Infernal Magi Items 1.4

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Infernal Magic Items

Item Choose one of the following enhancements
13 • One Tier 3 infernal property and one roll on the
planes function differently than
Minor detriment table
those from the material plane.
• Two Tier 2 infernal properties
While most of the properties of • One Tier 2 infernal property and two Tier 1 infernal
magic items from these planes property
are similar to those in the • Three Tier 1 infernal properties
material plane, they possess one 14 • One Tier 3 infernal property and one roll on the
major difference, which makes Minor detriment table
them unique to their material plane counterparts: they • Two Tier 2 infernal properties
scale in their power with their user. • One Tier 2 infernal property and two Tier 1 infernal
Item Leveling 15
• Three Tier 1 infernal properties
• One Tier 3 infernal property and two rolls on the
All infernal items require attunement. Minor detriment table
When a Player Character is attuned to an infernal • Two Tier 2 infernal properties
magic item, they can choose to allocate a certain amount • One Tier 2 infernal property and two Tier 1 infernal
or all of the experience they receive to the item. All properties
experience points allocated to the infernal item are • Three Tier 1 infernal properties
doubled. 16 • Two Tier 3 infernal properties and two rolls on the
The experience thresholds are the same as the ones Minor detriment table
for character advancement. This means that an infernal • Three Tier 2 infernal properties
magic item, when attuned for the first time, starts at first • Two Tier 2 infernal property and two Tier 1 infernal
level and needs 300 exp to scale to the second level, etc. properties
• Four Tier 1 infernal properties
When the attunement to an infernal magic item from
a previously attuned creature is ended or that creature 17 • One Tier 4 infernal property
dies, the item looses its 1d4 levels for every workweek • Two Tier 3 infernal property and two rolls on the
Minor detriment table
until the same creature attunes to it anew. However, if in
• One Tier 3 infernal property; one Tier 2 infernal
that period the item is attuned by another creature, the property and one roll on the Minor Detriment table
level of the weapon reverts back to first level. • Two Tier 2 infernal properties
• One Tier 2 infernal property and four Tier 1 infernal
Item Level Advancement Table properties
Item Choose one of the following enhancements • Six Tier 1 infernal properties
Level 18 • One Tier 4 infernal property and one roll on the
1 • One Tier 1 infernal property Major Detriment table
2 • One Tier 1 infernal property • Two Tier 3 infernal property and two rolls on the
Minor detriment table
3 • One Tier 1 infernal property • One Tier 3 infernal property; one Tier 2 infernal
4 • Two Tier 1 infernal properties property and one roll on the Minor Detriment table
5 • One Tier 2 infernal property • Two Tier 2 infernal properties
• Two Tier 1 infernal properties • One Tier 2 infernal property and four Tier 1 infernal
6 • One Tier 2 infernal property properties
• Two Tier 1 infernal properties • Six Tier 1 infernal properties

7 19 • One Tier 4 infernal property and two rolls on the

• One Tier 2 infernal property
• Two Tier 1 infernal properties Major Detriment table
• Two Tier 3 infernal property and two rolls on the
8 • One Tier 2 infernal property Minor detriment table
• Two Tier 1 infernal properties • One Tier 3 infernal property; one Tier 2 infernal
9 • One Tier 2 infernal property property and one roll on the Minor Detriment table
• Two Tier 1 infernal properties • Two Tier 2 infernal properties
10 • Two Tier 2 infernal properties • One Tier 2 infernal property and four Tier 1 infernal
• Three Tier 1 infernal properties properties
11 • Six Tier 1 infernal properties
• One Tier 3 infernal property
• Two Tier 2 infernal properties 20 • One Tier 4 infernal property and two rolls on the
• One Tier 2 infernal property and two Tier 1 infernal Major Detriment table
properties • Two Tier 3 infernal property and two rolls on the
• Three Tier 1 infernal properties Minor detriment table
12 • One Tier 3 infernal property; one Tier 2 infernal
• One Tier 3 infernal property and one roll on the
property and one roll on the Minor Detriment table
Minor detriment table
• Two Tier 2 infernal properties
• Two Tier 2 infernal properties
• One Tier 2 infernal property and four Tier 1 infernal
• One Tier 2 infernal property and two Tier 1 infernal
• Six Tier 1 infernal properties
• Three Tier 1 infernal properties


