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Essay On Heroes

Writing an essay on the topic of heroes can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The
difficulty lies in the vastness and subjectivity of the theme itself. Heroes can be found in various
contexts – from ancient myths and legends to modern-day figures who exhibit exceptional qualities.
The challenge is to navigate through this broad spectrum and provide a coherent and insightful

One obstacle is the plethora of perspectives on heroism. Different cultures and historical periods have
shaped diverse notions of what constitutes a hero. Balancing these perspectives and crafting a
nuanced argument that acknowledges the cultural relativity of heroism adds an extra layer of
complexity. Moreover, the evolving nature of societal values means that what defines a hero today
might differ significantly from the past.

Another difficulty arises from the multifaceted nature of heroism. Heroes can emerge in various
fields such as literature, history, science, and everyday life. Deciding which aspect to focus on and
how to connect them cohesively in a single essay demands careful consideration. It requires the writer
to delve into the intricacies of each example while maintaining a unified theme throughout the

Furthermore, addressing the concept of heroism involves tackling ethical and moral questions. What
qualities make someone a hero, and is heroism inherently virtuous? Exploring these philosophical
dimensions requires thoughtful analysis and a nuanced understanding of moral frameworks.

Crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion can also prove challenging. An essay on heroes
should grab the reader's attention while setting the tone for the exploration that follows. Similarly,
concluding the essay in a way that leaves a lasting impression and ties together the various threads of
the argument requires finesse.

Despite these challenges, writing an essay on heroes provides an opportunity for personal growth
and intellectual engagement. It prompts the writer to critically examine societal values, cultural
influences, and individual virtues. Successfully navigating these challenges can result in a thought-
provoking piece that sheds light on the complex nature of heroism.

If you find yourself overwhelmed or pressed for time, it's worth considering external assistance.
Services like offer a range of essay writing support, including topics like heroes.
Professional writers can help streamline the process, providing well-researched and eloquently
written essays on a variety of themes. Remember, seeking help doesn't diminish your capabilities but
allows you to present your ideas in the most effective way possible.
Essay On Heroes Essay On Heroes
How Did The Meiji Restoration Change Japan
The Meiji Era, also known as the Meiji Restoration, lasted from 1868 1912. It was an
era for great change and this was also the period in which Japan became more modern.
During this era, Japan witnessed changes politically, socially, and economically as it
worked to become more modern. Japan expressed a desire to catch up to and adopt the
policies of its Western counterparts. This gradual Westernization led to Japan becoming
a more modern state and eventually a global power on par with Britain and the United
States. However, these changes and the stable transition from the Tokugawa Shogunate
to the Meiji Restoration would not have been possible without Emperor Meiji and other
government leaders. Meiji Tenno, otherwise known as Mitsuhito (reined 1867 1912)
transformed Japan from a feudal state to the great modern nation it is today. Emperor
Komei s second son, he was proclaimed the crown prince in 1860 and he... Show more
content on ...
These rebels turned statesmen revolutionized Japan s government, charting it on a course
towards Westernization. After the pro imperial forces overthrew the Tokugawa
Shogunate they proceeded to welcome the West into their country in search of the power
and knowledge that they could gain from them. The government of Japan was revitalized
and centralized due to the efforts of Emperor Meiji and the rebels turned statesmen. The
government was organized under the Council of State or dajokan (an ancient name) and
six ministries. The Chairman of the Council of State was reformist court noble, Sanjo
Sanetomi (1837 1891). The Council had three divisions: Left Chamber which was
responsible for legislation, Right Chamber which supervised the ministry, and the Central
Chamber which controlled the other two and the Office of Shinto Worship. The Council
of State lasted until a cabinet was introduced in
Carl Sandburg Chicago
As massive as Chicago is, opportunity is frequent. But as massive as Chicago is,
nothing can be perfect. Carl Sandburg s Chicago helps one reading the poem understand
what living in a big city like Chicago is like, equally exciting as frightening. Chicago is a
poem that captures what the legendary citystands for, a polarizing residence that
embodies what makes society both incredible and disappointing. Take the line They tell
me you are wicked and I believe them, for I have seen your painted women under the gas
lamps luring the farm boys. (lines 6 7) This quote suggests prostitution going on within
Chicago. An illegal crime that could potentially destroy marriages and families.
Sandburg quotes in lines 8 9 And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it is
true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again. These lines recommend that not
only murder occur in Chicago but that this crime could happen without any justice being
done against it. With the repetition of lines 6 9 that are mentioned, Sandburg helps the
reader understand through this literary device that many offenses occur within the city
and this will not stop any time soon.... Show more content on ...
The lines Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive
and coarse and strong and cunning, show that the residents of the city are proud to be
where they are. (lines 10 11) Sandburg is sarcastically criticizing the critics of Chicago
by challenging them to find townspeople that take more pride in living in their city than
Chicago townspeople because Sandburg believes that it is not possible. Not only does
Sandburg suggest that Chicago folk are proud of living in their big city, but that they are
strong and independent. By saying that they
Social Darwinism in Cyberpunk Literature Essay
In the 1870s, the English sociologist Herbert Spencer applied Charles Darwin s
theories of biological evolution to human behavior and institutions. Spencer used the
idea of survival of the fittest in biology and theorized human society had evolved the
same way (Cooper 15). Social Darwinism, as Spencer s theory is called, pits everyone
against each other to survive in the world where humans are soldiers in a war for
survival. If a person is poor, it is their fault and no one should help that person rise above
the poverty status. If a person is rich, they are worthy of the position based on their
actions, even if morally wrong. So if one is poor, the person will be weeded out of
society while the rich survive.

