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4 At the gallery!

• Reading accuracy – Can recognize key words and basic phrases in short, simple cartoon stories.
• Reading comprehension – Can identify people in their immediate surroundings or in pictures from a
short, simple description of their physical appearance and clothes.

• Listening comprehension – Can recognize familiar words in short phrases and sentences spoken slowly
and clearly, if supported by pictures or gestures.
• Listening comprehension – Can follow a simple conversation between two people or characters, if
supported by pictures.

• Spoken production – Can describe someone’s physical appearance using one or two words.
• Spoken process and strategies – Can answer simple questions about other people (e.g. where they live,
who they know) in a limited way.

• Written production – Can write some familiar words.
• Written production – Can write simple sentences using familiar words.

Key vocabulary Phonics STEAM Grammar Culture
angry The sounds j /dʒ/ and y /j/ artist Is he angry? bagpipes
friendly jacket yak eyebrows No, he isn’t. He’s tired. blow
funny jaguar yellow eyes Is she shy? drums
happy jar yes face Yes, she is. She is always flute
helpful jeans yo-yo mouths shy. India
kind jog yogurt muscles He is sometimes tired. instrument
lazy juice you noses She is never naughty. Japan
naughty jump young yawn Do you have a lizard? neck
jungle yours Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
sad pipes
Does he have a goat?
shy Scotland
Yes, he does. / No, he
tired doesn’t. sticks
young It’s my lizard. It’s strings
friendly. Its tail is green. traditional


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 108 30/07/2020 13:44

Students will create a portrait gallery. They will decide on who they want to paint. They will interview that
person about who they are and how they feel. They will paint, draw, or take a photo of that person. They
will display the portrait on the wall and give a presentation about the person in the portrait.
Materials: paint, pencils or a camera, paper


Students will learn about emotional contagion. Students work in pairs or small groups. One child starts
to laugh. Encourage them to laugh for at least 30 seconds or more. What do the others in the group do?
Do they laugh or not? Then do the same with mock crying and finally, with yawning. Because this is a
controlled experiment, students may be able to control themselves and not yawn or laugh, but get them to
notice what happens in “real life,” too.
Materials: no materials needed

Pearson English Portal digital resources

Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on “Resources,” for more teaching resources, including videos
and games.


• Students will learn about algorithms by using logical reasoning to predict an outcome.
• Students will learn about sequencing by arranging a series of steps to achieve an outcome.


Students will learn the importance of asking before taking someone’s photo.

Make your own picture dictionary.
This feature occurs in each Vocabulary lesson and
encourages students to process new vocabulary
through drawing and writing.

Make invisible words. Write with lemon juice.

Students use lemon juice to write invisible words
on paper then try to guess what their partner happy sad
has written.

Act out the story in groups.

This feature occurs in each Story lab lesson
and will help students revisit and produce core
language learned so far in the unit, as well as
collaborate with other students in a fun context.


Students will learn about traditional music in different countries around the world.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 109 30/07/2020 13:44

How can I create a portrait gallery?

4 At the gallery
How can I create a portrait gallery?
3 Order the pictures. Write 1–4.



4 042
Listen and point. Then
sing along and dance.

TIME My friends angry

He’s never angry,

He’s sometimes shy.
He’s always kind and happy. shy!
He’s my friend, he’s my friend!
1 Which painting do you like? Point and say.
She’s never angry.
She’s sometimes shy.
She’s always kind and happy. happy!
2 Stick the frames on the happy, sad, and angry paintings. She’s my friend, she’s my friend!

56 fifty-six fifty-seven 57

Lesson flow

Warm up Critical Lesson Presentation Practice Code Cracker Song Objective

thinking objective Practice review

Warm up
• Start with a game of Hokey Pokey. Have students
I will learn about feelings. stand in a circle. Say Put you left foot in. Take
your left foot out. Put your left foot in and shake
KEY LANGUAGE it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn
yourself around, and that’s what it’s all about. Have
angry kind
students follow the actions and sing along. Then do
happy shy right foot, right hand, left hand, head, whole body.

• Draw a frame and the shape of a face on the
board. Ask In what kind of museum do you
find portrait paintings? (an art gallery) Ask Do
you know any art galleries? Have you seen any
portrait paintings?

M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 110 30/07/2020 13:44

• Ask How can you create a portrait gallery? Practice CODE CRACKER
Explain that students will make a portrait 3 Order the pictures. Write 1–4.
gallery as their final project, then ask them in
(Answers: A 2, B 4, C 3, D 1)
L1 what they need to be able to complete the
project. Write ideas on the board (art items, • Play Simon says to review parts of the face. Say
photos, people to paint, etc.). Simon says touch your nose. Simon says Touch
• Involve Next, ask students to think about what your ears. Touch your mouth. If the command
they will learn so that they can complete the isn’t preceded by the phrase “Simon says,”
project in English (vocabulary for people’s faces the students shouldn’t do it. Give commands
and feelings). Ask them to discuss ideas with faster and faster to make it fun. You can play
their partners. it competitively by making those who make
mistakes go out.
• Assist Go around the class and ask each
student to share one idea. Write the ideas on • Tell students to look at the pictures carefully
the board. and then to order them 1–4. This activity
practices sequencing by arranging a series
• Involve Students will learn to sing a song with of steps to achieve an outcome. First, have
words for feelings. The rhythm, music, and actions students look at all of the pictures. Then
will help both memory and recall of the new tell them to identify the picture that is most
language. complete. Have them look at the other pictures
in the sequence to see at what stage of the
Lesson objective process they belong.
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will • Challenge Have students complete picture B
learn about feelings. with eyes and label it with the words eyes, ears,
hair, nose, mouth.

COMMUNICATION • Extra Ask students to choose and describe

a picture, listing the features shown and not
Presentation shown, e.g., In this picture, I can see a … but
1 Which painting do you like? Point and say. I can’t see a … . Their partner works out which
• Ask students to look at the picture. Talk about picture it is.
the picture and the paintings in a simple
way. Ask Where are they? (art gallery) Which Song
painting do you like? Do you like this one? 4 042 Listen and point. Then sing along and
What colors can you see? Which painting is dance.
good? Which painting is bad? • Play audio 042 and ask students to read along
• Have students talk in pairs about what they can with the song quietly.
see in the picture. • Play the audio again. Have students look at the
actions in the photos and practice doing them.
CRITICAL THINKING • Actions: angry (making an angry face), shy (head
Practice downwards glancing upward), happy (a happy
face with a big smile)
2 Stick the frames on the happy, sad, and angry
paintings. • Students practice singing several times to become
familiar with the tune, actions, and lyrics, then
(Answers: 1 sad, 2 angry, 3 happy)
get them up and dancing. You don’t need space.
• Ask students to look at the picture and guess They can dance by their desks. Let them have
where the stickers go. fun and come up with their own ideas for dance
• Assist Have a volunteer come to the board and movements. They could do an angry dance, a shy
demonstrate where the stickers go by holding dance, and a happy dance.
up their Student’s Book.
Objective review
• To reinforce critical thinking, ask students
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
questions in L1 to ensure understanding and
encourage discussion around the reasons for
their guesses, e.g., What details in the picture • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
helped you decide where to place the sticker? can do by eliciting the new vocabulary words and
their actions.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 111 30/07/2020 13:44

I am happy!

I am happy! I will learn

people an
words for
3 Now say three clues
d pets.
about the pictures for I’m happy. I’m
1 b!
1 your partner to guess. helpful. I’m old.
Listen, point, and repeat.

