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My Turn Essay

Writing an essay about oneself, especially under the theme "My Turn Essay," presents a unique set of
challenges. The difficulty lies not only in articulating personal experiences and perspectives but also
in striking the right balance between self-expression and maintaining the reader's interest. It requires
a delicate dance between self-reflection and engaging storytelling.

Crafting a compelling narrative about your own experiences can be challenging due to the inherent
subjectivity involved. One must navigate the fine line between self-praise and humility, ensuring that
the essay is genuine and relatable. It's not just about narrating events but infusing them with
meaning, reflecting on personal growth, and perhaps offering insights that resonate universally.

Additionally, there's the challenge of maintaining the reader's engagement throughout the essay. It's
not just about telling a story but doing so in a way that captivates the audience. Striking the right
tone, employing vivid descriptions, and incorporating relevant details are all crucial elements.

Moreover, introspection and self-analysis can be emotionally taxing. To truly delve into one's
experiences and articulate them effectively requires a level of vulnerability and openness that can be
daunting. It's a process of self-discovery that demands courage and honesty.

In conclusion, writing a "My Turn Essay" is no easy task. It necessitates a delicate balance between
self-disclosure, relatability, and engaging storytelling. It challenges the writer to be introspective and
vulnerable, navigating the intricacies of self-expression. However, with dedication and careful
crafting, such essays can become powerful vehicles for personal growth and connection.

For those seeking assistance in composing similar essays or tackling other writing challenges, various
resources are available. Services like offer professional support, ensuring that your
ideas are expressed coherently and effectively.
My Turn EssayMy Turn Essay
Communism In Promised Heaven
Wasteland? It is not a wasteland. It is a hero city at the sunset of Communism. (Fima,
Promised Heaven )