The Social Darwinism of ... Show more content on ...

Not just the strong will survive, but the one with the strongest technology will triumph.
This is Cyberpunk.

For example, the story Burning Chrome by William Gibson illustrates the genre s theme
of characters manipulating technology to survive. The protagonists of Gibson s story
are Automatic Jack and Bobby Quine, a couple of hackers waiting for their big score
to come through. They need the financial windfall quickly too, since Bobby is loosing
his edge at the computer console and isn t getting any younger. He was twenty eight,
Bobby, and that s old for a console cowboy, (Gibson 170). Jack s job is to simply keep up
with the hottest software to give the pair a greater edge.

In general Gibson is describing two hackers losing the evolutionary battle for survival.
At age twenty eight, Bobby is already outdated. Cyberpunk is quick and dirty when it
comes to survival. The evolutionary fight is hard and normally a character has one shot,
like these two characters. What Jack and Bobby need is something to place them above
the rest of the hacker world, and in Cyberpunk that can only be found though
manipulating technology. This edge above competition comes in the form of a black

It was obviously some kind of plug in military program. Out of the mailer, it looked like
the magazine of a small automatic rifle, coated with nonreflected black plastic. The
edges and corners showed bright metal, it had been knocked around for a while. (Gibson
Robbery And Uniform Crime Report
Robbery occurs every day, almost every 2 minutes in the United States leaving over
300,000 people victimized. Furthermore, these robberies that take place not only affect
the victims by financial loss due to stolen property, but the crime also causes a great
impact on the victims according to the FBI Uniform crimeReport (2013). Robberyis
known as an offenders attempt to take or the taking of things that have value from
individuals in public places. In addition, robbery is an action that can be done by force
of threat whether verbal, physical, with the use of a weapon; the crime can also be
recognized as a property crime when the offense is committed against businesses such as
gas stations, banks or convenient stores as stated by authors of... Show more content on ...
These routines influence offenders to commit robbery since it bring together targets at
their locations or separate targets from their locations, for example, special events,
holidays and annual routines. Offenders know during the holidays individuals are
carrying large sums of cash for shopping. People can become victims at special events
where there is alcohol and become less aware of surroundings. There are commuting
patterns of robbery where victims may have to take detours on other routes and may
get lost and become a victim. Offenders ideal locations when committing robbery are
areas where there is no guardianship. These areas lack people that can aid robbery
victims, but can cause these guardians to become secondary robbery victims or lead to
other crimes like murder. Offenders also like areas that provide quick escape routes
from the crime scene or areas of familiarity since the offender will be aware of the
routines of the victims and whether guardians or police patrol the area. The occurrence
of robberies can cause a major problem of fear mainly for the victim, but also within
the community the crime took place. Robbery victims feel vulnerable, not able to carry
out daily routines without the fear of being robbed again, a feeling of guilt that it was
their fault the crime occurred. Robbery victims feel they don t have control and fear to
lose their
An Analysis of the U.S. Health Club Industry in 2004 and...
An Analysis of the U.S. Health Club Industry in 2004 and the Role of Bally Total Fitness

Executive Summary Introduction

The rise of the U.S. health club industry can be traced back to the 1980s and 1990s when
the majority of health clubs emerged. By 2004, this $14 billion industry claimed 41
million members. Although the health club industry operated in a perfectly competitive
market, several prominent key players gained large market share, including Bally Total
Fitness and 24 hour Fitness. This perfect competition encouraged entry of smaller
emerging firms into the industry. In 2004, the health club industry consisted of 26,000
clubs in the U.S. Of this growing market, ... Show more content on ...
Before long, Bally boasted presence in over 360 outlets in the U.S. and more than 50
A number of recognizable key factors are responsible for the rise of the health club
phenomenon. The most notable factor was the growing concern of people s overall
health and well being. Awareness about the impact of obesity related diseases on the
quality of life and available health resources was heightened, especially following a
statement issued by the Surgeon General s office, which estimated the annual mortality
resulting from obesity complications to be over a quarter of a million. Further research
at the time showed about 6 in 10 American adults were overweight or obese, with only 4
in 10 adults falling within the healthy people indicator bracket. Between 1964 and 2004,
28 Surgeon General s reports had been issued, all of which described the epidemiology
and health consequences of unhealthy behaviors.1. This general awareness resulted in
about 17% of the U.S. population becoming more enthusiastically committed to fitness
activities, with 63% recognizing the importance of fitness activities and 25% of whom
actually attending health fitness clubs. Also, a recent survey showed that 37% of
exercisers were motivated by the desire to control weight. Consciousness about body
image and the desire to reduce stress and meet new people also had an impact on the
health club phenomenon.

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