Edit An Essay

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Edit An Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Edit An Essay" can be a challenging task that requires a unique set of
skills. The difficulty lies not only in the technical aspects of editing but also in the ability to critically
evaluate one's own work. Self-editing can be particularly demanding as it necessitates a level of
detachment from the content, which is often challenging for the author.

One of the primary challenges is overcoming familiarity with the text. After investing time and effort
into crafting an essay, it becomes ingrained in the author's mind, making it harder to identify errors or
areas for improvement. This familiarity can blind the writer to potential issues in structure, coherence,
grammar, and overall flow.

Moreover, the self-editing process requires a keen eye for detail. Spotting grammatical errors,
punctuation mistakes, or inconsistencies demands a meticulous approach. It's not only about
correcting typos but also ensuring that the language is clear, concise, and effectively conveys the
intended message.

Another hurdle is maintaining objectivity during the editing process. It's challenging to distance
oneself emotionally from the content and view it through the eyes of a critical reader. Authors may
inadvertently overlook flaws or miss opportunities to enhance clarity and coherence due to their
attachment to the material.

Time management is also a factor. Editing is a time-consuming process that can be mentally draining.
Writers must allocate sufficient time to carefully review and revise their work, which can be
challenging when faced with tight deadlines or competing priorities.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Edit An Essay" involves navigating through various
challenges, including overcoming familiarity, paying attention to detail, maintaining objectivity, and
managing time effectively. It requires a disciplined and critical approach to ensure the final piece is
polished and communicates the intended message effectively.

For those seeking assistance in essay writing, editing, or related services, various platforms like
HelpWriting.net offer a range of options. Similar essays and a plethora of writing-related resources
can be explored on such platforms to ease the burden of academic or professional writing.
Edit An Essay Edit An Essay
The Repeat Offenders Project
The Repeat Offenders project is one that presents some concepts as pertains repeat
offending. This project, as earlier defined, was created with an aim of reducing the rates
of recidivism. In it, unique mechanisms of dealing with this problem have been presented
through some of the mechanisms presented already been implemented either fully or
partially in different nations. Despite the similarities that may exist between the concepts
presented in this project with those implemented in other nations, these are presented in a
manner that gives them some uniqueness since the approach in their implementation is
one of its own kind. This paper serves to compile all the concepts which have been
presented so far under this project, citing the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Governments have over the years been forced to spend massive funds in arresting and
detaining criminals who relapse back to the crime the moment they are released.
Research according to (BJS, 2014), has proven that within a period of five years, three
out of four malefactors who initially were punished for crimes relapse back to similar or
different criminal activities. Many nations have already put in place mechanisms to
counter this problem in vain. It is for this reason that this unique project has been
presented and needs to be handled with the importance and urgency that it deserves.
The background of this project is based on an in depth analysis of repeat offending. This
entails the factors responsible or contributing to recidivism. Research has proven that
most of the repeat malefactors are the kids who were exposed to violence at a very
early age, those who did not attain very high levels of education, those who have got
minor to serious psychological problems, the unemployed who have some low level
education as well as those involved in the abuse of hard drugs. Effectively dealing with
this problem thus lies in dealing with these issues. Arresting criminals and subjecting
them to the greatest of punishments has not seemed to work so far because after the
punishment, for as long as the underlying factors remain constant, one will always forget
the consequences of crime and relapse back to it if an
The Impact Of Youth Suicide On Australia And Usa And How...
The aim of this report is investigate the impacts of youth suicide and how it can be
prevented. 1.2Parameter
To investigate the impacts of youth suicide in Australia and USA and how it can be

Society should take notice of signs of youth suicide such as depression and reduce the
stigma related to suicide and help them cope and prevent any further unnecessary deaths.

Suicide is the action killing oneself with intent (WHO, n.d)

2. BACKGROUND TO THE ISSUE: 2.1 Introduction

Youth suicide is one of the leading health concerns for young people and it has claimed
many lives in the past decades. Youths with suicidal thoughts would usually displays
signs and symptoms and it is the parents ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Headspace 2012)

2.2 Australia
In 2011, the leading cause of death for young people aged 15 24 was suicide. In that
year, it was reported that 231 males and 91 females died by suicide. This data shows
that young males suffer more suicidal thoughts and behaviours compared to young
females. (ABS 2013) According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the most common
method of suicide by youths is by hanging and is committed by 47% and 56.7% of all
female and male suicides. (ABS 2014) In 1995, Australia was one of the first countries to
create a national suicide prevention program which focused on youths with higher risks
of suicide. (Department of health 2014)

2.3 United States of America

In 2011, suicide was the 3rd leading cause of young people aged 15 24 years old. It
was reported that there were 39518 deaths by suicide by youths constituting of 78.5%
male and 21.5% female.) It was stated that 50.6% of suicide method was by firearm and
24.8% by suffocation such as hanging. (American foundation for suicide prevention n.d)

There are numerous actions such as guides and school policies that are taken by the
government and community to assist youths with suicidal thoughts and behaviours to
prevent any further deaths.