Infernal Properties Major Detriment Table
1d100 Major Detriment
There are four types of infernal magic items:
01-20 While attuned to this item, all potions you drink that
• Infernal Weapons restore hit points are only half as effective on you.
• Infernal Vessels 21-30 While attuned to this item, all healing magic is only
• Infernal Focuses half as effective on you.
• Infernal Ornaments
31-40 While attuned to this item, your movement speed is
Each one of these types has their own infernal properties reduced by 5 feet.
they can be enhanced with. These properties are 41-50 Your hit points maximum is reduced by an amount
categorized into four different tiers: equal to one roll of your hit die + your Constitution
• Tier 1 (level 1-4)
• Tier 2 (level 5-10) 51-60 One Saving throw bonus of your choice is reduced
by 1d4.
• Tier 3 (level 11-16)
• Tier 4 (level 17-20) 61-70 While attuned to this item, you become vulnerable to
a random damage type.
71-80 You lose one skill, tool, or language proficiency of
Detriment Tables your choice.
81-90 While attuned to this item, you have disadvantage on
Some enhancments ask of you to roll on the minor or initiative rolls.
the major detriment table. The Minor Detriment Table 91-99 While attuned to this item, opportunity attacks
mostly represents accute detriments which have no against you are always done with advantage.
lasting effect on the wearer of the inferal item, while the 100 While attuned to this item, on every short rest, you
major table represents lasting effects the item imposes have to make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On
on the creature attuned to it. a failure, you can only spend one of your hit die to
When you roll on the Major Detriment Table and restore your hit points during that particular short
recieve a major detriment, and later roll again on the rest.
table and get the same detriment, you only get the
detriment once and disregard the second result without
the need to reroll on the table. Infernal Artifacts
Once an infernal item reaches 20th level it becomes an
Minor Detriment Table
1d100 Minor Detriment Your infernal item becomes locked with the properties
01-20 You receive 6d12 psychic damage. it is currently enhanced with. Even if you end the
21-30 You cannot be teleported for the next 1d4 hours. attunement to the item, the level of the item stays the
3 4
same. No further enhancements to this item can be done,
You will g
gain no benefit from your
y next long
g rest.
and it ascends to the status of an artifact.
41-50 You cannot use any of your subclass abilities until
you finish a long rest.
51-60 Drinking water for the next 1d6 days gets you drunk.
61-70 Your next initiative roll is done with disadvantage.
71-80 Half of the gold you have on you turns into worthless
81-90 Until you finish a long rest, you have no memory of
the past 1d4 days.
91-99 You are vulnerable to a random damage type for the
next 1d4 days.
100 While attuned to this item, all your Saving throws
have a 1d4 penalty.