4 Label the people and pets. Use all the words from 1.
3 7 8
1 angry 2 happy 3 sad 4 funny
6 10 1
2 5

5 kind 6 friendly 7 shy 8 helpful

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

9 naughty 10 lazy 11 young 12 tired 5 Now point at 4 and say. I like this man. He is funny!

2 Who am I? Read 3 clues. Then circle a or b.

1 I’m happy. a 2 I’m sad. a
6 Make headbands and 7 Make your own picture
b b play the Mime game. dictionary. Draw happy, sad,
I’m helpful. I’m lazy. and funny faces and write.
Am I shy?
No, you aren’t.
I’m not old. I’m not funny.

3 I’m funny. a b 4 I’m shy. a b

I’m friendly. I’m young.

I’m not young. I’m not angry. Am I sad? happy sad

Yes, you are!

58 fifty-eight fifty-nine 59

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Code Cracker Practice Practice Production Picture Objective
objective Practice dictionary review

Warm up
• Have students say the line He’s my friend or She’s
I will learn describing words for people and pets. my friend from the song on page 57. They say it in
different ways: angrily, shyly, happily, and kindly.
Lesson objective
angry lazy
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
friendly naughty
learn describing words for people and pets.
funny sad
happy shy • Involve Students will learn 12 new describing
helpful tired words that relate to feelings, characteristics,
kind young and states.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 112 30/07/2020 13:45

Presentation Practice
1 043 Listen, point, and repeat. 5 Now point at 4 and say.
• Point at each of the feelings or characteristics in • Have students talk about the people they like
the photos and ask What feeling is this? to elicit and don’t like in the picture in Activity 4 using
any words students already know. the new adjectives.
• Play audio 043. Ask students to listen, point at • Differentiation Have more confident students
the feelings, and repeat the words. Encourage give reasons for their descriptions, e.g., He’s
students to do facial expressions to match lazy. He wants to sleep. He doesn’t want to
the words. walk. Encourage less confident students to look
• Monitor Ask How are you feeling today? at the words in Activity 1 on page 58.


Practice Production
2 Who am I? Read 3 clues. Then circle a or b. 6 Make headbands and play the Mime game.
(Answers: 1 a, 2 b, 3 b, 4 a) • Have students make simple paper headbands,
to which they can affix a card displaying one of
• Ask students to look at the pictures and identify
the adjectives from this lesson.
the feelings or characteristics.
• One student closes his or her eyes and picks a
• Then have students read on their own. Say Circle
band. You affix it to their head with a paper clip
picture a or b based on the information in the
at the back. The student stands in front of the
class. The audience doesn’t say anything. They
• Monitor Have students check their answers read the description and mime what is on the
with a partner. Then ask volunteers to write the headband (I’m shy/I’m happy/I’m tired).
answer on the board.
• From their mime, the student with the
• Extra Have students work in pairs. One says a headband guesses what is written on the card.
feeling and the other acts it out.

Practice CODE CRACKER Picture dictionary

7 Make your own picture dictionary. Draw
3 Now say three clues about the pictures for
happy, sad, and funny faces and write.
your partner to guess.
• Ask students to continue in their dictionary.
• In pairs, students talk about the pictures in
Encourage them to use their imagination to
Activity 2. Have them choose a picture and
draw pictures to represent the new words in
describe it for their partner to guess.
the unit.
• Monitor Ask students to share their
• Brainstorm and write a list on the board.
descriptions with the class to check for accuracy
Encourage students to write the words neatly
and pronunciation.
under the pictures they draw.
• Extra Spell the words out loud. Encourage
volunteers to come up and write the words
4 Label the people and pets. Use all the words correctly on the board. You could do this as a
from 1. competitive game in teams.
(Answers: 1 happy, 2 helpful, 3 tired, 4 lazy,
5 sad, 6 angry, 7 shy, 8 kind, 9 naughty, Objective review
10 young, 11 friendly, 12 funny)
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can use
• Point at different people and say the feelings as describing words for people and pets.
students follow along.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Ask students to write how the people in the picture can do by eliciting the new vocabulary words and
are feeling. Tell them to use all the words from having students point at pictures of them.
Activity 1.
• Challenge Have students cover the words and
randomly point at a person. Ask How is this person

M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 113 30/07/2020 13:45

Language lab 1

Language lab 1 I will desc

using alw
ribe people
ays /
GRAMMAR 1: HE / SHE IS / ISN’T sometimes
/ never.

1 Watch. Circle

the correct word. Is he sad?

He is always happy. She is sometimes happy. He is never happy.
No, he isn’t.
Leo is sad / shy / angry .
He’s happy.
4 045
Listen and circle.
friendly: always / sometimes / never naughty: always / sometimes / never
2 What do you think? Look, choose, and write.

She/He is … She/He isn’t … Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isn’t.

5 Ask your partner. Then check or cross .

always sometimes never

Are you lazy?
1 2 3 friendly
No, I’m never lazy.
lazy Oh, I’m sometimes
shy lazy!


Is she happy? Is he tired? Is she shy?

6 Look at 5. Write your partner’s 7 Play Who is it? in groups.
young. old. She’s sometimes shy.
He’s/She’s always/sometimes/never She’s never lazy. Is it Amy?
friendly. angry. friendly.
1 lazy.

2 naughty.
3 Talk about your ideas. Work with a partner.
3 helpful.

4 friendly.
Look at Picture 1 … she’s happy.
Is she happy, or is she sad?
5 shy. Yes, it is!

6 happy.
60 sixty sixty-one 61

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Video Presentation Practice Practice Practice Practice Production Production Objective
objective review

Warm up
• Put the flashcards for the describing words on the
I will describe people using always / sometimes / board. Have students identify the describing words.
• Differentiation Ask more confident students to
choose three positive and three negative words.
Is he sad? Lesson objective
No, he isn’t. He’s happy. • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
Is she shy? describe people using always / sometimes /
Yes, she is.
He is always happy. • Involve Students will learn how to ask and answer
She is sometimes happy. about people’s feelings and how often they feel
He is never happy. that way.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 114 30/07/2020 13:45

Video Practice
1 044 Watch. Circle the correct word. 4 045 Listen and circle.
(Answer: angry) (Answers: Friendly: always, Naughty: sometimes)
• Have students look at the options. Ask Is Leo sad? • Point at the pictures in the box. Say Look at the
Is Leo shy? Is Leo angry? Have students make a first boy. He is happy here, here, and here. He’s
prediction before they listen. always happy. Look at the girl. She’s happy. She’s
• Tell students to circle the correct word according angry. She’s sad. She’s sometimes happy. Look at
to how Leo is. Play the video Unit 4: Is Leo shy? the third boy. He’s angry. He’s sad. He’s tired. He’s
or audio 044. never happy.
• Ask students to listen to the conversations and
Presentation circle the right frequency words for friendly and
• Show students the grammar box and read the naughty. Play audio 045.
examples. Ask Which is a question? Which are • Monitor Write the conversations from the audio
answers? on the board:
• Ask students to make a question gesture for the A: Are you friendly? B: Yes, I’m always friendly!
question (hands upturned as in a question), shake
A: Are you naughty? B: Hmmm … Yes! I’m
their heads for no and nod their heads for yes. Say
sometimes naughty!
the sentences again as students make gestures.
Check that students understand the frequency
• Do choral practice of the questions and answers in adverbs by asking what they mean in L1.
the grammar box.
• Divide the class into two groups and practice the
• Have students mime happy and sad to each other. conversations on the board together.
Practice Practice
2 What do you think? Look, choose, and write. 5 Ask your partner. Then check or cross .
(Answers: Students’ own answers, 1 No, she • Have students work with a partner to complete
isn’t. She isn’t friendly. She’s sad., 2 Yes, he is. the chart.
He isn’t young. He’s angry., 3 No, she isn’t. She
• Challenge Have some volunteer students report
isn’t old. She’s friendly.)
their findings back to the class.
• Have students complete the sentences with
positive or negative answers, according to their Production
own perception of the portraits. Students use
6 Look at 5. Write your partner’s answers.
higher order interpretation skills to interpret
the portraits. • Students write about their partner based on what
they learned in Activity 5.
• Remind students that they will create a portrait
gallery for the project. They should pay COMMUNICATION
attention to the moods the portraits convey.


