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A hydraulic pump is a mechanical device that transforms mechanical energy into hydraulic
energy (hydrostatic energy i.e., flow, pressure). When a hydraulic pump works, it accomplishes
two tasks. First, the pump's mechanical action creates a vacuum at the intake, allowing air
pressure to force liquid from the reservoir into the pump's inlet line. Second, its mechanical
action forces this liquid into the hydraulic system by delivering it to the pump output. A pump
moves or flows liquid, but it does not create pressure. It generates the flow required for the
creation of pressure, which is a function of the system's flow of fluids. Hydraulic pumps are used
to energies fluids so that they can flow from a lower to a greater potential. It has a number of
mechanical moving parts that receive energy from a variety of sources. The majority of hydraulic
pumps feature revolving elements that are powered by electricity. In industrial settings, hydraulic
pumps are still commonly employed. Material handling, lifts, conveyors, mixers, forklifts, pallet
jacks, foundries, steel mills, slitters, etc. Injection molding machines, presses (shear, stamping, or
bending, for example), material handling, lifts, conveyors, mixers, forklifts, pallet jacks,
foundries, steel mills, slitters, etc. also in chemical industry it has a wide range of applications.
Present work is related to designing of a pump for given specifications. The information,
required for designing of a pump for private transportation company are given as following.

Pumping fluid: Water

Tank A: at ground

Tank B: at an elevation of 10 ft

Total length of connecting pipe, L = 2000ft

No. of globe valve = 2

No. of Swing check valve =1

No. of 900 standard elbows = 8

Sudden contraction at inlet tank A to pipe and Sudden expansion at pipe to tank B

Required volumetric flow rate, Q̇=400 gal/min ¿ 1849.5 inch3 /sec


1. Selection of US Schedule 40 pipe with fixed diameter

Let us consider US schedule 40 pipe with diameter, D=4 inch=0.33 ft

π 2 2
Cross sectional area of pipe A= × D =12.57 inch

2. Calculation of minimum power of pump and comparison of pipes with different


Volume flow rate 1849.5

Average flow velocity ¿ = =147.13 inch/ sec
A 12.57

Density of water, ρ=0.03613 lb /inch3

−5 lb
Dynamic Viscosity, μ=5.6 × 10
¿ sec

ρVD 0.03613 ×147.13 × 4 5

Average Reynolds Number, Re = = =3.8 ×10
μ 5.6 ×10

Which shows flow inside pipe as turbulent flow

Let the pipe is smooth, from moody chart we can find out the friction factor,

f =0.01384

Loss coefficient for globe valve can be found by following relations,

K 1=340 × f =340× 0.01384=4.71

Loss coefficient for flow through swing check valve for full disc lift.

K 2=50 × f =50× 0.01384=0.692

Loss coefficient for 900 standard elbows (r/D =1)

K 3=20 × f =20 ×0.01384=0.28

Schematic diagram of setup

Head Loss Calculation

Total Head Loss = Sudden contraction loss at Tank A + Head loss at globe valve 1 + Head loss
at Swing Valve + Head loss at globe valve 2 + Head loss at 900 bends at 8 locations + Sudden
expansion loss at Tank B + Frictional loss in pipe flow

2 2 2 2 2 22
0.5 V K 1 V K 2 V K 1 V 8 × K 3 V V f L V
Hf = + + + + + +
2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2 g 2 gD

( )
fL V
H f = 0.5+ K 1 + K 2 + K 1 +8 K 3 +1+ ×
D 2g

Take g=386.1∈¿ s2

( )
0.01384 ×2000 ×12 147.13
H f = 0.5+ 4.71+ 0.692+4.71+8 × 0.28+1+ ×
4 2 ×386.1

H f =2716.19∈¿ 226.34 ft

Static head H s =10 ft

Net head given by pump to water H m =H s + H f + ¿
H m =10+226.34+¿ 147.13
¿ 238.68 ft
2× 386.1× 12

Manometric Power, Pm= ρg Q̇ H m = 0.03613 × × 1849.5× 238.68

Pm=15951.7 ft−lbf / s ¿ 21.67 KW

If we increase size of pipe let, D=6 inch=0.5 ft

π 2 2
Cross sectional area of pipe A= × 6 =28.3 inch

Volume flow rate 1849.5

Average flow velocity ¿ = =65.35 inch/sec
A 28.3

ρVD 0.03613 × 65.35× 6 5

Average Reynolds Number, Re = = =2.53 ×10
μ 5.6 × 10

Which shows flow inside pipe as turbulent flow

Let the pipe is smooth, from moody chart we can find out the friction factor,

f =0.01494

Loss coefficient for globe valve can be found by following relations,

K 1=340 × f =340× 0.01494=5.1

Loss coefficient for flow through swing check valve for full disc lift.