Infernal Charge
Infernal Weapons You can increase the number of charges of your infernal
Infernal weapons are considered magic weapons and item by +1 up to a maximum of 10.
every infernal weapon posses the infernal blast property,
for which you choose the damage type after you attune to Infernal Blast Die 1
it for the first time.
Every time you make an attack with your infernal All your infernal damage dice are now d6s.
weapon, you can use one of its infernal item charges to
choose any number of creatures 5 feet from you (apart
Infernal Stacking 1
from the one you attacked) who will be caught in your If you roll a 19 on your Attack roll and the attack hits a
infernal blast. creature, the attack is considered a critical hit.
The chosen creatures have to make a Dexterity saving
throw with a DC equal to your Attack roll. On a failure, Infernal Railing 1
they will receive 1d4 of your chosen damage type. If you miss a creature with your infernal weapon, you get
Your infernal weapon has three infernal item charges. an AC bonus of +1 until the start of your next turn or until
All charges are restored after a long rest. you hit a creature with the infernal weapon.
You decide what form and imaginary your infernal
blast takes on. It can be thunderous lightning that shoot
from you, or leaves carried by the wind that cut through
Tier 3 Infernal Weapon Properties
your enemies.
Infernal weapons can be further enhanced with the Infernal Rush
following infernal properties:
When you take the dash action, you can spend one
infernal item charge when you finish your movement to
Tier 1 Infernal Weapon Properties make one melee Attack against a creature within your
range. On a hit, the creature takes an additional 1d6
force damage and is moved 5 feet away from you.
Infernal Attack
Increase the weapons Attack bonus by +1 to a maximum Infernal Speed
of +5. You can spend two infernal item charges to make an
Attack with your infernal weapon as a bonus action.
Infernal Damage
Increase the weapon’s Damage bonus by +1 to a Infernal Parry
maximum of +5. If your infernal weapon is a melee weapon and a creature
in your melee range attacks and misses you with a melee
Infernal Blast Distance
attack, you can use your reaction to parry their attack.
Increase the range of your infernal blast by +5 feet to a Both you and the creature make a Strength check
maximum of 60 feet. against each other. If the looser is the same size or
smaller than the winner, the looser falls prone. If the
Infernal Blast Damage looser is larger than the winner, the next melee attack
Increase your infernal blast damage by 1 damage die to a against the looser has advantage.
maximum of 12 damage dice.
Infernal Lock
Tier 2 Infernal Weapon Properties If anybody but you picks up the weapon while you
are attuned to it, it deals 12d6 damage of its infernal
blast damage type to the creature. You can choose to
Infernal Blow 1 circumvent this property by assigning a command word
On a hit, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 damage of the to the weapon that turns it off.
type dealt by your infernal blast.
Infernal Combo
Infernal Blast Carnage If you spend your turn using all the weapon attack actions
Creatures affected by your infernal blast take half the you have available to you and every one of them hits the
damage if they succeed on their Dexterity saving throw. same creature, you can make an additional attack as part
of the last attack that hit.
Infernal Melee Blast For example, if you have one melee weapon in each
hand and the Extra Attack ability, you have three weapon
If your infernal weapon is a melee weapon, you can
attacks available to you on your turn. If all three of these
choose to reroll one infernal blast damage die.
attacks hit the same creature, you can use this property
Infernal Range Blast as part of the last attack.

If your infernal weapon is a ranged weapon, you can

choose that the creatures impacted by your infernal
blast are the ones around the creature you hit with your
weapon attack instead of the ones surrounding you.
Infernal Curse Infernal Blast Die 2
You put a curse on this item. If anybody except you Prerequisites: Infernal Blast Die 1
attunes to this item, they will be affected by this curse. All your infernal damage dice are now d8s.
You choose the nature of the curse in one sentence.
Infernal Stacking 2
Infernal Experience 1
Prerequisites: Infernal Stacking 1
All experience points allocated to the infernal item are
tripled. If you roll an 18 on your Attack roll and the attack hits a
creature, the attack is considered a critical hit.
Infernal Experience 2
Infernal Railing 2
Prerequisites: Infernal Experience 1
Prerequisites: Infernal Railing 1
All experience points allocated to the infernal item are
quadrupled. If you miss a creature with your infernal weapon, you get
an AC bonus of +2 until the start of your next turn or until
Infernal Blow 2 you hit a creature with the infernal weapon.
Prerequisites: Infernal Blow 1
The extra damage dealt by the weapon increases to 2d6.
Tier 4 Infernal Weapon Properties
Infernal Gauge Infernal Whirlwind
You can spend 6 infernal item charges (no action
required) to double the weapon’s base damage dice until If your infernal weapon is a melee weapon, you can
you finish a long rest. attack every enemy within your range with it as part of
one Attack action.
Infernal Combustion
If you take damage from an enemy, you can use your Infernal Loyalty
reaction to spend one infernal blast charge to absorb The weapon gains the thrown property (range 20/60).
the damage into the weapon instead. If your next attack Furthermore, if the weapon is 60 feet from you, you can
with the infernal weapon hits a creature, the absorbed use your bonus action and speak its command word to
damage is added to the damage you dealt to the creature. make it fly back into your hand in a straight line dealing
However, if you miss, you receive double of the absorbed 1d6 of its infernal blast damage type to any creature in
damage. that line.