Film Promised Heaven was born almost after the Soviet era came to an end when
collapse of the Empire became imminent. The country was falling apart before people s
eyes and no one knew what was going to happen next. By creating Promised Heaven ,
Eldar Ryazanov wanted to leave his legacy to future generations, and it had to be in a
form of a film that tells the truth about the time of worries and anxiety fall of the old
regime and Perestroika.
The genre of the film Promised Heaven has been identified as an urban parable or social
tragicomedy. There were over 400 movies made in 1991, but Promised Haven fabulous
and phantasmagorical ... Show more content on ...
Former housemaid and cook Katya, another character, was humiliated, beaten harshly
and kicked out of her house by her drunk son. She is a good mother and a faithful
servant of the Communist bosses. Her eyes lit humility, patience, willingness to work,
a desire to help and to serve. Katya is a defenseless creature, only capable of crying
bitterly in a minute of despair, just like her Motherland during Perestroika times. There
is also a Solomon, a former engineer, who was fired from his job because his family
immigrated to Israel for a better life. The leader of those hopeless people called
himself President , was a former communists party member Dmitry, who like his
friend Fedor, was jailed and repressed in Stalin s camps. One day President brings his
people great news that aliens came to visit him and told him they will take all the
people of the wasteland to the world where peace and love rule, and no worries exist. It
will happen on the night when the blue snow starts falling from the sky. While
wastelanders get ready to leave, authorities come together with American businessmen
and announce that the landfill should be liquidated and a condom factory will be build
there instead. Shocked by the decision, President and his people are trying to protect their
home, but when the blue snow starts falling
Night Father Son Relationship Analysis
Take care of your son. He is very weak is advice given by his cousin, Stein, to Eliezer
and his father (Wiesel, 45). In Night by Elie Wiesel he illustrates his experience in the
holocaust. He is put in a life or death situation with his father that puts an extreme
strain on the bond, but they weren t the only father son relationship put to the test. The
advice given to him was followed by him and by some other characters. In the novel
Night by Eliezer Wiesel, the author displays how times of hardship can have a
positive effect on the father son relationships, which shows how people in times of
hardship care more than those not. The greatest example of a father son relationship
that stayed close together, Eliezer and his father. Throughout the whole book, they
display a large connection and strong bond. In almost all of the book Elie cared for his
father and did all he could to make sure he survived. Even when he was told by his
Blockästle told him to give up on his father, he never did. He continued to help feed him
and give him his coffee. When transporting to yet another camp the had to throw out
corpses and people tried to throw out his dad. Even though His father wanted to be thrown
... Show more content on ...
In the beginning Eliezer s father gave him advice to not eat so fast so that he wouldn t
starve to much, to keep him as healthy as possible. And when Stein gave the both of
them advice by telling Eliezer s father to take care of Elie. When they were still in the
camps and his father would get extra food he would give it to Elie. In page 73 his
father gave him half of a ration of bread, which he traded for with a rubber band. Even
when his father thought he was going to die at selection, he tried his hardest to get to
his son to give him a knife and spoon. In his possible last few moments; He
immediately wanted to look out for his son. People in dire situations tend to give and
care more because they know the same
The Powder River Basin Is The United States
The Powder River Basin Located in the western United States, the Powder River Basin
is currently the United States largest producer of coal, and the coal that is produced
here is some of the cleanest coal that is used in coal burning power plants. By producing
such large quantities of low sulfur, clean burning coal, the Powder River Basin is of
great interest, and we will examine the conditions and factors that helped to form
some of the largest and cleanest coal seams in the world, along with coal production
and other coal bed resources. A basin, as defined by Merriam Webster s dictionary, is a
broad area of the earth beneath which the strata dip usually from the sides toward the
center and on a simplified level, the Powder River Basin is exactly this (Merriam, 2014). The Powder River Basin spans from the northeast half of
Wyoming into the southeast corner of Montana. A geologic map of the Powder River
is shown on the following page. The basin is an assymetrical syncline with its axis
lying along the western side. The coal bearing rocks in the western part of the basin
dip over 20 degrees, while the rocks at the eastern side of the basin only dip up to 5
degrees (Flores et al., 2008). As indicated by the following stratigraphic column, the
coal bearing rocks of the powder river basin were deposited from the Upper Cretaceous
into the Eocene epoch. These rocks can reach a thickness of almost 8000 feet at the
basin axis (Curry, 1971). Found at the
Fury Road Essay
In an ideal future, most people would expect to see a world devoid of sickness,
disabilities, violence, and terror; but what if the more realistic future holds all of these
things to be the norm? What culture would then arise from the ashes of this new
wasteland society, where people survive off the misfortune of others and the humanbody
is a degenerate vessel for lost souls? Mad Max: Fury Road encapsulates every aspect of
this future with all of the explosions and car chases of a classy action filmand then some;
for many, it stands as a masterly produced action thriller, but for me, the cultural
implications, disabled heroes, and purposeful desexualization of female characters in the
film prove that Fury Road is about so much more than simply... Show more content on ...
The fantasy/sci fi film was directed by George Miller and received praise from many
critics, and has been nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Picture and Best Director.
The basic plot revolves around two characters, Furiosa (Charlize Theron) and Max
(Tom Hardy), who join forces to help five women escape from the tyrant, Immortan
Joe. Along the way, Furiosa and Max not only have to keep the girls alive, but also
each other and outrace the army that follows them in order to make it to the Green
Place, a haven of sorts where Furiosa was born. However, when the group finally
reaches the Green Place, there is nothing but ruin to be found and so begins the epic
climactic battle between the escapees and Immortan Joe s army. There are so many
unique aspects to the plot alone that detach this film from most of the action film
genre, but what adds to the significance of Fury Road is the overwhelming presence of
disabilities, and how these disabilities are treated within the context of the film. The
world itself projects a new culture where everyone is disabled and everyone is enslaved
in some way. Yet, despite what our society would deem of these circumstances, this new
culture is not a despairing one for no character falls victim to their disability, and those
who would be expected to resign to abuse are the very heroes of their own
The Canadian Inuit And Animals For Supplies
For many of years animal activists have been trying to put a stop to all animal hunting,
abuse, using animals for supplies. The problem with doing this is that it may effect a
large amount of people who live off of these animals, in particularly the seal. The
Canadian Inuit is a large group of people about 46,000 people as an estimation, that use
seals as a multi source. The Canadian Inuit use the seal for a source of cash through fur
sales, they used the seal for meat, and once used seal for oil lamps. In 1980 animal rights
activists got their way and made it so that seal hunting was no longer legal. This affected
thousands of Canadian Inuit who lived in small arctic hamlets who lived off of seal. The
question is who is better off the Canadian Inuit, or the animals rights activists? Peter
Singer is a utilitarian a philosopher who was much different from other utilitarians. The
book Doing Ethics states that Classic Utilitarianismsay that the right action is the one
that produces the best balance of happiness over unhappiness.(page 547) SInger s
takes a different approach. He thinks of including both animals and humans in the
word or category of Everyone The pain and pleasure of all sentient beings much be
considered when we are deciding which action maximizes the greater good.(page547) I
believe that Peter Singer would be one that has the possibility of being in favor of the
ban on all seal hunting even if it would devastate the Inuit, if they did not take pain

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