Argumentative Research Essay Outline

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Argumentative Research Essay Outline

Writing an essay on the topic of "Argumentative Research Essay Outline" can be a challenging task
that demands a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and a keen ability to construct a
persuasive argument. Crafting a compelling outline requires a systematic approach to organize
thoughts, ideas, and evidence in a coherent and logical manner. One must delve deep into research,
critically analyze various perspectives, and skillfully present well-supported arguments.

Developing a strong thesis statement is a crucial aspect, setting the tone for the entire essay.
Selecting appropriate evidence, whether it be statistics, research findings, or expert opinions, requires
a discerning eye to ensure the validity and relevance of the supporting information. The challenge lies
in seamlessly integrating these elements into a cohesive and flowing narrative that captures the
reader's attention and maintains their interest throughout.

Additionally, the writer must anticipate counterarguments and address them effectively,
demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the topic. Striking the right balance between presenting
evidence and articulating one's own perspective is key, as is maintaining a tone of objectivity and
credibility. Crafting a persuasive conclusion that reinforces the thesis and leaves a lasting impression
on the reader adds another layer of complexity to the task.

In essence, composing an argumentative research essay outline demands not only solid writing skills
but also critical thinking, research proficiency, and the ability to construct a compelling and well-
organized argument. It is a task that challenges writers to navigate through a myriad of information,
synthesize ideas, and present a convincing case. However, with dedication, careful planning, and a
structured approach, the difficulty of the task can be mitigated.

For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on , where professional writers are available to provide support in crafting high-
quality, custom essays tailored to specific requirements.
Argumentative Research Essay Outline Argumentative Research Essay Outline
Gastric Digestion Research Paper
1. Firstly, the cracker enters the mouth. This is where the cracker is physically broken
down by chewing, and chemical digestion of carbohydrates begins. Salivary glands in the
mouth produce saliva which moistens dry food and contains salivary amylase, a digestive
enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. The cracker is then swallowed. Paristalsis
(involuntary muscle contractions) push food down the esophagus. In the stomachthe
cracker bathes it in gastric juices. Gastric juice is composed of three main parts;
hydrochloric acid, mucus, and pepsin. Hydrochloric acid helps to digest the cracker
chemically and protects the body by killing bacteria present in the cracker. Mucus acts as
a protective barrier preventing the gastric juice from burning... Show more content on ...
From the right atrium the blood moves into the right ventricle through the AV valve.
When the ventricles contract the blood is moves through the semilunar valve into the
pulmonary artery. This artery then branches off into the left lung and the right lung so
that the blood can become oxygenated. The oxygen rich blood returns to the left atrium
of the heart through the pulmonary veins.

4. The kidneys filter the blood to remove wastes, like excess water, and produce urine.
The ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra together form the urinary tract, which drain
urine from the kidneys. They also store the urine then release it during urination. The
kidneys filter metabolic wastes, excess ions, and chemicals from the blood to form urine.

Gravity as well as peristalsis of muscle tissue in the walls of the ureters move urine
toward the bladder. The ends of the ureters extend into the urinary bladder and are
attached to the ureterovesical valves. These valves prevent urine from flowing back
towards the kidneys.

The urinary bladder is used for the storage of urine. Urine entering the urinary bladder
from the ureters slowly fills the bladder and stretches
Comparing Immorality in The Rise of Silas Lapham and The...
Motivation of Immorality in The Rise of Silas Lapham and The Octopus

In both William Dean Howells The Rise of Silas Lapham and The Octopus by Frank
Norris, a character is faced with the moral issues involved with operating his business.
Howells character, Silas Lapham (The Colonel) and Norris Magnus Derrick are both
desirous to have a prominent position in their respective societies, but are in the
precarious situation of having to deploy immoral methods to achieve this coveted stature
during the course of harder times. Each man has aspirations to be powerful, prestigious,
famous, and/or wealthy. In combination with their lack of humility for their lofty position
in society and their over ambitious definition of success, ... Show more content on ...
He desires acceptance as an equal to the socially distinguished Boston family, the Coreys.
It is only through the money made from his mineral paint business that lends him the
chance to associate with such families.

Silas rise from poverty was not fully morally sound though, notwithstanding the fact
that the product he made his money with was one that was virtually handed to him and
that sold itself. In spite of these facts, at an earlier stage in the business, Silas had taken
up a partner, Mr. Rogers, to help him financially, and then forced him out before he
could make any profit. This move appears to be the first immoral business choice in the
career of Silas Lapham. It forces him to be dishonest not only to himself, but to his wife,
by driving him to lie about and cover up his inner feelings about what he had done.
Although he states that he has a clear conscience concerning the whole affair, he cannot
so much as speak directly to the man during a chance meeting on the street. He shies
away from the awkward situation entirely, leaving his wife to contend with the betrayed
former partner.

Silas attempts to reconcile his deceiving Rogers by calling it a business chance, but his
wife refutes by stating,

It was no chance at all. You crowded him out. A man that saved you! No, you had got
greedy, Silas. You had made your paint your god, and you couldn t bear to let anybody
A Non St Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome
In the management of an NSTE ACS patient who underwent early PCI, is there any
distinction between Plavix and Brilinta in reducing thrombotic CV events?

Lucia A. Garza

Master s Project

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the
Degree of:
Masters in Physician Assistant Studies

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

College of Health Sciences Human Services
Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Edinburg, Texas

December 2015

A non ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE ACS) is a very common presentation
to emergency departments everywhere, as well as primary care practices. Therefore, it is
important that all providers be well informed on the effectivity of certain treatment
regimens. ... Show more content on ...
Research shows that due to the greater frequency of PCI in various trials, Brilinta was
showed to have greater benefit over Plavix in NSTE ACS patients.

NSTE ACS blah blah and mention statistics and other sources. This research involving
current literature was conducted to determine if there is any difference in antiplatelet
therapy with Plavix, when compared to Brilinta. With this knowledge, providers can be
properly informed about choosing the best treatment for their patients.
In order to conduct this research paper, access was gained into the University of Texas
Rio Grande Valley library website ( Under the heading of
Articles and Databases , Pub Med was selected. Entering the key words Brilinta , NSTE
ACS and Brilinta vs Plavix this search was conducted. This search was conducted on
several separate occasions. Over 350 articles were returned with these key words
mentioned in the title.
After the initial search, about 35 journal readings had to be read thoroughly and closely
analyzed. From which, 10 of these journal articles were deemed pertinent to this
manuscript. These publications were then saved, printed, and re analyzed for key
information. All publications were chosen from reputable sources via online and only
pertinent information relating to this manuscript will be discussed.
NSTE ACS is a diagnosis a provider should never miss.

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