N N
Spell Tome: Blizzard N N N
Spell Tome: Bound Battleaxe N N N
Spell Tome: Bound Bow N N N
Spell Tome: Bound Dagger (DB) N N N
Spell Tome: Bound Sword N N N
Spell Tome: Call to Arms N N N
Spell Tome: Calm N N N
Spell Tome: Candlelight N N N
Spell Tome: Chain Lightning N N N
Spell Tome: Circle of Protection N N N
Spell Tome: Clairvoyance N N N
Spell Tome: Close Wounds N N N
Spell Tome: Command Daedra N N N
Spell Tome: Conjure Ash Guardian (DB) N N N
Spell Tome: Conjure Ash Spawn (DB) N N N
Spell Tome: Conjure Dremora Lord N N N
Spell Tome: Conjure Familiar N N N
Spell Tome: Conjure Flame Atronach N N N
Spell Tome: Conjure Frost Atronach N N N
Spell Tome: Conjure Seeker (DB) N N N
Spell Tome: Conjure Storm Atronach N N N
Spell Tome: Courage N N N
Spell Tome: Dead Thrall N N N
Spell Tome: Detect Dead N N N
Spell Tome: Detect Life N N N
Spell Tome: Dread Zombie N N N
Spell Tome: Ebonyflesh N N N
Spell Tome: Expel Daedra N N N
Spell Tome: Fast Healing N N N
Spell Tome: Fear N N N
Spell Tome: Fire Rune N N N
Spell Tome: Fireball N N N
Spell Tome: Firebolt N N N
Spell Tome: Flame Cloak N N N
Spell Tome: Flame Thrall N N N
Spell Tome: Flames N N N
Spell Tome: Frenzy N N N
Spell Tome: Frenzy Rune (DB) N N N
Spell Tome: Frost Cloak N N N
Spell Tome: Frost Rune N N N
Spell Tome: Frost Thrall N N N
Spell Tome: Frostbite N N N
Spell Tome: Fury N N N
Spell Tome: Grand Healing N N N
Spell Tome: Greater Ward N N N
Spell Tome: Guardian Circle N N N
Spell Tome: Harmony N N N
Spell Tome: Heal Other N N N
Spell Tome: Heal Undead (DG) N N N
Spell Tome: Healing N N N
Spell Tome: Healing Hands N N N
Spell Tome: Ice Spike N N N
Spell Tome: Ice Storm N N N
Spell Tome: Icy Spear N N N
Spell Tome: Incinerate N N N
Spell Tome: Invisibility N N N
Spell Tome: Ironflesh N N N
Spell Tome: Lesser Ward N N N
Spell Tome: Lightning Bolt N N N
Spell Tome: Lightning Cloak N N N
Spell Tome: Lightning Rune N N N
Spell Tome: Lightning Storm N N N
Spell Tome: Magelight N N N
Spell Tome: Mass Paralysis N N N
Spell Tome: Mayhem N N N
Spell Tome: Muffle N N N
Spell Tome: Necromantic Healing (DG) N N N
Spell Tome: Oakflesh N N N
Spell Tome: Pacify N N N
Spell Tome: Paralyze N N N
Spell Tome: Poison Rune (DB) N N N
Spell Tome: Raise Zombie N N N
Spell Tome: Rally N N N
Spell Tome: Reanimate Corpse N N N
Spell Tome: Repel Lesser Undead N N N
Spell Tome: Repel Undead N N N
Spell Tome: Revenant N N N
Spell Tome: Rout N N N
Spell Tome: Soul Trap N N N
Spell Tome: Sparks N N N
Spell Tome: Steadfast Ward N N N
Spell Tome: Stendarr's Aura (DG) N N N
Spell Tome: Stoneflesh N N N
Spell Tome: Storm Thrall N N N
Spell Tome: Sun Fire (DG) N N N
Spell Tome: Telekinesis N N N
Spell Tome: Thunderbolt N N N
Spell Tome: Transmute Mineral Ore N N N
Spell Tome: Turn Greater Undead N N N
Spell Tome: Turn Lesser Undead N N N
Spell Tome: Turn Undead N N N
Spell Tome: Vampire's Bane (DG) N N N
Spell Tome: Wall of Flames N N N
Spell Tome: Wall of Frost N N N
Spell Tome: Wall of Storms N N N
Spell Tome: Waterbreathing N N N
Spell Tome: Whirlwind Cloak (DB) N N N
Books to turn in for a quest or unique spell tomes
Total: 48, Remaining: 48 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) -
Spell Tome: Bane of the Undead - N -
Spell Tome: Conjure Boneman (DG) - N -
Spell Tome: Conjure Mistman (DG) - N -
Spell Tome: Conjure Wrathman (DG) - N -
Spell Tome: Dragonhide - N -
Spell Tome: Equilibrium - N -
Spell Tome: Fire Storm - N -
Spell Tome: Flaming Familiar - N -
Spell Tome: Hysteria - N -
Adonato's Book * N *
Arondil's Journal, Part 1 - N -
Arondil's Journal, Part 2 - N -
Arondil's Journal, Part 3 - N -
Arondil's Journal, Part 4 - N -
Black Book: Epistolary Acumen (DB) N N -
Black Book: Filament and Filigree (DB) N N -
Black Book: The Hidden Twilight (DB) N N -
Black Book: The Sallow Regent (DB) N N -
Black Book: The Winds of Change (DB) N N -
Black Book: Untold Legends (DB) N N -
Black Book: Waking Dreams (DB) N N -
Elder Scroll (Blood) - N -
Elder Scroll (Dragon) - N -
Elder Scroll (Sun) - N -
Gratian's Journal (DB) - N -
Imperial Missive - N -
King Olaf's Verse - N -
Love Poem - N -
Lusty Argonian Maid Folio (DB) - N -
Lymdrenn Tenvanni's Journal - N -
Master Illusion Text - N -
Master Illusion Text - N -
Master Illusion Text - N -
Master Illusion Text - N -
Night of Tears - N -
On Apocrypha: Boneless Limbs (DB) - N -
On Apocrypha: Delving Pincers (DB) - N -
On Apocrypha: Gnashing Blades (DB) - N -
On Apocrypha: Prying Orbs (DB) - N -
Runil's Journal * N *
Shalidor's Insights - N -
Suvaris Atheron's Logbook - N -
Unknown Book, Vol. I - N -
Unknown Book, Vol. II - N -
Unknown Book, Vol. III - N -
Unknown Book, Vol. IV - N -
Wind and Sand (DB) - N -
Wyndelius's Journal - N -
List Author

4 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Anonymous/Unknown
3 Carlovac Townway
3 Carlovac Townway
- Carlovac Townway
- Carlovac Townway
- Carlovac Townway
- Carlovac Townway
- Carlovac Townway
- Carlovac Townway
- Carlovac Townway
- Carlovac Townway
3 Carlovac Townway
0 Carlovac Townway
2 Anonymous/Unknown
0 Waughin Jarth
- Waughin Jarth
0 Waughin Jarth
0 Waughin Jarth
4 Waughin Jarth
- Waughin Jarth
- Waughin Jarth
2 Skardan Free-Winter
- An Anonymous Spy
1 Mikael the Bard
- Aicantar
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- An Anonymous Thief
- An Anonymous Adventurer
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Agrius
4 Halund Greycloak
0 Anonymous/Unknown
- Aicantar
- An Anonymous Alchemist
- An Anonymous Alchemist
2 Thromgar Iron-Head
- Alva
3 Bernadette Bantien, College of Winterhold
4 Quintus Nerevelus, Former Imperial Librarian
2 Marcius Carvain, Viscount Bruma
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Brother Annulus
2 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Wapna Neustra Praeceptor Emeritus
0 Waughin Jarth
3 Waughin Jarth
0 Waughin Jarth
3 Waughin Jarth
- Arvel the Swift
- Brother Mathnan
- Anonymous/Unknown
3 Marobar Sul
- An Anonymous Bandit
- An Anonymous Bandit
- An Anonymous Bandit
- Vivec
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Aicantar of Shimerene
- Reven
2 Anonymous/Unknown
1 Stern Gamboge, Imperial Scribe
1 Stern Gamboge, Imperial Scribe
1 Stern Gamboge, Imperial Scribe
- Katar Eriphanes
4 Anonymous/Unknown
2/4 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Tavi Dromio
2 Tavi Dromio
- Haliel Myrm
1 Stronach k'Thojj III
1 Stronach k'Thojj III
1 Stronach k'Thojj III
1 Stronach k'Thojj III
4 Pellarne Assi
- The Butcher/Calixto Corrium
- The Butcher/Calixto Corrium
- The Butcher/Calixto Corrium
- Yvonne Bienne, Synod researcher
- Yvonne Bienne, Synod researcher
2 Aldetuile
2 Zylmoc Golge
3 Anonymous/Unknown
3 Charwich
3 Charwich
4 Syrix Goinithi
3 Koniinge
3 Nils
- Livillus Perus, Professor at the Imperial University
3 Tharstan of Solitude
4 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Marobar Sul
4 An Anonymous Altmer
- Cicero
- Cicero
- Cicero
- Cicero
- Cicero
4 An Anonymous Alessian Scribe
1 Tilse Sendas
- The Fur Trader
- An Unknown Bandit Cook
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Sathyr Longleat
- Daynas Valen
- Daynas Valen
- Vorian Direnni
- Anonymous (with notes by Geocrates Varnus)
3 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Anonymous/Unknown
- The Jarls of Skyrim
- Faire Agarwen
- Moric Sidrey
- Moric Sidrey
- Moric Sidrey
- Moric Sidrey
3 Hela Thrice-Versed
2 Athal Sarys
3 Calcelmo, Scholar of Markarth
3 Calcelmo, Scholar of Markarth
3 Calcelmo, Scholar of Markarth
3 Hasphat Antabolis
2 Thelwe Ghelein
2 Thelwe Ghelein
2 Thelwe Ghelein
4 Justinius Poluhnius
- Eisa Blackthorn
- Sergius Turrianus
- Endrast
- Erj
- Sulla Trebatius
- Eydis
- An Anonymous Refugee
2 Nithilis Lidari
3 Lokheim
- Florin Jaliil
3 Waughin Jarth
3 Waughin Jarth
3 Waughin Jarth
3 Aegrothius Goth
- Ynir Gorming
- Advard
- Anonymous/Unknown
4 Anonymous/Unknown
3 Hadrik Oaken-Heart
3 Adolphus Eritius
4 Taurce il-Anselma
2 University of Gwylim Press
2 Asgrim Kolsgreg
- Gallus Desidenius
3 Adonato Leotelli
4 Alexandre Hetrard
2 Brother Hetchfield
3 Swyk the Long-Sighted
- Wulfmare Shadow-Cloak
- Habd
- Hajvarr Iron-Hand
- Tavi Dromio
- Hamelyn
4 Anonymous/Unknown
- Captain Hargar
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Sven Two-Hammers
- Heddic Volunnar
- Agneta Falia
3 Herbane
2 Herbane
2 Herbane
2 Lyrin Telleno
2 Lyrin Telleno
2 Lyrin Telleno
- Slafknir the Scribe
1 Heidmir Starkad
- Baloth-Kul
- Hrodulf
- An Anonymous Hunter
- An Anonymous Hunter
- Pletius Spatec
- Ildari Sarothril
- Ildari Sarothril
- Ildari Sarothril
- Ildari Sarothril
0 Anonymous/Unknown
3 Heseph Chirirnis
- Jonquilla Bothe
4 Sigillah Parate
- J'zhar
- Japhet
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Kornalus
- Meeko's Former Companion
- An Anonymous Captive
- Drokt
- Mirtil Angoth
- Karan
- Katria
1 Eduardo Corvus
- Reven
- Kodlak Whitemane
1 Anonymous/Unknown
- Krag
- Kyr
4 Herminia Cinna
- Tabar Vunqidh
- Baloth-Kul
2 Rufus Hayn
- Revus Sarvani
- Camilonwe of Alinor
2 Tribunal Temple
3 Talsgar the Elder, Archivist of Winterhold
- Lu'ah Al-Skaven
4 Lentulus Inventius
- Anonymous/Unknown
3 Irlav Jarol
- Maluril Ferano
- Malyn Varen, Master Enchanter
- Horicles
- Margret
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Medresi Dran
- An Anonymous Merchant's Wife
- Merilar Rendas
- A Scholar of Winterhold College
- Hadrir
- Moric Sidrey
2 Codus Callonus
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Mera Llykith
0 Mera Llykith
- Mera Llykith
- Mera Llykith
3 Mera Llykith
- Mankar Camoran
- Mankar Camoran
- Mankar Camoran
- Mankar Camoran
1 Mymophonus
4 N'Gasta
4 Nchunak
- Nepos the Nose
4 Tribunal Temple
4 An Imperial Scholar
- Boali
0 Wilimina Roth
1 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Hrothmund Wolf-Heart
- Adalvald
- Anonymous/Unknown
- An Anonymous Dead Scholar
- Nystrom
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Dwennon Wyndell
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Xarxes
1 Adonato Leotelli
- Anonymous/Unknown
3 Morian Zenas
3 Sigilis Justus
3 Arch-Mage Deneth
3 Mabei Aywenil, Scribe
- Menyna Gsost
0 Vojne Mierstyyd
3 Vojne Mierstyyd
2 The Order of the Ancestor Moth
3 Reman Crex
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Waughin Jarth
- The Council of Healers, Imperial University
- Raleth Eldri
- Ramati
- Anonymous/Unknown
- The Forsworn
4 Anonymous/Unknown
1 Lord Pottreid, Chairman
- First Adjunct Oronrel
- Sulla Trebatius
- Malviser, Battlemage
- Anonymous/Unknown
2 Lathenil of Sunhold
2 Waughin Jarth
2 Lathenil of Sunhold
2 Lathenil of Sunhold
- Sinjin
- An Anonymous Traveler
2 Rolard Nordssen
- Septimus Signus
- Enric Milnes
- Saden
- Jiub
2 Frilgeth Horse-Breaker
- Servos Rendas
- Delvin Mallory
Faustillus Junius, Subcurator of Ancient Theology and
3 Jeanette Sitte
- Sild the Warlock
- Sinderion
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Skorm Snow-Strider
3 Abdul-Mujib Ababneh
- An Anonymous Smuggler
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Marobar Sul
2 Anonymous/Unknown
3 Giraud Gemaine
3 Giraud Gemaine
0 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Anonymous Scholar
3 Bereditte Jastal
- Servos Rendas
2 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Anonymous/Unknown
- Staubin
- Stromm
- Sudi
- Sulla Trebatius
- Aniis Noru
- An Anonymous Miner
- An Anonymous Adventurer
- The Thalmor
- The Thalmor
- The Thalmor
2 Arrianus Arius, Imperial Scholar
4 Morihaus
- Taron Dreth
Alexandre Simon, High Priest of the Akatosh Chantry,
2 Wenengrus Monhona
3 Anonymous/Unknown
3 Aramril
2 The Underking, Ysmir Kingmaker
- Mymophonus
- Zurin Arctus, with Commentary By Other Learned Masters
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Arrianus Arius, Imperial Scholar
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Engwe Emeloth
0 Gorgic Guine
- Gorgic Guine
- Hannibal Traven, Archmagister of the Mages Guild
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Member of the Arcane University
- Anonymous/Unknown
3 Prior Emelene Madrine
- Adabael Timsar-Dadisun
2 As Told By Mogen Son of Molag
2 Athyn Muendil
1 Amanda Alleia
1 Amanda Alleia
- Seif-ij Hidja
2 Anonymous/Unknown
3 Marobar Sul
3 Fal Droon
3 Torhal Bjorik
- The Mysterious Alchemists of Vaermina
- Waughin Jarth
3 Ursa Uthrax
2 Ffoulke
2 Maveus Cie
2 Zershishi Mus-Manul
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Ampyrian Brum
2 Legate Justianus Quintius
4 Lucius Gallus
1 The Empire
2 Turiul Nirith
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Marobar Sul
- Ralis Sedarys
- Ralis Sedarys
- Ralis Sedarys
- Ralis Sedarys
- Ralis Sedarys
- Silus Vesuius
- Karoline of Solitude
- Herminia Cinna
2 Tredayn Dren
- Matera Chapel
4 Anonymous/Unknown
- Porbert Lyttumly
- Fal Droon
3 Crassius Curio
3 Crassius Curio
3 Tsathenes
- Alla Llaleth
- Berdier Wreans
2 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Gaston Bellefort
- Gallus Desidenius
- Gallus Desidenius
- Sinderion
2 Praxis Sarcorum, Imperial Historian
4 Celarus the Loremaster
4 Tyston Bane
1 Bristin Xel
1 Bristin Xel
1 Bristin Xel
1 Bristin Xel
1 Bristin Xel
1 Bristin Xel
1 Bristin Xel
4 Anonymous/Unknown
0 Marobar Sul
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Tenace Mourl
2 Thara of Rihad
4 Anonymous/Unknown
- Simocles Quo
2 Melis Ravel
2 Melis Ravel
- Geros Albreigh
3 Anonymous/Unknown
3 Marobar Sul
2 Unknown Scholar
2 Unknown Scholar
2 Unknown Scholar
2 Unknown Scholar
2 Unknown Scholar
2 Unknown Scholar
2 Unknown Scholar
2 Unknown Scholar
- Ellya Erdain
3 Sonia Vette
2 Leonora Venatus, Imperial Liaison to the Aldmeri Dominion
3 Annanar Orme
2 Jaspus Ignateous
- An Anonymous Werewolf
4 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Serjo Athyn Sarethi
- Anonymous/Unknown
4 Anonymous/Unknown
4 Kier-Jo Chorvak
2 Reylia
2 Mathias Etienne
- Waughin Jarth
0 Waughin Jarth
0 Waughin Jarth
0 Waughin Jarth
0 Waughin Jarth
4 Waughin Jarth
0 Waughin Jarth
3 Waughin Jarth
2 Mogen Son of Molag
3 Torhal Bjorik
- Reven
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Thonar Silver-Blood
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Parmion Saldor
3 Anonymous/Unknown
4 An Anonymous Scholar
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Finn
- Brarilu Theran
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Ulyn
- Umana
1 The Gourmet
- The Gourmet
- Valerica
3 Aranea Drethan
3 Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College
- Venarus Vulpin
- Venarus Vulpin
2 Tavi Dromio
- Volk
2 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Spatior Munius
4 Agrippa Fundilius
- Reven
2 Gelyph Sig, Thane of Bjorin
3 Various
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Yaqut Tawashi
- An Anonymous Interviewer
3 Clan Mother Ahnissi
2 Anonymous/Unknown
3 Voltha gra-Yamwort (translated by Apthorne)
1 Anonymous/Unknown
2 Anonymous/Unknown
- -
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- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- Adonato Leonetti
- Arondil
- Arondil
- Arondil
- Arondil
- The Transparent One
- Jelketheris
- Carillius Melfus
- Hawfip the Crafter
- Liesl Grey-Heart
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Bilius Felcrex
- -
- -
- -
- Gratian Caerellius
- General Tullius
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Yngvar the Singer
- Crassius Curio
- Lymdrenn Tenvanni
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Dranor Seleth
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Anonymous/Unknown
- Runil
- Shalidor
- Suvaris Atheron
- Engwe Emeloth
- Mirtil Angoth
- Faire Agarwen
- Parmion Saldor
- Afa-Saryat
- Wyndelius Gatharian