Infernal Aggregation Infernal Blow 3

If you use the Dodge action on your turn, the first attack Prerequisites: Infernal Blow 2
you do on your next turn with the infernal weapon hits The extra damage dealt by the weapon increases to 3d6.
Infernal Blast Die 3
Infernal Advantage
Prerequisites: Infernal Blast Die 2
For any damage dealt with your infernal weapon, you roll
the weapon’s damage dice with advantage. All your infernal damage dice are now d10s.

Infernal Change Infernal Blast Die 4

Your infernal blast can do one additional type of damage, Prerequisites: Infernal Blast Die 3
up to a maximum of 5 different types. Every time you do All your infernal damage dice are now d12s.
damage with your infernal blast, you can declare what
type of damage it does. Infernal Stacking 3
Prerequisites: Infernal Stacking 2
Infernal Swiftness
If you roll a 17 on your Attack roll and the attack hits a
If your infernal weapon is a melee weapon, and you use creature, the attack is considered a critical hit.
your reaction for an opportunity Attack, you can attack
twice as part of the same attack. Infernal Railing 3
Infernal Silence Prerequisites: Infernal Railing 2

If your infernal weapon is a ranged weapon, any If you miss a creature with your infernal weapon, you get
ammunition fired from it is silenced. A silenced piece of an AC bonus of +3 until the start of your next turn or until
ammunition can hit a creature before rolling initiative you hit a creature with the infernal weapon.
if the target is not aware of your presence. Hitting a
creature immediately initiates combat, and the creature
Infernal Double Attack
knows your location. If you wield two melee weapons in your hands, of which
one is this weapon, you can do the attack with your off-
hand weapon without using your bonus action.
Infernal Shot Infernal Vitality 2
If your infernal weapon is a ranged weapon, every attack Prerequisite: Infernal Vitality 1
you make with it is made with advantage if the target is When you cast a spell using the infernal cast property,
inside the first number of the weapon’s range value. If the you gain 2d4 + the spell level temporary hit points.
target is inside the range of the second value, your attack
is done without disadvantage. Infernal Evocation 1
Infernal Reach Whenever a spell you cast deals damage to one or more
creatures, you can spend a number of infernal item
The weapon gains the reach property (adding +5 feet to charges and roll a number of d4s equal to that number.
its range). You gain a bonus equal to the number rolled to the total
spell’s damage rolls.
Infernal Focuses
Infernal focuses can be used to cast spells with. Every
Infernal Conservation
infernal focus has the infernal cast property. When you cast a spell using the infernal cast property,
Every time you cast a spell with the infernal focus, you the chance of conserving a spell slot is increased by +2
can spend one infernal cast charge. A spell cast this way percent to a maximum of 24 percent.
has a 4 percent chance to not consume the spell slot for
casting the spell. Infernal Charge
Your infernal focus has three infernal item charges. You can increase the number of charges of your infernal
All charges are restored after a long rest. item by +1 up to a maximum of 10.
Infernal focuses can be further enhanced with the
following infernal properties: Infernal Initiative
You have advantage on initiative rolls
Tier 1 Infernal Focus Properties
Tier 3 Infernal Focus Properties
Infernal Ward 1
On your turn, you can spend two infernal item charges Infernal Vitality 3
(no action required) to create a ward that has 10 hit Prerequisite: Infernal Vitality 2
points. You need to concentrate on the ward to keep
it up. Every time you take damage, the ward takes When you cast a spell using the infernal cast property,
damage instead. If the ward is reduced to 0 hit points, it you gain 3d4 + the spell level temporary hit points.
disappears and you take the remaining damage.
Infernal War Magic
Infernal Spell Attack When you use your action to cast a spell, you can make
Increase your spell attack bonus by +1 to a maximum of one weapon attack as a bonus action.
+5 for spells cast with this focus.
Infernal Ward 3
Infernal Spell Save Prerequisite: Infernal Ward 2
Increase your spell save DC by +1 to a maximum of +5 Your infernal ward now has 30 hit points.
for spells cast with this focus.
Infernal Stacking 1
Infernal Concentration If you roll a 19 on your Attack roll and the attack hits a
You gain a bonus of +1 to your concentration checks, up creature, the attack is considered a critical hit.
to a maximum of +10.
Infernal Evocation 2
Tier 2 Infernal Focus Properties Prerequisite: Infernal Evocation 1
You roll d6s instead of d4s for the damage bonus.
Infernal Ward 2 Infernal Tactician
Prerequisite: Infernal Ward 1
Whenever you spend a spell slot to cast a spell, you can
Your infernal ward now has 20 hit points. immediately teleport to an unoccupied space you can see
within 15 feet of you.
Infernal Transposition
As a bonus action you can expend one spell slot to Infernal Help
restore one allies spell slot of that level or lower. When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes
a saving throw due to a spell effect, you can use one
Infernal Vitality 1 infernal item charge to give that creature advantage on
When you cast a spell using the infernal cast property, that saving throw.
you gain 1d4 + the spell level temporary hit points.