• Model the activity for the class with three or
four descriptive sentences about someone in
3 Talk about your ideas. Work with a partner. the class. Say She is sometimes naughty. She is
• Students use the answers they gave in Activity 2 happy. She is always helpful. Who is it?
as a basis for a speaking activity. They discuss • Have students write three positive sentences
the portraits together, using the adjectives they about someone. Then put them into groups of
learned in the vocabulary lesson. They use the four to say the descriptions and guess who.
critical thinking skill of reflection.
• Demonstrate a conversation with a puppet or Objective review
a volunteer. Say Look at 1 in Activity 2. She’s
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can describe
happy. Is she happy? No, she isn’t. She’s sad.
people using always / sometimes / never.
• Have students work in pairs to ask and answer
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
about the people in the portraits.
can do by showing them pictures of places and
asking Do you like …? and Does she/he like?


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 115 30/07/2020 13:45

Story lab

Story lab I will read

about a pa
a story
5 6
The gold cup goes to …
Mr. Mud!

competitio g

1 046
Read and listen. Who wins 2 Who is this, Tom?

the gold cup? OK, finish your pictures

now, please!
Who is this?
Congratulations, Mr. Mud!

7 8
I have my paints.
Look at Milly!
1 It’s a rainbow!
Great! I have pencils and crayons. Milly, you are
very funny!

It’s my cousin.
He’s sometimes
naughty and
always happy!

I have a photo!

3 Who is this,
Mrs. Hay?
It’s my friend.
4 This is very good, Mr. Mud!
3 Look at the story again. What 4 Look at the story again.
are they like? Match and say. Then number the
sentences in order.
1 a She’s sad.
a The gold cup goes to …
Mr. Mud!
b She’s sometimes
b Who is this, Mrs. Hays?
2 naughty, but she
Is she angry? She is friendly. c Look at Milly!
looks angry. Er … no … Thank you. Milly is
she’s sad. sometimes naughty, d Is she angry? She looks
2 Look at the story. Then read, choose, and write. but she is friendly.
3 c He’s sometimes

naughty and e It’s a rainbow! Milly, you

rainbow friend cousin Milly are very funny!
always happy.

Tom paints his

Mr. Mud paints



Mrs. Hay paints her

Milly paints a .
Is Tom’s cousin sad?
No, he isn’t. He’s
5 Act out the story
always happy! in groups.
62 sixty-two sixty-three 63

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Act out Objective
objective review

LESSON OBJECTIVE Lesson objective

I will read a story about a painting competition. • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
read a story about a painting competition.
Warm up
• Involve Students will listen to and read a story
• Have students stand up and remind them of the
about a painting competition. They will use
actions for the song on page 57.
the information from the pictures and words to
• Play audio 042 and have students sing along and understand the story.
do the actions.
• Monitor Ask more confident students to stand at
the front of the class for others to copy. Watch
and listen to students and provide support if
needed. Take notes on any general issues with
pronunciation and intonation.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 116 30/07/2020 13:45

Pre-reading Comprehension
• Ask students to look at the pictures and have them 4 Look at the story again. Then number the
guess in L1 what will happen in the story. Write sentences in order.
some ideas on the board. Once you’ve read the (Answers: a 3, b 1, c 4, d 2, e 5)
story together, you can compare these ideas and
• Tell students to read the sentences and number
discuss any similarities or differences with students.
them in the order they come in the story.
COMMUNICATION • Say It’s OK to read the story again.
Reading • Assist If you feel it’s too much to have students
1 046 Read and listen. Who wins the gold read the sentences by themselves, read them out
cup? loud to the class before they number them in order.
(Answer: Mr. Mud wins the gold cup. He wins CREATIVITY COLLABORATION
the competition. Gold cup = first place.)
This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
• Play audio 046 and have students listen and support download our Collaboration checklist.
follow the story in their Student’s Books. Ask
Who wins the gold cup? (Mr. Mud wins the gold Act out
cup.) Ask What does he paint? (He paints a 5 Act out the story in groups.
picture of Milly the goat.).
• Put students in groups of six and ask them
• Have students read around the class for further to decide who plays each character. The
practice. characters are Miss Kelly, Tom, Anna, Leo,
• Challenge Have students close their Student’s Mrs. Hay, Mr. Mud, and Milly.
Books. Hold up the story cards one by one • Assist Before students act out the story,
and ask students to retell the story in their have them read it as a group. Then have
own words. them read it again with each student reading
their character’s lines. This will help them to
Comprehension remember their lines.
2 Look at the story. Then read, choose, and write. • Have each group of students act out the story
(Answers: 1 cousin, 2 friend, 3 Milly, 4 rainbow) in different corners of the classroom. If you
have time, ask each group to act out the story
• Ask students to complete the sentences with the in front of the rest of class.
things or people the contestants in the story paint.
• Extra Have students pretend to pose for
• Tell students to read the story again if they need a portrait. Ask other students to comment
to. Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., on how they look, e.g., She looks friendly.
Who does Tom paint? He looks shy.
• Extra Have students underline all of the
descriptive words in the story. Objective review
COMMUNICATION • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can read a
story about a painting competition.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
3 Look at the story again. What are they like?
can do by asking them to say how people in the
Match and say.
story feel.
(Answers: 1 b, 2 c, 3 a)
• Ask students to look at the portraits, read the
descriptions, and match.
• Have students check their answers with a
partner. Then check as a class. Ask volunteers
to read out the sentences and say the answers.
• Ask students to look at the story and circle
where they found the information they needed.
• Challenge Ask What part of the story do you
like the best? Give students an example: I like
the part of the story where Milly paints with
her tail.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 117 30/07/2020 13:45

Phonics lab

Phonics lab I will learn

the j and
y sounds.
Experiment lab I will learn

1 Listen and repeat. Then
2 048
Listen and chant.
Watch a video about faces.

write j or y. How do you change?

Is it your yellow
yo-yo, is it yours?
1 050
Listen and read. Then circle. 1 Work with a partner.
One person laughs, yawns,
We have muscles in
Is it your yellow or cries. What happens to you?
our faces. The muscles
yo-yo, is it yours?
move our mouths, eyes, My partner Me
1 eans 2 uice 3 ar Yes, yes, yes! noses, and eyebrows. I laugh . /
Sometimes our eyes look big, muscles I don’t laugh .
Jump in the jungle, and sometimes they look small.
Jump, jump, jump! Sometimes our mouths look small, and
sometimes they are big and open.
Jump like a jaguar,
Artists paint and draw the muscles in
Jump, jump, jump! a face. They use colors and lines and yawns I yawn . /
4 oung 5 ogurt 6 ak
different shapes. I don’t yawn .