Vaermina's Tale
Hircine's Tale
Malacath's Tale
Volume 12 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 3 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 10 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 9 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 8 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 6 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 1 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 4 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 5 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 2 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 11 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Volume 7 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Early religious book providing a simplified version of The Anuad creation myth from the Mythic Era
Chapter 1 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
Chapter 2 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
Chapter 3 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
Chapter 4 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
Chapter 5 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
Chapter 6 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
Chapter 7 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
A soldier's tale of his dream before battle
A spy's observations upon poison making and a dinner party
A guide to the Nordic city of Whiterun in the Fourth Era.
A short play about betrayal.
Guide to performing the Black Sacrament in order to summon the Dark Brotherhood.
The history of Labyrinthian and its creator, Shalidor.
A folk tale about a young boy's encounter with a Dremora.
A warning to any who might claim the Ebony Blade.
A brief guidebook on lockpicking.
About investigating attacks on caravans by the Falmer.
Overview of the basic differences between Gods, Demons, Aedra, and Daedra
Traditional Skaal myth about a young Skaal's journey to recover the Gifts of the All-Maker
The last accounts of a bandit before being possessed and sacrificed by Halldir.
The tale of a powerful enchanter's descent into madness
The public manifesto of the Khajiit organization Renrijra Krin
Research notes on Dwarven spider control
A researcher investigating plant growth
The idyllic journal of an alchemist
A poorly spelled essay from a "prowd Nord" on the difference between Alduin and Akatosh
A vampire's plot to take over all of Morthal
Discoveries about the draugr and their link to the dragon cults
An author's report on the Elder Scrolls and his subsequent entry into the Cult of the Ancestor Moth
A brief travel guide for adventuresome tourists in Skyrim
An outdated guide for foreign visitors to Morrowind
Chronicles of the Dragonguard in the late First Era
A historical account of the development of Dwemer law and custom from its roots in High Elven culture
Cryptic instructions for the restoration of Arcana
Decumus Scotti's continued adventures in Black Marsh, Volume 1
Decumus Scotti's continued adventures in Black Marsh, Volume 2
Decumus Scotti's continued adventures in Black Marsh, Volume 3
Decumus Scotti's continued adventures in Black Marsh, Volume 4
A journal describing how Arvel came into possession of the Golden Claw and a hint of its true purpose
A glossary of Skyrim's dragons
A guide on how to use the Atronach Forge
Book 11 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Journal entries indicating the location of a hidden stash
A Bandit's account of taking over Fort Neugrad
A bandit's complaints about their inability to kill a mammoth
The story of the Battle of Red Mountain and the Nerevarine Prophecies from Vivec's perspective
The story of how General Talos defeated the stronghold of Sancre Tor
Chronicles the major events of the Dawn and Merethic Eras
The first chapter in the adventures of Eslaf Erol
The story of Wheedle and his gifts from the Daedric Lord Namira
Volume one in the official biography of Queen Barenziah.
Volume two in the official biography of Queen Barenziah.
Volume three in the official biography of Queen Barenziah.
The history of Potema, The Wolf Queen of Solitude.
A short prayer to Boethiah.
A cultist's account of summoning Boethiah.
Part one in a tale surrounding the creation of Bonemold armor.
Part two in a tale surrounding the creation of Bonemold armor.
A fictional tale where Tharien Winloth seeks to master water breathing.
The succession of the first eight Emperors of the Septim Dynasty, from Tiber Septim to Kintyra II.
The second volume described the War of the Red Diamond and the six Emperors who followed.
The third volume described the troubles of the next three Emperors - the frustrated Uriel IV, the ineffectual Cephorus II, and
The final volume describes the rest of the Empire's history leading up to Jagar Tharn.
A brief history of the Dark Brotherhood
A journal revealing the ghoulish motivation behind killings in Windhelm
A serial killer's journal entries on stalking a victim
A serial killer's translation on "flesh" magic
A guide to various enchantments that can be bound to apparel.
A guide to various enchantments that can be bound to weapons.
A brief treatise on the few felines that can be found in Skyrim
The folly of a double-crosser
Story of how Boethiah refuted Trinimac
A series of letters between Charwich and his friend Koniinge written during their search for Azura's Star.
Letters between Charwich and Koniinge about their search for Azura's Star.
Letters between Charwich and Koniinge about their search for Azura's Star.
Letters between Charwich and Koniinge about their search for Azura's Star.
A recipe for a pie from chaurus meat
Interview with Cherim, a master tapestry weaver
An outsider's accounting of the Skaal
A description of the Nords and the Thu'um
Book 6 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
A historical chronicle of events in the Dwemer Freehold Colony of Nchuleft
The personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
The personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
The personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
The personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
The personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
Fragmented script from a member of the Alessian Order
A narrative of a cured skooma addict
A Khajiit's memoir of the black market fur trade
The journal of a cook that took the phrase dog-eat-dog world a little too literally.
A description of various Daedra
The history of Bravil and its famous statue of the Lucky Old Lady
Details Valen's efforts to hunt down the Gauldur Legend
A summary of research of the Gauldur Legend
Tales about a creator of Alchemy Science
Poetic recounting of the death of Dagoth Thras
A tale of an Argonian's unfortunate venture into a Draugr crypt
A Pirate's Tale
About recognizing a place of historic value
Translated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth
Part one of a journal describing the excavation of Ruunvald
Part two of a journal describing the excavation of Ruunvald
Part three of a journal describing the excavation of Ruunvald
Part four of a journal describing the excavation of Ruunvald
A lengthy thesis on the ancient language of the dragons
A proclamation of Dunmer supremacy in eastern Skyrim
Calcelmo's three-part series into the various facets of the Dwemer. The first part looks at architecture and design.
The second part looks at weapons, armor and machines.
The third part looks at culture and history.
A scholar's review of the Dwemer essays written by Marobar Sul
The first book in a three part study by Thelwe Ghelein investigating Dwemer architecture and civilization.
The second book in a three part study by Thelwe Ghelein investigating Dwemer architecture and civilization.
The third book in a three-part study by Thelwe Ghelein investigating Dwemer architecture and civilization.
A thesis on the four different types of readers of the Elder Scrolls
The journal of a bandit
A guide for novices in enchanting issued by the College of Winterhold
A journal detailing Endrast's escape from Falmer in Alftand.
Notes revealing an expedition team's member selfish intents.
A basic run-down of the Alftand Expedition Camp and its occupants.
Journal of a Skaal Eydis who tried to find the "Vision of Mzund" artifact in Fahlbtharz.
The diary of a refugee from Morrowind who never found safety.
Theories on the weakening of the Skyrim Thieves Guild
An account of the Battle of the Moesring as transcribed by Lokheim, chronicler to the chieftain Ingjaldr White-Eye
Translation of the fragmented journal of Topal the Pilot
The first book of a three part tale of a great sage and his lessons for his two students, Taksim and Vonguldak.
The second book of a three part tale of a great sage and his lessons for his two students, Taksim and Vonguldak.
The third book of a three part tale of a great sage and his lessons for his two students, Taksim and Vonguldak.
Two apprentices are separated
The history of the Morag Tong assassin guild
A fisherman complains about his friend's chpice of fishing location, noting his friend's boat is taking on water. They are both f
A fisherman writes about superstitions surrounding Lake Ilinalta
A summary of five epic songs of King Wulfharth, plus an apocryphal song of the Tribunal, Dagoth-Ur, and Indoril Nerevar
A written epitaph of a Nordic skald
Poorly-written notes on smithing by a Nordic blacksmith in the late Second Era
A work explaining some of the history of the Psijic island of Artaeum
Details the presence of humans in Tamriel prior to the original Nordic conquests thought to bring humans to Tamriel
A biography of Galerion, a Psijic who founded the Mages Guild
The secret encrypted journal of one of the Nightingales
Author's tale of his encounter with the Falmer
The "glories" of the Ayleid city Ceyatatar and "laments" over the collapse of the Ayleid civilization
Speculation concerning the worship of gods and their benefit from such
Chronicle of some of the leaders of the Companions
A boastful thief discusses the tricks of the trade
A journal detailing Habd's purchase of the Frostflow Lighthouse and the events leading up the massacre of his family by Falme
A journal relaying the White River bandit gang's problems
Squabbling over the greatest warrior ever leads to a tale of heavy-armor-master Hlaalu Pasoroth
A journal of a madman intent on raising an army of the undead
A travel guide to the Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale, written in both Dwemeris and Aldmeris
Events leading up to the wreckage of the Icerunner.
A brief guide to harvesting frostbite spider venom
A guide to creating Heavy Armor
About accessing the tomb of Kvenel the Tongue
A description of alchemy ingredients found in Tamriel's northernmost province, Skyrim
Herbane's account of his interactions with Dwemer automatons.
Herbane's account of his interactions with Hagravens.
Herbane's account of his interactions with Ice Wraiths.
Part one of a description of events surrounding Raven Rock.
Part two of a description of events surrounding Raven Rock.
Part three of a description of events surrounding Raven Rock.
An ancient list of settlements within Whiterun Hold
The tale of a horker attack
A One Act Play
Journal of a settler slowly going insane due to Dwemer mechanisms.
A hunter describes hunting for bears
A hunter describes hunting beasts near strange ruins
A tale of the manipulation of chitin armor
Revenge plans of the former assistant to the master Telvanni wizard-lord Neloth.
Revenge plans of the former assistant to the master Telvanni wizard-lord Neloth.
Revenge plans of the former assistant to the master Telvanni wizard-lord Neloth.
Revenge plans of the former assistant to the master Telvanni wizard-lord Neloth.
Dialogues about fighting with vampires
A report from a Mages Guild Scholar assigned to Imperial Archaeologist Sentius Floronius
A story about an illusionist
A work written by the High Priestess of Azura arguing the superiority of Azura to other Daedra Princes
The journal of one of the Khajiti brothers on an ill-fated expedition
The journal of a man who became consumed by his obsession
Song involving men and women's parts
About experiments for infusing elemental energy into Frostbite Spiders.
A dying man's last thoughts
About a woman's fatal trip to her favorite swimming hole
The journal of a man who became obsessed with the Oculory
Translated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth
About a girl's ill-fated plan to elope with her Dunmer lover.
The journal of a woman trying to find The Aetherium Forge, an ancient Dwemer forge
Tips on effective combat methods
The final chapter in the adventures of Eslaf Erol
The last writings of a Harbinger of the Companions
A story of a quest to slay a dragon where the reader makes the choices and decides the hero's fate
Notes on an expedition team's progress into Nchuand-Zel.
The log of an attempt to turn a crypt into a bandit lair
Story of a slaver's daughter and her Khajiit lover
Story of a slaver's daughter and her Khajiit lover
A play about the ghostly Krately family and how they died
A short biography of Uriel Septim VII's accomplishments
A book detailing various aspects of forging the various types of light armor
A Discourse On The Theory and Praxis of Traveling Between Mundus and Oblivion
Listing and describing prominent saints of the Dunmer
A collection of less well-known folk tales from Skyrim's past
The journal of a woman trying to raise her husband from the dead through the body of Holgeir
A recounting of the unwillingness of Skyrim's inhabitants to share stories of Lycanthropy
A warrior's instruction pamphlet on proper mace tactics
Treatise concerning Ayleid Wells, Welkynd Stones, and Varla Stones
a Dunmer scholar studying the Dwemer culture who became a target of a Dark Brotherhood contract
A proud mage boasts of altering a Daedric artifact
Biography of Mannimarco, the leader of Necromancers, in verse
An Imperial Legion spy's journal detailing a mission to acquire the Cidhna Mine
Details on accessory packages available for a Markarth home
The Journal of Medresi Dran
A merchant's wife commits to going with him as he travels dangerous trade routes
Journal of a crazy Dunmer woman Merilar Rendas who, together with her brother, conducted experiments on albino spiders.
A report on the fate of missing students in the Midden who were all found with similar injuries
A miner writes about the disappearance of his friend during their attempt to work a badly damaged mine
Religious text praising a conjurer who has charmed people into worshipping her
A book about the strategies of the Khajiit during the Five Years War
Information about the continent Akavir
Part four of the story of Princess Talara.
Part one in a series of books about a fictional Breton princess.
Part two of the story of Princess Talara.
Part three of the story of Princess Talara.
Part five of the story of Princess Talara.
First in a four part guide for new members of the Mythic Dawn.
Second in a four part guide for new members of the Mythic Dawn.
Third in a four part guide for new members of the Mythic Dawn.
Last book in a four part guide for new members of the Mythic Dawn.
Magical myths about the Madgod himself
An obscure text written in the language of the Sload by a necromancer
Nchunak's journey among the Dwemer and his attempts to understand the teachings of Kagrenac
The regretful musings of an elderly Forsworn agent
A scholarly description of the events surrounding the Battle at Red Mountain and its aftermath
An Imperial scholarly work on the legend of Indoril Nerevar
How a knight weeds out an enemy of the king
Dissertation discussing whether a mysterious group of thieves actually exists
Stormcloak's recruitment essay calling for rebellion against the Empire
An essay professing the finer qualities of Nords
Journal written by a member of the Vigilants of Stendarr as he searches Dimhollow Crypt for vampires.
Observations about Lunar weapons
A scholar's transcription of ancient Nord writings in a Skyrim barrow
A bandit's journal on attempting to con their way into the Twilight Sepulcher
A poem dedicated to giants
The story of Riften's fall from grace
A tale of two star-crossed lovers in Skyrim
An ancient text containing the knowledge of Hermaeus Mora
A historian ponders the legend of Olaf One-Eye and Numinex
A poetic hint on how to open a hidden door
A guide to Oblivion and the Daedra
A warning on what to expect in the ruins of Skyrim
A letter from the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold to the Jarl following the Great Collapse
A brief account of Lamae Bal and the Restless Death
The story of how Gortwog won the land to the north of Wayrest
Part one of the tale of an infatuated and mistaken magician.
Part two of the tale of an infatuated and mistaken magician.
A Temple novice's initiatory pamphlet on the Cult of the Ancestor Moth
A morbid anatomical study of werewolves on live subjects
An ode to the Pirate King
Five verses required for learning the Destructional Ritual Spell
Written as a manual for lock designers, unintentionally helpful to thieves
A chill tale recounting the theft of Nocturnal's cowl
About the similarities and differences between the races of Tamriel
Journal of Dunmer Raleth Eldrie, who went to study the Dwemer ruins of Kagrumez, but did not cope with a gang of bandits.
A journal detailing a Redguard family's purchase of the Frostflow Lighthouse leading up to their massacre by Falmer
Summary of the basic principles of Alteration magic
A rite to raise the legendary Red Eagle from death
Fragmented, mythical recounting of the conception of Reman and the return of the Chim-el Adabal with the people of Tamrie
An Imperial-scripted dispatch concerning Uriel V's invasion of Akavir
A letter to a member of the Binder's Conclave chastising them for their lack of progress on focusing the Oculory
Research notes on the discovery of Dwarven Spider Automatons.
Commentaries of "Bero's Speech to the Battlemages" book
Details on accessory packages available for a Riften home
Account of Lathenil, an Altmer refugee from Summerset Isle who came to Cyrodiil in the early years of the Fourth Era.
Part two of the story of the Altmer refugee.
Part three of the story of the Altmer refugee.
Part four of the story of the Altmer refugee.
Heroic tales of Rislav Larich, ancient King of Skingrad
Travel log of an ill-fated group's accidental foray into Falmer territory.
An archaeologist's adventure through ancient Dwemer ruins
A philosophical view on the role of the Elder Scrolls
Account of Enric's meeting with the Night Mother and career as an assassin
Sailor's journal about the incident on the Horker Island.
Saint Jiub the Eradicator of the Winged Menace recounts his rise to glory
A complaint on the presence and behavior of the growing Dunmer population of Skyrim
Journal of a dead Dunmer named Servos Rendas, who, together with his sister, conducted experiments on albino spiders.
A list of symbols members of the Thieves Guild leave behind for each other.
The relationship between the god Shezarr and the other Cyrodilic deities
Some excerpts from the book's introduction and its section on Vvardenfell
Journal entries on how a warlock captures live test subjects with a pit fall trap.
A detailed account of an alchemist's obsession with Nirnroot
Text detailing an apparent connection between Sithis and Lorkhan
The journal of a First Era Nordic commander and his encounter with the Dragon Cult
A Redguard explains Skyrim's political system
A smuggler just discovered he has been smuggling bodies
Details on accessory packages available for a Solitude home
The epic narrative of Hrormir, one-time champion of Nocturnal
Book 5 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
A traditional Nordic poem about a ghost stalking those that killed him
Collection of songs from Skyrim including Ragnar the Red, The Dragonborn Comes and The Age of Oppression.
A revised collection of songs from Skyrim, including Tale of the Tongues.
The story describing the founding and building of Windhelm.
The story of Yngol and Ylgar's journey to Skyrim.
Tales of certain crews from the Five Hundred Companions who explored other provinces in Tamriel.
The crews were slowly informed of Ysgramor's passing, and so ended the period of the Return.
Various tales of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred Companions' settlement of Skyrim.
Basics on black and white soul gems.
Speculative article on how to reach the Nordish afterlife Sovngarde.
Dead Dunmer Servos Rendas's notes on research on albino spiders.
Short text on differing cultural views of Lorkhan.
Informative view into the nature of the Daedra.
An account of an expedition into Nchuand-Zel.
Research notes on an expedition into Nchuzand-Zel
A journal detailing the moments from Sudi moving into Frostflow Lighthouse until her family's massacre by Falmer
A journal describing an ill fated excavation of Alftand
Two thieves planned robbery of a secluded castle doesn't go to plan when they are forced to become guests for dinner.
A miner has been working in a dangerously unstable mine
A journal detailing a fight with the "white elves" in Tolvald's Cave
Thalmor Dossier on the Blades agent Delphine
Thalmor Dossier on the Blades Loremaster Esbern
Thalmor Dossier on the Stormcloaks leader and Jarl of Windhelm Ulfric Stormcloak.
A defense of the Forsworn
The memoirs of Morihaus, consort to Alessia and Taker of the Citadel
A treatise on the collapse of Dwemer city-states in Skyrim
A priest's deductions on the relation between Akatosh and Alduin
Chronicles the creation of the Amulet of Kings
Overview of the members of and the relationship between the Tribunal and the Daedra
Advice from Valenwood's most prestigious spellcaster
A brief, undated, early historical document covering the Underking and Tiber Septim
A competition between two skilled armorsmiths
Mastering the art of winning
A surprising way to become proficient with an axe
An account of Ulfric Stormcloak's short-lived independent reign over the Reach
A guide to building and furnishing a house on your purchased plot of land
Translated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth
Part one of a tale by Gorgic Guine, footman who became a bard, detailing some of his experiences before and during his time
Part two of
of Woda.
a tale by Gorgic Guine, footman who became a bard, detailing some of his experiences during and after his time a
Duchess of Woda.
Hannibal Traven's arguments for and against the study of necromancy in the Mages' Guild.
A description of the different Daedra that rule the planes of Oblivion.
A book with empty pages, pages that are said to contain the reader's fate.
Obscure writings about the undead inhabitants of the Soul Cairn.
A book describing the Dragonborn in history as well as an analysis of the Prophecy of the Dragonborn.
A book encouraging haggling, and giving guidelines on how the activity is practiced in Elsweyr.
A poorly written tale of a soldier's haunting experiences in his travels through a forest.
Tale of Aelle Chriditte, a Breton Alchemist who outwits a Dunmer and his friends, and absconds with a diamond.
A mercenary's guide to the city of Markarth.
A book about the Orsimer race.
A book describing the travels of Morian Zenas through the different realms of Oblivion, written by his apprentice, Seif-ij Hidja
Mantra of the Dunmer spirits
Book 10 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Explanation of a historical error of timing
A religious text describing the primordial war between men and dragons
A description of the nature and effect of Vaermina's Torpor
The tale of a parent's desperate bid to save their only child
A study on Falmer, recounting their war with the Dwemer
A book of constellations and their meanings
The story of how Hlaalu Helseth's sister kept the Summerset Isle city of Firsthold
Ashlander poetry
A logic puzzle holding the secret to opening a barred gate.
A man tutors his old friend in marksmanship
A soldier's summation of the major events before and during the Great War
A Skaal legend, describing a Dragon Priest's corruption by Herma-Mora
The official guide of the Imperial Legion to Skyrim and its holds
A tale of a child blessed by a prophecy and the interpretation thereof
Chronicle of the Daedra who decided not to submit to the Tribunal
Book 3 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Part 1 of the archaeologist's misadventures.
Part 2 of the archaeologist's misadventures.
Part 3 of the archaeologist's misadventures.
Part 4 of the archaeologist's misadventures.
Part 5 of the archaeologist's misadventures.
An account of the separation and division of Mehrunes' Razor into three pieces.
The founding and breakup of the original Knights of the Nine
Chronicles the downfall of the Ayleid Empire in the First Era
A short biography of Red Eagle, including his uprising in the Reach.
Details historical events that occurred at Sancre Tor.
Tells of the legend surrounding Scourge, a mace blessed by Malacath and used to battle against the Daedric Lords.
A tale about a girl, an infuriated mentor, a room with no windows or anything except a steel door and a crate, and a vampire
An outline of the creation-myth which theorises that the two moons of Nirn are remnants of Lorkhan's body.
A sexually-themed play featuring a wealthy man and a beautiful Argonian maid.
Another scene from the play, but with different sexual themes.
A biography of Pelagius Septim III and also a story of his madness.
A story about a slaver whose son was taught archery by his Bosmer slave.
About a skilled fighter's showdown with his greatest enemy
A theological book containing the common creation myths
A book about the Night Mother's true identity.
Description of the Nightingales and their role.
Description of the Nightingales' history.
A description of the enigmatic plant called Nirnroot
A summary of the events stemming from the assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim VII
A guide to the Psijic Order and their beliefs
Discusses the history of the Orcish threat in the Iliac Bay
Part one of an epic set in the aftermath of the war with the Dwemer and House Dagoth.
Part two of an epic set in the aftermath of the war with the Dwemer and House Dagoth.
Part three of an epic set in the aftermath of the war with the Dwemer and House Dagoth.
Part four of an epic set in the aftermath of the war with the Dwemer and House Dagoth.
Part five of an epic set in the aftermath of the war with the Dwemer and House Dagoth.
Part six of an epic set in the aftermath of the war with the Dwemer and House Dagoth.
Part seven of an epic set in the aftermath of the war with the Dwemer and House Dagoth.
A document announcing a ritualistic hunting of a mortal by Daedra
How a boy escapes his kidnappers
A large text describing a young Symmachus and how the death of his mother occurred. Also describes Barenziah's traumatic c
story of Straw
Tells the story the Nord.
of Barenziah's rise and eventual fall while working for the Thieves Guild, and how she was captured by Symma
Straw, Therris and Katisha are
Barenziah arrives in the Imperial revealed here and
City, meeting Barenziah
Tiber Septim ishimself.
thenQueen of Mournhold.
details the affair between them, with Bare
Barenziah arrives in Mournhold and eventually marries Symmachus and bears children withchildless
a result. Tiber Septim orders that an abortion be performed on her, and she is soon sent him. Thetobook
also details the ap
Due to strained
Indoril, with whom relations between
she has Morrowind
a brief affair andresults
with and the Empire,
in the Barenziah travels
Staff of Chaos beingto the Imperial City to speak with the Emper
gains an inkling of suspicious towards his true identity, and eventually proof. Her husband is later killed, and she has a liaison
Howsoon flees
a lone mantheguards
Imperial City for Wayrest
a besieged castle andand marries
how King Eadwyre
he obtains his food to live a more peaceful, pleasant life.
An account of changes in the Dunmer religion following the end of the Tribunal
Small collection of riddles
Autobiographical musings of how the Master of Cuisine came to adore viands
Part one in a series of interviews with survivors of the Red Year.
Part two in a series of interviews with survivors of the Red Year.
History of refugees fleeing the Camoran Usurper
On the Blades' origins and their fate
Book 2 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
The first in the series, this book introduces Pelinal Whitestrake to the reader.
The second edition of the series, this book describes how Alessia prayed to the Akatosh to aid her in her struggle.
The third edition of the series, this book describes Pelinal's conquest of the Ayleid slavemasters and introduces the Ayleid's "h
Umaril the Unfeathered.
The fourth edition of the Song of Pelinal series, this book describes the liberation of the Cyrodiilic population from their Ayleid
The fifth edition of the Song of Pelinal series, this book describes Pelinal's relationship with Morihaus, while also describing M
with Alessia.
The sixth edition of the Song of Pelinal series, this book describes the origins of Pelinal Whitestrake.
The seventh edition of the Song of Pelinal series, this book describes Pelinal's death at the hands of Umaril and the Elvish king
The eight and last edition of the Song of Pelinal series, this book describes the liberation of Man in Cyrodiil, and Pelinal's last w
A short excerpt from Ellya Erdain's play
A Khajiit father in the grips of moon-sugar gives his cub a history lesson
Propaganda encouraging acceptance of the ban on the worship of Talos
Tale of a heart-broken, vengeful, axe-wielding woman
An accounting of the most significant events of the Third Era
Werewolf tales regarding artifacts of Hircine
Book detailing the Orsimer race and their origin
Serjo Athyn Sarethi
An old poem of the Redguards that deals with the constellations
A work on the dangers of Daedra and Oblivion
Brief description of the Ayleids, or Wild Elves
A series of letters written in the Second Era from a woman in Windhelm to her husband in Solitude
Summation of legends regarding the Wispmothers
An epic series concerning the tale of the infamous Queen Potema of Solitude.
A continuation of Potema's tale.
A continuation of Potema's tale.
A continuation of Potema's tale.
A continuation of Potema's tale.
A continuation of Potema's tale.
A continuation of Potema's tale.
A continuation of Potema's tale.
A grim tale of a lone family in a cabin.
A book describing Dragons, their presence on Tamriel and their disappearance.
Part two of the fictional tale surrounding the adventures of Eslaf Erol.
A bawdy tale of one thief's quest for coin, and capture of a lady's virtue
Chronicles the Nord mead hall of Thirsk circa 4E 201, focusing primarily on its chieftains
Revelations that Thonar Silver-Blood is having secret dealings with the Forsworn.
Some thieves in Morrowind plan a heist
Translated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth
A starving man steals money for food, but pays a high price for his action
The history of Varsa Baalim and Mehrunes' Razor
Excerpt from a greater work detailing the creation of the Amulet of Kings
A guide to identifying, fighting, and collecting fat from trolls
A tale of an enchanter's demise from a perilous experiment
A blank book being read by a blind watchman
Journal of a deceased Dunmer treasure hunter about attempting to go deeper into the Fahlbtharz.
A record of an ill-fated exploration of Dwemer ruins in Skyrim
A recipe book, containing recipes of a Breton origin.
A letter, containing recipes, from the Gourmet to Anton
Valerica's notes on attuning the portal vessel to the Soul Cairn.
An analysis of Daedra forms, focusing primarily on the Dremora
An expansive list of the pantheons and associated divine spirits of Tamriel's dominant cultures
The journal of a vampire and his discovery of the Bloodspring of Lengeir's Feast
Research notes on the Bloodspring of Lengeir's Feast
How a short-tempered Daedra tries to make something of himself
A journal by a man hired to help explore the ruins of Ruunvald
Story of one man's summoning of Sheogorath and descent into madness
A comprehensive description of the city of Solitude
A brief account of a First Age religious conflict
The third chapter of the adventures of Eslaf Erol
Musings on the Guardian Stones of Skyrim
A brief description and multiple accounts of the Dragon Break
Details on accessory packages available for a Whiterun home
Details on accessory packages available for a Windhelm home
A humorous tale of a man's ailment and cure
An interview with a Bosmer master swordsman about her life
How a Khajiit explains the origin of the world
A volume of verse collected from Ashlander wise women
Story of how an Orc reclaims her wedding gift from thieves.
A series of riddles
A tale of Ysgramor's first adventure in Tamriel
Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes when enemies are nearby, immobilizing them in hardened ash for 30 seconds:
Targets that fail to resist are immobilized in hardened ash for 30 seconds:
Returns weaker daedra to Oblivion
Targets take 20 frost damage + Stamina damage for 10 seconds
Creates a magic battleaxe for 120 seconds
Creates a magic bow for 120 seconds
Creates a magic dagger for 120 seconds. Sheathe it to dispe
Creates magic sword for 120 seconds
Targets have improved combat skills, health and stamina for 10 minutes
Creatures and people up to level 9 won't fight for 30 seconds
Create hovering light that lasts 60 seconds
Lightning bolt that shock damages health magicka, then leaps to another target
Undead up to level 20 entering the circle will flee
Shows the path to the current goal
Heals caster 100 points of health
Powerful summoned & raised creatures are put under your control
Creates an Ash Guardian that guards that location until destroyed. Consumes a heart stone from your inventory, without whi
Summons an Ash Spawn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing:
Summons a Dremora Lord to fight for you for 120 seconds
Summons a familiar for 60 seconds where the caster is pointing
Summons a flame atronach for 60 seconds where the caster is pointing
Summons a frost atronach for 60 seconds where the caster is pointing
Summons a Seeker for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing:
Summons a storm atronach for 60 seconds where the caster is pointing
Target won't flee for 60 seconds and gains some extra health and stamina
Reanimate a dead person permanently to fight for you
See nearby dead through walls
See nearby living through walls
Reanimate a very powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 sec
Improves caster's armor by 100 points for 60 seconds
Powerful summoned daedra creatures are sent back to Oblivion
Instantly heals caster 50 points
Creatures and people up to level 9 flee from combat for 30 seconds
Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 50 points of fire damage when enemies come near
A fiery explosion for 50 points of damage in 15 foot radius; targets on fire take extra damage
A blast of fire that does 25 points of damage; targets on fire take extra damage
For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range take 8/s fire damage; targets on fire take extra damage
Summons a Flame Atronach permanently
Shoot flames from one or both hands for 8/s fire damage; targets on fire take extra damage
Creatures and people up to level 14 will attack anyone nearby
Targets up to level 20 that fail to resist are frenzied for 30 seconds
For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range take 8/s frost damage and stamina damage
Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 50 points of frost damage when enemies come near
Summons a Frost Atronach permanently
A blast of cold that does 8/s per second to health and stamina
Creatures and people up to level 6 will attack anything nearby for 30 seconds
Heals everyone (including enemies) close to caster (up to 300 points)
Increases armor rating by 80 points and negates up to 80 points of spell damage or effects
Undead up to level 35 entering the circle will flee; caster heals 20/s
Creatures and people up to level 25 nearby won't fight for 60 seconds
Heals the target 75 points of health, but not undead, atronachs, or machines
Heals the undead target 75 points, but not the living, atronachs or machines
Heals caster 10/s
Heals target 10/s, but not undead, atronachs, or machines
Throw a spike of ice that does 25 points of frost damage to health and stamina
Create a freezing whirlwind that does 40/s frost damage to health and stamina
Throw spear of ice that does 60 points of frost damage to health and stamina
Create blast of fire that does 60 points of damage; targets on fire take extra damage
Caster is invisible (but can still be heard) for 30 seconds; activating an object or attacking will break the spell
Improves caster's armor by 80 points for 60 seconds
Increases armor rating by 40 points and negates up to 40 points of spell damage or effects
Create a bolt of lightning that does 25 points of shock damage to health and half that to magicka
For 60 seconds nearby opponents take 8 points shock damage and half magicka damage
Cast on a nearby surface, explodes for 50 points of shock damage when enemies come near
Target takes 75/s shock damage to Health and 75/2s damage to Magicka
Stick a 60-second ball of light where it strikes when cast
All targets in the area that fail to resist are paralyzed for 15 sec
Creatures and people up to level 25 will attack anyone nearby for 60 seconds
Allows player to move more quietly for 180 seconds
Heals the undead target 10 points per second, but not the living, atronachs or machines
Improves caster's armor by 40 points for 60 seconds
Creatures and people up to level 20 won't fight for 60 seconds
Targets that fail to resist are paralyzed for 10 sec
Targets that fail to resist take 3 points of poison damage per second for 30 seconds
Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for 60 seconds
Targets won't flee for 60 seconds and boosts player's health and stamina
Reanimate a more powerful dead body to fight for 60 seconds
Affected undead to level 8 flee for 30 seconds
Affected undead to level 16 flee for 30 seconds
Reanimate a powerful dead body to fight for 60 seconds
Creatures and people up to level 20 flee from combat for 30 sec
Fills a soul gem if target dies within 60 seconds of casting
Create a bolt of lightning that does 10/s shock damage to health and 5/s to magicka
Increases armor rating 60 / negates up to 60 points spell damage or effects
For 60 seconds, undead in melee range take 10 points sun damage per second
Improves caster's armor by 60 points for 60 seconds
Summons a Storm Atronach permanently
Ball of sunlight that does 25 points of damage to undead
Target item and hover it nearer or cast it away
Create a thunderbolt that does 60 points of shock damage to health and half that to magicka
Transmute one piece of unrefined Iron Ore to Silver Ore or Silver Ore to Gold Ore
Undead to level 21 flee for 30 seconds
Undead to level 6 flee for 30 seconds
Undead to level 13 flee for 30 seconds
Sunlight explosion that does 40 points of damage in a 15 foot radius to undead
Sprayed on the ground, creates wall of flames that does 50/s fire damage
Sprayed on the ground, creates wall of frost that does 50/s frost damage
Sprayed on the ground, creates wall of lightning that does 50/s shock damage
Breathe under water for 60 seconds
For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range have a chance of being flung away