Infernal Upcast 1 Tier 4 Infernal Focus Properties
When you cast a spell using a higher spell slot than
needed, you can spend one of your infernal item charges
to reduce the spent spell slot level by one.
Infernal Vitality 4
For example, if you cast fireball using a 4th level spell Prerequisite: Infernal Vitality 3
slot, you use a 3rd level spell slot instead. When you cast a spell using the infernal cast property,
you gain 4d4 + the spell level temporary hit points.
Infernal Curse
You put a curse on this item. If anybody except you Infernal Ward 4
attunes to this item, they will be affected by this curse. Prerequisite: Infernal Ward 3
You choose the nature of the curse in one sentence.
Your infernal ward now has 40 hit points.
Infernal Experience 1
Infernal Precision
All experience points allocated to the infernal item are
When you cast a spell, you can spend three infernal
items charges to make the spell immune to being
Infernal Experience 2 counterspelled.
Prerequisites: Infernal Experience 1 Infernal Stacking 2
All experience points allocated to the infernal item are Prerequisites: Infernal Stacking 1
If you roll an 18 on your Attack roll and the attack hits a
creature, the attack is considered a critical hit.

Infernal Evocation 3
Prerequisite: Infernal Evocation 2
You roll d8s instead of d6s for the damage bonus.

Infernal Upcast 2
Prerequisite: Infernal Upcast 1
When you cast a spell using a higher spell slot than
needed, you can spend one of your infernal item charges
to reduce the spent spell slot level by two.
For example, if you cast fireball using a 5th level spell
slot, you use a 3rd level spell slot instead.

Infernal Upcast 3
Prerequisite: Infernal Upcast 2
When you cast a spell using a higher spell slot than
needed, you can spend one of your infernal item charges
to reduce the spent spell slot level by two.
For example, if you cast fireball using a 6th level spell
slot, you use a 3rd level spell slot instead.

Infernal Multitasking
While you concentrate on one spell, you can spend one
of your infernal item charges to cast a second spell that
requires concentration. At the end of each of your turns,
you have to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain
your Concentration. The DC equals 10 + your spell
casting ability modifier. If you fail the check, you choose
on which of the two spells your concentration ends.
If you take damage while concentrating on two spells,
you must make a Constitution saving throw for each spell
to maintain concentration.