3 049
Listen and play 4 Make invisible words. 1 2 I can see
muscles in
the game. Write with lemon juice.
1 / 2 .
cries I cry . /
I don’t cry .

2 Match. There is one extra

He looks angry. He is tired.

2 Now circle for you.

I always / sometimes / never

do the same as my partner.
J = arms up Y = arms crossed He looks sad. He is happy.

64 sixty-four sixty-five 65

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Chant Practice Production Objective

objective review

Warm up
• Preview the activity by eliciting words students
I will learn the j and y sounds. The sound j /dʒ/ as know that have the j /dʒ/ and y /j/ sounds, e.g.,
in jeans and the sound y /j/ as in yellow. June, July, jello, yes, yesterday, yard. Have them
practice saying them. Ask students if anyone’s
KEY LANGUAGE name begins with the sounds, e.g., John, Jim,
Jane, Julie.
jacket jump yogurt
jaguar jungle you Lesson objective
jar yak young
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
jeans yellow yours learn the j and y sounds.
jog yes
juice yo-yo • Involve Students will learn about the sounds j and
y and they will identify the sounds in words.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 118 30/07/2020 13:45

1 047 Listen and repeat. Then write j or y.
(Answers: 1 j, 2 j, 3 j, 4 y, 5 y, 6 y)
4 Make invisible words. Write with lemon juice.
• Ask What’s this? Point and find out what students
• Give students a lemon juice solution and paper.
already know (jeans, juice, jar, young, yogurt, yak).
• Tell them to choose and write words from this
• Assist Play the Phonics Pronunciation video. Ask
lesson using lemon juice as “ink” and their
students to sit and watch quietly. Play it again and
fingers or a stick as a writing tool. When the
ask students to copy what they see and hear.
juice has dried, it becomes almost invisible.
• Play audio 047 and have students repeat the
• Then place the paper somewhere warm – either
words, pointing at the correct photos as they do
in the sun or on top of a cast-iron radiator. As
so. Ask students to write the letters j or y in the
the paper warms up, the letters become visible
spaces provided.
again. Have students see if they can read words
• Extra Ask students to work in pairs. Have students written by others.
ask and answer about the pictures using What’s
• Extra Have students write their own short
this? What are these? They’re jeans. It’s a … .
chant in lemon juice, dry it, and see if it can be
• Challenge Then, as a class, encourage students to read by the others.
think of more words that have the target sounds
• Extra Encourage students to make the shapes
and write a list on the board. Practice them. Be
of the sounds with their mouth and make the
aware that, in some cases, the letter g is said as
sound silently. Ask students if they can guess
/dʒ/, e.g., giraffe.
the sound.
Chant Objective review

2 048 Listen and chant. • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know the
j and y sounds.
• Check that students understand the meaning
of the words in bold by identifying them in • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
the pictures. Say Find the yo-yo in the picture. can do by eliciting words with the j and y sounds.
Point at something yellow.
• Play track 048 twice and encourage students to
join in with the chants.
• Monitor Have students say each chant in pairs,
together, getting louder and louder as the
chants progress. They should shout the last line
of each chant. Go around the room, listening to
their pronunciation. Pay particular attention to
the /dʒ/ and /j/ sounds.

3 049 Listen and play the game.
(Answers: j, j, y, j, y, y, y, j, y, j, y, j, y, j, y, j)
• Play audio 049. When students hear words with
the j /dʒ/ sound, they reach their arms up; when
they hear the y /j/ sound, they cross their arms
in front of their chest.
• Assist Prepare the listening activity by saying
the j /dʒ/ and y /j/ sounds in isolation and
having students reach up or cross their arms
before playing the audio with words.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 119 30/07/2020 13:45

Experiment lab

Phonics lab I will learn

the j and
y sounds.
Experiment lab I will learn

1 Listen and repeat. Then
2 048
Listen and chant.
Watch a video about faces.

write j or y. How do you change?

Is it your yellow
yo-yo, is it yours?
1 050
Listen and read. Then circle. 1 Work with a partner.
One person laughs, yawns,
We have muscles in
Is it your yellow or cries. What happens to you?
our faces. The muscles
yo-yo, is it yours?
move our mouths, eyes, My partner Me
1 eans 2 uice 3 ar Yes, yes, yes! noses, and eyebrows. I laugh . /
Sometimes our eyes look big, muscles I don’t laugh .
Jump in the jungle, and sometimes they look small.
Jump, jump, jump! Sometimes our mouths look small, and
sometimes they are big and open.
Jump like a jaguar,
Artists paint and draw the muscles in
Jump, jump, jump! a face. They use colors and lines and yawns I yawn . /
4 oung 5 ogurt 6 ak
different shapes. I don’t yawn .

3 049
Listen and play 4 Make invisible words. 1 2 I can see
muscles in
the game. Write with lemon juice.
1 / 2 .
cries I cry . /
I don’t cry .

2 Match. There is one extra

He looks angry. He is tired.

2 Now circle for you.

I always / sometimes / never

do the same as my partner.
J = arms up Y = arms crossed He looks sad. He is happy.

64 sixty-four sixty-five 65

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Practice Production Experiment Objective

objective time review

Warm up
• Have students work in pairs to play Mirrors. One
I will learn about changing faces. student moves very slowly while looking in the
“mirror”; the student who is the reflection copies
KEY LANGUAGE everything in sync with the first student.

artist mouths
Lesson objective
eyebrows muscles
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
eyes noses learn about changing faces.
face yawn
• Involve Students will learn about emotional
cognition: how human beings often copy the
emotions of others.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 120 30/07/2020 13:45

• In pairs, have students name as many parts of the
This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
face as they can.
support download our Collaboration checklist.
• Challenge For parts of their faces they don’t know,
e.g., chin or cheek, students ask other pairs. Play Experiment time
Three before me, where students consult three How do you change?
sources (friends, dictionaries, other people) before
• Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on
they ask you for the meaning.
“Resources,” for more teaching resources about
Reading this topic, including a video
about faces.
1 050 Listen and read. Then circle.
1 Work with a partner. One person laughs,
• Play audio 050 and have students listen and
yawns, or cries. What happens to you?
follow in their Student’s Books.
• Point at the chart. Tell students they will do
• Play the audio again and ask students to circle the
an experiment in pairs. Say In pairs, sit facing
picture that shows muscles.
each other. Look at your partner. Record your
• Have students practice reading in pairs reaction.
sentence by sentence. Then have them read
• Nominate who in the pair will go first. Say The
around the room.
person sitting closest to the front goes first.
• Check comprehension, e.g., ask What moves our Laugh, yawn, and then cry. Have observers
mouths? (muscles). Say Show me a small mouth. monitor and record their partner’s reactions in
Show me a big, open mouth. Move your nose. the chart. Then have them change roles.
Move your eyebrows.
• Assist If students can’t feel their own reactions,
Practice have them close their eyes and breathe deeply.
2 Match. There is one extra sentence. Then have them open their eyes and look at
their partner.
• Point out how the mouth and eyes look different
to indicate different feelings. 2 Now circle for you.
• Ask students to match the sentences to the • Students reflect on the experiment and respond by
pictures. Say Match. There is one extra sentence. circling the response that applies to them in
• Monitor You may want to read the sentences out the chart.
loud first and check for understanding by having • Monitor Discuss the results of the experiment. Ask
students make the faces. Did you feel like laughing? Did you yawn? Do you
sometimes feel sad when you see your friends cry?
Do you feel sad if you see someone cry in a movie?
Production • Extra Have students draw themselves using the
• Have students draw a face with muscles. They examples in Activity 2. Remind them that the
can copy one of the pictures on the page or shapes of the eyes and mouth indicate emotion.
draw one of their own.
Objective review
• Have them show the class and receive
constructive or positive feedback. Say He looks • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
sad. He looks happy. Who is that? changing faces.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
can do by asking them to make a funny face, an
angry face, a shy face, a tired face, a sad face, and
finish with a happy face.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 121 30/07/2020 13:45

Language lab 2

Language lab 2 I will ask an

about peop
d answer Let’s take a photo! I will talk
funny phot
le and os.
ing have.

