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Place: In the forest

Main Characters:Dragon and Snake

Problem: Dragon and Snake want to get powerful stick.
Solution: They try to get powerful stick together.
Beginning: Dragon and Snake are friends, but they became enemies
because of a powerful stick.
Middle: They agreed to share the powerful stick when they got it,
and they went to a mountain.
End: Dragon made a fake story and tried to get the powerful stick
but failed. The Snake got the powerful stick and he became
a King.
The Powerful Stick
Once upon a time, there was a powerful stick that could control
everything in the entire forest. But that powerful stick was hidden on the hill and
guarded by the lion group. Every animal that lives in the forest wants that stick.
Among them, two friends, a dragon and a snake, are the most desired. While trying
to get the powerful stick, the two of them became enemies. because they don't
want to share that stick.
One day, the dragon and the snake discussed taking the powerful stick
and using it together. The next day, the two of them went together to get the
powerful stick from the hill. At that moment, the dragon quickly flew up the hill.
Snake was left. When the dragon reached the hill, he quickly took the stick and
shouted to the snake that the group of lions were coming. Snake flinched and
looked over to where the dragon was speaking. The dragon laughed at the snake,
and it carried the powerful stick and flew away from the mountain. Watching the
dragon fly away, the snake thought he was going to give up and came back down
the mountain. Unexpectedly, on his way down, he saw something shining among
the rocks. When he went to that place, he saw a small, shining stick. In fact, what
the dragon took was a tree branch, and what the snake saw was a powerful stick.
Dragon thought that his stick was powerful, but while he was flying, he
noticed that his stick was just a simple tree branch. As soon as he knew it, he
quickly flew to the hill, but neither the snake nor the powerful stick were there.
From that day on, the snake who got the powerful stick became the king of the

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