Essays On Adversity

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Essays On Adversity

Writing an essay on the theme of adversity presents a unique set of challenges. Adversity is a broad
and complex topic that encompasses various aspects of human experience, ranging from personal
struggles to societal challenges. The difficulty lies in navigating this vast landscape and crafting a
cohesive, insightful, and engaging essay that captures the essence of adversity.

One challenge is the need for a nuanced understanding of adversity itself. It's not just about
recounting difficulties faced; it requires a deeper exploration of the impact of adversity on
individuals, communities, or even entire societies. Striking the right balance between personal
anecdotes, broader perspectives, and relevant examples is crucial to ensure the essay resonates with

Moreover, defining a clear thesis that guides the essay while addressing the multifaceted nature of
adversity can be challenging. It's essential to avoid oversimplification and instead delve into the
complexities inherent in the topic. Developing a well-structured and logical flow of ideas is crucial to
help readers navigate through the essay seamlessly.

Research plays a vital role in tackling this subject. Gathering diverse sources to support arguments
and provide context demands a thorough exploration of literature, case studies, and real-life
examples. Additionally, maintaining a critical perspective on the chosen sources and weaving them
coherently into the narrative can be time-consuming but is essential for a robust essay.

Crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion poses its own set of challenges. The introduction
needs to grab the reader's attention while clearly outlining the purpose and scope of the essay.
Meanwhile, the conclusion should leave a lasting impression and tie together the various threads
explored throughout the essay.

In summary, writing an essay on adversity involves navigating a complex landscape, requiring a

nuanced understanding of the topic, meticulous research, and the ability to weave together various
elements into a cohesive narrative. However, with dedication, careful planning, and a keen awareness
of the subject matter, it is certainly possible to create a thought-provoking essay that explores the
multifaceted nature of adversity.