1Complete the questions. have

1 052
Listen and read.
Then answer Yes, I do or you
Do you have a brother?
Okay … now … wait. Oh, that’s a
Yes, I do. He’s funny! 1 This is my new phone. 2 3
No, I don’t. Do Its camera is really good. funny photo!
Do you have a sister?
1 you have a cousin? No, I don’t.

2 Do you a bird?
Let’s take a photo.
3 Do have a red hat?
Yes, a selfie!
4 a blue pencil case?

2 Play Tic Tac Toe with a partner. 2 Choose a funny photo. Work with a partner. Ask and answer.
Yes, I do = No, I don’t =
3 Do you have orange hair? No, I don’t.
cat rabbit red bag 1
Do you have 4 Are you sad? Yes, I am.
a red bag?
green eraser brother silver ruler
It’s a rabbit. Number 1!
No, I don’t.
white teddy blue coat sister Its fur is white.

Ask people before you take photo

Values s.

3 051
Listen and read. Then circle and write. Do you have a cat?
3 053
Who wants a photo? Check or 4 Read. Then circle
It’s Its Yes, I do. It’s orange. Its fur is soft.
cross . Then listen and check. for you.
Let’s take a photo. I take photos of my friends.
1 Do you have a dog? 2 Do you have a rabbit?
1 2 3 I ask / don’t ask my friends.
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
black / white . white / gray .
tail is nose is
brown / black . blue / pink .

66 sixty-six sixty-seven 67

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Practice Production Objective

objective review

Warm up
• Have students draw a quick family picture.
I will ask and answer about people and objects Have them explain who is in the picture in small
using have. groups, e.g., This is my mom, dad, sister, brother.
Encourage them to give further information,
KEY LANGUAGE e.g., My mom is always happy.
Do you have a brother?
Lesson objective
Yes, I do. He’s funny!
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
Do you have a sister?
ask and answer about people and objects using
No, I don’t. have.
My rabbit’s small. It’s white. Its fur is soft.
• Involve Students will talk about and describe
people, animals, and objects. They’ll ask and
answer questions using Do you have … ?

M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 122 30/07/2020 13:45

Presentation Practice
• Show students the grammar box and read the 3 051 Listen and read. Then circle and write.
examples. Ask students to repeat. (Answers: 1 It’s white. / Its tail is brown.,
• Remind students that Yes, I do and No, I don’t 2 It’s gray. / Its nose is pink.)
are short answers. Yes, I have a brother and No, • Point out the examples in the grammar box. See if
I don’t have a brother are the long versions. a student can explain the difference between it’s
• Ask students to answer the questions for and its before you tell them. Explain to students
themselves. the difference between it’s (the contraction of it +
• Assist Draw your own family tree on the board is) and its (its shows that something belongs to an
and describe them. Say I have a … and animal or thing).
I don’t have a … . • Ask students to listen and read the questions and
answers. Play audio 051.
• Play the audio again. This time say
1 Complete the questions. Then answer Yes, I do
Listen and write.
or No, I don’t.
• Involve Write the answers on the board and have
(Answers: 1 Do, 2 have, 3 you, 4 Do you have,
students check their work.
Students’ own answers)
• Point out that we use have for family, pets, and Production
things. Say Complete the questions. Tell students • Have students look at the speech bubbles.
they will have to use the words more than once to Demonstrate the dialog.
complete the questions. Say Use the words in the • Have students work in pairs. Tell them to use the
box once. models to ask and answer about their pets.
• Monitor Check that students have written the • Encourage them to give information about their
questions correctly by inviting volunteers to write pets using It’s … and Its … .
them on the board.
• Extra Have a group discussion about the
• Challenge Have students ask and answer in pairs. principal’s pet, the pet of a famous person, or a
famous pet from a movie or book that students all
know about.
This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
support download our Collaboration checklist. Objective review
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can ask and
answer about people and objects using have.
2 Play Tic Tac Toe with a partner.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• The aim of this Tic Tac Toe is to get three can do by showing them pictures of animals and
crosses ( ) or three checks ( ) in a row. The having them describe them using It’s … and Its … .
rows can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
• Demonstrate with a volunteer using the
example in the speech bubbles. Make sure
students use a pencil to mark the checks and
crosses. Once they have played in a pair, they
can erase the checks and crosses and play with
someone else.
• Draw the grid on the board and invite students
to play in front of the class.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 123 30/07/2020 13:45

Let’s take a photo!

Language lab 2 I will ask an

about peop
d answer Let’s take a photo! I will talk
funny phot
le and os.
ing have.

1Complete the questions. have

1 052
Listen and read.
Then answer Yes, I do or you
Do you have a brother?
Okay … now … wait. Oh, that’s a
Yes, I do. He’s funny! 1 This is my new phone. 2 3
No, I don’t. Do Its camera is really good. funny photo!
Do you have a sister?
1 you have a cousin? No, I don’t.

2 Do you a bird?
Let’s take a photo.
3 Do have a red hat?
Yes, a selfie!
4 a blue pencil case?

2 Play Tic Tac Toe with a partner. 2 Choose a funny photo. Work with a partner. Ask and answer.
Yes, I do = No, I don’t =
3 Do you have orange hair? No, I don’t.
cat rabbit red bag 1
Do you have 4 Are you sad? Yes, I am.
a red bag?
green eraser brother silver ruler
It’s a rabbit. Number 1!
No, I don’t.
white teddy blue coat sister Its fur is white.

Ask people before you take photo

Values s.

3 051
Listen and read. Then circle and write. Do you have a cat?
3 053
Who wants a photo? Check or 4 Read. Then circle
It’s Its Yes, I do. It’s orange. Its fur is soft.
cross . Then listen and check. for you.
Let’s take a photo. I take photos of my friends.
1 Do you have a dog? 2 Do you have a rabbit?
1 2 3 I ask / don’t ask my friends.
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
black / white . white / gray .
tail is nose is
brown / black . blue / pink .

66 sixty-six sixty-seven 67

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Practice Practice Values Production Objective

objective Practice review

Warm up
• Play Line up. Have students line up around the
I will talk about funny photos. room, in order depending on the day they were
born from January to December. To do this they
KEY LANGUAGE ask each other When’s your birthday? Check
that they are in the right order by asking random
Let’s take a photo.
students When’s your birthday?
Yes, okay.
No, thank you. I don’t want to. Lesson objective
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
talk about funny photos.

• Involve Students will learn how to describe

games and invite each other to play something
with Let’s … .