Infernal Arcana
When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can
spend five infernal item charges to treat the spell as if
cast using a 9th level spell slot.


Infernal Vessel Tier 3 Infernal Vessel Properties
Infernal vessels can hold liquids of magical and non
magical nature. Every infernal vessel has the infernal Infernal Stash
drink property. If your infernal vessel is empty, you can pour a liquid you
If the vessel is empty, you can use a bonus action to possess into it and treat it as if it is summoned from the
summon a magical or non-magical liquid that fills the vessel.
vessel, and you can drink it as part of the same bonus
action. If a creature drinks from the vessel, or you try to Infernal Comrade
pour it out, it will appear to be empty to it.
Using your action, you can administer the liquid from
Your infernal vessel has one infernal item charge. All
your infernal vessel into an ally’s mouth.
charges are restored after a long rest.
Infernal vessels can be further enhanced with the Infernal Charge 3
following infernal properties:
You can increase the number of charges of your infernal
item by +1 up to a maximum of 10.
Tier 1 Infernal Vessel Properties
Infernal Tincture 3
Infernal Tincture 1 Choose one of the following liquids that can be
Choose one of the following liquids that can be summoned to fill your infernal vessel. The following
summoned to fill your infernal vessel. The following potions cost four infernal item charges to summon:
potions cost one infernal item charge to summon: • Elixir of Health
• Potion of Healing • Oil of Etherealness (Can be poured on another
• Potion of Climbing creature)
• Root Beer • Potion of Aqueous Form
• Water • Potion of Clairvoyance
• Vegetable Oil • Potion of Diminution
• Potion of Gaseous Form
• Potion of Frost/Stone Giant Strength
Infernal Charge 1 • Potion of Superior Healing
You can increase the number of charges of your infernal • Potion of Aether*
item by +1 up to a maximum of 4.

Tier 2 Infernal Vessel Properties

Infernal Charge 2
You can increase the number of charges of your infernal
item by +1 up to a maximum of 6.

Infernal Tincture 2
Choose one of the following liquids that can be
summoned to fill your infernal vessel. The following
potions cost two infernal item charges to summon:
• Blood of the Lycanthrope Antidote
• Bottled Breath
• Mummy Rot Antidote
• Oil of Slipperiness (Can be poured on the ground)
• Philter of Love
• Potion of Advantage
• Potion of Animal Friendship
• Potion of Fire Breath
• Potion of Hill Giant Strength
• Potion of Growth
• Potion of Greater healing
• Potion of Poison
• Potion of Resistance
• Potion of Water Breathing
• Thessaltoxin Antidote
• Potion of Epiphany*
• Whiskey
• Conjac


Infernal Tincture 4
Choose one of the following liquids that can be
Infernal Ornament
summoned to fill your infernal vessel. The following Infernal ornaments can be any item that isn’t a weapon:
potions cost six infernal item charges to summon: cloaks, hats, rings, shields, armor or any other wearable
accessory. All infernal ornaments possess the infernal
• Potion of Heroism flair property.
• Potion of Invulnerability While you are wearing (or having the infernal item
• Potion of Maximum Power equipped, in the case of shields and armor), you can
• Potion of Mind Control (beast/humanoid) spend one infernal item charge to have advantage on a
• Potion of Mind Reading saving throw you make.
• Potion of Fire Giant Strength Your infernal ornament has three infernal item
charges. All charges are restored after a long rest.
Infernal Curse Infernal ornaments can be further enhanced with the
following infernal properties:
You put a curse on this item. If anybody except you
attunes to this item, they will be affected by this curse.
You choose the nature of the curse in one sentence. Tier 1 Infernal Ornament
Infernal Experience 1 Properties
All experience points allocated to the infernal item are
tripled. Infernal Skill 1
Whenever you make one of the following skill checks,
Infernal Experience 2 you can spend one infernal item charge and add your
Prerequisites: Infernal Experience 1 proficiency to the skill check, or half your proficiency
All experience points allocated to the infernal item are (rounded up) if you are already proficient with it:
quadrupled. • Animal Handling
• Religion
Tier 4 Infernal Vessel Properties • Survival

