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Essay Comparing Two People

Crafting an essay comparing two people may initially seem like a straightforward task, but as one
delves deeper into the process, the intricacies and challenges become apparent. The difficulty lies not
only in the need for a comprehensive understanding of the individuals in question but also in the art
of drawing meaningful comparisons between them.

First and foremost, extensive research is imperative. Understanding the backgrounds, achievements,
and unique characteristics of the two people under scrutiny demands a thorough investigation. This
process involves not only accessing reliable sources but also critically analyzing the information to
ensure accuracy and relevance to the essay's purpose.

Furthermore, the challenge extends to finding a balance between objective analysis and subjective
interpretation. While it's essential to present factual information, the essay should also provide
insights into the personalities, values, and impacts of the individuals being compared. Striking this
balance requires a nuanced approach to writing, where the author navigates between concrete details
and subjective impressions.

Crafting a coherent structure poses another obstacle. Organizing the essay in a way that allows for a
seamless flow of ideas and comparisons is no small feat. Deciding on whether to adopt a point-by-
point analysis or a thematic approach adds an extra layer of complexity to the writing process. Each
section must contribute to the overall argument while maintaining clarity and cohesion.

Additionally, addressing potential bias is a perpetual concern. Writers must be vigilant in avoiding
favoritism or unfair comparisons that may compromise the integrity of the essay. Objectivity is key,
and striking a fair balance between the positive and negative aspects of each individual is an ongoing

In conclusion, writing an essay comparing two people is a task that demands meticulous research,
thoughtful analysis, and adept organization. The challenge lies not only in presenting a factual
account of the individuals but also in weaving a narrative that offers valuable insights and
comparisons. As with any writing endeavor, perseverance, and a keen eye for detail are essential to
overcoming the difficulties inherent in this type of essay.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar writing tasks, various resources are available.
Services like provide a platform where individuals can order custom essays,
ensuring expertly crafted pieces tailored to specific requirements. Whether it's comparative essays,
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challenges of academic or professional writing.
Essay Comparing Two PeopleEssay Comparing Two People
Claude Monet Influences
French history is filled with an amazing culture that consists of beautiful architecture and
delicious food. One aspect of French culture that stands out is its Art. Among the famous
artists that have contributed over the years, one artists name stands out among the rest,
Claude Monet. Claude Monet is known for being one of the influential artists to
introduce impressionism. In a style not previously before painted, impressionism depicted
a landscape or scene by creating illusion through the use of shading and coloring.
Traditional paintingwas produced in an art studio, but impressionism was a unique. It
allowed the artist to shed the use of a studio and step out into nature. Monet and other
famous artists launched this new style of art that challenged traditional painting and
would forever change French culture and influence art for many years to come.

Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840, in Paris, France. He moved to LeHavre
with his family at age five (Skira 21). As a child Monet would be found drawing on his
work throughout class. This was the beginning to a brilliant career. These drawings
would spawn into a passion for art.