M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 124 30/07/2020 13:45

1 052 Listen and read.
3 053 Who wants a photo? Check or
• Have students look at the pictures. Ask What are
cross . Then listen and check.
they doing? (taking selfies)
(Answers: 1 , 2 , 3 )
• Play track 052. Have students listen to the dialog.
Play the audio again. Students practice reading • Assist In L1, discuss with students if they
the dialog out loud. always feel like having their photo taken. Tell
students that not everyone wants their photo
• Involve Have students work in groups of three to
taken all the time and it’s polite to ask first.
act out the dialog. Tell them to do a funny pose
for the “camera.” • Have students look at the body language of
the people in the picture and predict who
COMMUNICATION does and who doesn’t want their photo taken.
Practice They check or cross accordingly.
2 Choose a funny photo. Work with a partner. • Say Listen and check. Play track 053 for
Ask and answer. students to check their answers.
• Students work in pairs. Say Choose a photo, Production
but do not say which one. 4 Read. Then circle for you.
• Practice the model dialog with a student. Then • Ask Do you ask to take someone’s photo?
have students ask and answer questions to find Circle for you.
out which one it is. Students answer in the first
person, as if they are the person in the photo. • Say If you circled don’t ask, you should think
They use the model dialog to help them. about asking in the future.

• Extra Extend the activity by having students • Involve Practice Let’s take a photo. Allow
ask and answer about a series of people in students to say Yes, okay! Or No, thank you.
magazine pictures or flashcards. I don’t want to.
• Digital Find some photos of people on the
internet and show them to the class. Have
students say what they think the people look
To offer more practice with different forms of like, e.g., He looks funny. She looks shy. They
answers, ask more confident students to provide look tired. Alternatively, find funny photos of
three separate answers to the same question, e.g., animals and have students comment on how
Do you have orange hair? (No. / No, I don’t. / No, I they look.
don’t have orange hair.). Assist with pronunciation
by drilling a couple of examples with the whole class.
Objective review
Support • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can talk
Provide support for students with forming questions about funny photos.
to ask about the pictures by writing different • Digital If students have camera phones, tell them
question types (Do you …? Are you …?) on the board to take selfies of them making funny faces and
and encouraging students to give you different show their pictures to other students in the class.
possible question endings (Do you have glasses?
Are you sleepy?).


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 125 30/07/2020 13:45

Create a portrait gallery


Create a portrait gallery
Create Show and tell
Step 2
Step 1
How do we create Talk about the people
our portrait gallery? and the paintings.
Draw, paint, or take photos.
Research Who’s this?
It’s our teacher!
She’s always kind.
What do we need Write about the people.
to do and ask?
Who shall I paint? Put the work on a wall.
Interview the people we
Think about what questions to are painting.
ask them.
Get paints, paper, glue,
Collect some paintings and pencils, and crayons.
photos for ideas.
Choose a style of painting.

Decide where to display

Who to paint? Here, she
the pictures. looks funny
She looks happy!
and friendly.
My friend? Mom? It’s a great painting!

My cousin? Me? What’s your name?

Now I can ..
Our teacher? Are you always happy?
Do you have a pet?
… use describing
What’s your favorite color?
Talk about old … describe people
and new photos. using always /
sometimes / never.

… ask and answer

Look! about people
and objects
using have.

… talk about
funny photos.

68 sixty-eight sixty-nine 69

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 At home Now I can Objective
objective review

LESSON OBJECTIVE Lesson objective

I will create a portrait gallery. • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
create a portrait gallery.
Warm up
• Involve Students will contribute to a class portrait
• Show pictures of portraits painted by famous
gallery. Each student will paint, draw, or take a
artists, e.g., Pablo Picasso’s The Weeping Woman,
picture of a person to make a portrait. They will
Woman with Yellow Hair, or Woman with a Hat.
use the language learned from the unit to interact
Ask about the colors and lines the artist has used.
with their “subject” and talk about their creation.
Ask if the picture is inside or outside. Ask Does
he/she look happy, sad, angry, tired, shy, funny,
naughty, kind, or friendly?


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 126 30/07/2020 13:45

Step 1 At home
Research • Students talk at home about old and new family
• Have students decide who they would like to paint photos.
and why. They think about questions to ask the • In L1, point out that in very old pictures people
person of their choice. may look sad, but actually they were just being
• Tell students they can paint themselves if they serious. That was the rule for photos then.
wish. Explain that this is called a self-portrait. Nowadays we usually smile.

• Tell students they can use any style of painting Now I can …
they like. Bring in art books for them to look at. • Show students the Now I can … box and read the
Create an art-book library in the classroom. examples. Ask students to repeat and then check
• Assist If they decide to paint a friend or family understanding in L1.
member, help them with some questions, e.g., • Involve Ask students to think about how they feel
I want to paint your portrait. Can I paint your about the statements.
portrait? Can you give me a photo so I can
• Have students draw four light bulbs in their
paint you?
notebooks and for each light bulb draw light lines
Step 2 coming from it to show how confident they are
Plan about each statement. The more lines they draw
radiating from each light bulb, the more confident
• In order to make the exhibition and the paintings
they feel about the statement.
more interesting, students find out more about
their subjects. Have them interview their subjects. • Monitor Have students choose the statement they
are the most confident about. Then have them tell
• Check students understand the questions listed by
the rest of the class. Make notes of the statements
practicing in pairs.
that the fewest students choose and make sure
• Encourage them to ask more questions. you review the content in the future.
• Tell them to choose the materials they will need
(paint, pencils, markers, colored pencils), a style Objective review
of painting, and where they want to display their • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can create a
finished picture. portrait gallery.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
Step 3
can do by asking them questions about their
Create portrait, e.g., Who is it? What are they like?
• Hand out paper and other materials. Have
students draw their portrait before they paint. Assessment pack
• Students create their portraits and write short • To assess students’ progress at the end of the unit,
descriptions of the people in them. have students complete the Unit 4 Unit Test.
• Monitor Ask students to write sentences, then • To assess if students have reached the listening
walk around to monitor and check as they are and speaking targets for this unit, give students
doing this. If they make mistakes, tell them it’s the Unit 4 Speaking Test.
okay – they can do another draft. Allow them as • Arrange one-to-one sessions with each student
many drafts as they need. and use the prompts to evaluate their listening
• Give students the opportunity to check their work. and speaking abilities.
• For grammar and vocabulary assessment, have
COLLABORATION students complete the Practice and Unit Tests in
This activity encourages Collaboration. For further the Assessment Pack.
support download our Collaboration checklist.
Pearson English Portal games
Step 4 Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on
Show and tell “Resources,” then “Games” for a class game about
• Collate the work into a gallery. describing words for people and pets.
• Encourage students to talk about their own
and each other’s paintings. Explain that art
galleries usually have curators who know all
about the artwork and allow them to take turns
being curators.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 127 30/07/2020 13:45

2 Checkpoint

2 Checkpoint UNITS 3 AND 4

2 Read and follow. Draw the arrows.
1 Do you have a sister? 2 Is it heavy? Yes, it is!
Yes, I do.

This doll is new.
Listen and follow. Say the number. Is she happy? No, she isn’t.
It’s my teddy! It’s mine!
She’s sad.
She’s tired.
He’s helpful!
Whose is it? Is it your coat?
It’s round.

She’s sometimes shy.

3 Follow the arrows. Choose and write.

round have angry Is He’s kind ours your tired mine

1 she lazy? Yes, she is! 2 My mom is .

Do you a sister? This is our car. It’s .

Yes, I do.
Whose is it? Is it
It’s . coat?

helpful. She’s .

He’s ! This teddy is .

4 Ask and answer with a partner.

Test your
What’s this? with English
Young Learners
It’s a silver owl.