Sets undead up to level 30 on fire and makes them flee for 30 seconds
Summons a Boneman Archer from the Soul Cairn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing:
Summons a Mistman from the Soul Cairn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing:
Summons a Wrathman from the Soul Cairn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing:
Caster ignores 80% of physical damage for 30 seconds
Convert 20/s Health into 20/s Magicka
When cast it explodes for 150 points of fire damage to nearby enemies
Summons flaming familiar that attacks then explodes causing flame damage
Creatures and people up to level 25 flee from combat for 60 seconds
A historian's view about Olaf One-Eye and his conflict with the dragon Numinex-- a version of "Olaf and the Dragon" found in
given by Adonato Leotelli for delivery to the Bard's College, which differs from OATD in title and a few spelling differences
Arondil's account of moving into Yngvild to study necromancy.
Arondils's account of his necromancy experimentations.
Arondil's account of dealing with a trespasser into Yngvild.
Arondil's account of learning to reanimate the dead as ghosts.
The story of Wheedle and his gifts from the Daedric Lord Namira
A part of a series of Black Books
A part of a series of Black Books
The first act of a play
A fragmented tome surrounding Jarl Elgryr the Unminded
A fragmented tome surrounding the other lives of Ysgramor
A fragmented tome mentioning the mantling of a godhead
Mysterious Aedric artifact containg part of the "Tyranny of the Sun" prophecy.
Mysterious Aedric artifact containg the containing knowledge on how to defeat dragons.
Mysterious Aedric artifact containg part of the "Tyranny of the Sun" prophecy.
Journal of the miner Gratian, which explains the riddle of the Bloodskal Barrow.
About the Thalmor imprisonment of a Whiterun citizen
A lost part of the Poetic Edda, sung during the burning of Olaf's effigy in Solitude
A steamy love poem written to bring two lovers together
A sexually-themed play featuring a wealthy man and a beautiful Argonian maid.
A father's last words, as transcribed by a family servant
There is no known translation as of yet.
There is no known translation as of yet.
There is no known translation as of yet.
There is no known translation as of yet.
An inquiry into the cause of the Night of Tears
Strange book describing the plane of Apocrypha and its owner.
Strange book describing the plane of Apocrypha and its owner.
Strange book describing the plane of Apocrypha and its owner.
Strange book describing the plane of Apocrypha and its owner.
The journal of a priest that portents the return of Dragons and the arrival of the Dovahkiin.
A disquisition on the origin and nature of Dragons
A journal about the operations of the Clan Shatter-Shield shipping company
The Betrayed in its original Falmer language.
Journal of Mirtil Angoth in its original Falmer language.
Diary of Faire Agarwen in its original Falmer language.
Touching the Sky in its original Falmer language.
A treatise on the sands of the Alik'r Desert, and their relationship to magic
A journal documenting a treasure-hunter's descent into madness.
Value Type