3.1 Actions for Australia 3.1.1 Suicide prevention and recovery guide According to SANE
Puerto Rico Case Study
Gloria, Noriega, and Enrique were a family that lived in 349 Arecibo Street in San
Juan, Puerto Rico. They had an elderly cat named mao who on September 19, 2017,
desperately meowed and meowed. This day was when category five hurricane Maria was
predicted to make an unprecedented and catastrophic landfall in the island.
Gloria was the head of the family. She was a kind but strong woman. Some may describe
her as stubborn. Although Gloria was aware of the disastrous predictions, she thought
that the hurricane was going to change course. So, she failed to prepare for it. When she
heard the cat s whines increasing in intensity, she got very worried. She then knew that
Mao was sensing something; acted around her family as if everything was going ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were only a few workers in the restaurant, though this did not stop Gloria. She
rushed up to the clerk and pleaded in Spanish, ¿Me puedes vender diez Whoppers con
todo por favor? In English it translates to Can I buy ten Whoppers with everything
please? The clerk questioned her large order but Gloria insisted. The clerk told her it
would cost $32.00. Gloria realized that she had forgotten her purse in the rush leaving
home. She checked her pockets one by one but found nothing. She asked the rest of the
family but still no cash. The Burger King employee was about to reject her order until
finally, Gloria found two twenty dollar bills inside her shoe! She also kept emergency
money in a secret hidden spot. She gladly gave the cash register attendant the money and
the ten fresh and delicious burgers were in Gloria s
To What Extent Should the Strategic Decision-Making Be...
Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an effect or are affected by the
activities of an organisation. The stakeholder approach means that the business focuses
on the needs of its main stakeholders. These can include the local community, employees,
customers and suppliers and can focus on environmental issues, regular orders and
security of employment. In contrast to this the shareholders approach focuses on giving
a good sized dividend to shareholders, which means the business objectives would be
based on getting more profit. When Dyson moved its manufacturing to Malaysia to be
closer to suppliers, it could be said that it was adopting a shareholderapproach. The costs
of production in the Far East would be cheaper, as would... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This means making tough decisions and prioritising some groups above others which
could cause problems.
In conclusion, I think we should look again at Dyson s decision to move to Malaysia.
Although it seemed like James Dyson was using a shareholder approach moving from
the UK and causing many job losses, his success from this move means the company
has more profit to feed into the community s needs and it has enabled him to create
another 100 jobs in Britain not in manufacturing but in more rewarding areas such as
developing new products. In addition to this there is another, more in direct advantage.
As a result of the lower production costs, the company pays more corporation tax which
could be fed into hospitals or schools as well as other things aiding the community in
I think focus purely on stakeholders would be a bad idea as it is such a long term
approach, unless the business had sufficient funds to keep it going until the benefits
could be gained, but it can be done as shown by OneWater who focus on helping bring
clean water to overseas countries. Similarly, a focus on shareholders alone would not
be the best strategy as it could give the company a bad image and cause shareholders to
sell up, lowering the share price as with BP in 2005 when an explosion at their Texas oil
refinery killed 15 people. Overall, I believe that a company s strategic decision making
should focus both on profit and stakeholder needs as this will give the
Feeding Time And Its Effect On Sleep Quality Essay
Title: Feeding Time and its Effect on Sleep Quality
I hypothesize that if mice are fed during their inactive phase in the day, then they will
experience a decrease in their quality of sleep as opposed to mice that experienced no
decrease in sleep quality due to an alteration in feeding time because the change in the
time mice are fed will cause a phase shift in their circadian rhythm, therefore disrupting
their overall sleep quality.
All forms of life have their distinct predictable daily schedules known as the circadian
rhythm. This endogenous twenty four hour rhythm controls the metabolic, behavioral,
and biological functions of an organism s system. In mammals, the circadian clock is
located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) which is a group of cells positioned on
the anterior hypothalamus in the brain. A disruption in the circadian rhythms sleep/wake
cycle disrupts the timing and pattern of sleep in mice and thus, alters the quality of
sleep overall [1]. The quality of sleep has often been determined by the frequency of
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep present in the sleep cycle, the more frequent meaning a
higher quality of sleep.
Both external and internal cues that affect the mice circadian rhythm have been studied
by researchers in order to ascertain a more in depth understanding as to how abnormal
sleep patterns play a role in the development of chronic health problems such as heart
disease and high blood pressure [2]. Based on the

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