1 2 3 4

70 seventy seventy-one 71

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Listening Reading Writing Speaking Objective

objective review

LESSON OBJECTIVE Lesson objective

I will review language and vocabulary from Units • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
3 and 4. review Units 3 and 4.

Warm up • Involve Students will review all of the language

they learned in Units 3 and 4. They will consolidate
• Ask students to look over Units 3 and 4 to refresh
their knowledge in a series of activities to test all
their memory about the content. Ask What did you
four skills.
like about Unit 3? What did you learn in Unit 4?
• Have students review their picture dictionaries and
reread the stories in the units.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 128 30/07/2020 13:45

Listening • Assist Tell students to read carefully because most
1 054 Listen and follow. Say the number. of the missing words are part of the sentence
structure, but there is one word in each question
(Answers: 1 3, 2 2)
that is an object!
• Ask students to look at the pictures and listen
• After students complete the sentences, they can
carefully. Explain that they will hear questions and
say the number below the final picture in the path.
answers or sentences about some of the pictures.
Tell them to follow the path for the pictures they • Monitor Check answers with the class. Show
hear about and then they should say the number students the path on the board by circling the
of the column below the final picture. correct answers and drawing arrows between
• Play audio 054. Students listen carefully and follow
the path of pictures. COMMUNICATION
• Monitor Check answers with the class. Play the Speaking
audio again if needed. You could pause the audio
4 Ask and answer with a partner.
after each sentence to check that students are
following the correct path. • Ask two students to read the examples in the
speech bubbles. Then explain to students that
• Challenge In groups of three, one student makes
they can ask and answer about any of the
sentences about the pictures in a path from the
pictures in Activity 1. Encourage them to use
top to the bottom of the page. The second student
numbers, colors, and other adjectives.
follows the path and says the number at the
bottom. The third student listens and corrects any • Monitor Watch students and provide support if
mistakes in the language used. The three students needed. Ask individual students questions and
swap roles and repeat. listen to their answers, then have them ask you
questions. Take notes on any general issues
Reading with pronunciation and intonation.
2 Read and follow. Draw the arrows. • Extra Have students ask and answer about
(Answers: 1 , 2 ) objects around the classroom. Encourage more
confident students to ask about words they
• Students read the sentences and follow the path
don’t know in English and look them up in a
of pictures in Activity 1. They add an arrow in the
box to show which direction they move from one
picture to the next.
Objective review
• After students read the final sentences, they say
the number below the final picture in the path. • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know Units
3 and 4.
• Monitor Check answers with the class. Show
students the path on the board by circling the • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
correct answers and drawing arrows between know by asking questions about the pictures in
them. Activity 1. Say, e.g., What color is the owl? What
shape is the swimming pool? Whose car is it?
• Differentiation Stretch: Have students write
their own paths in their notebooks and give it to • Encourage awareness of what students have
their partner to find the answer. Support: Have learned by eliciting new language from Units 3
students who need more support draw the arrow and 4. Ask What words did you learn in Units
on the grid in Activity 1 as they read before 3 and 4? What questions and answers can you
transposing the arrows to the places next to the remember from Units 3 and 4? Accept all answers.
sentences. • Have students go to the Progress Chart in their
Workbooks and stick on their Now I can stickers.
3 Follow the arrows. Choose and write.
(Answers: 1 Is, have, round, He’s, angry, 3,
2 kind, ours, your, tired, new, 4)
• Students read and complete the sentences by
following the path the arrows make for the
pictures described in Activity 1.


M04 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 129 30/07/2020 13:45

Music around the world

Music around the world

3 056
What is it? Listen to the music and check .

Drums It’s a … veena bagpipe drum

1 Look at the pictures. What 3
instruments can you see? Say.

2 055
Listen and read.
4 Listen again. How does the music make you feel?

Choose and write.

Bagpipes You bang drums. happy sad angry tired good bad lazy

These girls and boys are from Japan. 1 I feel . 2 I feel . 3 I feel .
They play drums. Their drums are
round and hard. They are made
from wood. The drums are heavy!
5 Now tell a partner. It’s happy music! I feel good!


Fun Fact!
Some drums are as big as cars! My Culture
Find out about traditional instruments
You blow bagpipes.
Veenas in your country.

This boy is from Scotland. He plays the

bagpipes. He is called a piper. strings
6 Make a string instrument.

Bagpipes have a soft bag and long pipes. 1 Take a tissue box. Fold and stick card on
the box.

neck 2 Stick pins in the box.

You play the
strings on veenas. 3 Put the rubber bands around the pins.
This woman is from India. She plays a veena. Veenas are big 4 Play your instrument! It has strings. It’s not heavy.
and round. They have a long neck. They have strings. Very
good music comes from light veenas, not heavy veenas.
7 Describe your instrument.

72 seventy-two seventy-three 73

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Production My Culture Production Production Objective
objective review

LESSON OBJECTIVE Their drums are round and hard.

I will learn about instruments from around the The drums are heavy.
world. He/She plays …
The bagpipes have a soft bag and long pipes.
Warm up
bagpipes neck
• Ask students what instruments they play. Ask
blow pipes
Do you like it? What kind of music do you play?
drums Scotland For those who don’t play an instrument, ask Do
flute sticks you like music? What kind of music do you like?
India strings
instrument traditional Lesson objective
Japan veena • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
learn about instruments from around the world.

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• Involve Students will learn about instruments like
the bagpipes, the veena, and drums from around
the world. Production
5 Now tell a partner.
• Write It’s happy music. I feel good. on the
Pre-reading board. Ask students to give you any different
1 Look at the pictures. What instruments can answers they may have.
you see? Say. • Have students work in pairs. Say Now tell a
• Have students look at the photos in this partner how you feel about the music.
lesson and identify instruments they can see.
(They may know drum.) The large drum is a MY CULTURE
Japanese taiko drum. There are also Scottish
• Read the Culture sentence: Find out about
bagpipes and an Indian veena, a plucked string
traditional instruments in your country. Have
students talk about traditional instruments in
• Extra Have students look at the photos and their country.
name other things they recognize, e.g., Look!
A lake / a street / a red dress. CREATIVITY
Reading 6 Make a string instrument.
2 055 Listen and read. • Materials: tissue box, card, glue, three rubber
• Play audio 055. Students will hear about the three bands, six pins
instruments pictured: a taiko drum from Japan, a • Read the instructions out loud around the
bagpipe from Scotland, and a veena from India. classroom.
You may want to bring in a map or a globe and
have students find these countries on it. • Demonstrate how to make a string instrument
according to the instructions.
• Ask comprehension questions: Are the drums
square and soft? (No, they’re round and hard.) • Have students work alone or in pairs to make a
What are the drums made from? (metal) Are string instrument and play it.
they light? (No, they’re heavy.) What is a bagpipe
player called? (a piper) Are bagpipes soft or hard? COMMUNICATION
(soft) Are the pipes long or short? (long) What do Production
veenas look like? (They are big and round. They
7 Describe your instrument.
have a long neck. They have strings.) Do heavy
veenas make good music? (No, light veenas make • Tell students to think of three sentences to
good music.). describe their instrument.
• Have them practice describing their instruments
Comprehension in pairs.
3 056 What is it? Listen to the music • Ask volunteers to describe their instrument to
and check . the class.
(Answers: 1 bagpipe, 2 veena, 3 drum) • Extra Bring in pictures of traditional
• Tell students they will hear the three instruments. instruments that you know. Some examples are
They should check the correct column of the chart the erhu (a Chinese two-stringed fiddle) and
as they listen. Play audio 056. the vihuela (a Mexican guitar-like instrument
• Play the audio again as you check the answers. played in Mariachi groups).
• You may like to show students videos from the
Comprehension internet of these instruments being played.
4 057 Listen again. How does the music make • Extra Have students research interesting
you feel? Choose and write. instruments in other countries.
• Review the feeling words. Check that students
know them. Ask them to say when they feel these Objective review
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can talk
• Play audio 057. Tell students to listen to the music. about instruments around the world.
Ask How does the music make you feel? Students
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
answer orally using the words in the box. Then
can do by showing them a map of the world
they listen again and complete the sentences. Say
and eliciting the names of the countries and
Now listen and write.
instruments mentioned.

