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Project Title: Exploring Social Issues in the Caribbean

Instruction: Research and analyze one of the selected social issues prevalent in the

Caribbean with a focus on understanding its nature, causes, effects, and potential solutions.

a. Child Abuse

b. Domestic Violence

c. Juvenile Delinquency

d. Human Trafficking

e. Poverty

f. Crime

g. Teenage Pregnancy

h. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

Project Components:

Research Phase:

1. Identify and choose one social issue from the provided list.

2. Conduct in-depth research on the chosen social issue, exploring its prevalence and

specific manifestations in the Caribbean.

3. Collect data on the causes, effects, and historical context of the issue.

4. Utilize reputable sources such as documentaries, academic journals, government

reports, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Presentation Options:

Students can choose from the following presentation formats (NOT LIMITED TO)

1. Social Media Campaign: Create a series of posts, graphics, and videos for platforms

like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok.

2. Drama Piece: Develop a short play or skit that highlights key aspects of the chosen

social issue.

3. Brochure: Design an informative brochure targeting a specific audience in the

Caribbean community.

4. Presentation: Prepare a visual presentation using tools like PowerPoint or Google


Content of the Project

a. Introduction

 Define the chosen social issue.

 Provide background information on its prevalence in the Caribbean.

b. Causes

 Identify and discuss the root causes of the social issue.

 Examine any historical, cultural, or economic factors contributing to its


c. Effects

 Analyze the impact of the social issue on individuals, families, and the broader


 Explore both short-term and long-term consequences.

d. Solutions

 Propose viable solutions to address and mitigate the social issue.

 Consider preventive measures, intervention strategies, and community


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