25 Book
25 Book
25 Book
11 Book
11 Book
50 Skill Book - Conjuration
50 Skill Book - Conjuration
75 Skill Book - Sneak
70 Skill Book - Heavy Armor
50 Skill Book - One-handed
55 Skill Book - Restoration
60 Skill Book - Speech
60 Skill Book - Illusion
11 Book
3 Book
6 Book
3 Book
50 Skill Book - Block
3 Book
4 Book
30 Book
60 Skill Book - Speech
60 Skill Book - Speech
8 Book
55 Skill Book - Alchemy
3 Book
55 Skill Book - Destruction
6 Book - Faction
8 Book
50 Skill Book - Enchanting
5 Book
75 Skill Book - Lockpicking
5 Journal
5 Book
60 Skill Book - Pickpocket
5 Journal
16 Book
4 Book
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
8 Book
5 Journal
14 Book
20 Book
8 Book
8 Book
200 Book
5 Book
25 Book
2 Book
12 Book
12 Book
12 Book
5 Journal
50 Book
5 Book
10 Book
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
50 Skill Book - Block
50 Skill Book - Two-handed
60 Skill Book - Illusion
60 Skill Book - Pickpocket
5 Book
3 Book
3 Book
3 Book
60 Skill Book - Speech
25 Book
25 Book
6 Book
6 Book
60 Skill Book - Alteration
2 Book
2 Book
2 Book
2 Book
30 Book
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
50 Skill Book - Enchanting
50 Skill Book - Enchanting
7 Book
6 Book
11 Book
13 Book
13 Book
13 Book
13 Book
11 Book
70 Skill Book - Smithing
11 Book
25 Book
70/20 Skill Book - Heavy Armor
30 Book
100 Journal
25 Journal
25 Journal
25 Journal
25 Journal
20 Book
3 Book
11 Book
5 Journal
5 Book
60 Skill Book - Alteration
5 Journal
5 Note
55 Skill Book - Alchemy
50 Skill Book - Block
12 Book
20 Book
5 Book
20 Journal
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
14 Book
7 Book
10 Book
10 Book
10 Book
13 Book
6 Book
6 Book
6 Book
25 Book
5 Journal
50 Skill Book - Enchanting
5 Journal
5 Note
5 Journal
25 Journal
5 Journal
8 Book
11 Book
65 Skill Book - Archery
12 Book
12 Book
12 Book
14 Book
50 Skill Book - One-handed
5 Journal
5 Journal
30 Book
13 Book
14 Book
20/5 Book
5 Book
6 Book
5 Book - Faction
13 Book
25 Book
5 Book
13 Book
60 Skill Book - Pickpocket
5 Journal
5 Journal
70 Skill Book - Heavy Armor
75 Journal
30 Book
5 Journal
7 Book
70 Skill Book - Smithing
5 Note
55 Skill Book - Alchemy
14 Book
6 Book
7 Book
7 Book
7 Book
7 Book
5 Book
4 Book
55 Skill Book - Destruction
10 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
50 Skill Book - Light Armor
125 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
4 Book
13 Book
60 Skill Book - Illusion
20 Book
5 Journal
5 Journal
50 Skill Book - Light Armor
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
20 Journal
5 Journal
15 Journal
3 Book
50 Skill Book - Two-handed
5 Journal
2 Book
5 Journal
5 Journal
25 Book
70 Skill Book - Smithing
75 Skill Book - Sneak
5 Book
70 Skill Book - Smithing
50 Skill Book - Conjuration
5 Book
11 Book
5 Journal
20 Book
50 Skill Book - One-handed
12 Book
5 Journal
30 Book
55 Skill Book - Alchemy
5 Journal
5 Book
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Book
5 Journal
5 Note
5 Book
5 Book
60 Skill Book - Illusion
3 Book
55 Skill Book - Restoration
55 Skill Book - Destruction
11 Book
25 Book
25 Book
25 Book
25 Book
2 Book
20 Book
20 Book
5 Book - Faction
30 Book
30 Book
50 Skill Book - One-handed
3 Book
4 Book
6 Book
11 Journal
55 Note
5 Note
150 Journal
8 Book
5 Book
6 Book
2500 Book/Artifact
2 Book
5 Book
10 Book
12 Book
12 Book
14 Book
70 Book
3 Book
10 Book
8 Skill Book - Heavy Armor
14 Book
6 Book
5 Book
75 Skill Book - Lockpicking
60 Skill Book - Pickpocket
55 Skill Book - Restoration
5 Note
5 Journal
60 Skill Book - Alteration
5 Book - Faction
20 Book
3 Book
5 Note
5 Note
55 Skill Book - Destruction
5 Book
6 Book
6 Book
6 Book
6 Book
50 Skill Book - Light Armor
5 Journal
7 Book
30 Book
75 Skill Book - Sneak
1 Journal
1250 Book
8 Book
5 Journal
30 Book
11 Book
15 Book
5 Journal
30 Journal
60 Skill Book - Alteration
5 Journal
14 Book
5 Journal
5 Book
50 Skill Book - Two-handed
55 Skill Book - Alchemy
5 Book
10 Book
14 Book
6 Book
6 Book
30 Book
6 Book
6 Book
20 Book
12 Book
5 Book
6 Book
25 Book
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
75 Skill Book - Lockpicking
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Note - Faction
5 Note - Faction
5 Note - Faction
7 Book
25 Book
15 Book
8 Book
6 Book
14 Book
12 Book
6 Book
70 Skill Book - Smithing
55 Skill Book - Destruction
6 Book
8 Book
10 Book
20 Book
2 Book
65 Skill Book - Archery
60 Skill Book - Illusion
5 Book
40 Book
35 Book
12 Book
60 Skill Book - Speech
8 Book
5 Book
4 Book
2 Book
50 Skill Book - Conjuration
5 Book
11 Book
14 Book
12 Book
5 Book
55 Skill Book - Restoration
11 Book
5 Book
7 Book
7 Book
5 Book
65 Skill Book - Archery
6 Book
20 Book
3 Book
5 Book
7 Book
50 Skill Book - One-handed
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Book
70 Skill Book - Heavy Armor
5 Book
5 Book - Faction
50 Skill Book - Two-handed
30 Book
75 Skill Book - Lockpicking
60 Skill Book - Alteration
14 Book
14 Book
12 Book
65 Skill Book - Archery
50 Skill Book - Block
8 Book
25 Book
500 Book
500 Book
250 Book
6 Book
30 Book
20 Book
3 Book
3 Book
3 Book
3 Book
3 Book
3 Book
3 Book
25 Book
2 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
50 Skill Book - Light Armor
6 Book
30 Book
75 Skill Book - Sneak
6 Book
6 Book
50 Skill Book - Light Armor
11 Book
10 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
14 Book
11 Book
7 Book
11 Book
8 Book
30 Book
20 Book
7 Book
50 Skill Book - Conjuration
30 Book
25 Book
7 Book
8 Book
75 Skill Book - Lockpicking
4 Book
4 Book
4 Book
4 Book
30 Book
4 Book
12 Book
8 Book
11 Book
60 Skill Book - Pickpocket
5 Book
3 Book
5 Journal
75 Skill Book - Sneak
20 Book
13 Book
25 Book
5 Book
8 Book
50 Skill Book - Enchanting
5 Book
25 Journal
5 Journal
3 Book
30 Book
10 Journal
11 Book
13 Book
5 Journal
5 Journal
65/6 Skill Book - Archery
5 Journal
7 Book
8 Book
25 Book
50 Skill Book - Block
8 Book
13 Book
5 Book
5 Book
55 Skill Book - Restoration
50 Skill Book - Two-handed
14 Book
5 Book
10 Book
3 Book
5 Book
425 Spell Tome - Alteration
425 Spell Tome - Alteration
346 Spell Tome - Conjuration
1350 Spell Tome - Destruction
99 Spell Tome - Conjuration
335 Spell Tome - Conjuration
38 Spell Tome - Conjuration
49 Spell Tome - Conjuration
1150 Spell Tome - Illusion
91 Spell Tome - Illusion
44 Spell Tome - Alteration
390 Spell Tome - Destruction
650 Spell Tome - Restoration
50 Spell Tome - Illusion
360 Spell Tome - Restoration
660 Spell Tome - Conjuration
720 Spell Tome - Conjuration
338 Spell Tome - Conjuration
730 Spell Tome - Conjuration
49 Spell Tome - Conjuration
99 Spell Tome - Conjuration
347 Spell Tome - Conjuration
307 Spell Tome - Conjuration
690 Spell Tome - Conjuration
46 Spell Tome - Illusion
1270 Spell Tome - Conjuration
600 Spell Tome - Alteration
332 Spell Tome - Alteration
630 Spell Tome - Conjuration
650 Spell Tome - Alteration
620 Spell Tome - Conjuration
94 Spell Tome - Restoration
80 Spell Tome - Illusion
90 Spell Tome - Destruction
345 Spell Tome - Destruction
96 Spell Tome - Destruction
325 Spell Tome - Destruction
1260 Spell Tome - Conjuration
50 Spell Tome - Destruction
330 Spell Tome - Illusion
310 Spell Tome - Illusion
340 Spell Tome - Destruction
92 Spell Tome - Destruction
1300 Spell Tome - Conjuration
47 Spell Tome - Destruction
43 Spell Tome - Illusion
680 Spell Tome - Restoration
341 Spell Tome - Restoration
1220 Spell Tome - Restoration
1220 Spell Tome - Illusion
300 Spell Tome - Restoration
370 Spell Tome - Restoration
50 Spell Tome - Restoration
89 Spell Tome - Restoration
96 Spell Tome - Destruction
360 Spell Tome - Destruction
725 Spell Tome - Destruction
710 Spell Tome - Destruction
625 Spell Tome - Illusion
341 Spell Tome - Alteration
45 Spell Tome - Restoration
95 Spell Tome - Destruction
355 Spell Tome - Destruction
93 Spell Tome - Destruction
1400 Spell Tome - Destruction
87 Spell Tome - Alteration
1280 Spell Tome - Alteration
1250 Spell Tome - Illusion
88 Spell Tome - Illusion
115 Spell Tome - Restoration
44 Spell Tome - Alteration
610 Spell Tome - Illusion
685 Spell Tome - Alteration
290 Spell Tome - Restoration
49 Spell Tome - Conjuration
300 Spell Tome - Illusion
99 Spell Tome - Conjuration
333 Spell Tome - Restoration
655 Spell Tome - Restoration
340 Spell Tome - Conjuration
653 Spell Tome - Illusion
100 Spell Tome - Conjuration
46 Spell Tome - Destruction
92 Spell Tome - Restoration
335 Spell Tome - Restoration
95 Spell Tome - Alteration
1350 Spell Tome - Conjuration
80 Spell Tome - Restoration
326 Spell Tome - Alteration
750 Spell Tome - Destruction
200 Spell Tome - Alteration
664 Spell Tome - Restoration
89 Spell Tome - Restoration
323 Spell Tome - Restoration
340 Spell Tome - Restoration
680 Spell Tome - Destruction
700 Spell Tome - Destruction
725 Spell Tome - Destruction
340 Spell Tome - Alteration
395 Spell Tome - Destruction

