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Help Me Write My College Essay

Writing an essay on the subject of "Help Me Write My College Essay" can be a challenging
endeavor, laden with complexities that extend beyond the mere act of composing words on a page.
The difficulty lies not only in the technical aspects of constructing coherent sentences and crafting a
well-organized piece but also in the emotional and personal nature of the topic.

Addressing the plea for assistance in the context of college essays requires a delicate balance of
empathy and professionalism. One must navigate the fine line between showcasing vulnerability and
maintaining a sense of academic integrity. It demands a keen understanding of the individual's
unique experiences, aspirations, and challenges, coupled with the ability to translate these into a
compelling narrative that resonates with both the writer and potential readers, such as admissions

Moreover, the process involves the arduous task of self-reflection, as the writer must explore their
own journey, ambitions, and character to produce a genuinely authentic and engaging essay. This
introspective aspect adds an additional layer of difficulty, as individuals often find it challenging to
articulate their thoughts and experiences in a manner that effectively communicates their uniqueness.

In the realm of college admissions, where competition is fierce and first impressions matter, the
pressure to create a standout essay further intensifies the writing process. The fear of inadequacy or
the uncertainty of whether the essay will effectively convey the writer's essence can be

While the difficulty of crafting such a personal and impactful piece is undeniable, it's essential to
acknowledge that seeking help is a valid and wise approach. Professional services, like those offered
on , can provide valuable support by offering guidance, feedback, and even
examples to aid in the essay-writing journey. These resources can alleviate some of the challenges
associated with the process, ensuring that individuals have the assistance they need to present their
stories authentically and effectively in the competitive landscape of college admissions.
Help Me Write My College EssayHelp Me Write My College Essay
Essay on John Maynard Keynes Versus Friederich A. Hayek
Two major economic thinkers of the of the early twentieth century, John Maynard
Keynes and Friedrich A. Hayek, hold very different economic viewpoints. Keynes is
among the most famous economic philosophers. Keynes, who s theories gained a
reputation during the Great Depression in the 1930s, focused mainly on an economy s
bust. It is where the economy declines and finally bottoms out, that Keynesian
economics believes the answers lie for its eventual recovery. On the other hand, Hayek
believed that in studying the boom answers would be provided to lead the economy out
of the bust that was sure to follow. Hayek backed the Austrian school of economics. John
Maynard Keynes fostered a school of thought that came to be known after him,... Show
more content on ...
This is almost the textbook definition of money illusion, which of course classical
economics assumes people are not fooled by. Still, Keynes ideas gained popularity and
President Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal was directly influenced by the Keynesian
point of view. Keynes held that the way out of a depression was to increase an economy
s aggregate demand(AD). Roosevelt s New Deal contained huge federal expenditures and
government jobs programs, all designed to boost AD. These programs, including direct
relief, were paid by taxpayers dollars and the tax rates rose dramatically multiple times
during the Great Depression. F. A. Hayek, the other economic thinker of the twentieth
century, believed that the way to stabilize a broken economy was to find solution from
the boom that preceded the current bust. The Hayek supported Austrian theory sought a
connection among business cycles, capital theory, and monetary theory. Hayek believed
an economy started going downhill when people did not coordinate their actions. The
spontaneous order of the free market and price system usually does a fantastic job of
coordinating people s actions. Hayek said that the credit market becomes distorted when
the money supply increases, interest rates go down, and the credit becomes artificially