Infernal Armor 1
Infernal Drinker
You get a +1 bonus to your AC to a maximum of +1.
You can use the infernal vessel as a free action without
using up your bonus action. Infernal Saves 1
Infernal Comrade 2 You get a +1 bonus up to a maximum of +5 for one of the
following saving throws:
Using your bonus action, you can administer the liquid
from your infernal vessel into an ally’s mouth. • Intelligence

Infernal Tincture 5 Infernal Vision

Choose one of the following liquids that can be Whenever you have to make a saving throw against
summoned to fill your infernal vessel. The following being blinded, you can use your reaction and spend one
potions cost eight infernal item charges to summon: infernal item charge to add your proficiency to the saving
• Oil of Sharpness (Can be poured on a weapon) throw, or half your proficiency (rounded up) if you are
• Potion of Flying already proficient with that saving throw.
• Potion of Supreme Healing
• Potion of Invisibility
Infernal Sagacity
• Potion of Longevity Whenever you have to make a saving throw against being
• Potion of Mind Control (monster) charmed, you can use your reaction and spend one
• Potion of Cloud Giant Strength infernal item charge to add your proficiency to the saving
• Potion of Possibility throw, or half your proficiency (rounded up) if you are
• Potion of Speed already proficient with that saving throw.
• Potion of Vitality
Infernal Earshot
Infernal Tincture 6 Whenever you have to make a saving throw against being
deafened, you can use your reaction and spend one
Choose one of the following liquids that can be
infernal item charge to add your proficiency to the saving
summoned to fill your infernal vessel. The following
throw, or half your proficiency (rounded up) if you are
potions cost ten infernal item charges to summon:
already proficient with that saving throw.
• Potion of Storm Giant Strength
• Delirium*


Infernal Health result of the original attack roll.
Whenever you have to make a saving throw against being Infernal Armor 2
poisoned, you can use your reaction and spend one
infernal item charge to add your proficiency to the saving Prerequisite: Infernal Armor 1
throw, or half your proficiency (rounded up) if you are You get a +1 bonus to your AC to a maximum of +2.
already proficient with that saving throw.
Infernal Saves 2
Tier 2 Infernal Ornament You get a +1 bonus up to a maximum of +5 for one of the
following saving throws:
• Strength
• Charisma
Infernal Breath
You can use your bonus action and spend one infernal Infernal Courage
item charge to breathe underwater for 1 hour. Whenever you have to make a saving throw against
being frightened, you can use your reaction and spend
Infernal Strike 1
two infernal item charges to add your proficiency to the
Prerequisite: Infernal Strike 1 saving throw, or half your proficiency (rounded up) if you
When you make an unarmed strike, you can spend one
are already proficient with that saving throw.
infernal item charge to do 1d6 additional force damage to
a maximum of 1d6. Infernal Charge
Infernal Eyesight You can increase the number of charges of your infernal
item by +1 up to a maximum of 10.
You have darkvision with a range of 60 feet while attuned
to this item.
Tier 3 Infernal Ornament
Infernal Shelter
You can spend your bonus action and spend one infernal
item charge to use the Hide action as part of the same
bonus action. Inferna Attraction
As a bonus action, you can spend two infernal item
Infernal Stealth charges to choose a creature you can see within 15 feet
If your infernal ornament is armor that imposes of you. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving
disadvantage on stealth check, you can spend two throw or be pulled towards you for the distance.
infernal item charges to roll the check without Every time you enhance your item with this property
disadvantage. again, the range increases by +5 feet to a maximum of 30
feet total.
Infernal Skill 2
Whenever you make one of the following skill checks, Infernal Fortitude
you can spend two infernal item charges and add your If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you must make a
proficiency to the skill check, or half your proficiency Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage
(rounded up) if you are already proficient with it: taken, unless the damage is from a critical hit. On a
• Medicine success, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
• Intimidation
• Arcana
Infernal Miles
• History Your movement speed is increased by +5 feet up to a
• Nature maximum bonus of +15 feet.