1200 Spell Tome - Restoration

75 Spell Tome - Conjuration
75 Spell Tome - Conjuration
75 Spell Tome - Conjuration
1389 Spell Tome - Alteration
250 Spell Tome - Alteration
1290 Spell Tome - Destruction
250 Spell Tome - Conjuration
1240 Spell Tome - Illusion
40 Book
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
5 Journal
2000 Book
2000 Book
2000 Book
2000 Book
2000 Book
2000 Book
2000 Book
0 Book
0 Book
0 Book
125 Journal
0 Note
30 Book
5 Book
25 Book
5 Journal
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
5 Book
100 Book
100 Book
100 Book
100 Book
5 Journal
5 Book
5 Journal
20 Book
20 Book
20 Book
20 Book
100 Book
40 Journal
Name Recruited? Alive?
- 0.00% 100.00%
Adelaisa Vendicci N Y

Aela the Huntress N Y

Agmaer N Y

Ahtar N Y

Annekke Crag-Jumper N Y

Aranea Ienith N Y

Argis the Bulwark N Y

Armored Frost Troll N Y

Armored Troll N Y

Athis N Y

Beleval N Y

Belrand N Y

Benor N Y

Borgakh the Steel Heart N Y

Bran N Y

Brelyna Maryon N Y

Calder N Y

Celann N Y

Cicero N Y

Cosnach N Y
CuSith N Y

Dark Brotherhood Initiate (female) N Y

Dark Brotherhood Initiate (male) N Y

Derkeethus N Y

Durak N Y

Eola N Y

Erandur N Y

Erik the Slayer N Y

Faendal N Y

Farkas N Y

Frea N Y

Garmr N Y

Ghorbash the Iron Hand N Y

Golldir N Y

Gregor N Y

Illia N Y

Ingjard N Y

Iona N Y

J'zargo N Y

Jenassa N Y

Jordis the Sword-Maiden N Y

Kharjo N Y

Lob N Y

Lydia N Y

Marcurio N Y

Meeko N Y

Mjoll the Lioness N Y

Njada Stonearm N Y

Ogol N Y

Onmund N Y

Ralis Sedarys N Y

Rayya N Y

Ria N Y

Riekling Warrior N Y

Roggi Knot-Beard N Y

Sceolang N Y

Serana N Y

Steadfast Dwarven Sphere N Y

Steadfast Dwarven Spider N Y

Stenvar N Y

Stray Dog N Y
Sven N Y

Talvas Fathryon N Y

Teldryn Sero N Y

Torvar N Y

Ugor N Y

Uthgerd the Unbroken N Y

Valdimar N Y

Vigilance N Y

Vilkas N Y

Vorstag N Y

Arvak N Y

Frost N Y

Shadowmere N Y
A female Imperial who works for the East Empire Company.

