Descriptive Essay Examples About A Person

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Descriptive Essay Examples About A Person

Crafting a descriptive essay about a person may initially seem like a straightforward task, but delving
into the intricacies of capturing someone's essence through words can prove to be a challenging
endeavor. The challenge lies not just in narrating physical attributes but in conveying the intangible
aspects of personality, emotions, and experiences.

To begin with, selecting the right words and phrases to vividly paint a picture in the reader's mind
requires a keen understanding of the subject. One must delve into the nuances of the person's
character, deciphering the subtleties that define them. It's a task that demands an acute observational
skill and a profound connection with the subject.

Moreover, achieving a balance between objectivity and subjectivity poses another layer of
complexity. While aiming to provide an accurate portrayal, the writer must also infuse the essay with
their perspective and emotions, making the narrative engaging and relatable. Striking this balance
requires finesse in language and a thoughtful approach to storytelling.

The challenge escalates when attempting to avoid clichés and generic descriptions. Originality is
paramount, and finding unique angles to illuminate the person's identity demands creativity and a
departure from the conventional.

Furthermore, organizing the information coherently is a hurdle. Ensuring a smooth flow from one
aspect to another, maintaining a logical sequence, and avoiding disjointed thoughts require careful
planning and meticulous structuring of the essay.

In the end, crafting a compelling descriptive essay about a person is a journey that involves
navigating through the intricacies of language, emotion, and perspective. It requires a delicate
interplay of skills such as observation, creativity, and organization. Despite its challenges, the process
offers an opportunity for personal expression and connection.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed by the complexities of such a task, there's assistance
available. Similar essays and a plethora of writing services can be accessed on ,
providing a resource for individuals seeking expertly crafted pieces on various topics.
Descriptive Essay Examples About A PersonDescriptive Essay Examples About A Person
Poisonwood Bible Thesis
Moving cities is hard enough but picking up your family and leaving the only country
you have ever known to go to a continent where you do not speak the language or
understand the customs has to be completely mind boggling. The novel The
Poisonwood Bible opens with Orleanna Price describing the sensory input of the
Congolese Jungle. As a reader her description allows you to close your eyes and see
the Congolese Jungle as if you are there walking through it too. The Congolese Jungle
sounds like an unforgiving place which adds a suspenseful sense to the already
questionable beginning. While one can not exactly know what is going to take place, the
description allows you to know that whatever it is will not be good. As Orleanna
continues her narration she uses the word you repeatedly.... Show more content on ...
I believe Orleanna tells the story looking back on Africa because she experienced
Africa as a grown woman. Nothing from her experience in the Congo was sugar
coated and for all anyone knows she may have PTSD from the experience and these
are recurring nightmares. Whereas the girls tell it as if it is happening in the present
because they are young and only coming of age as their experience in Africa takes off.
Being so young they probably did not see all Africa had to offer the way their mother
did. The author of The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver, gives each sister their
very own distinct voice. She allows them to have their own personalities through word
choice and sentence structure. I do not find one specific sister s voice more compelling
than another. However, Ruth Mae s obliviousness as a 5 year old does pull at the
heartstrings. Each girl has her own redeeming qualities that pique my
Epidemiology, Etiology, Pathophysiology, And Treatment Of...
Vincent Hernandez, Robin Ignacio, Giovanni Salazar,
Jod Decolongon, Elizabeth Martinez
Concorde Career College
RT 230 Clinical Medicine II
Jerry Roper, RRT
October 1, 2015

Topic: Epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of Bronchiectasis
I. Definition of Bronchiectasis A. Overview
II. Causes of Bronchiectasis A. Causes
2.Fungal Infection
3.Severe Pneumonia
4.Whooping Cough
III. Diseases Associated with Bronchiectasis
A.Cystic Fibrosis
B.Chronic pulmonary aspiration
IV. Common Causes
V. Effects of bronchiectasis/pathophysiology
A. Diagram
B. Diagnosis
VI. Symptoms Treatment
A.Symptoms 1. Cough 2. Sputum 3. Chest Pain 4. Wheezing/SOB 5. Clubbing
VII. Conclusion