For those seeking assistance with essays on various topics, including adversity, professional services
such as can provide support and guidance. Expert writers can help navigate the
complexities of essay writing, offering customized content to meet specific requirements and
ensuring a polished and well-crafted final product.
Essays On Adversity Essays On Adversity
Girl With A Pearl Earring By Gring Griet Analysis
An important part in every person s life is the search for personal identity and self
knowledge. This struggle involves working out a concept of oneself as a unique
individual and embracing an ideology or system of values that provide a sense of
direction, as stated in Weiten s Psychology: Themes and Variations. Similarly, in Girl
With a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier, Griet grapples with her identityas a maid, and
entertains the idea that she can choose a path not set out for her. Her journey of self
discovery leads to a deeper understanding of her role in Vermeer s paintings, and what
it means for her own life. The Vermeer s influence on Griet affects her transition from
adolescence into adulthood, thus affecting the choices she makes. These choices
define Griet as a person even when she feels she no longer has any trace of her old self
left. Although Griet does not completely sever her ties to her old life, Griet does fit the
archetype of a hero on a hero s quest because of the challenges crucial to her journey and
through the redemption of her personal values.
As Griet begins work as a maid in the Vermeer household, she has extensive
responsibilities thrust upon her both from the Vermeers and her family. While there,
Griet encounters many obstacles; the first being her relationship with her new mistress
Catharina. Catharina remained on the threshold. I did not dare enter before her. After an
awkward moment she ordered, Open the shutters, then. Not the window on the left. Just
the middle and far windows. And only the lower part of the middle window (Chevalier,
32). Catharina s instruction from Johannes creates a lot of tension between Griet and
herself; beginning Catharina s resentment of Griet. Catharina does not like the fact that
Johannes allows a maid in his studio, but not her. As Griet s time in the Vermeer
household continues, Vermeer eventually chooses to paint Griet, even though she does
not wish to be painted because of her class and position. For Griet, that means giving
up the only thing she has left her identity for the sake of Vermeer s painting. He seemed
to be waiting for something. My face began to strain with the fear that I was not giving
him what he wanted. Griet , he added
Treatment Of Intravenous Drug Use
Intravenous drug use is a dangerous, yet increasing activity around the world. Persons
who inject themselves with illicit drugs are at risk for several complications such as
infection caused by contaminated needles. These infections can be serious and often lead
to hospitalization as well as other health related complications. A situation that often
arises is determining the best type of treatment for IV drug users who are being
discharged from the hospital. Physicians and pharmacists are commonly faced with
choosing outpatient IV antibiotic therapy versus oral antibiotics when treating infections
caused by IV drug use. This presents an ethical dilemma, particularly concerning the
ethical principles of beneficence and ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, the trend in intravenous drug use has increased in recent years. Results
from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health show that of individuals aged
12 or older in America, current users of cocaine and heroin were approximately 1.5
million and 289,000 respectively (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, 2014). As the number of intravenous drug users continues to rise, so
does the risk of dangerous and potentially fatal complications that are associated with
illicit drug use. In this population, death rates are higher due to overdose, AIDs related
mortality, and other blood borne viruses (Mathers et al., 2013). Mortality rates remain
high even though precautions have been taken to reduce them. According to Lavender
McCarron (2013), Mortality in injecting drug users is up to 22 times higher than for the
age adjusted population, despite increased provision of needle and syringe programs,
reduced needle and syringe sharing, and higher uptake of hepatitis B vaccination (p. 511).
In addition to higher rates of mortality, intravenous drug users are at increased risk of
infection. Mertz, et al. (2008) stated, Malnutrition, immunodeficiency, homelessness, and
needle sharing contribute to a high infection rate in these patients (p. 2). Common
infections range from simple cutaneous abscesses and cellulitis to more serious infections
such as
The Hundred Secret Senses
Overture to sibling s kinship
The relationship between siblings is a critical relationship. The sibling relationship is
one of the longest lasting relationships in most people s lives and one of the most
prevalent (Avidan, p21). The sibling relationship has many delicate and intricate issues
like conflicts, rivalry, despite these negative impacts this relationship is one of the closest
relationships. The siblings help one another and give emotional support when it is
needed. The quality of sibling kinship is closely associated with social development and
the psychological characteristics of the children. Also, in this aspect it does not matter
whether the kinship between the siblings is developing either by ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, Tan uses sisterhood as a structure for the representation and regulation of
cultural differences among women. The Hundred Secret Senses does not offer an
admired development of sisterhood but rather gives a refined investigation of the
philosophy of sisterhood and stresses the impact of the sister relationship in creating
ethnic consciousness and identity. For Tan, sisterhood envelops biological bonding as
well as poignant cultural heritage. The bond between the two half sisters in The
Hundred Secret Senses is loaded with equivocalness created by synchronous sentiments
of equality and difference. Psychologically, Olivia, the sister who typifies the ethnic
other, has been perceived as a fundamental piece of the American self. The key
occasions in her psychological development her isolation from Simon, her refusal of her
heritage and rejection of her sister, her guiltiness, her developing valuation for Chinese
culture, and her longings towards meaningful kinships are all associated with her sister
Kwan and their advancing relationship. Kwan turns out to be, in the expressions of
Downing, an oblivious manual for Olivia s trip toward self and psyche, that is, toward an
expanded consciousness of her roots and ethnic
Things Fall Apart Essay
Things Fall Apart describes the decline of the Ibo tribe, due to conflict between the
intervening Christians and the traditional Ibo culture. At first, the missionaries cause no
trouble with Ibo traditions. However, conflicts, like the split between Okonkwo and his
son, begin to emerge from the differing ideology. The symbolic tattoos display factors,