A female Nord Thief and expert Archery trainer.

A male Nord found in Fort Dawnguard. (Bandit class)

A male Redguard Warrior who is found in Solitude.

A female Nord Ranger found in Darkwater Crossing.

A female Dunmer Conjuration Mage found at the Shrine of Azura.

A male Nord found in Markarth.

Can be purchased from Gunmar in Fort Dawnguard for 500 gold. You
may be given an Armored Troll instead. (Dawnguard)
Can be purchased from Gunmar in Fort Dawnguard for 500 gold. You
may be given an Armored Frost Troll instead. (Dawnguard)

A male Dunmer Warrior (1H) and expert One-handed trainer.

A female Bosmer found in Fort Dawnguard. (Bandit class)

A male Nord Spellsword found in the Winking Skeever in Solitude.

A male Nord Warrior found in Morthal.

A female Orc Warrior found in Mor Khazgur.

An armored husky in Fort Dawnguard. (Dawnguard)

A female Dunmer Mystic.

A male Nord found in Windhelm.

A male Breton found in Fort Dawnguard. (Warrior(1H) class)

A male Imperial Assassin found at the Dawnstar Sanctuary.

An alcoholic male Breton Warrior found in Markarth.

A Death Hound in Volkihar Keep. (Dawnguard)

A Nord Assassin found at the Dawnstar Sanctuary.

A Nord Assassin found at the Dawnstar Sanctuary.

A male Argonian Ranger found in Darkwater Pass.

A male Orc found in Fort Dawnguard. (Ranger class)

A female Breton Nightblade found in Markarth's Hall of the Dead.

A male Dunmer Priest found in Dawnstar.

A male Nord Barbarian found in Rorikstead at the Frostfruit Inn after

completing his quest.
A male Bosmer Thief found in Riverwood. He is a common
Archery trainer.

A male Nord of the Blacksmith class, and master Heavy Armor trainer.

A female Nord warrior from Skaal Village. Temporary follower during

The Temple of Miraak.

A Death Hound in Volkihar Keep. (Dawnguard)

A male Orc Ranger found in Dushnikh Yal.

A male Nord Warrior (1H) found in Hillgrund's Tomb.

A male Nord found in Dawnstar.

A female Imperial Mage found in Darklight Tower.

A female Nord in Fort Dawnguard. (Warrior(2H) class)

A female Nord found in Riften.

A male Khajiit Sorcerer.

A female Dunmer Ranger found inside the Drunken Huntsman in


A female Nord found in Solitude.

A male Khajiit Warrior traveling between cities in Ahkari's Khajiit

A male Orc Ranger found in Largashbur.

A female Nord found in Whiterun.

A male Imperial Destruction Mage found at The Bee and Barb in


A dog that can be found at Meeko's Shack.

A female Nord Warrior found in Riften.

A female Nord Warrior (1H) and expert Block trainer.

A male Orc Warrior found in Largashbur.

A male Nord Sorcerer.

A male Dunmer miner initially found at Kolbjorn Barrow.

A female Redguard found in Falkreath.

A female Imperial Warrior (1H).

A Riekling

A male Nord Miner found in Kynesgrove.

An armored husky in Fort Dawnguard. (Dawnguard)

A female Nord vampire found during the quest Awakening. Forced

follower during Bloodline, Chasing Echoes, Beyond Death, Unseen
Visions, Touching the Sky, Kindred Judgment.

Friendly Dwarven automaton

Friendly Dwarven automaton

A male Nord Warrior (2H) in Windhelm (usually on the second floor of

Candlehearth Hall).
These can be found in a random encounter in the wilderness. If you
talk to one, it will become your follower. Note: Will disappear if told
to wait and you enter a dungeon.
A male Nord Bard found in Riverwood.

A male Dunmer conjurer found in Tel Mithryn.

A male Dunmer spellsword found in the Retching Netch in Raven

Rock. Can be hired for 500 gold.

A male Nord Warrior (1H).

A female Orc Ranger in Largashbur.

A female Nord Warrior found in The Bannered Mare in Whiterun.

A male Nord found in Morthal.

A dog which can be purchased from Banning at the Markarth stables

for 500 gold. If you dismiss him, he will return to Banning and you
must pay the 500 gold again to get him back.

A male Nord Warrior (2H) and master Two-handed trainer.

A male Nord Warrior (1H) found at the Silver-Blood Inn in Markarth.

Advantages over other mounts: he can't be permanently killed, he
costs no money, and you don't need to worry about losing him. The
only horse that can be used in Blackreach or on Solstheim.

One of three unique horses in Skyrim and appears outside Black Briar
Lodge once the quest Promises to Keep has been initiated. Can be
obtained at the end of the quest if you persuade Louis Letrush to give
him to you.
Astrid's personal horse, has more health than any of the other horses
in Skyrim and regenerates health extremely quickly.
Prerequisite Quest
Rise in the East

Must complete companions questline

Dawnguard follower

Kill the Bandit Leader†

Kill the Bandit Leader†

The Black Star (in her favor)

Become Thane of the Reach

Can be purchased from Gunmar in Fort Dawnguard for 500 gold. You
may be given an Armored Troll instead. (Dawnguard)
Can be purchased from Gunmar in Fort Dawnguard for 500 gold. You
may be given an Armored Frost Troll instead. (Dawnguard)

Must complete companions questline

Dawnguard follower


Fight! Fight!

Pay her dowry or pass a persuade check.

An armored husky in Fort Dawnguard. (Dawnguard)

Brelyna's Practice

Become Thane of Eastmarch

Dawnguard follower

Must complete dark brotherhood questline

Quest all Drunks Have (or) Fight! Fight!

A Death Hound in Volkihar Keep. (Dawnguard)

Must complete dark brotherhood questline

Must complete dark brotherhood questline

Extracting an Argonian

Dawnguard follower

The Taste of Death

Waking Nightmare (in his favor)


A Lovely Letter (in his favor)

Must complete companions questline

The Fate of the Skaal

A Death Hound in Volkihar Keep. (Dawnguard)

Convince him (via brawl, persuade check, or bribe).

Ancestral Worship

Become Thane of the Pale


Dawnguard follower

Become Thane of the Rift

J'zargo's Experiment


Become Thane of Haafingar

Amulet of the Moon

The Cursed Tribe

Dragon Rising


A dog that can be found at Meeko's Shack.

Grimsever's Return

Must complete companions questline

The Cursed Tribe

Onmund's Request


Become Thane of Falkreath

Must complete companions questline

Can be recruited at Thirsk Mead Hall after completing The Chief of

Thirsk Hall.

Dungeon Delving (Caves)†

An armored husky in Fort Dawnguard. (Dawnguard)

Dawnguard follower

Friendly Dwarven automatons found in Kagrumez during The

Kagrumez Gauntlet.
Friendly Dwarven automatons found in Kagrumez during The
Kagrumez Gauntlet.


These can be found in a random encounter in the wilderness. If you

talk to one, it will become your follower. Note: Will disappear if told
to wait and you enter a dungeon.
A Lovely Letter (in his favor)

From the Ashes


Must complete companions questline

The Cursed Tribe

Fight! Fight!

Become Thane of Hjaalmarch

A dog which can be purchased from Banning at the Markarth stables

for 500 gold. If you dismiss him, he will return to Banning and you
must pay the 500 gold again to get him back.

Must complete companions questline


Soul Cairn Horse

Promises to Keep

The Cure for Madness

Primary Skills Max Level Marry
- - -
Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing, Archery, Light Armor, One-handed,
Sneak, Speech

Archery, Light Armor, Sneak, One-handed, Speech 50 X

One-handed, Two-handed, Block, Light Armor 25

Heavy Armor, Two-handed, Archery, Block 30

Archery, Light Armor, Block, One-handed 30

Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, Conjuration 30

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 50 X

N/A 22

N/A 14

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 25 X

One-handed, Two-handed, Block, Light Armor 25

Destruction, Light Armor, One-handed, Restoration 40 X

Heavy Armor, Two-handed, Archery, Block 30 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Sneak 30 X

N/A 25

Alteration, Illusion, Conjuration, Sneak 30 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 50 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block None

One-handed, Sneak, Archery, Light Armor 50

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 30 X

N/A 5

One-handed, Sneak, Archery, Light Armor 100

One-handed, Sneak, Archery, Light Armor 100

Archery, Light Armor, Block, One-handed 30 X

Archery, Light Armor, Block, One-handed None

Destruction, Sneak, Alteration, One-handed 30

Restoration, Speech, Alchemy, Conjuration, Smithing 50

Light Armor, Two-handed, Archery, Block 40

Archery, Light Armor, Sneak, One-handed, Speech 30

Smithing, Speech, One-handed, Pickpocket 50 X

One-handed, Alteration, Light Armor, Restoration None

N/A 5

Archery, Light Armor, Block, One-handed 30 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 30

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 50 X

Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, Conjuration 40

Heavy Armor, Two-handed, Archery, Block None

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 50 X

Destruction, Illusion, Heavy Armor, One-handed None

Archery, Light Armor, Block, One-handed 40 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 50 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 30

Archery, Light Armor, Block, One-handed 30

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 50 X

Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, Sneak 40 X

N/A 25

Heavy Armor, Two-handed, Archery, Block 40 X

Block, One-handed, Speech, Pickpocket 25 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Sneak 30

Destruction, Illusion, Heavy Armor, One-handed 30 X

One-handed, Light Armor, Block, Sneak 60

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 50 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 25 X

N/A 23

Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing, Archery, One-handed, Two-handed 20 X

N/A 25

Sneak, Conjuration, Light Armor, One-handed 50

N/A 30

N/A 16

Heavy Armor, Two-handed, Archery, Block 40 X

N/A 25
Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing, Archery, One-handed, Two-handed 20

Conjuration, Restoration, Destruction, Alteration, Sneak 25

One-handed, Light Armor, Destruction, Conjuration 60

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 25 X

Archery, Light Armor, Block, One-handed 30

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 30 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Alteration, Destruction, Restoration 50 X