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Workbook answer key and notes

1 Circle a, b, or c. Then point and say. 4 Circle, choose, and write.

(Answers: 1 b, 2 c, 3 a) (Answers: 1 She, always, 2 He, sometimes,
3 He, never)
• Coding: pattern recognition – recognize different
types of patterns. In this case, the pattern is 5 Make a word picture. Draw and write about
composed of image matching text. The different a friend or someone in your family.
colored backgrounds to the words mean that • Say Draw and write about a friend or someone in
students have to focus entirely on the written text your family.
in order to get this activity right. This helps with
• Students copy the example and make their own word
reading focus and ignoring irrelevant distractions.
pictures of a friend or family member. They write
• Critical thinking: observation. adjectives or sentences which describe that person.
2 Think. Then choose for you and say. 6 Now show and tell.
(Answers: Students’ own answers) • Following the example, students talk about the
• This activity encourages students to think of their word pictures they have created.
emotions when they look at different images. You
Story lab
could extend this by showing them other works of
art and discussing the emotions they inspire. 1 Make your story book. page 123
3 020 Listen to the song and order. (Answers: Frame 1: paints / pencils / photo, Frame 2:
Who / sometimes / always, Frame 3: friend / angry /
(Answers: shy 2, happy 4, kind 3, angry 1)
sad, Frame 4: good / naughty / friendly, Frame 5:
I am happy! your / please, Frame 6: gold / Mr. Mud, Frame 7:
Look at, Frame 8: Milly / funny)
1 Look, read, and number.
2 Look, read, and match.
(Answers: 1 kind, 2 sad, 3 happy, 4 friendly,
5 helpful, 6 angry) (Answers: 1 It’s my cousin. He’s sometimes
naughty and always happy!, 2 It’s my friend.,
2 Read, color, and write the names.
3 Congratulations, Mr. Mud!)
(Answers: 1 Billy, color the T-shirt blue,
3 Choose, complete, and match.
2 Tina, color the T-shirt red, 3 Maria, color the
T-shirt yellow) (Answers: 1 photo c, 2 pencils and crayons a,
3 paints b)
• Critical thinking: interpretation.
4 Check T (True) or F (False)
• Coding: data structures.
(Answers: 1 T, 2 F, 3 T, 4 F)
3 021 Listen and say. Then match.
(Answers: 1 sporty c, 2 chatty b, 3 polite a) 5 Work with a partner. Point, ask, and answer.
• Students figure out which parts of the portraits
Language lab 1 are of Anna and which parts are of Leo.
1 Follow and order the jumbled letters for each • Critical thinking: observation and interpretation.
person. Then write He’s or She’s. 6 What happens next? Choose, check , and draw.
(Answers: 1 b He’s naughty., 2 d She’s shy., (Answers: Students’ own answers)
3 a He’s lazy., 4 c She’s angry.)
• Students check the story ending they prefer and
• This activity is similar to the Cambridge Young draw a scene to represent it.
Learners English exam, Starters, Reading and
Writing, Part 3. Phonics lab
2 Look, read, and write. 1 Write j or y and match.
(Answers: 1 No, he isn’t. 2 Yes, he is. 3 Yes, she is. (Answers: 1 j, 2 y, 3 y, y, 4 j, 5 y, 6 j, 7 j, 8 y,
4 No, she isn’t.) Matching: 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 d, 5 g, 6 h, 7 e, 8 f)
3 Look and write He is or He isn’t. 2 022 Listen and circle.
(Answers: 1 He is, 2 He isn’t, 3 He is, 4 He isn’t) (Answers: 1 jaguar, 2 yak, 3 yours, 4 jungle)
3 Write j or y and draw.
(Answers: jaguar, jungle, yellow)

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1 Label the face. 1 Write and check or cross for your gallery.
(Answers: 1 eyebrow, 2 eye color, 3 smile, 4 lines) • Students check or cross according to the pictures
2 Read and circle a or b. which are in their class gallery. They can either
choose to complete the chart for just their own
(Answers: 1 b, 2 a, 3 b)
works or they can complete it for the whole class.
• Critical thinking: interpretation/evaluation Here they are classifying, noting who the portrait
3 Now talk to a partner. is of and in what medium it has been presented
• Students discuss the two pictures,
e.g., She looks sad. Her mouth looks small. 2 Read and complete. Then check the questions
you ask.
Experiment time (Answers: 1 old, 2 favorite, 3 Are, 4 sometimes,
1 Look, read, and match. 5 have)
(Answers: 1 laugh, 2 yawn, 3 cry) 3 Draw and write about a friend’s picture.
• Students draw lines to match the pictures to the • Encourage students to think about pictures their
words. classmates have done for the gallery. They can
2 Now write for you. copy the original drawing in a simple fashion. This
• Students write the adverb which applies to their activity encourages collaboration.
experiment. 4 Read and check the correct sentences.
(Answers: 1 a, 2 c)
Language lab 2
5 024 Listen and circle.
1 Read, do the math, and color.
(Answers: 1 Yes, I do., 2 Pepper., 3 No, I’m not.,
• Students do the sums and figure out how to color
4 Blue.)
the animals, according to the key given.
(Answers: The dog’s nose is black. Its body is 6 Now work with a partner. Ask and answer for
brown. The mouse’s nose is pink. Its body is you.
gray. The cat’s nose is black. Its body is orange. 2 CHECKPOINT
The rabbit’s nose is pink. Its body is gray.)
1 Circle the odd one out.
2 Now check two animals from 1. Then ask and
(Answers: 1 tomato, 2 theirs, 3 round)
answer with a partner.
2 Draw a path.
• Students ask and answer about the animals which
they have checked and chosen following the • Students draw a path through the flowchart.
examples. 3 Look 2. Write your answers and draw.
• Students look at the path they drew in Activity 2,
Let’s take a photo!
answer the questions, and draw the object.
1 023 Look, listen, and check .
(Answers: 1 b, 2 b) MUSIC AROUND THE WORLD
2 023 Listen again and circle the sentences you 1 Choose and write.
hear. Act out with a partner. (Answers: 1 veena, 2 strings, 3 drum, 4 sticks,
(Answers: 1 Let’s take a photo., 2 Okay … wait … 5 bagpipes, 6 pipes)
look!, 3 Oh, that’s a funny photo.) 2 Read and circle.
3 Choose a picture. Draw your face. Then talk to a (Answers: 1 round, 2 heavy, 3 soft, 4 long, 5 big,
partner. 6 round)
• Students complete the pictures by drawing their 3 Draw a musical instrument from your country.
own facial expression. They can choose to be Then write and circle.
happy, sad, angry, etc. • Students draw a musical instrument in their
• Then they play a guessing game with a partner. country. Then they circle and write about it.


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