Infernal Legion Shield Infernal Strike 2

Prerequisite: Infernal Strike 1
If your infernal ornament is a shield, you can use your
When you make an unarmed strike, you can spend one
reaction and spend two infernal item charges to gain the
infernal item charge to do 1d6 additional force damage to
benefit of ½ cover in addition to the shield’s normal AC
a maximum of 2d6.

Infernal Deflector Shield Infernal Elasticity

You can spend one infernal charge to extend your
If your infernal ornament is a shield, you can use your
Unarmed Strike’s range to 15 feet.
reaction and spend two infernal item charges to deflect a
projectile shot at you (regardless of whether it hit you or
The deflected projectile can target a creature of your
choice that you can see within 20 feet of you, using the


Infernal Skill 3 Infernal Strike 3
Whenever you make one of the following skill checks, Prerequisite: Infernal Strike 2
you can spend three infernal item charges and add your When you make an unarmed strike, you can spend one
proficiency to the skill check, or half your proficiency infernal item charge to do 1d6 additional force damage to
(rounded up) if you are already proficient with it: a maximum of 3d6. Furthermore, your unarmed strikes
• Sleight of Hand are considered magical.
• Athletics Infernal Skill 4
• Acrobatics
• Deception Whenever you make one of the following skill checks,
• Investigation you can spend three infernal item charges and add your
proficiency to the skill check, or half your proficiency
Infernal Strap (rounded up) if you are already proficient with it:

If your infernal ornament is a shield, it takes a bonus • Insight

action instead of an action to don or doff the shield. • Stealth
If your infernal ornament is armor, it takes an action • Persuasion
instead of 5-10 minutes to don or doff the armor. • Perception

Infernal Armor 3 Infernal Condition

Prerequisite: Infernal Armor 2 When you get one level of exhaustion, you can use your
You get a +1 bonus to your AC to a maximum of +3. reaction and spend 6 infernal item charges to get rid of it.

Infernal Saves 3 Infernal Armor 4

Prerequisite: Infernal Armor 3
You get a +1 bonus up to a maximum of +5 for one of the
following saving throws: You get a +1 bonus to your AC to a maximum of +4.
• Dexterity Infernal Saves 4
• Wisdom
You get a +1 bonus up to a maximum of +5 for one of the
Infernal Freedom following saving throws:

Whenever you have to make a saving throw against • Constitution

being restrained, you can use your reaction and spend
three infernal item charges to add your proficiency to the Infernal Limbs
saving throw, or half your proficiency (rounded up) if you Whenever you have to make a saving throw against
are already proficient with that saving throw. being paralyzed, you can use your reaction and spend
four infernal item charges to add your proficiency to the
Infernal Curse saving throw, or half your proficiency (rounded up) if you
You put a curse on this item. If anybody except you are already proficient with that saving throw.
attunes to this item, they will be affected by this curse.
You choose the nature of the curse in one sentence. Infernal Mind
Whenever you have to make a saving throw against
Infernal Experience 1 being stunned, you can use your reaction and spend
All experience points allocated to the infernal item are four infernal item charges to add your proficiency to the
tripled. saving throw, or half your proficiency (rounded up) if you
are already proficient with that saving throw.
Infernal Experience 2
Prerequisites: Infernal Experience 1 Infernal Flesh
All experience points allocated to the infernal item are Whenever you have to make a saving throw against
quadrupled. being petrified, you can use your reaction and spend
four infernal item charges to add your proficiency to the
saving throw, or half your proficiency (rounded up) if you
Tier 4 Infernal Ornament are already proficient with that saving throw.
Infernal Reaction
You can take one reaction on every turn in combat.

Infernal Grip
You can can wield two handed weapons in one hand.



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