N/A 50

Heavy Armor, Two-handed, Archery, Block 50 X

Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block 40 X

Blades Steward (HF) Pet Trainer
- - - -

X X Archery



X One-handed










X X Archery

X Heavy Armor











X X Block







X X Conjuration



X X Two-handed

Learned? Item Name Effect
0.00% -
N Abecean Longfin Fortify Restoration
N Abecean Longfin Fortify Sneak
N Abecean Longfin Weakness to Frost
N Abecean Longfin Weakness to Poison
N Ancestor Moth Wing (DG) Damage Magicka Regen
N Ancestor Moth Wing (DG) Damage Stamina
N Ancestor Moth Wing (DG) Fortify Conjuration
N Ancestor Moth Wing (DG) Fortify Enchanting
N Ash Creep Cluster (DB) Damage Stamina
N Ash Creep Cluster (DB) Fortify Destruction
N Ash Creep Cluster (DB) Invisibility
N Ash Creep Cluster (DB) Resist Fire
N Ash Hopper Jelly (DB) Fortify Light Armor
N Ash Hopper Jelly (DB) Resist Shock
N Ash Hopper Jelly (DB) Restore Health
N Ash Hopper Jelly (DB) Weakness to Frost
N Ashen Grass Pod (DB) Fortify Lockpicking
N Ashen Grass Pod (DB) Fortify Sneak
N Ashen Grass Pod (DB) Resist Fire
N Ashen Grass Pod (DB) Weakness to Shock
N Bear Claws Damage Magicka Regen
N Bear Claws Fortify Health
N Bear Claws Fortify One-handed
N Bear Claws Restore Stamina
N Bee Ravage Stamina
N Bee Regenerate Stamina
N Bee Restore Stamina
N Bee Weakness to Shock
N Beehive Husk Fortify Destruction
N Beehive Husk Fortify Light Armor
N Beehive Husk Fortify Sneak
N Beehive Husk Resist Poison
N Berit's Ashes* Damage Stamina
N Berit's Ashes* Fortify Conjuration
N Berit's Ashes* Ravage Stamina
N Berit's Ashes* Resist Fire
N Bleeding Crown Fortify Block
N Bleeding Crown Resist Magic
N Bleeding Crown Weakness to Fire
N Bleeding Crown Weakness to Poison
N Blisterwort Damage Stamina
N Blisterwort Fortify Smithing
N Blisterwort Frenzy
N Blisterwort Restore Health
N Blue Butterfly Wing Damage Magicka Regen
N Blue Butterfly Wing Damage Stamina
N Blue Butterfly Wing Fortify Conjuration
N Blue Butterfly Wing Fortify Enchanting
N Blue Dartwing Fear
N Blue Dartwing Fortify Pickpocket
N Blue Dartwing Resist Shock
N Blue Dartwing Restore Health
N Blue Mountain Flower Damage Magicka Regen
N Blue Mountain Flower Fortify Conjuration
N Blue Mountain Flower Fortify Health
N Blue Mountain Flower Restore Health
N Boar Tusk Fortify Block
N Boar Tusk Fortify Health
N Boar Tusk Fortify Stamina
N Boar Tusk Frenzy
N Bone Meal Damage Stamina
N Bone Meal Fortify Conjuration
N Bone Meal Ravage Stamina
N Bone Meal Resist Fire
N Briar Heart Fortify Block
N Briar Heart Fortify Magicka
N Briar Heart Paralysis
N Briar Heart Restore Magicka
N Burnt Spriggan Wood (DB) Damage Magicka Regen
N Burnt Spriggan Wood (DB) Fortify Alteration
N Burnt Spriggan Wood (DB) Slow
N Burnt Spriggan Wood (DB) Weakness to Fire
N Butterfly Wing Damage Magicka
N Butterfly Wing Fortify Barter
N Butterfly Wing Lingering Damage Stamina
N Butterfly Wing Restore Health
N Canis Root Damage Stamina
N Canis Root Fortify Marksman
N Canis Root Fortify One-handed
N Canis Root Paralysis
N Charred Skeever Hide Cure Disease
N Charred Skeever Hide Resist Poison
N Charred Skeever Hide Restore Health
N Charred Skeever Hide Restore Stamina
N Chaurus Eggs Damage Magicka
N Chaurus Eggs Fortify Stamina
N Chaurus Eggs Invisibility
N Chaurus Eggs Weakness to Poison
N Chaurus Hunter Antennae (DG) Damage Magicka Regen
N Chaurus Hunter Antennae (DG) Damage Stamina
N Chaurus Hunter Antennae (DG) Fortify Conjuration
N Chaurus Hunter Antennae (DG) Fortify Enchanting
N Chicken's Egg Damage Magicka Regen
N Chicken's Egg Lingering Damage Stamina
N Chicken's Egg Resist Magic
N Chicken's Egg Waterbreathing
N Creep Cluster Damage Stamina Regen
N Creep Cluster Fortify Carry Weight
N Creep Cluster Restore Magicka
N Creep Cluster Weakness to Magic
N Crimson Nirnroot Damage Health
N Crimson Nirnroot Damage Stamina
N Crimson Nirnroot Invisibility
N Crimson Nirnroot Resist Magic
N Cyrodilic Spadetail Damage Stamina
N Cyrodilic Spadetail Fear
N Cyrodilic Spadetail Fortify Restoration
N Cyrodilic Spadetail Ravage Health
N Daedra Heart Damage Magicka
N Daedra Heart Damage Stamina Regen
N Daedra Heart Fear
N Daedra Heart Restore Health
N Deathbell Damage Health
N Deathbell Ravage Stamina
N Deathbell Slow
N Deathbell Weakness to Poison
N Dragon's Tongue Fortify Barter
N Dragon's Tongue Fortify Illusion
N Dragon's Tongue Fortify Two-handed
N Dragon's Tongue Resist Fire
N Dwarven Oil Fortify Illusion
N Dwarven Oil Regenerate Magicka
N Dwarven Oil Restore Magicka
N Dwarven Oil Weakness to Magic
N Ectoplasm Damage Health
N Ectoplasm Fortify Destruction
N Ectoplasm Fortify Magicka
N Ectoplasm Restore Magicka
N Elves Ear Fortify Marksman
N Elves Ear Resist Fire
N Elves Ear Restore Magicka
N Elves Ear Weakness to Frost
N Emperor Parasol Moss (DB) Damage Health
N Emperor Parasol Moss (DB) Fortify Magicka
N Emperor Parasol Moss (DB) Fortify Two-handed
N Emperor Parasol Moss (DB) Regenerate Health
N Eye of Sabre Cat Damage Magicka
N Eye of Sabre Cat Ravage Health
N Eye of Sabre Cat Restore Health
N Eye of Sabre Cat Restore Stamina
N Falmer Ear Damage Health
N Falmer Ear Fortify Lockpicking
N Falmer Ear Frenzy
N Falmer Ear Resist Poison
N Felsaad Tern Feathers (DB) Cure Disease
N Felsaad Tern Feathers (DB) Fortify Light Armor
N Felsaad Tern Feathers (DB) Resist Magic
N Felsaad Tern Feathers (DB) Restore Health
N Fire Salts Regenerate Magicka
N Fire Salts Resist Fire
N Fire Salts Restore Magicka
N Fire Salts Weakness to Frost
N Fly Amanita Fortify Two-handed
N Fly Amanita Frenzy
N Fly Amanita Regenerate Stamina
N Fly Amanita Resist Fire
N Frost Mirriam Damage Stamina Regen
N Frost Mirriam Fortify Sneak
N Frost Mirriam Ravage Magicka
N Frost Mirriam Resist Frost
N Frost Salts Fortify Conjuration
N Frost Salts Resist Frost
N Frost Salts Restore Magicka
N Frost Salts Weakness to Fire
N Garlic Fortify Stamina
N Garlic Regenerate Health
N Garlic Regenerate Magicka
N Garlic Resist Poison
N Giant Lichen Ravage Health
N Giant Lichen Restore Magicka
N Giant Lichen Weakness to Poison
N Giant Lichen Weakness to Shock
N Giant's Toe Damage Stamina
N Giant's Toe Damage Stamina Regen
N Giant's Toe Fortify Carry Weight
N Giant's Toe Fortify Health
N Gleamblossom (DG) Fear
N Gleamblossom (DG) Paralysis
N Gleamblossom (DG) Regenerate Health
N Gleamblossom (DG) Resist Magic
N Glow Dust Damage Magicka
N Glow Dust Damage Magicka Regen
N Glow Dust Fortify Destruction
N Glow Dust Resist Shock
N Glowing Mushroom Fortify Destruction
N Glowing Mushroom Fortify Health
N Glowing Mushroom Fortify Smithing
N Glowing Mushroom Resist Shock
N Grass Pod Fortify Alteration
N Grass Pod Ravage Magicka
N Grass Pod Resist Poison
N Grass Pod Restore Magicka
N Hagraven Claw Fortify Barter
N Hagraven Claw Fortify Enchanting
N Hagraven Claw Lingering Damage Magicka
N Hagraven Claw Resist Magic
N Hagraven Feathers Damage Magicka
N Hagraven Feathers Fortify Conjuration
N Hagraven Feathers Frenzy
N Hagraven Feathers Weakness to Shock
N Hanging Moss Damage Magicka
N Hanging Moss Damage Magicka Regen
N Hanging Moss Fortify Health
N Hanging Moss Fortify One-handed
N Hawk Beak Fortify Carry Weight
N Hawk Beak Resist Frost
N Hawk Beak Resist Shock
N Hawk Beak Restore Stamina
N Hawk Feathers Cure Disease
N Hawk Feathers Fortify Light Armor
N Hawk Feathers Fortify One-handed
N Hawk Feathers Fortify Sneak
N Hawk's Egg (HF) Damage Magicka Regen
N Hawk's Egg (HF) Lingering Damage Stamina
N Hawk's Egg (HF) Resist Magic
N Hawk's Egg (HF) Waterbreathing
N Histcarp Damage Stamina Regen
N Histcarp Fortify Magicka
N Histcarp Restore Stamina
N Histcarp Waterbreathing
N Honeycomb Fortify Block
N Honeycomb Fortify Light Armor
N Honeycomb Ravage Stamina
N Honeycomb Restore Stamina
N Human Flesh Damage Health
N Human Flesh Fortify Sneak
N Human Flesh Paralysis
N Human Flesh Restore Magicka
N Human Heart Damage Health
N Human Heart Damage Magicka
N Human Heart Damage Magicka Regen
N Human Heart Frenzy
N Ice Wraith Teeth Fortify Heavy Armor
N Ice Wraith Teeth Invisibility
N Ice Wraith Teeth Weakness to Fire
N Ice Wraith Teeth Weakness to Frost
N Imp Stool Damage Health
N Imp Stool Lingering Damage Health
N Imp Stool Paralysis
N Imp Stool Restore Health
N Jazbay Grapes Fortify Magicka
N Jazbay Grapes Ravage Health
N Jazbay Grapes Regenerate Magicka
N Jazbay Grapes Weakness to Magic
N Juniper Berries Damage Stamina Regen
N Juniper Berries Fortify Marksman
N Juniper Berries Regenerate Health
N Juniper Berries Weakness to Fire
N Large Antlers Damage Stamina Regen
N Large Antlers Fortify Stamina
N Large Antlers Restore Stamina
N Large Antlers Slow
N Lavender Fortify Conjuration
N Lavender Fortify Stamina
N Lavender Ravage Magicka
N Lavender Resist Magic
N Luna Moth Wing Damage Magicka
N Luna Moth Wing Fortify Light Armor
N Luna Moth Wing Invisibility
N Luna Moth Wing Regenerate Health
N Moon Sugar Regenerate Magicka
N Moon Sugar Resist Frost
N Moon Sugar Restore Magicka
N Moon Sugar Weakness to Fire
N Mora Tapinella Fortify Illusion
N Mora Tapinella Lingering Damage Health
N Mora Tapinella Regenerate Stamina
N Mora Tapinella Restore Magicka
N Mudcrab Chitin Cure Disease
N Mudcrab Chitin Resist Fire
N Mudcrab Chitin Resist Poison
N Mudcrab Chitin Restore Stamina
N Namira's Rot Damage Magicka
N Namira's Rot Fear
N Namira's Rot Fortify Lockpicking
N Namira's Rot Regenerate Health
N Netch Jelly (DB) Fear
N Netch Jelly (DB) Fortify Carry Weight
N Netch Jelly (DB) Paralysis
N Netch Jelly (DB) Restore Stamina
N Nightshade Damage Health
N Nightshade Damage Magicka Regen
N Nightshade Fortify Destruction
N Nightshade Lingering Damage Stamina
N Nirnroot Damage Health
N Nirnroot Damage Stamina
N Nirnroot Invisibility
N Nirnroot Resist Magic
N Nordic Barnacle Damage Magicka
N Nordic Barnacle Fortify Pickpocket
N Nordic Barnacle Regenerate Health
N Nordic Barnacle Waterbreathing
N Orange Dartwing Fortify Pickpocket
N Orange Dartwing Lingering Damage Health
N Orange Dartwing Ravage Magicka
N Orange Dartwing Restore Stamina
N Pearl Fortify Block
N Pearl Resist Shock
N Pearl Restore Magicka
N Pearl Restore Stamina
N Pine Thrush Egg Fortify Lockpicking
N Pine Thrush Egg Resist Shock
N Pine Thrush Egg Restore Stamina
N Pine Thrush Egg Weakness to Poison
N Poison Bloom (DG) Damage Health
N Poison Bloom (DG) Fear
N Poison Bloom (DG) Fortify Carry Weight
N Poison Bloom (DG) Slow
N Powdered Mammoth Tusk Fear
N Powdered Mammoth Tusk Fortify Sneak
N Powdered Mammoth Tusk Restore Stamina
N Powdered Mammoth Tusk Weakness to Fire
N Purple Mountain Flower Fortify Sneak
N Purple Mountain Flower Lingering Damage Magicka
N Purple Mountain Flower Resist Frost
N Purple Mountain Flower Restore Stamina
N Red Mountain Flower Damage Health
N Red Mountain Flower Fortify Magicka
N Red Mountain Flower Ravage Magicka
N Red Mountain Flower Restore Magicka
N River Betty Damage Health
N River Betty Fortify Alteration
N River Betty Fortify Carry Weight
N River Betty Slow
N Rock Warbler Egg Damage Stamina
N Rock Warbler Egg Fortify One-handed
N Rock Warbler Egg Restore Health
N Rock Warbler Egg Weakness to Magic
N Sabre Cat Tooth Fortify Heavy Armor
N Sabre Cat Tooth Fortify Smithing
N Sabre Cat Tooth Restore Stamina
N Sabre Cat Tooth Weakness to Poison
N Salmon Roe (HF) Fortify Magicka
N Salmon Roe (HF) Regenerate Magicka
N Salmon Roe (HF) Restore Stamina
N Salmon Roe (HF) Waterbreathing
N Salt Pile Fortify Restoration
N Salt Pile Regenerate Magicka
N Salt Pile Slow
N Salt Pile Weakness to Magic
N Scaly Pholiota Fortify Carry Weight
N Scaly Pholiota Fortify Illusion
N Scaly Pholiota Regenerate Stamina
N Scaly Pholiota Weakness to Magic
N Scathecraw (DB) Lingering Damage Health
N Scathecraw (DB) Ravage Health
N Scathecraw (DB) Ravage Magicka
N Scathecraw (DB) Ravage Stamina
N Silverside Perch Damage Stamina Regen
N Silverside Perch Ravage Health
N Silverside Perch Resist Frost
N Silverside Perch Restore Stamina
N Skeever Tail Damage Health
N Skeever Tail Damage Stamina Regen
N Skeever Tail Fortify Light Armor
N Skeever Tail Ravage Health
N Slaughterfish Egg Fortify Pickpocket
N Slaughterfish Egg Fortify Stamina
N Slaughterfish Egg Lingering Damage Health
N Slaughterfish Egg Resist Poison
N Slaughterfish Scales Fortify Block
N Slaughterfish Scales Fortify Heavy Armor
N Slaughterfish Scales Lingering Damage Health
N Slaughterfish Scales Resist Frost
N Small Antlers Damage Health
N Small Antlers Fortify Restoration
N Small Antlers Lingering Damage Stamina
N Small Antlers Weakness to Poison
N Small Pearl Fortify One-handed
N Small Pearl Fortify Restoration
N Small Pearl Resist Frost
N Small Pearl Restore Stamina
N Snowberries Fortify Enchanting
N Snowberries Resist Fire
N Snowberries Resist Frost
N Snowberries Resist Shock
N Spawn Ash (DB) Fortify Enchanting
N Spawn Ash (DB) Ravage Magicka
N Spawn Ash (DB) Ravage Stamina
N Spawn Ash (DB) Resist Fire
N Spider Egg Damage Magicka Regen
N Spider Egg Damage Stamina
N Spider Egg Fortify Lockpicking
N Spider Egg Fortify Marksman
N Spriggan Sap Damage Magicka Regen
N Spriggan Sap Fortify Alteration
N Spriggan Sap Fortify Enchanting
N Spriggan Sap Fortify Smithing
N Swamp Fungal Pod Lingering Damage Magicka
N Swamp Fungal Pod Paralysis
N Swamp Fungal Pod Resist Shock
N Swamp Fungal Pod Restore Health
N Taproot Fortify Illusion
N Taproot Regenerate Magicka
N Taproot Restore Magicka
N Taproot Weakness to Magic
N Thistle Branch Fortify Heavy Armor
N Thistle Branch Ravage Stamina
N Thistle Branch Resist Frost
N Thistle Branch Resist Poison
N Torchbug Thorax Fortify Stamina
N Torchbug Thorax Lingering Damage Magicka
N Torchbug Thorax Restore Stamina
N Torchbug Thorax Weakness to Magic
N Trama Root (DB) Damage Magicka
N Trama Root (DB) Fortify Carry Weight
N Trama Root (DB) Slow
N Trama Root (DB) Weakness to Shock
N Troll Fat Damage Health
N Troll Fat Fortify Two-handed
N Troll Fat Frenzy
N Troll Fat Resist Poison
N Tundra Cotton Fortify Barter
N Tundra Cotton Fortify Block
N Tundra Cotton Fortify Magicka
N Tundra Cotton Resist Magic
N Vampire Dust Cure Disease
N Vampire Dust Invisibility
N Vampire Dust Regenerate Health
N Vampire Dust Restore Magicka
N Void Salts Damage Health
N Void Salts Fortify Magicka
N Void Salts Resist Magic
N Void Salts Weakness to Shock
N Wheat Damage Stamina Regen
N Wheat Fortify Health
N Wheat Lingering Damage Magicka
N Wheat Restore Health
N White Cap Fortify Heavy Armor
N White Cap Ravage Magicka
N White Cap Restore Magicka
N White Cap Weakness to Frost
N Wisp Wrappings Fortify Carry Weight
N Wisp Wrappings Fortify Destruction
N Wisp Wrappings Resist Magic
N Wisp Wrappings Restore Stamina
N Yellow Mountain Flower (DG) Damage Stamina Regen
N Yellow Mountain Flower (DG) Fortify Health
N Yellow Mountain Flower (DG) Fortify Restoration
N Yellow Mountain Flower (DG) Resist Poison
Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk

