Structure of An Essay Outline

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Structure Of An Essay Outline

Writing an essay on the topic of "Structure of an Essay Outline" can be both challenging and
rewarding. On one hand, the topic itself seems straightforward, as an essay outline is a fundamental
aspect of the writing process. However, delving deeper into the intricacies of crafting a well-
organized and effective essay outline requires a keen understanding of the different components and
their interconnections.

To start, one must navigate through the nuances of introduction, body, and conclusion sections,
ensuring each element contributes seamlessly to the overall coherence of the essay. Establishing a
clear thesis statement that encapsulates the main idea is crucial, as it serves as the guiding beacon
throughout the writing journey. The process involves grappling with the balance between providing
sufficient information and maintaining conciseness.

Furthermore, the challenge lies in selecting and arranging supporting points, creating a logical flow
that enhances the essay's readability. Balancing the depth of analysis within each section can be
intricate, as writers need to strike the right chord between brevity and comprehensiveness. Moreover,
transitions between paragraphs must be smooth to avoid disrupting the essay's narrative.

As the essay takes shape, revising and refining the outline becomes an iterative process. Ensuring
that each section contributes meaningfully to the overarching argument requires critical evaluation
and, at times, ruthless editing. Striking the right balance between clarity and complexity is an art that
demands careful consideration.

In conclusion, while exploring the "Structure of an Essay Outline" may seem straightforward
initially, the intricate details and meticulous planning required make it a challenging task. Yet,
mastering this skill is invaluable for any proficient writer, as a well-crafted outline lays the
foundation for a compelling and coherent essay.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, one can explore resources like , where a variety of writing services are available to aid in academic and
professional endeavors.
Structure Of An Essay Outline Structure Of An Essay Outline
Implementation of Good Governance in Pakistan
Good Governance in Pakistan
Governance is the exercise of power or authority political, economic, administrative or
otherwise to manage a country s resources and affairs. It comprises the mechanisms,
processes and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests,
exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and mediate their differences. Good
governance means competent management of a country s resources and affairs in a
manner that is open, transparent, accountable, equitable and responsive to people s needs.

Characteristics of Good Governance

2.Rule of law
5.Consensus orientation
7.Effectiveness and efficiency
8. ... Show more content on ...
3.Non serious behaviour of law makers: The root cause of increasing corruption is that
our leader don t take it serious, they just give visionary statements. Interior Minister, Mr
Rehman Malik gave a statement that we will eradicate corruption within a week.
Secondly he said that we will give pride of performance to the department which will
report us that there is a corruption in our department. These statements show the
behaviour of our leadership toward the eradication of corruption. It is just impossible to
eradicate corruption within a week and secondly pride of performance is being given to
4.Inconsiderable salaries: It is one of the major causes of corruption. Suppose when a
clerk not earning enough to live on or not being sure that he will have a job tomorrow so
that he supplements his income with bribes.
5.Lack of accountability: when public officials are not supposed to inform about or
explain what they are doing, they mostly indulge in corruption.
6.Weak enforcement: when law agencies do not impose sanctions on power holders who
have violated their public duties.
7.The abuse of public office for private gains has emerged as a fashion
8.unavailability of principles of good governance
9.Unawareness about rights:
10.To get unfair advantage over other:
i.To get Promotion ii. To get new job iii. To threat others(through police) iv. To get rid of
from charge etc.

11.Increased rate of
The Habits Of Highly Effective People By Stephen R. Covey...
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
When I went through professor s required book list, I recognized the book, 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People, at my first glance. I do remember that I read its Chinese
version which was a present from my grandfather almost ten years ago when I was a
teenager. Shortly after feeling excited, I was a little embarrassed because I barely
remember the 7 habits. Now as an adult almost a decade later, after finished the book,
the original work, I was impressed. The immaturity made me believe that most of the
points of Covey were too obvious and trite to make sense. But now those things Covey
talked about are actually tough challenges in my life. The precondition of the Covey s
theory is that a lot of people fix the problems in a scattershot approach which will
eventually lead to chaos or disappointment for the most time. The author s answer to
this is to be an effective person. People needs to learn to solve problems from personal
life, study and work with an approach based on a same core values. The book is about
how to develop the core values basically through the seven habits in order to be a more
effective person. The seven habits also help to achieve greater insights into leadership
and management in people s personal and professional life in the effective way.
The seven habits are: 1. Be proactive 2. Begin with the end in mind 3. Put first things first
4. Think win win 5. First understand, then be understood 6.
Homeless Students During Modern Society
Homeless Students in Modern Society
What do you think of when you hear the word homeless? Maybe you think of the people
begging for work on the side of the streets. You might imagine drug addicts running from
shelter to shelter. Actually, about half of the homeless people in the world are children
and students, who do not abuse drugs. Sadly, the number of Homeless Students and
Children in Caldwell county, and across the nation, is increasing, and the academic,
social, and physical effects are devastating.
From the from the article, Global Homeless Statistics on the website, The last time a global survey was attempted (by the United
Nations in 2005), an estimated 100 million people were homeless worldwide. As many ...
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In india, there are about 70 million homeless people and around 11 million street
children. Here in America, Homelessness has declined 9 percent since 2007, but sadly,
unofficial estimates of total homelessness range from 1.6 million to 3.5 million ( Global
Homeless Statistics ). Homelessness is everywhere not just in countries like Africa, or
only in the projects of lesser communities, homeless is happening right here in Caldwell
county. It is harder to see the homeless than you think, not every homeless person, or
child, will fall under the stereotypical definition of homelessness.
There is more than one official definition of homelessness. According to the article,
Children from the website, an individual who lacks housing (without
regard to whether the individual is a member of a family), including an individual
whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private facility (e.g.,
shelters) that provides temporary living accommodations, and an individual who is a
resident in transitional housing . [See Figure 1 for a chart.] There are many different
types of homeless, but usually all types of homelessness is characterized by extreme
poverty and lack of housing. Doubling up, or Couch surfing is a slang term for staying
with a friend or extended family member and is a

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