In 1857 while being raised in Normandy, Monet met a famous ... Show more content on ...
He used the money made from selling his caricatures to fund a trip to Paris. Paris turned
out to be a place of opportunity for Monet where he enrolled in the Academie Suisse. He
studied there for a small time until he was drafted into military service. After a brief stint
in the military, Monet went back to painting and Paris and had the fortune of meeting a
painter that would help influence his own work, Johan Barthoid Jungkind. Johan
Barthoid Jungkind was a English painter who already had developed an impressive
amount of notoriety in the art world. Jungkind took Monet under his wing. Monet
accredited Jungkind with the actual development of his artistic eye (House
How Does Holden Use The Red Hunting Cap
J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye is the story of sixteen year old Holden Caulfield
s struggle to connect with people after losing his brother several years before. Holden s
brother s death caused a barrier in the understanding and connection between Holden and
the rest of the world. As a result, Holden feels both alone and in need of security despite
being constantly surrounded by the bustling crowds of New York City. Salinger uses and
develops the red hunting cap to represent how Holden protects himself in The Catcher in
the Rye. At the beginning of The Catcher in the Rye, Holden uses his red hunting cap as
a form of protection from those who cannot understand his often misconstrued thoughts
and what he has been through. Right after... Show more content on ...
Before Holden leaves Phoebe at home to go to Mr. Antolini s he recalls that, I took my
hunting hat out of my coat pocket and gave it to her. She likes those kind of crazy
hats. She didn t want to take it, but I made her. I ll bet she slept with it on. She really
likes those kind of hats (180). Talking to Phoebe caused Holden to realize that not
everyone in the world is a phony; some, Phoebe for example, are genuinely interested
and understanding in what he has to say. Realizing that Phoebe loves and understands
him, Holden subconsciously decides that her love is enough to protect him and he no
longer has a need for the red hunting cap. When it starts to rain at the Central Park Zoo,
Phoebe puts the red hunting cap on Holden s head, which he later recalls, really gave
me quite a lot of protection, in a way, but I got soaked anyway (212 213). Phoebe puts
the cap on Holden s head to try to protect him from the rain. When Holden says that the
cap gave him protection, but he still got wet, he is referring to how Phoebe s love has
supplanted the cap as Holden s protection. Holden s reconnection with Phoebe brings
him a sense of protection in a way in which the cap never
The Importance Of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is a balance critical to the ecosystem. The controversy of predator decline
regards the decline of predators who help the ecosystem by eating the prey. The
opposition issue is that the predators were attacking civilians and eating rancher s
livestock and decreasing the economy of the wool and meat industry.
In any given piece of land, there are multiple species of producers, prey, and predators.
Producers are primarily forage plants such as grass, clovers, and berries that grow in the
wild for wildlife; They provide food and shelter for all animals with the fruit and leaves
they grow. On the other hand, primary consumers, which most call prey, are species
that range from small rabbits to giant moose. The prey eat the plants so the plants do
not grow too thick and overtake the land in darkness from overgrowth. They are also
eaten by predators (which range from omnivore bears to carnivorous lions). The
predators keep prey from overeating the plants and they eat weak, sick, and old prey,
which ensures the maximum fitness of prey. Every organism plays a niche to keep the
ecosystem in balance; when everything is balanced there is an increase in biodiversity.

Less predators to keep the balance

The controversy is whether predators help the environment. According to Journal
Science, with fewer predators keeping populations in check the abundance of prey alter
the balance of the ecosystem. This means that with less predators to eat prey, the prey
population will
Oligopolies and Monopolistic Competition -...
Unit 5 GROUP PROJECT Oligopolies and Monopolistic Competition Grifols/Talecris
Merger Rhonda D. Smith Payne AIU Online Contributing Group Members: Rhonda D.
Smith Payne Non Contributing Group Members:Ashley Battle, Latonia Jenkins, Betty
Johnson, Crystal Williams Abstract The purpose of this report is to assess the impact of
mergers on industry, on consumers, and on society as a whole and more specifically, the
Grifols/Talecris Merger in the plasma derived pharmaceutical industry. A complete
description of the industry is discussed in depth. Part II discusses arguments in support of
the merger and opposing the merger. Grifols purchased Talecris in 2009, creating a
merger which did not come without strict... Show more content on ...
As time passed, prices of the drug increased while supply diminished. Because of the
characteristics that promote stability, relevant markets are characterized by highly
inelastic demand, increasing the firms incentives to coordinate because even a small
change in supply can have a large effect on price. (Commission, 2011) The plasma
derived pharmaceutical industry is led by a group of large and competitive firms.
Besides Grifols/Talecris, many companies have gained success and continue to sustain
competiveness within the industry. CSL Corporate, incorporated in 1916, is
headquartered in Parkville, Victoria, Australia and has over 10,000 employees in 27
different countries. The company is the only manufacturer of influenza vaccines in the
Southern Hemisphere. (Chhabra, 2010). In 2007, the global revenues generated by the
top 10 biotech companies exceeded $45bn. Amgen, Genentech and UCB are good
examples of leading companies that have experienced strong sales growth in recent years.
Principal drugs developed and marketed by the leading companies include Aranesp,
Mabthera and Keppra, each with blockbuster sales. Moreover, pipelines of the leading
biotech companies remain strong. (Visiongain, 2009) The plasma derived products
manufactured and sold by Respondents are life sustaining and life enhancing biologics
indicated for, among other things, the treatment of primary immune deficiency diseases,
neurological conditions, severe

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