such as the introduction of Christianity, that contribute to the overall decline of the Ibo
people in a way that would bring empowerment to the Christians, specifically the
converts. The Ibo people s vision of a strength dominated society fell apart due to the
influence of the Christian missionaries and faith. To demonstrate the strength, the tribe
drinks out of an enemy s skull. The skull tattoo embraces this idea through symbolizing
the skull as Umuofia s strength with Christian elements breaking in and Umuofian
elements exiting. The Celtic cross breaks the skull, creating cracks, symbolizing the
intrusion of the Christian faith and damages of their emergence. The clovers represent
the increase in numbers of Christian converts and the growing strength of the faith. At
the skull base, yam vines, kola flowers and palm... Show more content on
They vanquish the desecrated, ill, and exiled people, leaving them in the forest to die.
When the missionaries requested pieces of land to settle on, the council chose the
most vile area, the Evil Forest. Achebe writes, At last the day came by which all
missionaries should have died. But they were still alive, building a new red earth and
thatch house for their teacher, Mr. Kiaga (Achebe 151). Unlike their original plans, the
Christian faith survived in the forest, weakening the Ibo s religious beliefs. The tattoo
represents the decline of the tribe through Ibo symbols such as falling leaves and the
weak root structure. In a sense, the Ibo are disintegrating, like the falling leaves of the
The Role Of Division In The Movie Freedom
There are several problems that seem universal and difficult to solve. One pressing
issue is that of keeping unity among a group of people and preventing division. How
can all members of the group receive some benefit with minimal efforts and losses
appears to be the question that groups must address to be successful. This applies to
groupings of all sorts of levels, such as, nations, sports teams, classrooms, marriages, and
businesses among others. Looking at issues currently facing our nation, many examples
of this can be seen. Recently our nation has seen riots, divisions, and disagreements.
Despite all the seemingly endless divisions, there are practices that would greatly
improve the condition and unity of the nation. In the movie Freedom... Show more
content on ...
One of the largest causes for division is people not understanding each other very well.
Ignorance of another person s or group of persons background, mindset, or other
characteristics often leads to fear or hesitancy to work together. Eliminating
misunderstandings helps alleviate divisions. It can be difficult to truly try to understand
someone though. As the late Stephen Covey said, a person should seek first to
understand, then to be understood. This means that the person must be willing to be
fully open to what the other person is portraying without trying to push their own
agenda. Ms. Gruwell demonstrated this well. She sought to understand her students in
order to gain their respect before trying to teach her material. She used pop culture
references that appealed to them, read personal journal entries, listened to them without
interjecting, and tried to help her students in any way she could. She sacrificed much of
her own time and value before she ever asked anything of her students. In doing so, she
unified her students and was able to get them to buy in and do amazing things. If people
are willing to delay their wants and try to understand others first, many of the problems
facing our society today would
Great Gatsby Unjust Analysis
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy both
deal with social class and the presence of suffocating social norms. The themes of these
two novels are embodied in their women. The female characters in both Jude the
Obscure and Great Expectations can be divided into two categories: the elevated woman
and the grounded woman. How these characters operate within the confines of the novel,
however, are reversed. In Jude, Arabella is the grounded woman, who ultimately leads to
Jude s ruin, and Sue is the elevated woman, a woman of reason and education and the
woman he loves. Meanwhile, in Great Expectations, Estella is the elevated woman,
despite her low birth; she is a carefully cultivated seductress with whom... Show more
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The main character, Pip, raised an orphan and destined for blue collar work, becomes
determined to rise after meeting and becoming enamored with a beautiful girl named
Estella. He immediately begins to think of himself as beneath her. She seemed much
older than I, of course, being a girl, and beautiful and self possessed; and she was as
scornful of me as if she had been one and twenty, and a queen (Dickens 62). Even after
Estella treats Pip thoroughly harshly and makes him feel ashamed of who he is, he is
charmed by her. He later learns that the reason she is so harsh is because she was
taken in by Miss Havisham and trained to feel no compassion, remorse, or any
sentiment at all; when Pip and Estella are grown and walking in Miss Havisham s
gardens, Estella remarks to Pip, Oh! I have a heart to be stabbed in or shot in, I have
no doubt, said Estella, and of course, if it ceased to beat I should cease to be. But you
know what I mean. I have no softness there, no sympathy sentiment nonsense (Dickens
263). As the perfectly beautiful, perfectly high class woman, Estella shirks anything
that could truly fulfill her. She is not interested in marrying for love, or friendship, or
family; Estella is concerned with money and class, first and foremost. Miss Havisham
pleads for Pip to love her; she says, I developed her
Assasination of Leon Trotsky
The Assassination of Leon Trotsky

During the power struggle in Russia, an escaped prisoner of the name Lev Bronstein,
was murdered on August 20th, 1940 by Ramon Mercader. Bronstein was a Russian
marxist who went against Stalin s beliefs. He was forced to leave the country by Stalin s
wishes. However, before he left he accomplished many things such as helping the
Bolsheviks into power and creating the South Russian Workers Union.

Lev Bronstein was born on November 8th, 1879 and grew up in a small town in
Yanovka, present day Ukraine. He was the 5th child of a well off Jewish farmer. When
Bronstein was 9, he was sent to finish his schooling in Nikolayev. As a teenager he was
very interested in socialism and helped create the South Russia Worker s Union. He was
later arrested along with 200 other union workers and was sent to jail for four years.
While he was in prison, he married a woman named Aleksandra Soklovskaya and
together they had two daughters . He abandoned his wife and kids. He then escaped
prison, obtained a forged passport and changed his name to Leon Trotsky.

He then moved to London, England where he joined with Lenin and his group of
Russian Social Democrats. He began working on a revolutionary newspaper called
Iskra. That same year, he met a woman named Natalia Sedova. They married and had
two sons together. Later, while Russia was in the middle of a revolution, Trotsky
escaped into the capital of Russia and became a spokesperson for the city

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