cheap (Friedrich). This causes an artificially high rate of investment and malinvestment.
[Malinvestment is ]...too much investment in long term projects relative to short term
ones, and the
The Role Of Directors And Responsibilities Of Directors
administrators and, lacking grounds for doubt, have assurance that those duties have
been accomplished legitimately. This certainly isn t the first case where the following
intentions were placed, but it is generally witnessed as the foundation of directors duty
to action with due care. These principles persist to sustain under the common law and
are fundamentally, though by no means specifically, mirrored in directors constitutional
duties under the corporations Act 2001(Bathurst, 2013) IV. DUTIES OF DIRECTORS
IN DIFFERENT COMPANIES a. Role in private and public companies It becomes vital
to fathom the different groupings of directors and their duties in diverse types of
companies. In application, companies will have different ranks of... Show more content
on ...
Differences also arise in terms of direction, degree of power and expertise and
remuneration of the directors b. Duties of Directors The corporations Act of 2001 (Cth)
entails that a company director are to implement their authorities and complete their
responsibilities and duties with utmost attention and thoroughness [s 180]. (Legal
service commission, 2015) The Corporations Act 2001 encompasses four principal
duties that are primary to directors, including care and diligence, proper use of position,
proper use of information and good faith (Australian Institute of Company Directors,
2015). This section of paper will elaborate on the four principal duties mentioned earlier
along with statutory duties. Act Honestly The director should act in good faith and for
the welfare of the company in proper use. The duty requires more than just a normal
sense of honestly, it demands directors to implement independent judgment in light of
relevant facts, views, materials when assessing for the welfare of the company. It is of
chief importance that a breach of this duty involving fraud, recklessness and dishonestly
could attract criminal penalties. Care and diligence The act identifies that directors are
to act with a notch of overhaul and assiduousness that a sensible person might be
expected to demonstrate in the role (s 180). Proper use of information To not
indecorously use one s position to procure an
A Christmas Carol At Playhouse Essay
A Christmas Carol at Playhouse in the Park in Cincinnati, Ohio has continued to
entertain and surprise its audiences since it s first production in 1991. A Christmas
Carol is a story that can live on for decades as it s theme and message will always
universally apply to people. The director, Michael Even Haney, discussed his reasons
for returning to Playhouse in the Park each year in the director s notes of this year s
program. He says, But the major reason I return every year to tell this perfect Christmas
story is YOU, the audience. From 1991, our first year, Cincinnati has enthusiastically
embraced this production and many have made it a family tradition. Seeing the faces of
the children entering the theatre and getting their first glimpse of the set, hearing their
squeals at Marley s entrance and their laughter as Scrooge enjoys his redemptive
metamorphosis these moments sweeten my holiday season like nothing else. As Michael
Evan Haney said, A Christmas Carolis a lively story that can offer each audience member
an important life lesson that can live forever. The story of Ebenezer Scroogeis one that
people all over the world may be familiar with, but Playhouse in the Park s rendition of
this famous story does more than do the story justice. Their rendition entertains, excites,
and satisfies the audience during the busy holiday season each year. In this review of A
Christmas Carol at Playhouse in the Park, I will discuss the actors, scenery, lighting, and
costumes of
Carbon Footprint Synthesis
A carbon footprint is the carbon dioxide production we leave behind due to our daily
life activities. The size of our carbon footprint depends on what people do daily, and can
be caused either directly or indirectly. Thought it is impossible to not have a carbon
footprint at all, we can still reduce the amount of carbon dioxidewe produce everyday.
(Source 1)

