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Sample Essay For Graduate School Admission

Crafting an essay for graduate school admission is undeniably a challenging task that demands a
blend of precision, introspection, and eloquence. The difficulty arises from the multifaceted nature of
the assignment. Not only must one succinctly narrate their academic journey and professional
aspirations, but they must also do so in a way that distinguishes them from other applicants. Striking
the delicate balance between showcasing personal achievements and presenting oneself as a unique
candidate adds an extra layer of complexity.

The introspective aspect of the essay introduces another dimension of difficulty. Applicants are
compelled to delve into their past, reflect on pivotal experiences, and articulate how these moments
have shaped their academic and professional trajectories. This self-reflection requires a level of
vulnerability that can be uncomfortable, as individuals are tasked with revealing not just their
successes but also their challenges and lessons learned.

Moreover, the essay demands a mastery of language and storytelling. The ability to weave a
compelling narrative that captivates the reader's attention is crucial. A mundane recounting of
achievements or aspirations won't suffice; instead, the applicant must skillfully articulate their unique
story in a manner that resonates with the admissions committee.

Furthermore, adhering to the prescribed word limit while addressing all essential components—such
as academic achievements, career goals, and the specific attributes that make one a suitable
candidate for the program—adds an additional layer of difficulty. The challenge lies not only in
providing comprehensive information but also in doing so with brevity and clarity.

In conclusion, crafting an essay for graduate school admission is a formidable task that demands a
harmonious blend of introspection, storytelling prowess, and linguistic finesse. The complexity arises
from the need to stand out among a pool of highly qualified applicants while navigating the delicate
balance between self-promotion and humility.

For those finding themselves daunted by this undertaking, it's worth noting that
offers a range of services, including assistance with similar essays and more. Expert guidance can
provide invaluable support in navigating the intricate process of essay composition for graduate
school admission.
Sample Essay For Graduate School Admission Sample Essay For Graduate School Admission
Conservative Grandfather Interview
Interview: Conservative Grandfather, Liberal Father I interviewed my grandfather, a
NAACP, 79 year old, Baptist born, Christian pastor who marched with Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. When I asked him if he approved of same sex marriage, he said, No, it is an
abomination. Why would God create one male and one female if gay couples were
supposed to exist? He also said, Where in the Bible, God s word, does it say that gay
marriageis okay? My grandfather did say that he does approve of equal marriage rights
for everyone. He does not believe gay people should marry in the first place, but they
should have equal rights when it comes to jobs and health care. He remembers being a
strong supporter of the Prop 8, but he says, Now that society is progressing, everyone
should have equal rights. We are all humans. Lastly, my grandfather noted that he would
never marry a gay couple because it is against his religion.... Show more content on ...
It is a norm. It does not personally affect me. He went on to talk about the fact that
each person has a choice and freedom to do and say whatever they want in America.
He also noted that my grandfather s response was so drastically different because of
the generation gap. My grandfather never really had a hands on experience with gay
people or the gay movement. When my dad heard about the SCOTUS decision, he was
like it s good that another group of people are fighting for their civil rights and
succeeding. Overall, my dad has no problem with gay marriage. He would not advocate
for the cause, but he does not oppose
Examples Of I Throw My Weight Against Their Locked Door
I throw my weight against their locked doors. The doors hold. I am smart. I am
arrogant. I am lucky. I am trying to save our lives. Sherman Alexie was a hero for
some, however, for others he was just a man trying to convince Indian children they
are more than what they have been told their whole lives. He once was a small Indian
child that lived on the reservation and was also expected to fail. Alexie told himself he
was going to do great things and that he was smart enough to do it. He knew what it
was like to be thrown under the bus and told he couldn t do it. He knew he was smart
and that he wasn t going to listen to others, and as an adult with this knowledge, he
was determined, to teach new students on the reservation to read. The quote, I throw
my weight against their locked doors. The doors hold. I am smart. I am arrogant. I am
lucky. I am trying to save our lives, is going back and referring to the beginning of the
story where he says that he learned to read by inferring that Superman is saying I am
breaking down the door. Since Superman is the hero, he normally rescues people from
dangerous situations. This is important... Show more content on ...
The doors hold. This is showing how, in the comic from the beginning of the story,
Superman is able to break down the doors and save the day but Alexie is not. He wants
to be their hero, but he cannot break down the door and save them. As I stated before,
Superman is the hero and saves people. However, in this particular situation, Alexie is
not able to break down their doors and rescue them. I throw my weight against their
locked doors. The doors hold.......I am trying to save our lives. In the quote, he says the
door holds and that he is trying to save their lives. The fact that he is trying to save their
lives does not mean that if they don t know how to read then they literally will die; it is
simply just another reference to Superman and how he saves
How Is Jimmy Cross A Good Leader
Are you a leader? Can you lead a group for yourself? Of course, many are trained day
by day to become a leader. However, for some other, it s just an experience from the
past and taking it forward. In another picture, military leader is one of the important
and frontline roles. The final solution in the war will determine by the guidance and
mentor of the leader. In the story, The Things They Carried by Tim O Brien, Lieutenant
Jimmy Cross played a leader role throughout the story. The story setting described all the
necessary materials each soldier carried which determined their personality. As specific
to Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, he is a romantic person, a weak leader, and an emotional
person. Throughout the story, Jimmy Cross symbolized that he is a very romantic
person for the girl named Martha. The things they carried were largely determined by
necessity. Each soldier carried different types of materials to represented themselves.
First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha, a... Show more
content on ...
As a role of leader in the war, he supposed to focus on his men and the frontline. Instead,
he cannot separate between personal and work activity; therefore, during the war, he
kept thinking of Martha, a girl he felt in love with at Mount Sebastian College. He
pictured Martha s smooth young face, thinking he loved her more than anything, more
than his men, and now Ted Lavender was dead because he loved her so much and could
not thinking about her. Furthermore, he does not have the skills for a leader, for an
example, he lost focus on what he s guidance. On occasion he would yell at his men to
spread out the column, to keep their eyes open, but then he would slip away into
daydreams, just pretending, walking barefoot along the Jersey shore, with Martha,
carrying nothing. By this statement, the reader can analyzes that Lieutenant Jimmy
Cross had difficulty keeping his attention on the

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