Stealth Skills
Alchemy Light Armor
Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk
- 0.00% - - - 0.00% -
0 N Alchemist 1 - 0 N Agile Defender 1
20 N Alchemist 2 Alchemist 1 20 N Agile Defender 2
20 N Physician Alchemist 1 30 N Custom Fit
30 N Benefactor Physician 40 N Agile Defender 3
30 N Poisoner Physician 50 N Unhindered
40 N Alchemist 3 Alchemist 2 60 N Agile Defender 4
50 N Experimenter 1 Benefactor 60 N Windwalker
60 N Alchemist 4 Alchemist 3 70 N Matching Set
60 N ConcenPoison Poisoner 80 N Agile Defender 5
70 N Experimenter 2 Benefactor 100 N Deft Movement
70 N Green Thumb Concentrated Poison
80 N Alchemist 5 Alchemist 4
80 N Snake Blood Con P or Experim
90 N Experimenter 3 Benefactor
100 N Purity Snake Blood
Pickpocket Sneak
Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk
- 0.00% - - - 0.00% -
0 N Light Fingers 1 - 0 N Stealth Rank 1
20 N Light Fingers 2 Light Fingers 1 20 N Stealth Rank 2
30 N Night Thief Light Fingers 1 30 N Backstab
40 N Light Fingers 3 Light Fingers 2 30 N Muffled Moves
40 N Poisoned Night Thief 40 N Stealth Rank 3
40 N Cutpurse Night Thief 40 N Deadly Aim
50 N Extra Pockets Night Thief 40 N Light Foot
60 N Light Fingers 4 Light Fingers 3 50 N Assassin's Blade
60 N Key Master(Gozer?) Cutpurse 50 N Silent Roll
70 N Misdirection Cutpurse 60 N Stealth Rank 4
80 N Light Fingers 5 Light Fingers 4 70 N Silence
100 N Perfect Touch Misdirection 80 N Stealth Rank 5
100 N Shadow Warrior

Combat Skills
Archery Block
Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk
- 0.00% - - - 0.00% -
0 N Overdraw 1 - 0 N Shield Wall 1
20 N Overdraw 2 Overdraw 1 20 N Shield Wall 2
30 N Critical Shot 1 Overdraw 5 30 N Quick Reflexes
30 N Eagle Eye Overdraw 1 30 N Deflect Arrows
40 N Overdraw 3 Overdraw 2 30 N Power Bash
40 N Steady Hand 1 Eagle Eye 40 N Shield Wall 3
50 N Power Shot Eagle Eye 50 N Deadly Bash
50 N Hunter's Discipline Critical Shot 1 50 N Element Protect
60 N Critical Shot 2 Critical Shot 1 60 N Shield Wall 4
60 N Overdraw 4 Overdraw 3 70 N Block Runner
60 N Ranger Hunter's Dis 70 N Disarming Bash
60 N Steady Hand 2 Steady Hand 1 80 N Shield Wall 5
70 N Quick Shot Power Shot 100 N Shield Charge
80 N Overdraw 5 Overdraw 4
90 N Critical Shot 3 Critical Shot 2
100 N Bullseye Quick S or Ran
One Handed Smithing
Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk
- 0.00% - - - 0.00% -
0 N Armsman 1 - 0 N Steel Smith
20 N Armsman 2 Armsman 1 30 N Elven Smith
20 N Fighting Stance Armsman 1 30 N Dwarven Smith
30 N Dual Flurry 1 Armsman 1 50 N Orcish Smith
30 N Bladesman 1 Armsman 1 50 N Adv. Armors
30 N Hack and Slash 1 Armsman 1 60 N Arcane Smith
30 N Bone Breaker 1 Armsman 1 70 N Glass Smith
40 N Armsman 3 Armsman 2 80 N Ebony Smith
50 N Dual Flurry 2 Dual Flurry 1 90 N Daedric Smith
50 N Savage Strike Fighting Stance 100 N Dragon Armor
50 N Critical Charge Fighting Stance
60 N Armsman 4 Armsman 3
60 N Bladesman 2 Bladesman 1
60 N Hack and Slash 2 Hack and Slash 1
60 N Bone Breaker 2 Bone Breaker 1
70 N Dual Savagery Dual Flurry 1
80 N Armsman 5 Armsman 4
90 N Bladesman 3 Bladesman 2
90 N Hack and Slash 3 Hack and Slash 2
90 N Bone Breaker 3 Bone Breaker 2
100 N Paralysing Strike C Charge or S Strike

Magic Skills
Alteration Conjuration
Req. Obtained? Skill Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk
- 0.00% - - - 0.00% -
0 N Novice - 0 N Novice
20 N Dual Casting Novice 20 N Dual Casting
25 N Apprentice Novice 20 N Mystic Binding
30 N Mage Armor 1 Apprentice 25 N Apprentice
30 N Magic Res 1 Apprentice 30 N Summoner 1
50 N Adept Apprentice 30 N Soul Stealer
60 N Mage Armor 2 Mage Armor 1 40 N Atromancy
60 N Magic Res 2 Magic Res 1 40 N Necromancy
70 N Stability Adept 50 N Adept
75 N Expert Adept 50 N Summoner 2
90 N Mage Armor 3 Mage Armor 2 50 N Oblivion binding
90 N Magic Res 3 Magic Res 2 70 N Dark Souls
100 N Master Expert 75 N Expert
100 N Atronach Expert 80 N Elemental Potency
100 N Master
100 N Twin Souls
Enchanting Illusion
Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk
- 0.00% - - - 0.00% -
0 N Enchanter 1 - 0 N Novice
20 N Enchanter 2 Enchanter 1 20 N Dual Casting
20 N Soul Squeezer Enchanter 1 20 N Animage
30 N Fire Enchanter Enchanter 1 25 N Apprentice
40 N Enchanter 3 Enchanter 2 30 N Hypnotic Gaze
40 N Soul Siphon Soul Squeezer 40 N Kindred Mage
40 N Frost Enchanter Fire Enchanter 50 N Adept
50 N Storm Enchanter Frost Enchanter 50 N Aspect of Terror
50 N Insight Enchanter Enchanter 1 50 N Quiet Casting
60 N Enchanter 4 Enchanter 3 70 N Rage
70 N Corpus Enchanter Insightful 75 N Expert
80 N Enchanter 5 Enchanter 4 90 N Master Mind
100 N Extra Effect Storm or Corpus 100 N Master

Dawnguard DLC perks

Vampire Lord Perks Werewolf Perks
Feedings Obtained? Perk Prereq. Feedings Obtained? Perk
- 0.00% - - - 0.00% -
5 N Power of the Grave - 5 N Bestial Strength 1
6 N Detect All Creatures Power of the Grave 6 N Bestial Strength 2
9 N Mist Form Detect All Creatures 9 N Bestial Strength 3
10 N Supernatural Reflexes Mist Form 11 N Bestial Strength 4
12 N Blood Healing Power of the Grave 13 N Totem of Ice Brothers
14 N Unearthly Will Power of the Grave 15 N Totem of the Moon
16 N Poison Talons Un Will / Bl Heal 17 N Totem of the Predator
18 N Night Cloak Poison Talons 19 N Totem of Terror
20 N Vampiric Grip Power of the Grave 21 N Animal Vigor
22 N Summon Gargoyle Vampiric Grip 23 N Gorging
24 N Corpse Curse Summon Gargoyle 25 N Savage Feeding
Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq.

mor Lockpicking
Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk Prerequisite
- - 0.00% - -
- 0 N Novice -
Agile Def 1 25 N Apprentice Novice
Agile Def1 40 N Quick Hands Apprentice
Agile Def2 50 N Wax Key Quick Hands
Custom Fit 50 N Adept Apprentice
Agile Def 3 60 N Golden Touch Adept
Unhindered 70 N Treasure Hunter Golden Touch
Custom Fit 75 N Expert Adept
Agile Def 4 80 N Locksmith Expert
M Set/W Walker 100 N Unbreakable Locksmith
100 N Master Expert

Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq.
- - 0.00% - -
- 0 N Haggling 1 -
Stealth Rank 1 20 N Haggling 2 Haggling 1
Stealth Rank 1 30 N Allure Haggling 1
Stealth Rank 1 30 N Bribery Haggling 1
Stealth Rank 2 40 N Haggling 3 Haggling 2
Backstab 50 N Merchant Allure
Muffled Move 50 N Persuasion Bribery
Deadly Aim 60 N Haggling 4 Haggling 3
Light foot 70 N Investor Merchant
Stealth Rank 3 70 N Intimidation Persuasion
Silent Roll 80 N Haggling 5 Haggling 4
Stealth Rank 4 90 N Fence Investor
Ass Bl or Silen 100 N Master Trader Fence

Heavy Armor
Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq.
- - 0.00% - -
- 0 N Juggernaut 1 -
Shield Wall 1 20 N Juggernaut 2 Juggernaut 1
Shield Wall 1 30 N Fists of Steel Juggernaut 1
Shield Wall 1 30 N Well Fitted Juggernaut 1
Shield Wall 1 40 N Juggernaut 3 Juggernaut 2
Shield Wall 2 50 N Cushioned Fists of Steel
Power Bash 50 N Tower of Str. Well Fitted
Deflect Arrows 60 N Juggernaut 4 Juggernaut 3
Shield Wall 3 70 N Conditioning Cushioned
Elem Protect 70 N Matching Set Tower of Str.
Deadly Bash 80 N Juggernaut 5 Juggernaut 4
Shield Wall 4 100 N Reflective Blows Matching Set
B Run/Dis Bash

ng Two-Handed
Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq.
- - 0.00% - -
- 0 N Barbarian 1 -
Steel 20 N Barbarian 2 Barbarian 1
Steel 20 N Champion Stance Barbarian 1
Dwarven 30 N Limbsplitter 1 Barbarian 1
Elven 30 N Skullcrusher 1 Barbarian 1
Steel 30 N Deep Wounds 1 Barbarian 1
Adv.Armors 40 N Barbarian 3 Barbarian 2
Orcish 50 N Devastating Blow Champ Stance
Ebony 50 N Great Crit Char Champ Stance
Daedric/Glass 60 N Barbarian 4 Barbarian 3
60 N Limbsplitter 2 Limbsplitter 1
60 N Skullcrusher 2 Skullcrusher 1
60 N Deep Wounds 2 Deep Wounds 1
70 N Sweep Dev Blow/GCC
80 N Barbarian 5 Barbarian 4
90 N Limbsplitter 3 Limbsplitter 2
90 N Skullcrusher 3 Skullcrusher 2
90 N Deep Wounds 3 Deep Wounds 2
100 N Warmaster Sweep

tion Destruction
Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq.
- - 0.00% - -
- 0 N Novice -
Novice 20 N Dual Casting Novice
Novice 25 N Apprentice Novice
Novice 30 N Aug. Flames 1 Novice
Novice 30 N Aug.Frost 1 Novice
Mystic Binding 30 N Aug.Shock 1 Novice
Summoner 1 40 N Impact Dual Casting
Novice 40 N Rune Master Apprentice
Apprentice 50 N Adept Apprentice
Summoner 1 50 N Aug. Flames 2 Aug. Flames 1
Soul Stealer 50 N Intense Flames Aug. Flames 1
Necromancy 50 N Aug.Frost 2 Aug.Frost 1
Adept 50 N Aug. Shock 2 Aug.Shock 1
Atromancy 60 N Deep Freeze Aug.Frost 1
Expert 70 N Disintegrate Aug.Shock 1
Dark Souls 75 N Expert Adept
100 N Master Expert
n Restoration
Prereq. Req. Obtained? Perk Prereq.
- - 0.00% - -
- 0 N Novice -
Novice 20 N Dual Casting Novice
Novice 20 N Regeneration Novice
Novice 25 N Apprentice Novice
Novice 30 N Recovery 1 Novice
Animage 40 N Respite Novice
Apprentice 50 N Adept Apprentice
Hypnotic Gaze 50 N Recovery 2 Recovery 1
Kindred Mage 60 N Ward Absorb Novice
Aspect of Terror 70 N Necromage Regeneration
Adept 75 N Expert Adept
Rage/Quiet 90 N Avoid Death Recovery 1
Expert 100 N Master Expert

Bestial Strength 1
Bestial Strength 2
Bestial Strength 3
Bestial Strength
Totem of Ice Brothers
Bestial Strength
Bestial Strength
Bestial Strength
Animal Vigor

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