One reason why our carbon footprint plays an important role in the world, is because
we can raise awareness to how much damage and harm we are causing the Earth
unintentionally. (Source 1) Without carbon footprints, we won t be able to tell how
much carbon dioxide we are leaving behind and producing. According to Source 1,
Carbon Dioxide is known as greenhouse gas, which scientists believe to be one of the
contributing factors to the warming of the Earth, or better known as global warming. This
phrase from the text proves how we must be aware of how much damage we are doing
to the world by doing simple things that can change Earth drastically. ... Show more
content on ...
Taking simple steps such as these can reduce your carbon footprint and can help make
the Earth a better place. (Source 1) There are many ways to decrease the size of your
carbon footrpint, but one of the main ways is to drive at a steady and constant speed.
According to Source 1, For every gallon of gasoline that is consumed, 8.7 kg of carbon
dioxide is produced. Another way to reduce your carbon footprint, is to turn off all
lights and electronics that are not in use. It is also recommended to buy things locally
instead of online shopping. Source 2, states that Shipping burns fuel, every 5 pound
package that is shipped across air creates 12 pounds of carbon dioxide. And every 5
pound package that is shipped by truck creates 3.5 pounds of carbon dioxide. Other
simples things such as recycling can make a great difference in our
Effects Of The Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was established by U.S. president James Monroe and the U.S.
secretary of state John Quincy Adams. Their plan of the Monroe Doctrine represented a
solid line where the Americans will no longer tolerate interference from European
powers in any way shape or form. For the most part, America was minding its own
business until Imperialism started booming in the late 1800 s. Latin Americawas less
developed and America saw South and Central America as perfect candidates to extract
resources and sell U.S. goods. The culture of capitalism was on the rise. The start of
Manifest Destinybegan to construct U.S. foreign policy which led to America reaching
towards the Caribbean and Latin America to expand.
Firstly, If God and mission was the road to Manifest Destiny, Imperialism was the light
that shined bright to lead the way (Lubragge). America started off by investing in
businesses and land all around Latin America. Imperialism led to the U.S. taking over
the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico via the Spanish American War (Lubragge).
America was under the impression they were safeguarding the world from Spanish
oppression and began sculpting expansionist policies. The Spanish American War put an
end to Spain s colonial empire in the region and gave the United States complete control
of the Pacific. The U.S. victory led to a peace treaty between the U.S. and Spain, which
gave all claims of Cuba to the United States, while ceding sovereignty over Guam, Puerto
Ancient Greek Culture And Its Impact On Modern Society
The ancient Greeks, or also called the Hellenes, had a more westernized culture compared
to other surrounding cultures in their time. Much of ancient Greek culture has influenced
our culture today in America. They have influenced modern society through their
religion, architecture, theatre, literature, society, language and sports. An important
aspect of ancient Greececulture was their religion. The ancient Greeks created Greek
Mythology to help convey natural occurrences and changes of nature because they were
not advanced enough to explain why these things happened.1 They created many
narratives and myths based on this religion and their gods. Today we see and use many
aspects of their religion in modern culture. Many names for our planets and
constellations come from Greek mythology names. Some cities in the United States use
the names of Greek gods and goddesses. The zodiac signs used in horoscopes today are
based on their mythology.
Ancient Greece architecture, well known for their different types of columns, the Doric
order, the Ionic order, and the Corinthian order.2 The Doric columns appeared stout, they
had smooth and round capitals, and a square abacus that connected the capitals to the
entablature. The Ionic columns had a small base and a double curve at the top of the
stone column.3 The Corinthian columns are the most ornate out of the three types of
columns. This column weighed more than the others and was not used as often by the
Greeks. These columns helped
Disneyland Is The Most Successful Amusement Park
Disneyland is the most successful amusement park in the world. Since the original park
opened in 1955 more than a half billion people have visited the Disney theme parks
worldwide, making it the most visited theme park in history. It is a symbol of global
Americanization and cultural expansionism. American pop culture is prevalent all over
the world and Disneyland is the perfect representation of this notion. Tourist from all
over the world come to America and enjoy the Disney theme park experience and soon
enough new Disneyland parks will be built around the world.
Tokyo Disneyland
Once Disney discovered the amount of Japanese tourist that visited the Disneyland parks
in America, it was inevitable that the Disney Corporation would build a theme park
overseas. In 1962, the Japanese company, Oriental Land Co. (OLC) approached Disney
with the idea of building a theme park in Japan. The Walt Disney Company licensed
Disney characters and other copyrighted material to Tokyo Disneyland; however,
Oriental Land Co. owns and operates the amusement park.
Tokyo Disneyland was built on the reclaimed land in the Tokyo bay area and was
predominantly designed after the Walt Disney World resort in Orlando, Florida. It was
marketed that it was a 100% replica of the American Disneyland, which also
encompassed selling only American food and Disney products inside the park. OLC s
objective was to create the feeling that visitors would be taking a foreign vacation by
coming to their amusement

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