This paper aims to explore the etiology, epidemiology, pathophysiology and the treatment
of Bronchiectasis. This disease continues to affect various conditions that tend to affect
and even cause damage to the lungs. For this paper, we will also present a variety of
research studies, which will show statistics of this condition, and how it is being treated
to reduce its effects among patients.
Definition of Bronchiectasis
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Heart, Lung, and
Blood institute, Bronchiectasis is a condition where damage caused to the airways (tubes
that carry air in and out of the lungs) causes them to widen,
John Locke s Theory Of Self And Personal Identity Essay
John Locke a seventeenth century Philosopher uses a number of thought experiments in
his 1690 account, An Essay concerning Human Understanding . He uses these thought
experiments to help explain his definition of the self and personal identity. The thought
experiments that are used, go some way in explaining his opinions and in clarifying the
role that memory plays in defining the term. Although defining personal identity was and
still is a complex subject and not all philosophers share the same views.
The term personal identity is described in the text book as what, if anything makes a
person the same person despite changes over time (Warburton, N,2011, p.18). Locke s
thought experiments are essential instruments in explaining that when a man or woman
has no memory or consciousness of events that have occurred, their personal identity is
altered quite significantly. Locke aims to show that a person s consciousness is what
makes them, them. And that the biological body that their consciousness inhabits is not
always connected. These opinions are talked about throughout his account and it is clear
that John Locke feels that memory is imperative to personal identity.
In John Locke s description of the thought experiment the little finger; he discusses the
differences that can occur when a part of a human is removed and becomes its own
individual body. Locke states that If the consciousness went along with the finger when it
was cut off that the finger could not deny
Sammy in Updike s A P Essay
The main character in John Updike s short story A P is Sammy. The story s first
person context gives the reader a unique insight toward the main character s own
feelings and choices, as well as the reasons for the choices. The reader is allowed to
closely observe Sammy s observations and first impressions of the three girls who come
to the grocery store on a summer afternoon in the early 1960s. In order to understand this
short story, one must first recognize the social climate of the era, the age of the main
character, and the temptation this individual faces. Sammy is a product of his generation.
In the 1960s the social climate was changing. The new ideas of the youth were taking
over the traditions of their parents. Music and the... Show more content on ...
This seems almost ridiculous as far as today s standards, where in the grocery store,
people wear garments that vary from business suits to skimpy pajamas and bedroom
slippers wandering the produce section. One has to wonder what Sammy would do if
he worked in a grocery store today! The other side of the culture of the time is the
rebellious attitude that Sammy has toward his boss. So I say I quit to Lengel quick
enough for them to hear, hoping they ll stop and watch me, their unsuspected hero (81).
He quits because the manager has embarrassed the girls. He throws caution to the wind
and walks away from his job, but remembering his manners, politely leaves his bow tie
and apron behind. He wants to throw off all his responsibilities and follow these girls
wherever they are going, and instead of listening to the good reasoning of his
manager, he does as he pleases. Some of this rebellious attitude can certainly be
chalked up to age. Sammy is a teenage boy who is confronted with three nearly
unclothed girls on a hot day in the summer. Instead of being outside having fun, he s
stuck inside working at a menial job. These girls are a carrot dangling on a stick, just
out of his reach. He decides to take matters into his own hands and cut the string holding
the carrot, even though the girls are gone by the time he gets outside. It is characteristic
of teenagers to do as they
The Brain and Cranial Nerves Essay
The Brain and Cranial Nerves

One of the most complex and fascinating things in the human body is the brain. The body
is capable of almost everything, but it would not be possible, without the brain receiving
information, and analyzing the information. The brain is aware of its surroundings, via
input from the spinal cord and cranial nerves. Cranial nerves with sensory functions
allow us to smell and see. Nerves with both motor and sensory functions are responsible
for everything from tasting and chewing, to breathing and the heating of your heart.
Many of the little things we take for granted are also made possible by cranial nerves.
Solving problems, feeling hungry, laughing. Each of these activities occurs in a different
... Show more content on ...
The Medulla contains white matter that is sensory and motor tracts. These tracts extend
between the spinal cord and other parts of the brain. The Pons lies directly superior to the
Medulla. Like the Medulla, the Pons is a bridge that connects parts of the brain with one
another. The midbrain extends fro the Pons to the Diencephalon. The Midbrain contains
both tracts and nuclei. The interior art of the midbrain contains a pair of tracts called
Cerebral Pedunctis. They contain axons of corticospinal corticopontine and corticobolbar
motor neurons. These conduct nerve impulses from the cerebrum to the spinal cord,
medulla, and pons. The posterior part of the midbrain is called the tectum. The Tectum
contains four rounded elecations, two superior, and two inferior. The two superior
elevations are known as the superior culliculi. They serve as reflex centers for certain
visual activities. The two inferior elevations, the inferior colliculi, are aprt of the auditory
pathway, relaxing impulses from the receptors for hearing in the ear to the thalamus. The
Cerebellum is the second largest part of the brain. The cerebellum occupies the inferior
and posterior aspects of the cranial cavity. The Diencephalon extends from the brain stem
to the cerebrum. It includes the thalamus, hypothalmas, epithalamus, and subthalmus.
The twelve cranial nerves are responsible for a variety of things. Some of these nerves
bring information from the sense
Senior Year Problem
There are many problems I have in my life but the most important problem I am facing
is trying to graduate while being pregnant. Yes I understand that most people would
think that my life has made a turn for the worst but me I feel like everything happens
for a reason although I did not plan this whatsoever I still have to do what I have to do
to provide a supportive life for me and my new edition. This is my senior year and
some may say this should be the easiest year but for me it is the most important year. I
have to make sure I stay on track with my gpa, my grades, my credits, etc. Having a
baby at my age does not make that easier. I have doctor s appointments during school
hours since our school gets out so late so it s hard for me not... Show more content on ...
That is definitely going to be stressful for me to juggle. It is really going to be hard
because I am just coming to get my work i am not sitting in the class learning the
material , I am basically going to have to teach myself how to do it. I have to make sure
I have all my graduation requirements. When I come back I expect to be caught up with
everything I need to have done and not to be behind on anything. I want to come back to
school basically where I left off not trying to get out of a whole I dug myself because I
was not focused. The fact that I am going to have a baby soon should be enough to make
me realize that I can t afford to mess up and I have to stay focused not just for me but for
my baby. I am trying to make sure my senior year is as normal as possible, I have to
work really hard all year. Before I take leave to make sure my grades are not already bad,
during to make sure I don t get behind and after to make sure I don t slip and I get to
walk across the stage. I am not just living for me, now I am living for me and my new
edition and it is a must I do whatever I have to do to make it. This problem will not break
me it will only make me stronger for my
Analyze The Changes Between The Qin And Han Dynasty
The Qin and Han dynasties changed many things regarding how China was governed.
Like when Qin Shi Huang standardized the units of measurement, currency, and the width
of roads to ease trade within his country, strengthening the unity between areas. Another
change is the Han dynasty s usage of education. They let all boys receive an education to
a certain extent, however, if they wanted to further their education more they would have
to travel to the capital. One of the several changes Qin Shi Huang changed how dictators
controlled Chinain many ways how he distributed his land and power. Many of the
changes he implemented were used by Chinese rulers for over 2000 years, these changes
created a lasting effect on how China was ruled. The Qin

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