K 2=50 × f =50× 0.01494=0.747

Loss coefficient for 900 standard elbows (r/D =1)

K 3=20 × f =20 ×0.01494=0.3

( )
fL V
H f = 0.5+ K 1 + K 2 + K 1 +8 K 3 +1+ ×
D 2g

( )
0.01494 × 2000× 12 65.35
H f = 0.5+5.1+0.747+ 5.1+ 8× 0.3+1+ ×
6 2 ×386.1

H f =412.6∈¿ 34.384 ft
Static head H s =10 ft
Net head given by pump to water H m =H s + H f + ¿
H m =10+34.384+¿ 65.35
¿ 44.84 ft
2× 386.1× 12

Manometric Power, Pm= ρg Q̇ H m = 0.03613 × × 1849.5× 44.84

Pm=2996.8 ft−lbf / s ¿ 4.07 KW

If we decrease size of pipe let, D=3 inch=0.25 ft

π 2 2
Cross sectional area of pipe A= × 3 =7.075 inch

Volume flow rate 1849.5

Average flow velocity ¿ = =261.4 inch/sec
A 7.075

ρVD 0.03613 × 261.4 ×3 5

Average Reynolds Number, Re = = =5.059 ×10
μ 5.6 × 10

Which shows flow inside pipe as turbulent flow

Let the pipe is smooth, from moody chart we can find out the friction factor,

f =0.01313

Loss coefficient for globe valve can be found by following relations,

K 1=340 × f =340× 0.01313=4.46

Loss coefficient for flow through swing check valve for full disc lift.

K 2=50 × f =50× 0.01313=0.6565

Loss coefficient for 900 standard elbows (r/D =1)

K 3=20 × f =20 ×0.01313=0.2626

( )
fL V
H f = 0.5+ K 1 + K 2 + K 1 +8 K 3 +1+ ×
D 2g

( )
0.01313× 2000 ×12 261.4
H f = 0.5+ 4.46+0.6565+ 4.46+8 × 0.2626+1+ ×
3 2× 386.1
H f =10460.7∈¿ 871.7 ft , Static head H s =10 ft
Net head given by pump to water H m =H s + H f + ¿
H m =10+871.7+¿ 261.4
¿ 889.1 ft
2× 386.1× 12

Manometric Power, Pm= ρg Q̇ H m = 0.03613 × × 1849.5× 889.1

Pm=59421.2 ft−lbf /s ¿ 80.8 KW

We can observe from above calculations that for constant flow rate, as we increase the diameter
of flow pipe, manometric power decreases.

Volume Flow Rate (gal/min) Diameter of pipe (in) Manometric Power (KW)
400 3 80.80
400 4 21.67
400 6 4.07

3. Efficiency of pump

We are taking pump with manometric power = 4.07 KW and operating with 6 in diameter pipe
and head of 44.84 ft. (High Discharge and Low Head)

Let pump is situated near the exit of tank A,

Pa V 2 P v
NPSH ¿ − −
ρg 2 g ρg

Take Pa=1.01325× 105 pascal , V =147.13 × 0.0254 m/s and Pv =3173.1 pascal at ambient

Pa V 2 P v 1.01325× 105 65.35 2 × 0.02542 3173.1

NPSH ¿ − − ¿ − − =9.86 m=31.5 feet
ρg 2 g ρg 1000 ×9.81 2× 9.81 1000× 9.81

For given data

Head = 44.84ft, Power = 4.07 KW = 5.45 HP and flow is equal to 400 GPM

The efficiency of pump found to be 83.25%

4. Potential of optimization

Economical Aspect

Smaller liquid lines may necessitate a greater system supply pressure (due to increased friction
losses) and possibly a larger pump and pump motor, all of which will increase equipment capital
and operating costs. Another thing to think about is the expense of the plumbing (including

Effect of Velocity

Velocity and turbulence are problems for hygienic, non-compressible applications (our most
common designs). To avoid stationary areas in the pipe system that can promote bacterial
development, it is vital to maintain a fully turbulent flow.
Pressure drop effect

The economics of a system are intimately tied to the effect of pressure drop within it. Smaller
pipe sizes result in higher pressure drop needs; to overcome pressure losses in the system, a
balance between pipe size and pumping/power requirements is required.

Space requirement

Because most biopharmaceutical pipes are less than 6 inches in diameter, space considerations
are usually not a major concern. When using existing pipe racks, regions that are tightly piped, or
gravity drainage systems, space may be an issue. Interaction with the piping designer will reveal
key spots where space is an issue.

Expansion Effect

The size of the header system should take into account the possibility of plant growth. If growth
is a clear possibility, the additional cost of a larger pipe size will save a lot of trouble down the


For high volume flow rate, US schedules 40 pipe of different diameter are taken to work under
the given static head, as we increase the size of pipe by keeping constant volume flow rate the
power required is decreased. Based of calculations of three sizes of pipes with diameter 3in, 4in
and 6in. power required is calculated and required manometric height is obtained. Among these
data pump with 6in diameter is selected under the head of 44.84 feet. And by interpolating on
pump characteristic curves, its efficiency found to be 83.25%.

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